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A one-off story, commissioned by an anonymous Patron.

Kennedy frowned, fidgeting in her seat uncertainly, nibbling nervously on her bottom lip as she tried to get a look past the desk to her crotch below, not knowing what she'd see there, though praying it would be nothing, other than the jeans her Mommy had picked out for her over video chat that morning. 

As thin as she was, the desks in this classroom had always felt too small, like they had been taken from an elementary school, not intended for high schoolers, much less seniors like Kennedy, and the rest of her class. She could only imagine how uncomfortable it must be for those who were sized a bit more normally for their age; she didn't mind it herself, but she always felt bad for them. And now, she was getting a taste of how inconvenient it could be, since the narrow space between her flat stomach and the desk was keeping her from being able to see what was going on.

"Miss Crowe?" Kennedy flinched, hearing her name, realizing she hadn't been as subtle about what she was doing as she'd hoped. Her cheeks flushed as the exact opposite of what she'd wanted happened, all eyes turning towards her. "Do you have something more interesting to do than pay attention?"

"N-No, sir," she shook her head, the pigtails her Mommy had made her tie her hair into flopping against the sides of her head, feeling more silly and little than ever, although she did enjoy the reminder of her Mommy's presence.

"Oh, good," Mr. Rutherford nodded. "Then I'm sure you'd heard every word. Why don't you recount a summary of the chapter we studied today for the class?"

Should she admit that she'd been spacing out? Would it matter? She might not have been listening since she'd felt that sensation in her pants, but she had done her homework the night before, and she could probably fake her way through it. "W-Well..." she began.

"Stand up," her teacher ordered, "so everyone can hear you."

And see her, Kennedy added silently. She squirmed, knowing that, if her fears were founded, every movement was likely just making her problem worse. "I-I'm sorry," she changed her tune. "Y-You're right, I wasn't..."

Mr. Rutherford cupped a hand around his ear. "What was that? I can't hear you. Stand up, Miss Crowe, or you're getting an F for participation today."

Kennedy whimpered, but she slid out of her seat, getting to her feet, eyes down. She didn't notice anything, thankfully... There was no guarantee that nothing had happened on the seat of her pants, however. "W-Well..." she started again.

"Why don't you come to the front of the class?" the teacher requested. "Come on."

Kennedy could see arguing wasn't going to make any difference. She shuffled from her seat near the back of the classroom up towards the front, feeling the soggy padding of her Pull-Up squish between her thighs with every step. They were so wet, so much more than they had been at the start of this class, or than she recalled making them... Her heart thumped loudly as she passed by each row of desks, any sound, any whisper or giggle, making her positive she'd leaked after all, and everybody was seeing.

It took everything she had not to burst into tears when she reached the front of the room, next to her teacher, and had to turn around to face them all. Fortunately, if any of them knew, they weren't showing any signs of it, not looking any more amused at her predicament than they would have at anyone caught sleeping at their desk, or playing with their phone. "Well," she tried one more time, a huge weight lifting off her chest. "Today's chapter was about..."

Despite how well that had gone, she practically ran out of the classroom, getting as close to it as she could without alerting the hallway monitors, who would have loved to scold her, or anyone else, for breaking the clearly posted rules against doing exactly that. She knew precisely where she was going, and that she only had so much time to get there before she needed to be on her way to her next class.

When she finally saw her, she couldn't take it any more, risking getting caught as she dashed towards her, throwing her arms around her. "Mommy!" she whispered, embarrassed that someone around them might hear, but feeling wrong calling her anything else, at this point. "I need a change!"

"Already?" Macie asked, giving her a squeeze. "Poor thing... All right, let's go."

She pulled Kennedy into the nearest bathroom, accompanying her to the handicapped stall, locking the door behind them. "It was awful, Mommy," Kennedy sniffled, while Macie dug through her backpack. 

