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"No!" Sawyer stomped her dirty sneakered foot, shaking her head, eyes shining with tears that Victoria was certain she would have been even more mortified to realize she could see. "I'm not doing it!"

"Are you sure?" Vickie gave the dress a shake, the lace and fabric rustling softly against itself. To be perfectly honest, Victoria didn't think she'd want to wear the thing, either... It was a pink nightmare, all satin and ruffles, with a little apron built into the front to make the wearer look even more like a proper little lady.

For Sawyer, however, it was perfect. She was much younger than her, of course, so the juvenile style would suit her much better... And, once she'd spent the day in it, she'd never have any reason to complain about more 'normal' girly clothes again. Surely a plaid skirt and cute top would be far more appealing after she knew how sissy-ish her wardrobe could get instead, if she tried to resist. It was, in Victoria's mind, the final 'cure' for the girl's tomboyism.

It was, really, rather impressive to Victoria that she'd been able to find a dress more little girly than the one she'd dug out of her own closet, and forced Sawyer to wear. She'd intended to use that one, to make Sawyer wear it every day that summer until she was begging to be allowed anything else - or until Sawyer's mother asked Vickie why her water bill was so much higher from her running the washer every day. When she'd searched through the bag of her old clothes that she'd given to Sawyer, however, to find it, it was gone.

Obviously, Sawyer had decided to prevent a repeat of that day, had gotten rid of the dress. It was smart... It had been long enough that Victoria wasn't certain it would have fit the girl anyway. Because of that, though, she had an excuse to go shopping, and she'd found something even better. The design of the last dress had been immature; this one was downright infantile. Vickie had been shocked to see it in the girl's section, and not just for toddlers, had held her breath as she thumbed through the rack, praying there would be one in the correct size...

There had been several. Apparently, nobody else who would fit into it was interested. She almost convinced herself to buy them all, to have backups, in case Sawyer pulled the same stunt again. For now, she'd stuck with one, but she knew where they were, and she could always go back if she needed to.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Sawyer fumed. "I am never, in a million years, going to wear that stupid thing! If you want to see someone in it so bad, try it on yourself!"

Something about that gave Vickie pause, made her cheeks match the color of the garment she was holding. Would she have done what she did next without the comment? It was hard to say... Enough time had passed since the incident with the old dress that not only would Sawyer potentially have not fit into it, but she was starting to approach Vickie's height. She wasn't quite there yet; she was, however, at the point where it was possible the two could share clothes, if either had been so inclined.

Maybe that revelation, looking down at the girl, thinking about how there was a chance that she could, in fact, do what the girl had suggested, was what prompted her to do what happened next. It hadn't really been a part of her original plan, although it would have been lying to pretend she hadn't considered it, hadn't, perhaps, fantasized about it, if Sawyer resisted too hard.

"You know what?" Victoria sneered at her, "I gave you a chance, you little brat. If you want to do things the hard way, so be it."

She could see fear start to cross Sawyer's face, as the memories of the spankings she'd gotten from Vickie flashed through her brain. She shifted her position on the bed, nibbling at her bottom lip, probably beginning to worry she'd made the wrong call... Then, to her surprise, Victoria turned, marching out of her bedroom, out of the house entirely.

Lisa, the little girl next door, had gotten a bit older, too, though she hadn't yet outgrown her princess phase, not by a long shot. If anything, she was leaning even more heavily into it. Victoria walked over to the front door of her house, almost forgetting that she was holding the dress until she went to ring the doorbell.

It was Melissa who answered, to Vickie's slight surprise. She was usually busy babysitting her younger sister, though, sometimes she was able to get away to look after other kids instead. Apparently, this was one of those days.

"Hey, Vickie! What's up? Everything all right?" Melissa asked.

Victoria blushed, squirming in place awkwardly, wondering if Melissa would approve of what she wanted to do, if she'd try to stop her. Melissa had babysat her at one time, and, now, was tutoring her, which made it a little difficult to remember that now she was the one doing the babysitting, that she was in charge at the next house over.

"Are you okay, Vickie?" Melissa frowned, bending forward a little. "Is something wrong with Sawyer?"

"N-No," Victoria shook her head, not wanting to worry the older girl. "I-I just... Can I talk to Lisa for a second?"

Melissa raised her eyebrows, clearly not expecting that to be the reason Vickie was there. "Umm... Yeah, I guess so."

