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Darcy howled as the brush slapped against her bare bottom once again, her legs almost too tired to kick anymore, though they gave an effort, spasming slightly, her body not knowing how else to respond. She'd already discovered she couldn't writhe free of the larger girl's grip, couldn't convince her to stop, back when she'd been able to get words out, rather than just blubbering, and definitely couldn't use her watery, puppy-dog eyes to convince Helena - standing there, arms crossed, watching it all with a satisfied smirk - to help.

She had been so scared of Caleb spanking her last night, finding her diapers... She hadn't even thought to consider what it would be like for her best friend to do it. Would Caleb's swings with the hairbrush have been harder? Honestly, she didn't want to find out. From the first one Darcy had given her, through her diapers, she'd been transported back to toddlerhood, to barely being out of diapers in the first place, facing her father for playing too roughly around the china cabinet, as he and her mother had warned her time and time again not to do...

She'd nearly forgotten about that, had let the memory submerge into the roiling sea of memory, but now, over Wynonna's lap, it had come back, that feeling of fear, of helplessness... Except this time, she was still in diapers, and Wynonna wasn't taking it easy on her the way she could now recall her father doing, giving her a couple weak spanks before sending her to her room... She was an adult now, and her friend was treating her like one. Even through the diaper, she could feel her backside growing warm and pink, swelling slightly...

And then Wynonna had moved her arms, let Darcy roll off her lap, standing in front of her, rubbing her rear. Darcy was sniffling by then, tears leaking down her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry," she'd whimpered. "I-I am!"

"I'll believe that when I see it," Wynonna had replied, setting the hairbrush down... But only to lean forward, starting to untape the diaper. "Helena, dear, bring me my baby wipes, would you?"

Darcy had squirmed, wiping her eyes, the pain beginning to set in. That was it, right? She was trying to convince herself of that, not wanting to imagine the alternative, though the pause gave her plenty of opportunity. She was doing her best to push that aside as her diaper was removed, leaving her half naked in front of Helena.

"D-Do we have to do this in front of h-her?" she'd asked.

Wynonna had glared down at her, raising an eyebrow, making Darcy feel about two inches tall. "How many times have you changed her?" Darcy hadn't been able to answer that; not only did she not know exactly, and was afraid Wynonna, somehow, was aware of the exact number and would punish her if she made a mistake, but she also, obviously, got the point. "That's what I thought."

The cool baby wipe did feel good against her warm bottom, although the feel of it did make her flinch in surprise. Wynonna took her time, cleaning what seemed to be every inch of Darcy... But Darcy knew, in the back of her mind, that she hadn't asked Helena to fetch a fresh diaper.

And yet, despite that knowledge, she still could hardly believe it when Wynonna, satisfied with her work, yanked her back down over her lap, perhaps because this was her wedding day, perhaps because she just didn't want to. "Pl-Please, no!" she'd begged, kicking her feet. "N-Not again!"

"Again?" Wynonna had grinned, picking the hairbrush up once more. "Oh, Darcy... We've barely even started!"

By now, Darcy was certain it would never end, that she'd be trapped here in her dressing room for eternity, getting spanked like a naughty little girl... But then, at last, the cadence slowed, and Wynonna set the brush down for a second time. Darcy couldn't bring herself to slide off, as much as she wanted to get away from this, leaving Wynonna to lift her down. Darcy stood there, stunned, one had moving to her throbbing backside, the other, mindlessly, drifting to her mouth, her childish instincts taking over as she searched for whatever comfort she could find.

"Can I spank her now?" Helena shuffled forward. A groan escaped Darcy's mouth as Wynonna gently pulled her thumb out of it, replacing it with that bedazzled pacifier that called its wearer a 'Crybaby'. Of all of them in this room, Darcy couldn't deny that, at the moment, it fit her the best, and unconsciously she felt her mouth begin to suck. "Please?"

"No, Helena," Wynonna shook her head. "I don't think so."

Helena pouted, stomping her foot. "B-But I'm the one she's been torturing for the past few weeks! I deserve..!"

Quickly, expertly, Wynonna scooped up the brush, smacking the back of Helena's diaper with it, the girl's eyes widening, her words stopping immediately, though, through the double diapers she was wearing, there was no way it could have been nearly as bad as what Darcy had experienced. "Are you throwing a tantrum, little lady?"