"I know, I know," Macie comforted her, pulling out a fresh Pull-Up, then unzipping the smaller girl's jeans, sliding them down. "Oh, wow... You really soaked this, didn't you? And you were just barely soggy after lunch!"

"I-I'm sorry," Kennedy pouted as Macie removed her Pull-Up, cleaned her up. "I-I didn't mean to..."

"I know you didn't," Macie smiled. "I just think... Maybe it's time for..."

"No!" Kennedy stopped her, stomping her foot, knowing where this conversation was going, and not wanting to hear that next word out loud, certainly not right here, in the bathroom stall. 

"Kennedy," Macie sighed, pulling the fresh Pull-Up over the girl's feet, up her legs, giving it a pat once it was in place. "You like these, don't you?" 

Kennedy blushed, nodded. She'd started out wearing them to humor Macie, partially out of fear that if she said no, Macie would get bored with her, and break up with her. It had been a miracle someone as pretty, and strong, as her had ever given Kennedy a second glance in the first place, much less agreed to go out with her... If she had to try on a Pull-Up to keep her interest, she could do that.

It was pretty embarrassing that they were, in fact, actual Pull-Ups, that she was small enough to fit into them perfectly, and even more-so when she'd discovered that they were kind of comfortable. She'd tried to play it off, to act like they were just all right, and she didn't mind them... Macie saw right through her. "You like them, don't you?" she'd asked. "That's okay, sweetie... You don't have to blush. I like you in them. In fact... I think I'd like you to wear them all the time from now on."

And that was exactly what Kennedy had done. Macie's parents were rich, so she hadn't hesitated to keep Kennedy stocked with training pants, using the credit card they'd given her, buying enough to fill her underwear drawer with them, and restocking them whenever the supply began to dip even slightly. She had her own supply, too, to bring with her to school so that Kennedy wouldn't have to be nervous about someone spotting them in her backpack... And to keep from having to rely on her to remember to reload her bag with them every day. Lately, however, Macie had been suggesting something else.

"They aren't that much different than these," Macie assured her, giving the Pull-Ups another loving pat before starting to help the girl back into her jeans. "They just have tapes on the side, and they're a little thicker... And wouldn't that be nice? You wouldn't have to worry so much about leaking!"

"But they're for babies!" Kennedy hissed.

Macie smirked, raising an eyebrow. "And what are you?"

Kennedy got flustered. "W-Well, I'm your baby," she admitted. "B-But..."

"You just need to try them out," Macie told her. "So... I think for this weekend, I'm going to keep you in them the whole time."

"Wh-What?!" Kennedy squealed. Macie's parents were - as they so often did - going on a mini-vacation for the weekend, leaving Macie on her own. When Kennedy had told her parents that, she'd expected them to tell her she wasn't allowed to stay over with Macie the entire time. She'd even prepared a speech about how she was eighteen, and an adult - the latter point no doubt going to feel silly coming from someone wearing Pull-Ups - so they couldn't stop her, but they hadn't tried to stop her. She'd gone through a pretty dark time before, as a last resort, she'd gotten up the courage to ask Macie out, and their relationship had helped get her out of it, especially once Macie had officially decided they were Mommy and baby, not girlfriends. Kennedy never would have imagined that was what she needed, that, deep down, she'd needed someone to look after her like a toddler again, yet, somehow, it had worked wonders for her. And, though she'd never dream of telling them the full story, her parents had picked up on that, and were happy to support her and Macie, trusting them to do the right thing.

"No, I've made up my mind," Macie said. "So you'd better just get used to the idea."

Sure enough, when Macie drove her to her place after school on Friday, there was a package of diapers waiting for her in Mommy's bedroom. "Mommy!" Kennedy whined, stomping her foot. "I'm a big girl!"

"No, you aren't," Macie reminded her patiently, getting one of the diapers out, Kennedy squirming as she saw how big and bulky it was, compared to her trainers. "You're my baby girl, aren't you?"

"Y-Yeah," Kennedy nodded. "B-But..."

