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It was hard to believe Mathilda had ever been apprehensive about her diapers; then again, she hadn't been, had she? Daddy had told her she'd asked for them, so, even if she didn't quite remember things that way, it must have been true. There had definitely been a moment of hesitation when he'd opened the box, and letting him tape her into one, yet, as soon as it was on, all of that had been washed away.

It was only too bad that she didn't go to work anymore, couldn't show her padding off to everybody. She knew she ought to be ashamed of it, that she was an adult woman who shouldn't be wearing diapers... But that made it all the hotter to her. If she were to toddle into the office now, the way that Daddy kept her dressed most days, with a skirt that was too short to totally hide the diaper, or nothing over it at all...

That was one of the first things she thought about every day, after Daddy got her dressed, and some mornings, it was hard to wait until he'd gone off to work for her to start rubbing herself, sucking lustily on her pacifier, fantasizing about her co-workers seeing her, judging her, punishing her, either for letting herself fall so far, or for spending so long lying to them, pretending to be a big girl, when she clearly wasn't.

Her manager would definitely spank her then, the way she'd imagined him doing for so long... When she bent herself over her desk, giving him the perfect view of the back of her no doubt soggy diaper, he'd see that she absolutely needed some real discipline... Right there, in the middle of the office, in front of everyone, he'd spank her silly, which would only serve her right. He'd probably slide her diaper down, too, expose her bare bottom, to make sure she really felt it, though he'd definitely pull it back up before sending her to stand in the corner for the rest of the day to think about her behavior - he wouldn't want any puddles, after all. And if she made any during the spanking itself, she'd just have to let the janitors punish her, too, for making their job that much harder.

Her diaper was always very wet by the time Marlon got home, but its extra bulk did its job, and kept her from leaking, even if it meant waddling around the house in squishy pants for most of the day, a constant reminder of what a big baby she was now. Usually, she'd feel guilty, and confess to what she'd spent so much of the day doing, while Marlon changed her.

"D-Daddy?" she'd stare up at him with big eyes.

"Yes, sweetie?" he'd ask, smiling.

"Umm..." She'd always squirm, the admittance still embarrassing no matter how many times she did it... Not to mention hot, as she laid there, about to be taped into a fresh diaper, knowing she was at his mercy, that he could do anything he wanted to her like that. "I-I didn't just go pee-pee..."

"Oh, no?" he'd raise an eyebrow. "Did you use the potty?"

The answer to that was usually no... She was no good at getting the tapes on straight, not like Daddy could, so, unless it was an emergency, she'd wait for him to get home to go poopy, so he could help. There had been a couple close calls - the worst of happening while he was home, but too busy to help her, which had been particularly mortifying, wriggling desperately, moments away from filling her pants, as she waited as patiently as possible for him to get off the phone - though it had worked out pretty well so far.

She'd shake her head. "No, Daddy... I-I... I mastur..." Some days she could remember the word, yet, more often than not, it slipped away, too long and complicated for her to recall. "I made stickies," she'd say instead, when she couldn't think of it.

Part of her reason for the confession was not wanting to keep anything from him; another part was hoping he'd be mad, that he'd punish her, take her over his knee, or put her in time out, or even, if she was really lucky, open the fly of his pants, make her start sucking, the way she was getting more and more curious to try.

But he was always so kind, and understanding. "That's okay," he'd tell her. "As long as you didn't wear yourself out completely, and you still want to play with Daddy later."

As much as she'd want to push her luck, to see if the other answer might get her the discipline she wanted, she couldn't bring herself to say anything other than, "Of course, Daddy," and giggle as he taped her up, safe in a brand new diaper.

He still wouldn't believe her when she'd say she wanted to blow him, still didn't want to 'force' her, and her frustration just made her suck harder on her nightly bottle, and on her paci, and to want to have more bananas. The latter, really, should have made what happened next obvious, but she'd never thought about it, never even considered it might contribute.