She stepped aside, letting Vickie come into the house. The idea Sawyer had planted in her mind, that the dress might fit her, too, was taking root, making her even more uncomfortable, wanting to point out to Melissa that it wasn't hers, that she'd never wear something like that... Instead, she stayed silent until she got to Lisa's room.

"Is that for me?" Lisa's eyes widened, seeing the dress. Vickie couldn't quite tell if she was excited or afraid until she saw the girl's nose wrinkle ever so slightly, indicating that even she found it too girly for her tastes, which was saying a lot.

"No, sorry," Victoria told her, Lisa looking relieved at the news. "Don't you like it?"

"It's okay," Lisa shrugged. "For a baby."

Vickie grinned. "Exactly. And that's who it's for... A sweet, little baby. But, silly me, I forgot about something else a baby would need to wear, and I thought, maybe, you'd have a spare... Do you still have Miss Twinkletoes?"

Victoria could see that she did, the giant teddy bear looming in the corner of the room in her tutu, a big, poofy diaper around its soft waist. She didn't know for sure that it would be the right size, but it was definitely more likely to fit her charge than one meant for a baby.

"Uh-huh!" Lisa beamed proudly, grabbing the over-sized toy, lugging it over to Vickie. "Do you want to play with her?"

"No, thank you," Victoria told her, taking the bear's paw. "But it was a pleasure to see you, Miss Twinkletoes." Lisa giggled happily. "Actually, I wanted to see if you had any spare diapers for her."

Vickie had no idea where the girl's parents had even found the things, although they were perfect... Thinking about it, though, it was possible that it was the diapers themselves that had inspired the bear's name, and not the other way around. The diapers were huge and pink and feminine, with silhouettes of ballerinas prancing across the front. Had Miss Twinkletoes come with the tutu, or had she gotten that after Lisa decided she wanted to use the bear as a huge baby doll, and her parents found the cutest diapers they could that would fit it?

"Yeah, I think so!" Lisa dropped the doll onto the floor with a loud crinkle, wandering over to her toy box, almost as big as her, and starting to dig through it, casting aside more traditional baby dolls, plastic horses, some blocks that she'd outgrown years ago, but that she'd probably thrown a fit when her parents tried to get her to get rid of.

"Here!" she held up the half-empty package. "I knew they were there somewhere!" She reached into the jagged hole she'd ripped in the side, fishing out one of the diapers. "There you go!"

"Thank you so much," Vickie said. "You've been a huge help."

"You're welcome," Lisa smiled sweetly. "Does the baby you're getting this for want to come play?"

Sawyer would absolutely hate that; Victoria knew she was not a fan of Lisa at all, and avoided her as much as possible. So, of course, she nodded. "You know what? I bet she would! I'll see if Melissa is okay with that."

"Yay!" Lisa clapped her hands, still cheering while Vickie headed out, stopping to make sure Melissa didn't mind her bringing over her own charge.

Sawyer had gone back to messing around on her computer when Victoria burst back into her room, now carrying the dress and diaper. "All right, Sawyer," she smirked. "You wanted to act like a whiny little baby... Well, now's your chance."

She grinned, watching Sawyer's eyes grow wider and wider, a smirk growing on her own face as she saw the girl realize what a huge mistake she'd made, almost able to see herself standing there, in the doorway, looking so big, and strong, and grown-up in comparison to the pitiful little girl...

And then, in a flash, she very much could. Except... It wasn't her. Vickie gasped, head spinning as she looked down at herself, realizing she was now the one sitting on Sawyer's bed, anxiously wriggling in place, wearing the girl's trademark t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. She wasn't a teen like she had been in her memories, either, as she re-lived the experience... She was an adult again, her real age.

She shouldn't have felt so afraid, then, should have been no match for the sad, weak little Sawyer from the past, the version she'd babysat for, so why did she feel so nervous? The girl had been helpless to resist her then, and she'd be even more helpless against her now...

Except, when Vickie looked up from her dirty sneakers, kicking beneath her as they hung from the edge of Sawyer's bed, she saw that she wasn't the only that that had changed. Sawyer was now the one standing there in the doorway, dress and diaper in hand... And she was her real age, too, an adult, towering over Victoria like Vickie had done to her in her memory.

She was in the same outfit Vickie had been wearing, her jeans and crop-top, though, on her, they looked much different... The jeans hung lower on her hips, revealing the thin waistband of her thong underneath in a way Vickie never would have back then, and probably still wouldn't now... Her larger chest made quite the difference with the top as well - although, possibly, the way Vickie was staring up at her helped with that, too - her breasts nearly spilling out of it, making it look more like a bra than a shirt.