"But nothing," Macie told her. "You almost leaked again today, Kennedy! I'm really starting to worry you might be losing your potty training."

"I'm not!" Kennedy insisted, mostly because the thought of that was so humiliating, it couldn't possibly be true. She hadn't even been wearing Pull-Ups for that long, really! Then again, though the design of them meant she could, and Mommy didn't have any rules against it, Kennedy couldn't recall the last time she'd actually made it to a toilet on time, and used it instead of her pants when she needed to pee... And it was increasingly rare for her padding to be completely dry at any point, including when she woke up in the morning, even if it had been when she fell asleep... "O-Oh..."

"Shh, shh," Macie brushed Kennedy's hair out of her face, "don't cry... I'm not mad. This is what babies do. You want to be my baby, don't you?" Kennedy nodded silently, not trusting herself to speak, not wanting to burst into tears when Mommy had just told her not to. Macie slid off her shorts, removing her Pull-Ups, guiding her over to her bed, and the diaper waiting there. "This is the next step, Kennedy. I promise, you're going to love these, too."

"O-Okay, Mommy," Kennedy croaked, allowing herself to be lifted up onto the diaper. The smell of the baby powder was nice, and relaxing, almost enough to keep her from freaking out as she felt the padding being tugged up between her thighs, forcing them apart so much wider than the training panties. A few tapes later, and she was back in diapers.

"Such a good girl!" Macie pulled her up off her back and into a hug. "Now, I have a surprise for you." She took her by the hand, leading her out of her bedroom, Kennedy struggling to get used to the extra bulk, and the waddle it forced her into. Macie took her to one of several guest rooms in her parents' enormous house, opening up the door to reveal a nursery inside.

"Mommy!" Kennedy gasped, eyes wide as she took in the crib, the changing table, the high chair... Everything a baby would need. "Is this... for me?"

"Of course, silly," Macie chuckled. "Who else would it be for? Now, why don't we pick you out something cuter to wear?"

The closet was incredibly well-stocked, and by the time Macie had gone through all of it, showing it off, trying to get Kennedy to pick something to wear, the girl's diaper was already pretty damp. "I can't decide, Mommy!" she finally admitted. "They're all so adorable!"

So Mommy had chosen for her, putting her into a fluffy, pink tutu dress, with a pink, plastic tiara in her hair, the kind a toddler might wear while playing dress-up. "Mommy!" Kennedy gasped, looking at herself in the mirror, seeing the nursery behind her, her diaper sagging beneath the short skirt of her dress. "I'm a baby!"

"Of course you are," Macie smiled. "You always have been, sweetie!"

She'd never felt so much like one, however, seeing herself this way. Mommy had gotten her plenty of baby toys and pictures books, too, and she lost track of time playing with them on the floor, taken by surprise when Mommy announced it was already dinner time. Mommy helped her up into the high chair, spoon-feeding her mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets, cut up into even smaller pieces, and peas, then led her into the bathroom to give her a bath before tucking her into her crib for the night.

It was still very early, though Kennedy didn't question it, or complain, curling up in her crib, sucking happily on her pacifier. This was not at all what she'd thought this weekend would be - and she couldn't imagine it was what her parents had envisioned when she'd told them she was coming here - but it was much better, in its own way.

Mommy put her in a onesie the next day, which made Kennedy feel even littler. She felt so little, in fact, that she couldn't quite work up the courage to ask Macie to take her to the potty when she felt her tummy begin to rumble, sure that she was too small for that. She'd never done that before, despite Macie trying to convince her to try it... She didn't know if she was going to be able to do it now, either, until Mommy went off to make lunch, and the rumbling started to get much worse.

She squirmed and groaned, and almost chickened out and toddled down to the kitchen to fetch Mommy, until she caught another glimpse of herself in the mirror, seeing her diaper bulging beneath her onesie, plastic peeking out from the legholes. She blushed, sucking a little harder on her paci. This was so humiliating, so infantile... But she was a baby, after all, wasn't she? And she knew Mommy wouldn't be mad...