Daddy had left her in a pink t-shirt and a matching pink diaper that morning, with a pink bow on top of her head to finish off the outfit. "It's too hot for pants," he'd claimed, as if any of the skirts or dresses he picked out for her were ever long enough to make that much of a difference in the first place.

Not that Mathilda minded... She loved these days, being given no chance of hiding her diaper, never knowing when a neighbor might come over for some reason, or a delivery person might knock on the door... She could, of course, put something else on herself, but it had been so long since she'd picked out her own outfits, she wasn't sure where to even start... And she wanted to be a good girl, and not keep anyone waiting, so she was constantly on the verge of exposing herself, and her big secret.


She usually went through a lot of bananas those days, and this was no exception. She wasn't sure what had taken her so long, why she hadn't thought of it before, but she'd had the bright idea to try eating them while she played with the new, oversized teddy bear Daddy had brought home for her the other night, wrapping her mouth around the fruit as she straddled her toy, humping away at it, and the combination was incredible.

So incredible, in fact, that she had to do it several times, until, on the last one, she felt a funny feeling in her tummy. She knew what it was, but she didn't want to stop to try to deal with it now, would rather wait for Daddy to get home to help her... It took a few more minutes before it sank in just how urgent it was.

And then she felt the push. It was completely involuntary on her part, simply her body deciding it had had enough. "No!" she gasped, freezing in place, squirming in a whole different way as something began to happen in the seat of her diaper, a warm, mushy spot appearing there, as she dropped her banana, clamping her hands to her bottom. "No!"

"Uh-oh," she blushed, wiggling in place, once she'd managed to make her bowels listen to her orders. She'd stopped it, but there was no denying that it had been too late, to some degree... She blushed bright red, imagining Daddy coming home tonight, checking her, finding that... Before she knew it, she had forgotten about what she was doing, and gone back to grinding against her teddy bear hornily.

It wasn't until her next cramp that she snapped out of it, scrambling off the bear and running for the bathroom, heart pounding. She could make it... She might pee her pants on a regular basis, but she didn't do this, she'd never do this...

She was a few feet away, within sight of the bathroom door, when her legs stopped working. She lurched to a stop, panting, as she felt herself squatting down slightly, felt almost a tugging sensation on her diaper, heard a light crackling, mixed with a much ruder noise...

She was messing her diaper. She could see the toilet through the open bathroom door, knew it would take her only a few more seconds to get there, to rip her diaper off... But it didn't matter. She was too late.

She grunted helplessly, feeling the padding expand, growing heavier beneath her, starting to sag already as she filled it with her soft, stinky mush. Despite everything else that she'd done, she was absolutely mortified, this final step into babyhood nearly too much for her, too humiliating, knowing that she was going to have to spend the rest of the day like this, waddling around with a load in her pants, having to wait for Daddy to get home to change her...

And then, she had an idea, one that was so incredible that, even with the yucky mass in her diaper, she couldn't help going back to her teddy for another ride as she fantasized about it.

"I-I'm really sorry, Daddy," she told him, as soon as he got home, kneeling down on the floor. "I-I didn't mean to..."

"Aww, that's okay," he assured her. "Accidents happen."

"I-I know," she nodded. "B-But... I-I feel so bad for you having to clean it up... I-I know it's going to be so much work..."

He paused for a moment, looking down at her. "Well, yes," he admitted. "I imagine it will."

"It will!" she said, cheeks warming as she recalled all the bouncing and grinding she'd done, which definitely meant that was going to be true. "So... I-I just thought... Since I'm making you do that... I ought to do something for you..."

She was so embarrassed - and so eager, to be honest - that she didn't see the glint in his eye, the smirk that formed on his face, when he asked, "What did you have in mind?" She simply took his hand, her heart nearly beating out of her chest yet again, this time for a completely different reason, as she led him to the bedroom, sitting him down on the edge of the bed, unzipping his pants.