Victoria felt even more uncomfortable, witnessing that, felt all the more inadequate, glancing down at her own chest. She could've sworn Sawyer's breasts had never been this big, this full... Next to them, her own chest felt flatter than ever, but she was certain they were the same size they'd always been. The dream hadn't shrunk them to make her look more immature; this was just how tiny they were naturally. She had no doubt Sawyer was showing a good bit of cleavage from the top, even if she couldn't see it herself... There was definitely a healthy amount of under-boob for her to try to keep from staring at, however.

"Y-You can't make me wear that!" Vickie squeaked, realizing only after the words were out of her mouth that it was what Sawyer had said, when she'd done this to her, that she was re-enacting the scene unknowingly. And, if that continued, she knew where this was headed... And she didn't like it.

"Oh, silly baby," Sawyer mocked Victoria in her own words. "I can do whatever I want."

She laid the dress and diaper out on her own, childhood bed carefully, then, before Vickie could decide if she should try to run or not, she turned, grabbing at her t-shirt. Victoria struggled, grunting with exertion as she tried in vain to stop the larger woman, the fight even more unfair than it had been in reality, the size difference between the adult her and adult Sawyer much bigger, and shifted in the other direction.

"Sawyer, please!" Vickie whimpered, feeling the shirt being whisked off of her, her babysitter's hands moving to her shorts next. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Too late," Sawyer told her. "I'm going to make a sweet little girl out of you, like it or not, even if I have to start from the beginning!"

Vickie had felt so clever, coming up with that... Hearing it now, coming out of Sawyer's mouth, it was horrifying. Victoria's eyes flicked over to the diaper, knowing that it was coming, that there was no getting out of it, as Sawyer yanked down her shorts, and her panties...

It wasn't fair! That diaper was for Sawyer! Vickie had put it on her herself, had pulled the tapes snug, given it a mocking, almost spiteful pat to make sure the girl felt the padding, heard the crinkles... And now, Sawyer did exactly the same to her, seeming to take extra pleasure in it, as if she remembered the way this had actually gone, all those years ago.

The dress hadn't grown with the two women, had ignored the dream logic that had allowed them to switch places with each other, ages with their current selves... It stubbornly stayed the same, which meant that, when Sawyer tugged it over Vickie's head, it was even shorter than it had been on Sawyer, where at least she had the comfort of her diaper being hidden, for the most part. On Vickie, the skirt barely reached the diaper's waistband, leaving the majority of them on display, the ballerinas' dance fully visible for anyone to see.

But Vickie knew that wasn't all... She remembered seeing those tights at the store, being unable to resist buying them, hoping they'd fit, too. She hadn't intended for them to have to go over a diaper, as well, and she'd almost given up without even trying... Until she'd cooed at Sawyer, "Don't you look adorable?" and the girl had responded, "No! I look stupid!"

And, as she heard those words again, felt her own mouth say the latter before she could stop them, she saw her own grin spread across Sawyer's face. "You know what? You're right! It isn't quite done, is it?"

Victoria gasped as the tights were pulled up over her diaper, feeling the moment Sawyer let go of them, let them snap into place, hugging the padding even tighter around her waist, making it inescapable, letting it rub against her already sweating privates beneath the hot, heavy bulk. The tights were white, and thick, with rows of pink ruffles across the back, the bulge of the diaper making them stick out perfectly... And, thanks to how much smaller the dress was on her than it had been on Sawyer, it was impossible to think anyone would miss them, any more than they could avoid seeing the ballerinas on the front of her crotch, through the fabric of her tights.

She'd gotten lucky with the shoes, that Sawyer hadn't yet outgrown the Mary Janes Vickie had put on her the last time she'd made her wear a dress like this, and that she hadn't hated them quite as much as the dress, and gotten rid of them, too. They had still been waiting for her at the bottom of the bag of clothes she'd brought for her back then, the pink patent leather as shiny as ever.

Vickie knew that was what Sawyer was looking for in the closet as she sat on the bed, squirming, feeling the diaper follow her every movement, brushing against her as she fidgeted, caressing her... She knew exactly what was coming, exactly how bad it was going to get, but, regardless, she couldn't do anything about it, couldn't make herself hop off the bed, run away... She was stuck there, waiting, stomach churning...

She knew it was a dream; it had to be, because she could feel her memories running alongside it, showing her how it should be Sawyer in her place. That should have meant she had control, that she could do whatever she wanted, put a stop to this... So, why couldn't she? Why was she sitting there, letting this happen?!

