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"Oh, my God!" Wynonna squealed as Helena was pushed out, the short, pinned-up skirt swaying, showing off her bulky, pink diaper. "Adorable! If you didn't look so hot, Darcy, she'd totally steal the show!"

Helena shifted in place, cheeks darkening further and further, watching herself in the mirror, seeing flashes of plastic, however small, whenever she moved. "I-I don't..." she mumbled behind her pacifier, shaking her head.

"I've seen your baby pictures," Nikki teased, fluffing out the tutu. "And you didn't look nearly as cute in them as you do now."

"She's a late bloomer," Wynonna chuckled. "I bet she didn't know she'd bloom into even more of a baby, though!"

Helena glared up at them, stomping her foot, which, of course, only made her look cuter, fluffy dress flapping high, showcasing almost her entire diaper.

"So fussy!" Wynonna cooed. "What's wrong, sweetie? Are you soggy now?" She reached under the skirt, giving the diaper a squeeze, tell-tale crinkling echoing through the store.

"I bet you'd all look cute in them," the seamstress smiled. "I could probably switch all of your dresses to that instead."

Darcy had been grinning, taking it all in, enjoying the sight of Helena being taken down a few more pegs... But her expression had been slowly darkening, until, suddenly, she ducked back into the fitting room, without a word.

"Darcy?" Wynonna gave a gentle knock. "Darcy, she was just joking... She isn't actually going to do that..."

Darcy wanted to shout back, to tell her she knew that, to make it obvious she wasn't trying to be a difficult bride, for once... Unfortunately, she was too busy, anxiously hiking up the long train of her gown, nibbling her bottom lip as she stared at herself in the mirror, watching the fabric slide up her legs, exposing the seat of a pair of training pants... And a very wet pair of training pants at that.


"No, you have to come!" Wynonna insisted. "You're my best friend! I can't have a birthday party without you!"

"Wynnie..." Darcy swallowed, staring up and down the hallway, sure that, somehow, anyone who overheard would know exactly what was happening, no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. "C-Can't it be just us? You know, like old times..." Their birthdays were only a week apart, and for years, they'd switch off, having an epic sleepover on the weekend in between at whichever house they hadn't used the year before.

"Do you not like my other friends?" Wynonna's face fell. "You always do this... You've skipped my last, like, five sleepovers, and now you don't even want to come to my birthday?"

"N-No, I do want to be there!" Darcy whimpered, hugging her biology book to her chest, cheeks blazing. "A-And I do want to be there, but..."

"I love you, Darcy," Wynonna said, "but you aren't my only friend anymore. This is probably, like, my last big birthday party for while, at least here, since I'll be off at college..."

"Do you like your other friends more than me?" Darcy knew it was the wrong thing to say, that she was being manipulative... It was her last resort, however, the last thing she could think of that might give her a chance.

"Of course not!" Wynonna shook her head. "But this isn't about you, Darcy. Not everything is. I want to have all of my friends there... If you're going to be a brat about it, though..."

"I am not a brat!" Darcy fumed. Wynonna knew she hated that word... It was so belittling, so childish... It was bad enough she was one of the shortest kids in her class; being called that only made her feel smaller. And when it came from her best friend...

Wynonna sighed, rolled her eyes. "Well, then don't act like one. I'm not choosing between you and my other friends, Darcy... That's up to you. You know when it is, you know where I live... Show up, or don't."

Darcy gave her textbook a tighter squeeze, watching the other girl go, not knowing what she was going to do, how she was going to fix this.

She hadn't even considered doing it by attending the party, not until, one night, her mother asked, "Isn't Wynonna's birthday coming up? Do you know what you're going to get her this year?"

Darcy shrugged, sulking. "Maybe nothing..."

"Oh, Darcy," her mother shook her head. "Did you get into another fight?"

"I told her I didn't want to go to her party," Darcy confessed.

"Well, why did you do that? I'm sure it'll be fun!"

"Mom!" Darcy pouted. "You know she always does sleepovers for her birthday!"

"Oh, of course," her mother smiled, re-adjusting the tape on Darcy's overnight diaper. She never could get them on straight enough, or tight enough, to satisfy the woman, not on her own... Which was why, even as a high school senior, an 18 year old woman, she was still subjected to an inspection every night, for the safety of her mattress. It would be easier for everyone if she let her mom handle the whole process, but it made her feel ever so slightly more independent to at least attempt to do it by herself, and she was desperate for any shred of that she could muster. "Is that why you've been so fussy the past couple days? Are you upset about that?"

"I'm not fussy!" Darcy grumbled, blushing at the distinctive sound of a tape being ripped off the landing strip, the padding pressing more snugly around her as it was wrapped more firmly, fastened back into place. She hated that word, too; really, anything that made her sound more immature than she was, since she already got more than enough of that every night.

"I've told you before, honey, we can work something out," her mom said patiently. "You can FaceTime me, and I can walk you through getting it on properly... Or I can put you into it before you go..."

"No way!" Darcy wrinkled her nose, disgusted at the very proposition, the suggestion that she'd ever consider sauntering into the party with Wynonna, and her other, cooler friends, who no doubt hadn't wet the bed in a decade or more, already bundled up in one of the bulky, pink diapers her mother insisted on buying for her. It was bad enough thinking of trying to sneak from the bathroom to her sleeping bag in one, and then back in the morning, before everyone else woke up... She wiggled her bottom, listening to the crinkling, certain everyone at the party would be able to hear it... She had to listen to it every night, as she tossed and turned in bed, trying to get to sleep, hoping against hope that she'd wake up the next morning dry... "If you'd just get me some of those pull-on ones that I want..."