And that was how shw squatted down in the middle of her nursery and filled her diaper for the very first time. Any remaining illusions she had about being a grown-up were banished as she grunted and pushed, feeling her padding swell behind her, though still held tight against her bottom by the onesie, ensuring there was no escaping it, no denying what she'd done. 

She was so lost in her infantile state of mind that, when she heard Mommy's footsteps and felt a moment of panic, she didn't think twice about trying to play it off as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened by plopping herself down in the middle of the floor to play with her stuffed animals, only to squeal into her paci as she felt the warm mush squish beneath her, reminding her anew of what a tiny, silly baby she was.

Mommy, of course, knew right away, sniffing the air, smiling proudly down at her blushing baby. "I don't want this food to get cold," she said, "so I'm not going to bother to check my baby now... But, if she has anything she wants to tell me, I suppose I could go ahead and change her first..."

Kennedy squirmed at the thought of sitting in her high chair like this, of being fed while she was stinky... It was so embarrassing, so babyish... But she couldn't bring herself to speak up and stop it.

After that, there was no hope of her going back to thinking of herself as a big girl for this weekend, as she watched cartoons, and played with baby toys, and was put down for naps and early bedtimes... She'd almost forgotten that was a part of her until Sunday evening, when it was time to work on homework. Even then, she didn't go back completely, Mommy keeping her in her romper, and giving her only crayons to write with.

"Mommy!" she whined. "My teachers are gonna flunk me if I turn in my homework like this!"

But Mommy refused to budge. Most of her teachers were nice, and, while she doubted they'd be happy about it, she didn't really think they'd care that much, as long as the answers were right... Mr. Rutherford, on the other hand... If spanking was still allowed in schools, she had no doubt he'd love to do that to her when she handed this in.

Even with that hanging over her head, she wasn't ready for the weekend to end... And, the next morning, to her surprise, it didn't. "Mommy!" she pouted when Macie laid out a fresh diaper for her on the changing table. "Can't I have my Pull-Ups back?"

"No, Kennedy," Macie shook her head. "Look at this!" She gave the girl's overnight diaper a squeeze. "You're almost leaking, sweetie... And this is a full-blown diaper! Pull-Ups just aren't enough for you anymore. Don't you like your diapers?"

Kennedy hung her head bashfully, nodding. She really did, so much more than she ever would have imagined... Just like with the Pull-Ups, she should have trusted her Mommy all along. "I thought so," Macie said. "Now, up you go!"

That was fine... She was probably right, that Kennedy needed some more protection. Kennedy was less happy about what happened next, after she was in a dry diaper. Instead of the clothes Kennedy had packed to wear to school today, Macie went to the closet, picking out a pair of pink shortalls, with snaps in the crotch, and matching pink Velcro sneakers, things Kennedy would have loved to wear for the weekend. For school, however?

"Mommy, no!" she protested as she was wrestled into them. "I look like a baby!"

"We've been over this and over this," Macie reminded her patiently. "You are a baby."

And that was exactly how Kennedy felt, being driven to school in her new, bulky diapers, her shortalls doing very little to hide their bulk. "Why are you doing this?!" she sniffled from the back seat, stomach churning, thinking about how her life was about to be over as soon as they arrived.

"Because, sweetie," Macie explained, "now that you're in diapers, the secret was going to come out eventually anyway... Isn't it better to just pull off the band-aid and get it over with?"

"No!" Kennedy squealed. "No, it isn't!"

But it didn't matter what she thought, because, to her horror, Macie pulled into her usual parking spot, then practically dragged her into the school for everyone to see. As a rich, pretty girl, Macie had plenty of friends, all of whom Kennedy had always assumed thought that she wasn't good enough for Macie. She winced as she saw them arriving, positive they were going to have a field day mocking her for this...