Helena shrank back, the look on her face making it clear she was feeling the same thing Wynonna was, if in a less intense version, as she realized how little control she had here, how helpless she was before the might of the larger woman. "N-No, ma'am," she sputtered.

"I didn't think so," Wynonna nodded. "We don't have time for any more nonsense, we need to get ready... But if you need a quick spanking of your own, I might be able to squeeze that in."

"I-I'll be good," Helena promised.

Wynonna's face softened as she reached over, patted Helena on the head. "I knew you could. However... I think you should go stand in the corner for a few minutes anyway."

Helena's mouth fell open in a wordless huff at the injustice, but another swat with the hairbrush sent her scrambling to time-out, leaving the two best friends all alone. Darcy nursed her pacifier, staring up at Wynonna, trying to remind her of all the good times they'd had together, to convince her that she didn't need to do anything else to her, that she'd learned her lesson...

None of it stopped Wynonna from unfolding a fresh diaper, laying it out on the same changing pad Darcy had, such a short time ago, diapered Helena on. Darcy wriggled in place, blushing as she felt a trickle of warmth making its way down her inner thighs.

"Oh, Darcy," Wynonna shook her head, turning from her work to see her. "You see? This is why you need to be in your diapers... And why there's no way Caleb is going to marry you today, or ever."

Darcy attempted to deny it, but her mouth wouldn't stop sucking on her paci, much less spit it out so she could speak around it. She let out a whimper as Wynonna ran a wipe up her legs, then picked her up, laying her down on the waiting padding, using baby oil, lotion, powder, everything, as if she were trying to stretch this out as long as possible, to make the anticipation build up in Darcy's imagination, before, finally, pulling the front of the diaper up between her legs, sealing it shut snugly around her.

Darcy wiggled on her back, feeling the bulk of the garment between her legs, hearing the crinkle... She had been wearing them far too much lately, yet this one felt so different, so much more infantile, whether it was the spanked bottom beneath it, or the fact that somebody else had put her in it. Her hands moved to it, running over the smooth plastic, knowing that the tapes were right there, that she could rip them off... But too terrified of what Wynonna would do to her if she did to try it.

"Isn't that nice?" Wynonna cooed. "That's where you belong, Darcy." She gave the crotch of the diaper a pat. "Now..." Darcy burbled her disapproval as Wynonna grabbed a second diaper, slipping it under her already pampered backside. "No, no," Wynonna shook her head. "I'm way too busy to worry about changing you for the rest of today. And there's no way I'm going to get my dress dirty."

Darcy's cheeks burned, hearing her own words echoed back to her. Had Wynonna been outside the dressing room door, listening to everything, waiting for the perfect moment to make her appearance? After everything that had just happened, Darcy would hardly put it past her.

She couldn't even sit up on her own on her first try, Wynonna chuckling, taking her by the hands and helping her. The extra padding did make it less painful for her to sit on the church's floor, yes, but the trade-off was nowhere near worth it. Try as she might, her legs refused to close, and she dreaded what would happen when she got to her feet. It would be especially humiliating if she couldn't walk after Helena had been able to manage it, and yet, at the moment, legs splayed as she gawked down at her giant diaper, it seemed like an impossible task.

Wynonna bustled around her, pulling off her socks, replacing them with frilly, white ankle socks, sliding shiny, black Mary Janes onto Darcy's feet over them, buckling them up, then whisking off the girl's baggy sweatshirt.

For a second, Darcy was certain this was it, this was her outfit for the wedding, that she was going to have to waddle down the aisle in nothing but a double diaper, paci, socks, and shoes... The truth, in a way, was almost worse.

Wynonna took the flower girl dress off of the hanger, approaching Darcy with it, Darcy praying that it was all a joke, that the dress was for Helena, the way it should be... "Arms up!" she ordered cheerfully, lifting them on her own when Darcy didn't move, sliding the dress down over them, and her head...

When it was all done, Wynonna helped her to her feet, making her waddle to the mirror to admire what she'd done. Everything she'd loved about the dress for Helena was in full force, as if it was mocking her. The tight top flattened her chest, the floofy tutu skirt left her diapers on almost complete display... And, when she turned, she could see the pink of her spanking peeking out from underneath, showing everyone that she was not only a baby, but a well-disciplined one.