She jumped, gasping in shock and humiliation as she felt a tickle at the bottom of her foot, and a trickle of wetness invade the vast, waiting bulk of her diaper. She gulped, wondering if Sawyer had used her diapers this soon, even as little as she'd just done, or if, even then, she'd been more mature, managed to wait.

She'd definitely laughed involuntarily. "See?" Vickie had teased her, like Sawyer was doing to her now. "You're enjoying this!" She slid the shoes onto Victoria's waiting feet, buckling them tight. "I think someone likes being a cute little baby girl!"

"No, I don't!" Vickie kicked her feet in helpless rage, unable to even shake Sawyer's hands free, Victoria recalling just how difficult that had been, despite how effortless she'd tried to make it look; she hoped she succeeded at that as well as Sawyer was now.

"Well, that's too bad, because it's what you are," Sawyer informed her matter-of-factly. She grabbed Vickie by the waist, pulling her off the bed, onto her feet.

Vickie squealed, feeling her legs try to close reflexively, the diaper bunching up between them, rubbing against her even more as she blushed, squirming, trying to ignore the sensation, while Sawyer looked her up and down, fluffing her skirt, patting her diaper, straightening her ruffles... She felt like a doll, which was, of course, exactly what she'd wanted Sawyer to feel.

"There!" Sawyer declared. "Your outfit is all done!" But Victoria knew that wasn't true... "Now, it would be a crime not to let anyone else enjoy how adorable you look in it! And, besides, you need to thank someone for the most important part of it!"

Sawyer gave Vickie's diaper a swat, letting her know what that was. Sawyer's hand closed tightly around hers, pulling her through the house as she tried to resist, wondering if, in that moment, Sawyer had known who that must have been... She disliked Lisa, but she was the most likely candidate, whether Sawyer had been granted the 'privilege' of meeting Miss Twinkletoes or not.

Vickie felt her diaper warming anew as the door to Lisa's house opened, and she saw Melissa there, remembering how, mere minutes earlier, she'd been so desperate to impress her... Now, she was feeling less impressive than ever, feeling the older girl's eyes fixate on her bulging diaper, praying she couldn't tell that it was starting to grow soggy already.

"Suits her," she quipped, the words cutting so much deeper now than they had back when this had actually happened, now that they were about Vickie herself. "I'm sure Lisa will love it!"

And, of course, she did. "Do you want to play?!" she bounced in place, running over to take Vickie hand. With the shorter dress, Victoria would have expected it to happen sooner, that she would have seen it right away, but things kept going the way she remembered them. They took a few steps, and Lisa let out a giggle. "Wait, I know that sound..."

Too late, Vickie reached for her skirt, unable to stop Sawyer from pulling it up - not that it had far to go now - to display the entirety of her diapers. "Wow!" Lisa gushed. "You and Miss Twinkletoes are going to be best friends! But you're too little for a tea party, if you're still in diapers like her..."

And that was how Vickie found herself being sat down in the middle of the floor, across from Miss Twinkletoes, legs splayed, those baby blocks from Lisa's toy box in between them, as she sniffled and glanced over at Sawyer, who gave her a warning glare, letting her know that she wasn't going anywhere if she didn't play nice.

"Here we go!" Lisa smiled, completing the outfit at last as she pulled a large, lacy, pink baby bonnet onto Vickie's head, tying it in place. "It looks even better on you than it does on Miss Twinkletoes! I think she'd want you to have it."

"Go on," Sawyer urged. "What do you say?"

Vickie could feel her bladder dribbling again, having a hard time remembering that she was a grown-up as she sat there in her babyish outfit, staring at the huge teddy bear, almost as big as her, in a diaper that matched hers, feeling like she was as much a toy as the stuffed animal was, if not more. "Th-Thank you, Miss Twinkletoes," she mumbled.

"You know how you could really thank her?" Lisa's eyes lit up. "Miss Twinkletoes loves dancing... Do you know how to dance?"

"Of course she does," Sawyer answered for her. "Go on... Show Miss Twinkletoes how much you appreciate her gift." Her tone made the silent 'or else' perfectly clear.

Vickie swallowed, knowing she didn't have a choice... And that, unfortunately, the worst of this memory was still yet to come, as she tried desperately to make herself wake up, to try to avoid it, as Sawyer tapped her foot impatiently, breasts jiggling, waiting for her to get up and dance.



Oh what a cliffhanger! I can’t wait to see what comes next!


Wow Vickie did a lot of mean things when she was a babysitter.