"Aww!" one of them gushed. "She's even more adorable that I thought she would be!"

Kennedy looked up at Macie, confused. Why had they had any reason to think about what she would look like this way?! Her Mommy smiled at her, as the sentiment audibly spread throughout her clique, everyone wanting to hug her, or pat her obviously diapered bottom. Were they all just acting like this because Macie was making them? If so, they were much better actors than Kennedy would have given them credit for.

"Marisa," Macie said, handing Kennedy over to one of her friends, "you're in her first class, right?"

The other girl nodded, smiled. "I'll take good care of her, I promise." Marisa took Kennedy by the hand, leading her through the halls. Kennedy could feel every eye on her, and her padded backside, could feel her diaper swelling, growing warmer as she waddled along. "You okay?" Marisa asked. "Do you need a change already? I can get your Mommy, or, if you're comfortable with it, I can help you."

"No!" Kennedy gasped. It was one thing for them to know she was wearing diapers - that was obvious - but it was something else entirely for them to know that she used them, that she needed changing... "H-Hey!" she blushed as Marisa gave her crotch a pat.

"You're right," she agreed, "it doesn't feel too bad yet." Kennedy gave her a wide-eyed look. "Macie told us you might not always realize how wet you are, so we might need to check you, too, even if you say you don't need a change."

"Sh-She told you... all... that?" Kennedy swallowed.

"Of course she did," Marisa chuckled. "She can't be with you all the time, so she needed us to look after you, and keep you safe, when she's in another class. And we can't do that unless we know what you need. Don't worry... We're not going to let anything happen to you."

Sure enough, when they got to class, Marisa sat right next to Kennedy, and when someone else snickered at the smaller girl's outfit, Marisa snapped. "What are you laughing at?" she demanded. "Didn't you see Macie's post?" 

The other girl shrank back and immediately apologized. "I-I mean, I did," she admitted, "but I didn't think..."

"What post?" Kennedy asked, confused until Marisa took out her phone, showing off the Instagram post Macie had made, telling the whole story of their relationship, and how it had gotten Kennedy through her dark times, and how, now, she'd decided the best thing for Kennedy was for things to go to the next stage... All accompanied by pictures of Kennedy all dressed up as an overgrown toddler from this weekend.

It was a very sweet post, though this was pulling the band-aid off a lot faster and harder than Kennedy had imagined. By now, the whole school must have seen it... And they all knew, without even having to see her in person, about her new lifestyle... It was probably a good thing she had babysitters to stick with her all the time.

Of course, there wasn't much any of Macie's friends could do about the teachers... As the students filed out of the classroom at the end of the period, dropping their papers off on the teacher's desk, Kennedy hung back until the end. "Umm... I-I'm sorry about..." she stammered, feeling ridiculous setting her paper, scribbled in crayon, on top of a pile of others, all neatly typed and printed. 

To her surprise, the teacher smiled. "It's all right, Miss Crowe," the woman told her gently. "We all know about your special... circumstances."

"All?" That was so much worse than Macie's friends all knowing! The teachers knew she was a baby, too?! 

Or so she assumed, expecting the worst. Instead, it meant that, if Macie's friends weren't able to keep her from being teased, the teachers would step in and put a stop to it. Even Mr. Rutherford, shockingly, seemed to accept it, merely aiming a only semi-mocking jab at her as he gave out the instructions for the pop quiz in his class that day. "Make sure you write in pencil," he told them. "Or crayon, as the case may be." Kennedy squirmed, blushed, but when she looked up at him, she could have sworn there was a smile on his face.

Mommy's influence spread even further than that, however; when she was taken to the cafeteria for lunch, there was a high chair waiting for her at Macie's clique's usual table. And when it came time for P.E., her least favorite class, she was taken to the nurse's office, where she was allowed - required, in fact - to lie down and take a nap instead.

