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"Y-Yeah, of course," Beatrix lied. Why wouldn't she? There was no way she was going to tell the other nurse that she wasn't in diapers, since the patient she'd now been 'diagnosed' as seemingly needed them... She didn't like to think about where things might go if she told the truth in this situation.

"Oh, Caitlin," Sondra sighed, shaking her head. "Let me tell you a little secret, dear... I'm a nurse, so I deal with this sort of thing all the time. I've grown quite accustomed to being able to recognize from a distance whether a patient is wearing a diaper or not... I was just trying to give you a chance to tell me, so it would feel more like you had some control... But I'm afraid I can't let you go all the way back to the children's ward without protection."

The children's ward?! Did Sondra really think she was a kid?! She opened her mouth to protest, falling silent before she could get so much as a sound out, reminding herself of her mission... And that she'd just established herself as a liar in the nurse's eyes, so anything she said was likely to fall on deaf ears anyway. "I-I won't have an accident," she promised after a moment.

"I'm sure you'll do your best," Sondra smiled at her, "but that's the thing about accidents, isn't it? Sometimes, it doesn't matter how hard you try, they happen anyway... And the janitors don't need any more work to do."

Bea's cheeks blazed bright red. She knew she truly wouldn't need the diapers; in her time working here, however, she'd seen the cleaning people dealing with several puddles... Never had she thought she would be the one leaving one, or that anyone else would assume she might. 

"Can you help me out and get your pants off?" Sondra asked. "I think that would make it less awkward for all of us, don't you?"

If she took her pants off, she'd be moments away from being put into a diaper... She tugged at the hem of her shirt anxiously. "I-I really don't need them," she insisted.

"No, you really do," Sondra countered, stepping closer, easily pushing Beatrix's hands aside. The smaller woman's breath quickened as she felt someone else fumbling with the button on her jeans, towering over her, making her feel very much like the child the wristband she was wearing claimed she was. "That's why you're being sent home with a whole package of them... Don't worry, dear, I'll get this done, and get you back up to your room, and I'm sure you'll be discharged in no time. Now, why don't you get up here for me?"

Beatrix shook her head instinctively, feeling herself shiver slightly. If she got up on that table, a diaper was certain to follow. Sondra sighed, grabbed her, easily lifting her up, setting her down on the table, Bea gasping at the sound of crackling paper beneath her. "I thought we had an understanding, Caitlin," Sondra said, pushing her back. "You seem very mature for your age, so I hoped you would make this easy for me."

'For her age'... What age was that, exactly? How young did Sondra - and the whole system, for that matter - think she was? Sondra pushed her shirt upwards, then, before Bea could stop her, yanked down her underwear, sliding it down her legs, catching up with her jeans, which had begun to sag now that they'd been unbuttoned, the whole thing ending up around her ankles.

"I'll leave you with the full package," Sondra told her, trying to be helpful... And she was, really, preventing any questions Chester might have about why it was open, why one was missing. Bea wasn't sure yet how much of this she was going to tell her boyfriend when it was all over... It depended on what happened before she could find her way out of this mess. He would find it amusing, no doubt, but there was a chance it was going to be too embarrassing for her to want to re-live.

That little mercy didn't spare her for long, however, Sondra having only to turn around to a cabinet behind her to reveal a small supply there, the plastic crinkling as she pulled one out, snapping it open. Beatrix's stomach churned, recognizing every bit of this from being on the other side, from when she'd diapered her own patients...

"Up," Sondra ordered, giving Bea's leg a gentle tap. Beatrix whimpered, shook her head, and Sondra let out another sigh, grabbing the mass of cloth around Bea's ankles, lifting her up with that. Beatrix squealed, feeling her backside lift off the table despite her resistance, filling her with the sensation of being a toddler, lying on a changing table, helpless to stop what was happening to her.

"Oh!" her eyes widened as she was lowered back down, feeling something extremely different from the paper cover on the exam table. The bulk of the diaper lifted her well off the table's surface, the softness surprising, prompting her to wiggle her bottom, blushing at the resulting crackle of plastic. She was so engrossed in what she was experiencing, she didn't notice Sondra had let her go, had stepped away for a moment, leaving a chance for her to run off... Not that she expected she would have gotten very far if she'd taken advantage of it anyway.

Sondra turned back around, hands gloved now, bottle of baby powder in hand. "No, I don't need that!" Bea whined.