"B-But... I-I'm the bwide," she protested from behind her pacifier.

Wynonna laughed, tapping her playfully on the nose. "Oh, sweetie," she shook her head. "Isn't it fun to play pretend? Now, then... I think it's your turn to go to time-out while I help Helena out." She sent Darcy away with a swat to her rear, one that she might not have felt through her double layer of padding if not for the spanking she'd just gotten. As it was, it was enough, despite how much she wanted to try to find a way to stop this, to stop Wynonna, to send her toddling to the corner, a meek, chastised toddler, and wait, feeling a trickle of warmth making its way into her pants... And an ominous rumble starting up in her tummy.


Darcy felt a huge pang of jealousy when, after what felt like an eternity of standing with her nose to the wall, listening to Wynonna chattering away with Helena as if they were the best friends, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned.

Perhaps it was only in comparison to herself, standing there in her already soggy double diapers and flower girl dress, but she didn't think she'd ever seen Helena look so mature, so adult. She was in a bridesmaid dress, one that didn't fit her perfectly, although, considering the slight bulge Darcy detected underneath it, that was probably for the best. Would anyone else, anyone who didn't know about what had been going on since the bridal shower, be able to see it? Darcy had her doubts. Between that, and her heels, Darcy felt, for the first time, smaller, more childish, than the girl.

And then she saw Wynonna, the sight knocking the air out of her lungs. She was absolutely gorgeous, practically glowing in the dress that Darcy had picked out for herself... Or, rather a version of it. There was no way Wynonna would fit into any of her clothes, so she must have had this made on her own. That was no easy feat... How long had Wynonna been planning this?!

Of course... Darcy felt stupid for not putting it together before now, but she could blame some of that on the paddling she'd gotten, which had made it hard to concentrate on anything else. That gift at the baby shower hadn't been from Helena at all... It had been from the one person she knew, for sure, was aware of her bedwetting problem before now, who knew how much the sight of those diapers would upset her... The one person she'd thought was her best friend, and so would never have suspected.

That same person took her by the hand, leading her reluctantly across the dressing room, towards the door. Darcy struggled when she saw the door open, knowing that, when they were on the other side, there was no telling who she'd run into, who would see her this way... But one stern glare from Wynonna was enough to make her hang her head and nurse harder on her pacifier, too scared to risk another spanking to fight back, even as they met the rest of the wedding party, sans Caleb, outside the door to the chapel.

Her mother was there, which didn't strike her as odd until she saw Wynonna's as well. She tugged at her skirt, despite knowing full well that it would do no good, that there was no hiding what she had on beneath it. "Oh, Darcy," her mom knelt down, giving her a hug. "I wish you would have told us... But this explains so much about why your little 'problem' persisted for so long."

Darcy furrowed her brow, looking up at Wynonna, confused. What had she told people?! She could see the groomsmen attempting not to snicker at her, Nikki giving Helena a hug, whispering what seemed to be an apology, but nobody appeared surprised to see her like this, as if they'd expected it... Or this was how they'd seen her all along: an overgrown, fussy toddler.

Before she could ask her mother what she meant, she was gone, slipping into the chapel. And why not? She wasn't in the wedding party anymore, was she? Darcy's head spun at the thought, the reality setting in as she heard the music start, the doors opening and Wynonna's mother stepping out, beginning the procession.

It took her far too long to process that there was somebody else standing there with Nikki and Helena, in a matching dress, although, once she had, she recognized her instantly. It was Brianna, someone that had been friends with both of them for a long time, until Darcy's latest fight with them, the one that had made it so hard for her to find bridesmaids that she'd had to resort to Helena. The woman smirked, looking her up and down, giving her a mocking wave. 

And then she was gone, along with Shawn, everyone filing out, one by one, each absence making her stomach twist further. She knew, deep down, what was about to happen, what she was here for if Wynonna hadn't needed her to fill out her bridal party. Sure enough, as Jackie made his way into the chapel with the rings, Wynonna pushed a basket of flower petals into her hands.

"I-I..." Darcy stammered, not even knowing what to say, what the proper words were for the revelation that you'd been demoted to flower girl at what was supposed to be your own wedding. So, instead, she groaned, "I-I hafta go..."

