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Danielle knew what the next stage of her plan had to be, but she hadn't quite worked out how to do it yet. To be fair, it had been going more quickly than she'd imagined, and, while she'd hoped, she'd never really thought it would get this far. Vivien was back in diapers, which had felt inevitable, at least to some degree... She was also going to be attending daycare all day, three days a week, which had very much not.

She'd wanted Vivi to see that daycare was more fun than her boring college classes, and, once she had, it was natural that the only way she could spend any large amount of time there was to drop one of her classes. That wasn't so big a deal, really... Or so Dani thought, not that she had any experience with it herself, having never gotten to college in the first place. Dropping two classes seemed like a far more major development, and both of them being on the same days was perfect... In a way.

Now, however, Dani needed to start chipping away at Vivien's Tuesday/Thursday classes. She only had her own experiences to judge from, but consistency was key for a lot of things, and she was pretty sure going to daycare every day was a big part of why she'd gotten so addicted to it. It was fantastic that Vivi was going to be spending all day long Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the daycare; those days she wasn't might end up being a problem, though. 

When it came to the girl's deteriorating potty training, Danielle wasn't worried... As long as she kept wearing Pull-Ups, her body would take care of that. She was fairly confident Vivi would want to keep coming to daycare, too, but ping-ponging back and forth between there and college might be enough to keep her from fully committing, the way Dani had... 

For now, things were progressing nicely. One day after naptime, Miss Katie checked Vivi's diaper, then led the drowsy girl over to the changing table. When she returned, Dani asked, "Didn't you just get changed before they put us down, too?"

By the way Vivien blushed, Danielle knew the answer immediately, despite her flustered, "No! Of course not!"

"Yes, you did," Miss Katie helpfully corrected her. "Don't you remember, sweetie?"

Vivi pouted, glaring up at the worker, clearly annoyed that she'd been contradicted... But knowing better than to argue. "Well, I'd been in that one for a while, and I had trouble getting to sleep, so I was awake a long time!"

One of Miss Katie's eyebrows raised, although all she said was a skeptical, "Hmm."

Danielle didn't need her confirmation that Vivien was lying; she'd been on the mat next to her, and had seen her fall asleep faster than her. No, there was only one explanation... Vivi had started to wet the bed.

She was a bedwetter herself now, of course... Her bladder control was too far gone to make it through the night. That hadn't happened until she was most of the way incontinent, however, and she didn't think Vivi was that bad yet. She couldn't help wondering if that had been a problem for Vivien when she was younger, if, while she was still having to wearing Pull-Ups to school, she'd also been wetting her bed at night...

Little did she know how right she was.


As usual, as soon as Vivien got home, her Pull-Up came off. For years, she'd found it ridiculous that her parents felt the need to save every grocery bag they got in the pantry, but now she was happy to have a nearly endless supply of them because - as usual - it was soggy. Not soaked, thankfully... Definitely not dry, however.

She tossed the Pull-Up into one of the grocery bags, tying it tightly, then wrapped that in another bag, taking the whole thing out to the garbage can in the garage once she was back in panties, and some more normal clothes. She didn't hate the outfits she wore to daycare... She'd started wearing them to college, too, since they were easier to keep her Pull-Ups hidden in. A lot of them were from the back of her closet, though, stuff she'd worn as a kid, and she didn't want to raise any questions from her parents about why she'd decided to bring them back into rotation.

She also didn't want them to spot her training pants, so she refused to wear them in her own house, unless she was on her way to college, or to babysit Tessa and Dani. She'd been in them for what felt like so long, off and on, in her childhood, she was positive her parents would be able to recognize them under her pants instantly.

There were times when she really didn't believe herself; she'd been teased for so long after Danielle had revealed her secret, and it had taken even longer for her to fully earn her parents' trust enough to stop wearing Pull-Ups altogether... How had she let herself be convinced to wind up back in them?! And by Dani herself, no less...

The girl had been right that daycare was nice and relaxing, and that was exactly what Vivi needed. It was worth putting up with Pull-Ups for that... And now, she thought with a blush, diapers. That should have been the last straw, but... College was tough, and it only felt like it was getting harder every semester, making her worry how long she'd be able to keep up with it... And wouldn't the real world, after that, be more difficult still? There was something comforting about getting to go back to a time when all of that was so far in the future that she didn't even have to think about it...

She'd told herself she could keep that separate from the rest of her life, but it kept bleeding over, more and more... Almost every night after dinner, she went to the bathroom to find a wet spot in her panties, and, once or twice, on her pants themselves, making her wonder if her parents had seen. A Pull-Up would have handled them, no problem... But she couldn't wear those around them!