"You're not getting any rashes on my watch!" Sondra said, twisting open the bottle, giving it a shake over Beatrix's crotch. "Hopefully you haven't had to deal with it yet... From what I understand, it's quite uncomfortable!"

Would it be as uncomfortable as lying there on top of a diaper, having baby powder massaged into her skin? It would certainly be a different kind of discomfort... Beatrix cheeks burned bright red, the sweet, familiar scent of the powder wafting up to her nose, reminding her how strong it was in the powder they used here, how much the patients who had to use it smelled like it afterwards... And now, that was her! She could only hope she was able to find a way to get rid of it before her shift started... Assuming, of course, she could get out of her hospital room and back to the nurse's lounge before then in the first place!

"It's all right," Sondra cooed. "We're almost done." 

That didn't stop the yelp when the diaper was pulled up between Bea's legs, the thick padding pushing her thighs apart, refusing the compress as she squeezed her legs together. She'd seen patients do that - which made it all the more humiliating to feel herself do it automatically, without realizing it - and now she knew why... It was so wildly different from the feeling of her panties, so foreign to her... She wriggled, whimpering, as Sondra expertly tugged the sides up, nice and snug, and taped them into place, sealing Beatrix into her diaper.

Immediately, she could feel the sweat starting to form, the heat building up inside the bulky garment. She squirmed, hearing the crinkle, knowing that there was no way, between those things, she'd be able to forget what she was wearing, what had happened to her. She stared up at Sondra, wide-eyed, the sense that they were equals fading away, leaving Bea unable to look at Sondra as anything other than an adult... But, if she was no longer the woman's equal, then what did that make Bea?!

"There we go!" Sondra slid off her gloves, throwing them away, giving the front of the diaper a friendly pat. "Isn't that better?"

"No!" Bea pouted. It wasn't better at all! She was in a diaper!

"Oh, sweetie," Sondra helped her sit up, giving her a hug. "It'll be all right... I won't even make you put on a hospital gown for the trip back."

Bea's head swam, not having considered that... She wasn't sure she could have ever shown her face at work again, if she'd been paraded through the building in one of those gowns, her diapered backside peeking out the split in the rear... She would have had to quit, terrified that someone she worked with might have caught a glimpse of her, might have recognized her, reduced to a patient... A patient in diapers...

The image was so horrifying, she didn't notice Sondra pulling her pants and underwear back up, didn't try to help, despite being so grateful it was happening. The jeans barely fit over the thick diaper, but, with some tugging, they went on, though they did squeeze the padding even more snugly against her crotch.

"Good girl," Sondra told her when she was finished, rearranging Bea's shirt for her. It did fairly well at hiding the bulge... Glancing down at herself, however, Beatrix was pretty sure anyone with experience around people who wore them would be aware of the diaper under her pants, even if it was nowhere near as bad as the gown would have been. "Let's get you back where you belong."

Bea stared at the door to the exam room, shrinking back against the table, shaking her head. Things were better than they could have been; that didn't mean she wanted to parade through the hospital like this, though, or that she liked the implication that she belonged on the children's ward.

"Yes, Caitlin," Sondra took her by the hand. "You need to get back there before your guardian comes to pick you up." Sondra's hand felt so big, so strong, compared to Bea's... There wasn't much she could do as the larger woman dragged her across the room, and opened up the door. Beatrix shrank back, away from the hallway outside, from all the people bustling around, knowing any one of them might spot the unusual shape under her pants...

"Come on, Caitlin," Sondra urged as Bea began to drag her feet even more, the other nurse's pace barely affected by it. "I know hospital rooms can be scary, but you can find some nice cartoons or something to watch until it's time for you to go home."

Cartoons... Bea had to wonder yet again how young Sondra thought she was. She certainly felt pretty young, getting yanked along, her legs struggling to keep up thanks to the strange bulk between her legs, the awkward waddle it forced her to do. It was almost a relief when they stepped onto the elevator, giving her a break from that, until a pair of doctors stepped on with them. She huddled behind Sondra, head bowed, sure they had to notice the baby powder scent surrounding her, that they heard her crinkling with every tiny movement...

"This is our stop," Sondra announced. "Excuse us."

Beatrix nervously adjusted the back of her shirt with her free hand as best she could as she was forced to toddle past the doctors, head still staring at the floor, praying they wouldn't look too close as she brushed past them.