"Are you sure?" he asked, and it was all she could do not to let out an absolute, frustrated roar of a, "Yes!", after how many times she'd been denied. She nodded instead, sinking down to her knees, feeling the mass in her pants squelch beneath her for a moment as she prepared herself, then reached out, opening her mouth as she leaned forward...

What had become of her? She couldn't help wondering that as she started to suck. She used to be a strong, smart, independent woman... Now she was running around in a t-shirt and diapers most days... A diaper that, in this case, she'd filled, then spent most of the day in, not even thinking to change herself... And she was on her knees, wearing that messy diaper, happily, and hungrily, blowing her boyfriend, after having been the one to bring the idea up in the first place.

She nearly melted once he was finished, and patted her on the head, giving her a, "Good girl."

"Thank you, Daddy," she giggled. "Can... Can I do it again?"

She expected him to say yes, to tell her that she'd done such a good job that she could do it any time... To her surprise, he shook his head. "No, I think that was more than enough to pay me back for changing you this time."

This time... She blushed, the implication that it might not be the only time she pooped her pants clear. And, yet, if that was what it took for him to let her do this... Well, then she was looking forward to her next messy 'accident'. No matter how disgusting it had felt, how babyish it had made her feel, it was worth it.

"Okay, Daddy," she smiled. "If you say so."


"Daddy, do I have to?" Mathilda pouted, Marlon chuckling to himself, marvelling at just how much things had changed, how well his plan had worked. It had been no more than a few months, and, finally, Mathilda had become his dream girl, even more than he could have hoped. She was so perfect, he was having to argue with her now to get her to agree to wear anything at all over her diaper.

"Yes, sweetie," he told her sternly. "Remember? When we go out, you need to have on a skirt."

Mathilda stomped her foot, but they both knew that was as far as it was going to go... Once she'd done that, it signalled that she'd run out of ideas for ways to talk him out of anything, something that didn't take long at all anymore. Thinking was much too hard for her, and there was no way she was going to be able to outsmart her Daddy, so she generally didn't even try.

"Look at these cute tights," he said, pulling them up over her feet. "Aren't they nice?" 

"I guess," she sulked, although she couldn't quite hide her excitement; he knew she liked the way they felt, how they held her diaper to her so tightly... She was less pleased with the skirt he picked out for her, even if it barely covered her padding, but she let him put it on her anyway.

"So adorable!" he complimented her. "You're my little princess!"

She giggled at that, then fell silent for a moment. "Daddy?" she asked after a few seconds.

"Yes, Matty?"

"Umm..." she stared down at the floor bashfully. "I was thinking... What if I have a messy accident at the restaurant? I-I know you'd have to take me into the men's room to change me, but... I-I wouldn't want to repay you there, not in my pretty tights. The floor might be dirty, and..."

He smiled, knowing exactly what that meant. She hadn't been able to control her bladder for a long time now... Her bowels were another story. As far as he knew, she had full control over them, something he'd considered trying to take away, until he'd realized that, most of the time, when she knew she had to go, she'd get so excited she couldn't help herself, and pooped her pants right away, no matter where she was, or how long it would be before she could get changed. She might as well not have any control already, and the fact that she did just made it more hot to him. If she was saying this now, it meant it was one of the rare occasions when she'd be able to restrain herself... Though, probably only because she'd known they were going out to dinner, and she hadn't been able to resist the possibility of filling her pants in public.

"We could do it after we get home," he suggested.

"No!" she glared unhappily. "I think we should do it now, just in case."

"Well," he shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "If you think so..."

Never in a million years would he have imagined a world where she would practically beg him to let her blow him, much less one where she thought she'd come up with that on her own, that she'd outsmarted him by finding a way to make it happen despite him repeatedly turning her down, all the time not putting it together that he was doing that on purpose, to make her want it more.

He definitely would never have expected a world where, when he was finished, she'd stay on the floor, giggling ditzily, and ask, "What if I have two accidents?"

"Good point," he smiled. "You're such a clever girl... Better safe than sorry, huh?"

The End


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