"Oh, I have no doubt," Wynonna stroked her hair. "Those drugs you gave Helena were pretty nasty... That's why I had her stay in a diaper, just in case. And I bet you didn't use nearly as much for her food as I did for yours."

Darcy's eyes widened. Of course! That was why she'd had that messy accident yesterday, why her food had tasted slightly off! It wasn't her fault! She wasn't a baby! Except... Looking down at herself, seeing what she looked like, she couldn't help wondering who would possibly believe that.

"Even if we had time to take you to the potty, it wouldn't matter," Wynonna told her. "You might as well get used to your diapers. You're going to be in them for a long time, young lady. Now, it's your turn... Go on... And don't mess it up, unless you want another session with the hairbrush after the ceremony."

Darcy very much didn't, so, when she was given a push, she stumbled forward, freezing as she heard the giggling start. She gulped, gathering up all of her resolve, forcing herself to waddle in, grabbing a handful of flower petals, spreading them out in front of her. She couldn't let herself get another spanking, she just couldn't... So, as pitiful as this was, as mortifying, she made herself keep going, the laughter only getting louder from behind, letting her know that the evidence of her last spanking was being seen, and noticed... And appreciated.

Did they all think she deserved it? Had she really been that big of a brat in her adult life? She hadn't thought so... And yet, nobody was making any moves to help her, or acting like it was that big of a surprise to see her this way.

The aisle felt so long, stretching out in front of her, dragging her past all of her guests. She made the mistake of glancing up, hoping, if she could look at the whole thing at once, rather than fixating on the spot right in front of her, it wouldn't seem so bad... And there at the altar, watching, looking so handsome in his tuxedo, was Caleb.

She froze again, transfixed as he met her gaze. Surely he'd put a stop to this... He wouldn't let this happen... He had to know this was wrong, that whatever Wynonna had told him was a lie, that she didn't deserve all this...

And then, another cramp came, and to her horror, she felt her knees bend. "No!" she squealed into her pacifier, tears springing to her eyes, proving the word on the shield right. "N-Not now!"

But, try as she might, the drug from last night, still in her system, guaranteed she had no hope of stopping the flow of warm mush as it started to push its way into her bulky diaper, her humiliating dress doing nothing to hide her expanding padding from everyone behind her, while her red face and the grunts escaping from around her paci, made it obvious to everyone in front of her exactly what was going on... And, if there had been any doubt, after she was finished, she had to keep toddling on, the contents of her diaper squishing between her thighs, shifting with every step, the lumpy seat on full display to confirm it.

It was almost a relief when she made it to the front, even if it meant she would have to sit down on her messy bottom and watch the ceremony. Before she could, however, Nikki grabbed her by the arm, holding her in place, turning her to make her watch as the audience stood, and Wynonna appeared, looking absolutely radiant as she practically floated down the aisle.

At the front, she took Darcy, giving Nikki a nod, holding her in front of her the way that Darcy had done to Helena during the rehearsal, forcing her to watch, up-close, as Wynonna and Caleb exchanged their vows, Wynonna's far hand, out of the view of the guests, drifting down, giving Darcy's diaper a squeeze to remind her of what her new position was, of how much of a baby she'd turned her into, on what should have been the best day of her life.


"Hello, there!" Wynonna beamed as she opened her door. "What a lovely surprise! Come on in, dear!"

Helena blushed, the very sight of the woman enough to send a shiver down her spine. "H-Hi," she waved. "I-I hope I'm not interrupting anything, or..."

"No, not at all," Wynonna told her, stepping aside. "Get in here! I know somebody who will be happy to see you!"

She was wrong; or, rather, she was joking, as the wink she gave Helena made clear. Darcy was sitting in the living room, behind a wall of cheerful looking pink plastic baby gates, clearly meant to be a makeshift playpen for the young woman as she sat there, soggy diaper not hidden in the slightest by the pale yellow t-shirt she'd been dressed in, a smiling cartoon duck emblazoned on the front.

"Say hello, Darcy," Wynonna cooed at her.

Obediently, Darcy mumbled, "Hi, 'Lena..."