"This has been nice," she had to admit to Macie on the car ride home. Embarrassing at times, definitely, but, thanks to Macie's friends, she'd felt safe and supported almost the entire time, and it had been freeing, not having to keep her padding a secret. "I don't know if my parents are going to be as happy about this, though... So, maybe we should stop off somewhere, and I can get changed into my old clothes, and..."

"Hush," Macie ordered, slipping a pacifier into Kennedy's mouth. "Have you learned nothing from today?"

Macie marched Kennedy right up to her own front door, knocking politely on it, waiting with her as she squirmed, imagining the shocked looks she was going to get. "There you are!" her mother smiled when she opened the door, pulling her into a hug that ended with a diaper pat. "We've been waiting to see you!"

The nursery from Macie's guest room had been transferred to Kennedy's bedroom, along with the entire new wardrobe, completely replacing Kennedy's grown-up clothing. "We were just so happy Macie was able to find what you needed to get you out of your depression," her mother told her. "Nothing we did worked, so if this is what it takes to make you happy, then so be it. It's nice to have a baby back in the house..."

After all the work Kennedy had done to keep her Pull-Ups a secret, all the anxiety she'd suffered, it was truly odd to have it all out in the open like this... But, thanks to the weekend she'd had with Macie, she knew how amazing it could be, to be treated like the baby she knew she was inside. 

She thought it would take her a while to accept someone other than Macie changing her diaper... And then, after the next morning, to accept someone other than Macie or her mother doing it, since, of course, she'd woken up drenched. Her mom was happy to do it, saying it was, "Just like old times," and even Kennedy had to admit it wasn't that bad. 

The very same day, she'd discovered she could live with other people doing it, too. "No, I'm fine!" she protested when her babysitter insisted she needed a change between classes.

"Your diaper is drooping so low I can see it under your skirt," her babysitter commented. "Macie would kill me if I let you go into your next class like this! You'll be leaking in no time!"

"N-No, I won't," she pouted, squeezing her thighs together. Just a few days ago, she had come close to leaking through her Pull-Ups, yet had never actually done it... There was no way her control was already so much worse that she was going to make her diapers leak! And yet... She blushed, feeling a trickle of warmth begin to make its way down her thighs, small, but definitely there. She could only hope her sitter hadn't seen it.

Thankfully, whether she had or not, Kennedy's babysitter changed her anyway. Maybe it was because she was so grateful to be in a dry diaper, but, as much as she'd thought all Macie's friends hated her before this started, she didn't mind having one of them do this incredibly intimate thing for her. After all, she was just a baby... She couldn't do it herself. And, if her Mommy trusted these people, why shouldn't she?

Of course, when it came to messy diapers, those were something she only wanted Mommy to deal with... Or to see her in. Thankfully, her control on that front wasn't slipping away as fast as her bladder control had... But, since Mommy didn't want her using any toilets anymore, there were bound to be problems from time to time.

The worst had come on a day that had already started out bad enough. Most of the other students understood, and were willing to leave Kennedy be, at the very least, but there were always those who would tease her, despite her babysitters' best efforts to stop them, and bullies who had loved to torment her even before she'd been revealed as a big baby.

Jeanine was the latter, and it hadn't helped that she was in gym class with her, where she was the most vulnerable. One of the best parts about having naptime was not having to see her as often... But she did still share one other class with her. And that was where she'd overheard a conversation, apparently.

"You can let go," her babysitter told her. "I can see you're not comfy, sweetie... We can go change you right away, and then your tummy won't be hurting during your nap."

"No!" Kennedy whined. "I-I can wait until after school!"

"I'm not sure that's healthy," her babysitter had frowned, but there wasn't much else that she could do. She probably had a point, and Kennedy was having a hard time getting to sleep on the cot in the nurse's office, which was why she was still awake when she heard a familiar voice.

"I don't know what happened," Jeanine said. "My head started spinning out of nowhere... I think I just need to lie down."

