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It wasn't an easy choice, deciding which of her options was more degrading, which she could bear to let herself do... But her body was happy to help her make the decision, eagerly squirming on the saddle as she tried to think - which only made that more difficult - embracing the feeling of pleasure that had come from the first time around...

Maybe this was for the best, she told herself through the horny haze, grinding harder against the vibrations beneath her. She couldn't let this happen while she was in a messy diaper... She liked to think that would be too disgusting anyway, that she'd be turned off enough that she wouldn't, but she didn't particularly want to find out if that was the truth or not. If it wasn't, if her body was going to betray her... She blushed even deeper than she already was, mid-masturbation, and leaned forward, making the horse rock faster, and faster...

The suppository was working quickly, too. Natalie whimpered, glancing down at herself, certain she'd see her tummy swelling, with as much pressure as she was feeling building up in there. It didn't look any different, though it definitely seemed that way... She felt so bloated, so full... She squeaked as she felt an involuntary fart escape her, out in to her diaper, her eyes widening when, as she writhed in the saddle, she noticed a new sticky spot, one very different from what had happened from her last horse ride, thicker, mushier...

No way! She couldn't believe it... It couldn't be happening that fast! She didn't dare take the time to stop - even if she could have - to investigate, but the more she rocked, the more sure she was that she'd already begun, that she was far closer to a full-on disaster than she'd thought. She tried to press her thighs together, only to feel the horse vibrating between them more intensely, her face heating up, her mind growing cloudier, having a harder time concentrating on anything else, including keeping her diaper clean...

She focused as hard as she could, through the waves of pleasure, fighting to keep her bottom clamped shut, while moaning, urging the horse to go faster still, not knowing how long she'd be able to keep it up, how long her protesting body would be able to hold out when it so desperately wanted to let go...

So, as mortifying as the act itself was, it was a huge relief when she felt it happen, when her eyes rolled back in her head, her teeth biting into her bottom lip as she had another orgasm, quickly slumping forward in the saddle, panting. "I-I did it," she told Emily with a silly, satisfied grin, hating how triumphant she felt... And how good, in general, despite everything. "I-I..."

She squealed in surprise, in horror, in disgust, as her 'victory' was almost instantly overturned, as her tummy gave a push, and she was too exhausted to fight against it. She'd known it was coming, of course, unless her sister took pity on her, let her use the toilet... She hadn't thought it would be this quick, that she'd feel this helpless against it. One moment, she had one small, mucky spot in her pants, and the next, she was leaning forward, gasping, as her bulky diapers filled to the brim with warm, stinky mush, her muscles refusing her attempts to stop, or even just slow, the tide.

She wrinkled her nose, feeling the mess ooze through every part of her diaper, making the padding swell and bulge outwards to make more room for itself. She whimpered, so very glad she hadn't tried to take her time, to risk a ride on the rocking horse after this... It didn't seem possible, and yet, as powerful as the horse was... She shuddered, unable to imagine the indignity of that.

"You certainly did," Emily teased, giving the lumpy seat of Natalie's diaper a pat, her tiny twin blushing at the contact. "I suppose I'll trust that you finished making your stickies before you did this..."

"I-I did!" Natalie insisted, stomach churning again, despite having just been thoroughly emptied, now from the memory of why she'd been racing so hard. If Emily thought she'd messed first, Natalie would be going to bed in this diaper! She shifted in her seat, groaning as the load in her pants squelched beneath her. There was no way she could do that... She couldn't spend the whole night like this! Not if she wanted any sleep - or comfort - at all! "I-I really did!"

"Hmm..." Emily leaned forward, resting her elbows on the horse's head, looking the humiliated Natalie in the eye. "Did you?"

"Y-Yes!" Natalie told her, blushing, that one messy patch that had happened mid-ride sticking in her mind, making her uncertain. That didn't really count... Did it? Emily wouldn't put her to bed in this dirty diaper for one little slip-up, would she? "Pl-Please, Emily, please, you hafta change me!"

"Oh, I do?" Emily raised her eyebrow. "It's funny that you still think you're in charge after what you just did, little lady."

Natalie shook her head. "N-No, I'm not!" she stammered. "I-I just..." Oh, no... Had she messed this up for herself?! "I-I'm sorry!"

"I bet you are," Emily smirked, raising her elbows up, then pushing them down, letting the horse rock beneath them - and beneath Natalie's diaper. Natalie squirmed, nose and diaper crinkling as the contents of the latter were squished further. "I bet you're a very sorry little girl, aren't you?" 

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Natalie nodded. "Y-You're in charge... I-I know that..."

"I am," Emily agreed. "I'm the one who decides when, and if, you deserve a diaper change."

Natalie gulped, nodded again, not wanting to agree to that, to let that decision be in anyone else's hand, much less her sister's. It didn't matter what she wanted, however... The choice truly was out of her hands. She was too small, too weak, to get her diaper off on her own, so it would either be Emily, or some other 'grown-up', who would be doing that anyway, and there really wasn't much she could do to influence when it happened.