She'd long ago blown through the supply of Tessa's old Pull-Ups, though buying new ones hadn't been a huge deal. She was a babysitter, after all, so it was only natural she'd have some spares on hand... Despite not sitting for anyone that wore them. The cashier didn't have to know that, and her parents, if they'd gone snooping in her closet, where she tossed the package on the floor, covering it with a thin layer of clothes that had fallen off their hanger that she was too lazy to pick up, didn't either.

The second time she'd had to buy them had been a little different... She'd gone straight to the store from sitting for Tessa and Dani, and hadn't bothered to change. Honestly, she'd been a bit scared to... What if she had another accident, as had been increasingly common for her? This would be the worst possible time for that... It did make her feel incredibly self-conscious, though, carrying the package up to the cashier, the defense she had prepared - not that anyone had questioned her the first time, or this - of being a babysitter falling flat now that she knew she had one of them on beneath her shorts... And it was soggy.

It wasn't until she was back home with them that it hit her that this was her second full pack, that she'd gone through one entire one on her own... She'd never counted the ones she'd taken from Tessa's old supply, so she could pretend it hadn't been that many, but that was far more difficult when she knew she'd been the one to wear, and use, every single one from a package... And that, most likely, she was going to be doing it again this time around.

Maybe that was why, after waking up from naptime to freshly wet diapers a couple times, and several close calls where she woke up in the middle of the night and nearly rolled over and went back to sleep, only to realize, in the nick of time, that her body had forced her awake for a reason, she refused to wear them to bed. She went through too many Pull-Ups during the day... And she'd worn them to bed for too long already, as a kid. Even knowing she could put them on after she said goodnight to her parents, that there was no way they'd see her in them, she just couldn't do it.

Unwittingly, she'd likely done herself a favor with that, the lack of padding probably the reason she did wake up to use the bathroom at night, instead of simply letting go, like she had been at naptime lately. For as much as she sometimes felt like some of her former charges, stomping and whining at night because they didn't want to admit they needed protection, going without it was, quite possibly, the only thing that kept her from waking up wet every morning.

Her luck couldn't last forever, however, and it ran out on the worst possible day, a Saturday when her parents were both off of work. She knew right away what had happened, thanks to plenty of first-hand experience, and only just kept herself from screaming out loud in frustration. It had been years and years since this had happened... She wished she could have asked why it was starting again now, but she knew the answer.

She took a shower, got changed, went down for breakfast and did her best to pretend everything was fine, but she could only wait so long in the hopes that her parents would go see a movie, or out to lunch, or anything to leave her alone in the house, before she had to haul her bedding down to the basement to wash it. She thought she'd timed it out as well as possible, yet her mother did get a glimpse of her... And she had almost as much experience dealing with this as Vivi did.

Vivien was making her bed when her mom knocked on her door. "Sweetie," she said, "I know you've been working hard with school, and your job, and you're under a lot of stress..."

Vivi froze, knowing exactly where this was going. "I-I'm fine," she claimed.

"I've seen some of your undies in the laundry hamper," her mother told her. "And if you're wetting the bed again... There's no shame in using a little protection."

"Mom, no!" Vivien groaned, her stomach churning, the fact she'd expected this doing nothing to soften the blow of hearing the suggestion. "I don't wanna wear Pull-Ups again!" There was no point trying to deny it, or pretend there had been some other reason she'd suddenly decided to wash all of her bedding, not if her mom already knew she'd been having accidents during the day.

"You don't have to," her mother said gently. "They have some plain-looking ones for older girls... Or, if the Pull-Ups still fit, they might be cheaper, and nobody has to know. It's really up to you. And you don't have to wear them at all, of course. You're an adult now, you can make your own decisions... But I think, in this case, it would be the more mature thing to do, don't you? If you need any help buying them, your father and I will be happy to give you some money, or..."

"I'll think about it," Vivi sputtered quickly, not wanting to think about her parents discussing this, talking about her peeing her pants again, like she was back in grade school. Obviously, she already knew what the answer should be, and what her mom and dad wanted her to do, even if that meant saying goodbye to her panties altogether until she could get things back under control... That didn't mean she had to like it, though.



I am thoroughly enjoying this story, PP. Thanks for this awesome work!

Prince Theo

Haven't even read it yet, but this is one of my two favorite active storylines. Whenever I see an update I get excited.