"Good girl," Wynonna praised her, sitting down on one end of the sofa. "Sit down, sit down! To what do we owe this pleasure?"

Helena hesitated before perching on the edge of the couch's cushion, as if she were on the verge of running away at any moment. Honestly, after everything that had happened between the three of them, she didn't think anyone could blame her. And yet... She was here, wasn't she?

"Umm..." she wriggled, biting her bottom lip, cheeks warming up as she turned towards Wynonna, letting her legs open wide for a moment, her short skirt riding up, flashing the panties underneath.

"Did you just want to see how Darcy was doing?" Wynonna asked, either oblivious, or too polite to say anything. "I'm so proud of her progress... She still has work to do," she shot Darcy a look, the girl looking down at the blocks in front of her in response, "but we're getting there."

"N-No, it's not that..." Helena shook her head. That was part of it, though... That memory of seeing Darcy over Wynonna's lap, the hairbrush thwapping down again and again on her bare bottom... And of Wynonna threatening to do the same to her. And, really, she knew it went deeper than that, that it went back to Darcy taunting her at the rehearsal dinner, bringing up the idea of Caleb taking her over his lap...

Or, if she dug a little further, maybe there was even more to it than that. She hadn't wanted what Darcy had done to her, hadn't asked for it... But there was some part of it, of that humiliation, that had sparked something inside of her.

"Well, what is it, then?" Wynonna put a hand on her knee. "Just let me know... I definitely owe you one after... You know."

Helena was already facing her, had no reason to shift again, but she moved anyway, opening her legs once more, hoping that she wouldn't have to ask, to say it out loud, especially with Darcy there in her playpen, watching. "I-I... I-I was wondering..."

She fidgeted a third time, and, at last, Wynonna asked, "Why are you so squirmy, Helena? Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"Umm..." was all Helena could get out, her face on fire.

Wynonna slid closer to her, her hand tightening on the girl's knee. "Is there something you need to tell me?" she rephrased the question. "Because if I have to find out on my own, it will be worse."

Helena gulped, her heart beating a little faster as she grabbed the hem of her skirt, slowly sliding it upwards. She could hardly believe she was doing this, that she'd come here willingly, that she was letting this happen... But she just had to know, had to experience this for herself. 

"Oh, my," Wynonna smirked, seeing the wet spot on Helena's panties. "What a naughty girl... I think you need a spanking for that. Don't you?" Darcy giggled from her playpen. "Would you like to tell her how many spankings you've gotten this week?" Wynonna didn't even have to look at her to shut her up, send her back to her blocks. "Well, Helena?" she continued. "Is that what you think should happen?"

A little light-headed, Helena nodded.

"Are you sure?" Wynonna raised an eyebrow. "Because if I do this, I'm afraid it's going to have to end with me putting you in a diaper. And you won't be getting your panties back before you go home. Little girls who wet their panties don't deserve to keep them... Don't you agree?"

This was so stupid... She could remember all those awful times, coming home after some wedding event, trying to keep her diapers hidden... But she hadn't asked for those, hadn't been prepared... And this time, if that was what it took to help get those thoughts of spankings out of her head, she was willing to pay that price. In fact, thinking about it, she could feel her panties grow warmer, wetter, answering the question for her.

"That's what I thought," Wynonna chuckled. "All right, then." She gave her knees a pat. "Let's get started, young lady."

Helena felt a moment of doubt, of fear... Not only at the pain she might be about to experience, but what it might mean if she didn't dislike it, if the reason she'd had it stuck in her head for so long was because she wanted this, needed to be punished, humiliated... If, in a way, she owed something to Darcy - or, perhaps, Wynonna - for helping her see that, even if it was in a way that was much more cruel than it needed to be.

"Now!" Wynonna snapped, breaking Helena out of her reverie, sending her scrambling forward, lying over her legs, butterflies fluttering wildly in her tummy as she braced herself for what was coming next, and what would happen if she discovered that, deep down, she belonged right next to Darcy in that playpen after all.

The End



Loved the story! Thank you! Do you think you would ever write another story or one-off about Darcy living as Wynonna's and Caleb's baby?


Sad this has ended but what a fantastic ending it was , the aisle accident and the teasing epilogue, great story, really enjoy reading it(just re-read it end to end). Brilliant words as ever.