"I-I did do what you wanted," she pointed out. "I-I..." Her face turned red once more, not wanting to use Emily's infantile word for what had happened, yet also not wanting to say any of the more mature, proper names for it, either, as if that would make what she'd done more real. "I-I made stickies," she almost whispered, the sound of it in her own voice making her feel even smaller in front of her sister, "b-before I made stinkies."

Emily smiled, delighted. "Oh, did you?" she chuckled, making the horse did down again, watching Natalie pout as it moved. "I suppose I'll believe you... This time. It looked awfully close to me."

Thankfully, she plucked Natalie off the horse, setting her down on her feet and taking her hand, letting her toddle beside her through the apartment, diaper sagging heavily behind her as she went, contents shifting with every awkward step, no matter how far she spread her legs, how hard she tried to prevent it. She stood by, staring, while Emily plugged up the tub, started to fill it with water, trying not to get her hopes up too high, nearly afraid, after everything else, that Emily would simply get into the bathtub herself, leaving Natalie standing there in her poopy pants.

That didn't seem to be her sister's plan, though. Natalie let out a sigh of relief when Emily untaped her diaper, starting to wipe her clean. "What a big mess for such a little girl!" she teased, but the fact that she was now out of that mess - and the knowledge that it hadn't been her fault that she'd made the mess in the first place - was enough to keep the words from affecting Natalie too much. At least, not until Emily said, "I guess we'd both better get used to that, huh? That's just how Natty goes potty now."

"I-It doesn't have to be!" Natalie reminded Emily, staring up at her with big eyes. "I-I can use the toilet still!"

"You could," Emily agreed. She didn't say anything more, but the message was pretty clear nevertheless... Natalie squirmed, glancing over at the folded up diaper Emily had set on the toilet seat, remembering what it had been like to use it. Was that really what she was going to be trapped using from now on?! It wasn't fair! She was an adult, a genius... She'd been potty trained for decades, longer even than Emily had been... She didn't deserve to be back in diapers full time from now on!

Of course, as a genius, she probably should have seen this coming long before now, but she hadn't wanted to accept it. Surely, it was all just a momentary thing for Emily, a way for her to prove she was the one in charge, and then, when she grew tired of it, she'd let things go back to as close to normal as they could... Why would she do that, though? She owned a chain of daycares that could look after Natalie, which gave her, essentially, an unlimited supply of diapers... Why not ensure Natalie stayed in them permanently?

She shuddered at the thought, despite the warm, bubbly water she was slipped into as Emily began to give her a bath, humming happily to herself while she scrubbed her shrunken sister. Emily wouldn't really do that, would she? She needed Natalie's help tomorrow, if she wanted to duplicate the formula... Although, she'd already proven she could make Natalie's life miserable if she didn't cooperate, so she didn't necessarily need to promise her anything more than not doing that in order to give her some motivation.

But, if she wanted Natalie to work on the reverse formula, surely she'd want to stay on her good side for that, right? She'd seemed interested in that... Then again, Natalie already had plenty of reason to want that for herself, and she didn't actually know if Emily had plans for it or not. If Natalie wanted to be big again, she'd have to make it one way or the other. Emily might even see it as more efficient to keep her in diapers, so she wouldn't need breaks, her lab assistant more of a babysitter than anything else...

Natalie blushed, imagining her old lab assistants coming in, checking her diaper, making her stop mid-experiment for a change... She'd always done her best to be fair and kind to them, but in the heat of the moment, she knew she'd snapped at them more than once... In those moments, at least, they'd probably have jumped at the opportunity to show her that they were, in fact, the ones in charge ultimately, the ones who decided when, or if, she got clean padding...

And, to be honest, as much as she liked to think she was the only one who could do it, once Emily was in the lab tomorrow, and had access to all of her research, she could always hand it off to somebody else to find a way to do the opposite. This was revolutionary, ground-breaking stuff, something she'd been working on for years... But there was nothing stopping Emily from letting someone else take over, cutting Natalie out of it entirely, leaving her to languish in her diapers while another person took credit for her work...

As if to prove how powerless Natalie would be to stop any of that, after a thorough scrubbing, Emily plucked her out of the tub, setting her down on a new diaper, one that Natalie suspected was even thicker than the last, even before Emily told her, "This is the new, overnight version of my diaper... We're still working on it, so you'll have to let me know how you like it."

"I don't," Natalie pouted as it was pulled up between her legs, pushing them ever further apart. She'd almost thought the extra bulk could have been her imagination until then, but now there was no denying it. She squirmed, nibbling her bottom lip as she tried to move her legs, finding far less give in the padding, along with the larger size.

Emily picked her up, carrying her on her hip back to the office, where she shuffled through some of the things scattered around, taking what looked like a pile of plastic out of a box, attaching a small motor to it and hitting the button. With a whir, the plastic began to inflate, growing larger, taking form as a huge, inflatable crib that Emily set Natalie down inside.

"Let me go get you a little snack," Emily said, "and then it'll be night-night time."