Kennedy froze, hugging the spare pillow tighter to her chest as she heard the nurse fall for that, and Jeanine be brought in, laid down on the cot next to her. She laid there in silence, too afraid to even move, knowing her diaper would crinkle if she did, until she overheard someone else, one of Jeanine's friends, rush in and tell the nurse she was needed outside.

"Poor little baby," Jeanine smirked, getting up out of her bed, no signs that she was, or ever had been, feeling bad. "Do you still have an upset tummy?" Kennedy groaned as the bigger girl pushed down hard on her stomach. "I know what you need..."

She strutted out into the main office, returning with an enema bag, filled to the brim. "N-No!" Kennedy gasped. "Jeanine, please!"

But she was no match for the bigger, stronger girl, and in no time, she was being bent over the nurse's exam table, the enema tube being slid up her squirming backside. A moment later, a rush of water began to gush into her. "Poor little baby," Jeanine mocked. "You just get anything you want, don't you? Everyone bends over backwards for you, and tells you how sweet and adorable you are... I wonder if they'll think you're as cute when they see how much of a baby you really are?"

"St-Stop it!" Kennedy stomped her feet, groaning as Jeanine gave the enema bag a squeeze, forcing the water to rush out even faster. Already, Kennedy was sure she could feel the warm, soapy water bloating her tummy, promising that she wasn't just going to have a messy diaper... It was going to be the messiest diaper she'd ever had.

"Everyone in our P.E. class has been missing you," Jeanine teased. "They'll love to see you... And then, after that, maybe I'll march you out and let the football players and cheerleaders get a look... Without your Mommy or your babysitters around, I bet they won't be nearly as nice..."

"I guess it's a good thing her Mommy is always here," Macie said. Jeanine jumped, looking scared, then tried to pretend nothing was wrong.

"I was just helping," she lied. "The nurse asked me to..."

"I suggest you get out of here now," Macie glared at her. "The next time I see you near Kennedy, I'll put you in one of her diapers, and you can find out what an enema feels like... And then you can visit the football team yourself."

Jeanine slunk away, defeated, and Mommy slid the enema tube out of Kennedy's bottom, but before she could even return to her baby's side from setting the enema bag in the sink to finish draining out its contents, another cramp had hit the baby, and, in one huge, mushy rush, she'd filled her diaper. 

"I-I'm sorry, Mommy," she blushed, feeling so small, and messy, and helpless.

"It's okay," Macie smiled. "I heard you weren't feeling well, so I wanted to come check on you... I had a feeling I'd need to change you. I think we need to have a talk about your potty habits while I'm here, though."

The nurse wasn't pleased when she returned, Jeanine's friend having taken her on a wild goose chase, just keeping her out of the office for as long as possible. She promised to keep a closer eye on Kennedy during naptime... But she also agreed with Macie. "You shouldn't be holding it in that long," she said. "I'd be happy to help you out with that when you're here, if you need it... I have much more pleasant ways of doing it than the enema..."

"Thank you," Macie gave Kennedy a pointed look. "I don't think that will be necessary. Will it?"

It was a fine line, between what Jeanine had done, and what Macie wanted from her... Macie wanted her to go when she needed to, even if she was here, at school; Jeanine had wanted her to do it right then and there. Kennedy knew it was a big difference, however, that her Mommy, and her friends, would be there to take care of it, that they wouldn't make fun of her, or use it to humiliate her, the way Jeanine had wanted to. And she was just a baby, one who did what her Mommy wanted... 

"No, ma'am," she shook her head obediently, Mommy's good little girl. "It won't." Considering how quickly she'd lost bladder control, she couldn't help wondering how long it would take for her bowels to follow suit, once she started doing what her Mommy wanted... In the end, though, did it really matter? As scary as everything else about this transition had been at first, Mommy hadn't steered her wrong on any of it. This was simply the last step to accepting her new life, and, as long as Mommy was by her side during it, as Kennedy knew she always would be, it was a step she was more than willing to take.


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