Her hopes of escaping thanks to Sondra half-assing her return were dashed as the nurse took her right through the children's ward herself, to a room, Caitlin's name written on the board outside. Bea could see there was nobody else in the room, thankfully, though she had to hold her breath as Sondra opened the door, hoping the real Caitlin wasn't inside, not knowing how she would have explained that.

Thankfully, she wasn't; it didn't feel like quite as much of a blessing when she was being taken inside, however, with no indication that this room belonged to anyone other than her, and Sondra grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted.

"Hey!" Bea protested.

"I told you, Caitlin," Sondra reminded her, not pausing as she continued to undress the smaller woman. "I didn't make you wear the gown to get here... But now that you're in your room..."

"But I'm getting discharged soon!" Beatrix whined. "Can't I just stay in this until then, and...?"

Sondra was clearly losing her patience with her, and waiting for her to cooperate. In no time, she had Bea's shirt off, and had unbuttoned her jeans again, sliding them and the panties down over the diaper before lifting the girl up, sitting her down on the edge of the bed to pull the garments the rest of the way off, taking Bea's shoes with them, leaving her, in a matter of moments, in nothing more than a diaper, wishing she'd at least thrown a bra on before she left, rather than planning on doing it when she got into her scrubs.

She blushed, covering her flat chest with her hands, her eyes drawn up to Sondra's own chest, which was certainly anything but flat. She was grateful, at times, being able to go without a bra without it being too obvious... Now, however, it only made her feel that much smaller, more immature, almost to the point where it felt like she belonged in this diaper, in comparison to Sondra, anyway.

The hospital gown Sondra fetched for her didn't help with that, either. It was pink, covered in a cheerful print of bright yellow rubber duckies. There would be no doubt, while she was in that, which ward she was supposed to be on... Even if her diaper didn't peek out of the split back. She looked down at herself with a groan; there was no sign of the nurse she was there anymore.

"H-Hey, what are you doing?!" she squealed, glancing up, seeing Sondra carrying the clothes Bea had worn in towards the door.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you here," Sondra told her. "I have my own work to do... Don't worry, I know the nurses here will take good care of you."

"B-But my clothes!" Bea toddled closer, reaching for them.

"I think it'll be for the best if I take these to the nurses for now," Sondra said. "You need to stay right here until it's time for your discharge... And I think that outfit," she nodded at what Bea was wearing, bringing a fresh blush to the smaller woman's face, "will encourage that more than this," she lifted the bundle of clothes in her arms up. "It was nice to meet you, Caitlin."

"No!" Beatrix stomped her foot and howled, watching helplessly as she was ignored, Sondra slipping out of the room. "No, no, no," Bea shook her head, her heart pounding. What was she going to do?! Sondra had left her purse with her, at least... But all that was in there, pretty much, was her keys and the diapers! There was no way she was going to make it all the way to the garage dressed like this without someone stopping her! She didn't like her chances of making it back to the supply closet for her ID, either, or the nurse's lounge to change into her scrubs... She doubted anyone on this floor would just let someone in this outfit slip by them unaccompanied without asking what she was doing...

She flinched at the sound of the door opening, seeing a pair of nurses stride in. "See?" one of them said. "Sondra was right."

"Huh," the other shrugged. "I could have sworn I saw her discharge paperwork go through."

Bea opened her mouth, wanting to say that the second was right... But how was she going to explain what was going on, in a way that anyone would believe her? She hoped that maybe they'd have worked with Caitlin, that they knew it wasn't her... From the way the first nurse glanced at the charts, however, before saying, "Well, Caitlin," she had to assume that wasn't the case. "Looks like it's time for your shot, since you're still here." the nurse continued.

Beatrix's eyes widened. What kind of shot could it be?! "Umm..." she gulped, squirming in place. She had no idea what Caitlin was even in the hospital for... If she was that close to being discharged, it probably wasn't that serious, but did she really want to just take some random shot?! Then again... How was she going to get out of it?! She could try to resist, of course; both nurses were bigger than her, though, and they outnumbered her. How successful could she possibly be?

She could try to tell them what was really happening after all, and hope she could find a way to convince them. It would be a mortifying tale, one she knew she might not be able to live down if she had to show her face on this ward again... If they even bought it in the first place, and didn't write it off as the overactive imagination of a little girl.

She looked between them, pulse racing faster and faster. She might have really messed up this time... How was she going to get out of this?!

Should she...

Try to insist she doesn't need the shot?

Try to run out the door, past the nurses?

Try to explain that she's a nurse, too?

Or let herself be given the shot, and hope for the best?


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