Natalie didn't exactly have a choice. The sides of the crib was tall enough that she doubted she could have climbed over them, although, even if she could have, it wouldn't have mattered. As soon as Emily was gone, she attempted to climb to her feet, just to see, but the giant, overnight diaper was too thick... Try as she might, she couldn't stand up on her own in it. And, of course, like the one she'd just been taken out of, she couldn't remove the tapes by herself. Emily didn't even need the crib... A single diaper, on its own, was enough to completely incapacitate Natalie.

The crib itself was sturdier than Natalie would have imagined, knowing its origins. The plastic beneath her hands was a bit slick, adding to the difficulty of trying to stand, but it had been inflated enough to feel fairly solid there, and when she reached out to grasp one of the bars. If she had something sharp, she might be able to puncture it, deflate it... Who was going to leave something sharp within reach of someone who belonged in a crib, though?

Emily definitely didn't, and the snack she brought didn't help matters. Natalie's eyes bulged as she saw the bottle, refusing to believe she could fit all of its contents in her tiny stomach. Emily seemed determined to try, however, pushing the nipple into Natalie's protesting mouth, forcing her to start sucking, to drink the milk inside. Natalie didn't drink milk much normally, but this definitely seemed strange, a little too thick, a little too sweet... 

Surely, it was the reason, by the time she was somehow nearing the bottom of the seemingly endless supply of liquid, she was feeling sleepy, despite how early it was. As soon as Emily slid the nipple out of her mouth, Natalie felt herself yawning, her sister taking that opportunity to pop the pacifier back into place, locking it there. Almost before she'd gotten a blanket to tuck Natalie in with, the girl had dozed off.

She was up bright and early, too, still trapped in the crib, and her diaper. Her bladder was feeling quite full, as were her bowels, considering how much had come out of them the night before. The former was definitely a more pressing concern now, however, and she did her best to control them, but, with no way to call out to Emily for help - and no reason to think she'd get any from her - and her diaper too large to let her press her legs together, it was only a matter of time before she started to pee her pants, shocked at how long the stream went, how soaked her padding got from a single wetting, making it swell even larger.

"Uh-oh!" Emily chirped when she finally came in to check on Natalie. "Looks like somebody had a soggy night! What's wrong, Natty? Couldn't stay dry?"

"I-I didn't!" Natalie blurted out, as soon as the pacifier was removed. "I-I didn't wet the bed!"

By then, the padding had cooled down, grown clammy, making her claim seem all the more unlikely. "So, you did it on purpose?" Emily teased. "While you were awake? Don't you think that's even worse?"

"I-I..." Natalie blushed. "I-I don't know," she admitted. She didn't particularly like either, to be honest. "I-It's not my fault either way!" she huffed.

"Of course not," Emily ruffled her hair. "You can't help it, poor thing!"

Natalie was grateful to be out of the overnight diaper, even if it was just to be taped into another diaper, glad to feel how much smaller it was, how much freer she felt in it. Finally, after a breakfast of oatmeal, and another bottle of the odd-tasting milk, Emily gave her something else to wear, too, though it wasn't much, just a bright pink shirt with the logo of her daycare on the front and back. On Natalie's chest, certainly larger than most littles' would be, it fell short of her belly button, guaranteeing that her diaper would still be on full display.

"N-No pants?" Natalie tugged at the hem, trying to make it to the impossible, to stretch it out far enough to hide even the slightest bit of her padding. "O-Or a dress, or...?"

"Sorry, that's what I have here," Emily shrugged. "Besides, that will just help with your disguise... Nobody will give you a second look at the lab now! Anyone dressed like this must be nothing more than a baby!" 

Natalie's face burned as Emily swatted the seat of her diaper. She'd almost forgotten about that... They were going to the lab now, to the place where she worked... And this is what she was going to be wearing! She looked down at herself, hating to admit that Emily was right, that, considering her outfit, it was going to be awfully hard to convince anyone of her true identity...

But Emily wasn't quite satisfied yet. "Hmm... I do think it's missing something, though..." She stared down at Natalie, who gulped, looking up at her, worrying about what she was going to say. "To really sell it, I think you need..."

"...A wet diaper."

"...A messy diaper."

"...A double diaper."

"...A pacifier."

"...A bottle."

"...A dolly."

"...A cute hair style."

"...A freshly spanked bottom."

"...An adorable, convincing lisp."

"...A nice, empty mind."



So I've been wondering this for a while and have asked something similar in the chat a couple times, but how antagonistic was their relationship before the story takes place? I know it's mentioned that they didn't really like each other and didn't agree with the other's life choices, but I've repeatedly gotten stuck on the fact that when either sister is in charge they almost turn sadistic. You could definitely make the case for that in the original Twins. I'm not making an argument for good endings, or even really just ones, it just seems like they go to an extreme when they have power over someone they should nominally love, even if they don't like them.


Can't speak for the writer, but they both seem very competitive, combined with the typical amazon metality of their superiority over littles and the result is already not pretty.