"Darcy," her mother closed her eyes, shaking her head. "We've been over this. Those don't hold enough for you... And, for as thin as they are, they're way too expensive. They're a waste of money... If you want to spend some of your birthday money on them, you can, but I'm not about to spend mine."

Darcy folded her arms, frowning, as her mother finished up, tugging Darcy's pajama shorts back up, the waistband sliding back down over the plastic of the diaper, as always, leaving a good inch or two showing, the perfect example of why she was never going to go to a sleepover with them... Unfortunately, she knew better than to brave a sleepover without any protection. There were so many other, better things for her to spend her birthday money on, however, that there was no way she was going to waste it on diapers of any kind.

"Guess I'm not going to her party," she declared.

Her mom opened her mouth, clearly wanting to launch into some lecture about why it was a bad idea, why she should conquer her fears or whatever, before, finally, kissing the girl on the forehead. "Good night, Darcy."

The next day, after school, a wrapped present was waiting on the living room table. There was no tag on it, and the birthday paper could have been meant for her or Wynonna, though, either way, she was too curious to let it slide, so she carefully peeled up the tape, peeking inside, wanting a preview, at the very least.

She was glad she did; it was a package of the thinner, pull-on diapers - Pull-Ups, basically, in Youth sizes, but she'd never call them that. She blushed, imagining having opened that in front of her parents, thinking it was an actual gift, or, worse yet, at her party, where her friends and family would have seen...

She snuck them back to her room, too embarrassed to say anything about it, although she did end her nightly inspection with an awkward, "Thanks..."

"Of course," her mother smiled, letting her know that she understood what it was for. "I hope you have a good time, dear... And that they work for you. Just watch what you drink, and..."

"God, mom!" Darcy rolled her eyes. "I know what I'm doing!"

This wasn't like old times, after all... It had been years since those joint birthday parties. She'd started them off every bit as embarrassed about her bedwetting as she was now, but desperate to have a sleepover, like she'd seen in the movies. Wynonna was her only real friend back then, and she'd confessed that she'd never been a sleepover, either, and they'd gotten so caught up in talking and giggling about all the stuff they'd want to do at one that, before she knew it, Darcy had ended up planning one out, and getting invited to it.

She'd been so torn, so excited about the idea, and so upset about her friend finding out her deepest, darkest secret, she'd cried about it to her mom, who had talked to Wynonna's mother, who, in turn, talked to Wynonna, and explained it all to her. The girls had a blast, and, despite some reservations about letting Wynonna's mom diaper her when they got into their PJs, it had been almost everything Darcy had dreamed it would.

It was easier the next year, at her own house, with her own mom handling the diaper, and, by the year after, she'd almost gotten used to it. She knew Wynonna would never betray her, and, as long as it was just them, she didn't worry that anyone else would find out. It didn't stop her from being embarrassed, however, as they got older, and she still needed her padding.

Finally, she'd made a resolution that, by her next birthday, she was going to stop wetting the bed, no matter what it took. And, since it was Wynonna's year to host, she could let her friend think it had already started.

"I don't need them anymore!" she'd fibbed to her, while, to her friend's mother, she'd lied, "I'm old enough to do it myself," not knowing that, years later, she still wouldn't have mastered it.

"All right," the woman had told her. "I'm happy to help, but if you don't need me, I don't mind not having to try to stay up as late as you crazy kids."

Looking back now, Darcy saw how stupid it had been... Her plan had been to guzzle all the soda she could, to stay up all night... But she'd never managed it before then, and, well before morning, had drifted off in her sleeping bag, and woke up absolutely soaked.

"Th-This hasn't happened in forever!" she'd claimed, when Wynonna woke up to find her anxiously trying to find a way to hide her accident. Her mom had not been happy when she'd picked her up, but, thankfully, she hadn't blown her cover.

She hadn't been able to bear the idea of inviting Wynonna over the next year, when her resolution had fallen through, and she was still as much a bedwetter as ever. She'd pretended to feel sick, and, at the last minute, Wynonna had found someone else to bring to her house instead; the two of them hadn't had a sleepover together since. Wynonna birthday sleepovers had been getting bigger and bigger, and Darcy had leaned into pretending she was too old for them now, while, of course, keeping up the deception that she'd long ago outgrown her bedwetting, finding any excuse possible to get out of any invitations she got.

It was definitely a different vibe, having a whole house full of teenage girls, instead of just her and Wynonna. In a way, it was easier, allowing her to stay quiet and listen, knowing there was always someone else to be the focus of attention. It also made her feel, more than ever, like the little sister. She was the smallest, and now she was sitting by, staring up at them, wide-eyed, as they talked about parties, and cute boys, things she'd never experienced herself... She knew her mom would still get up to adjust her diaper if she came stumbling in after a party, and would probably be mad if she smelled alcohol on her breath, and that she'd get laughed out of the party as a prude if she didn't have any... And she was certainly not letting a boy anywhere near her pants when they crinkled as loud as hers did, no matter how much she wanted to...

She also felt safer, changing into her PJs, feeling positive nobody was going to care enough about her to notice if her bottom was slightly poofier than usual. She was feeling good... Until she pulled her PJ shirt from her backpack, and heard that crinkle as her fingers brushed against plastic. "No," she whimpered, shaking her head, sure she had to be wrong as she looked inside... And, at the bottom, found one of her diapers folded up, waiting.

'Just in case,' her mother had stuck a Post-It to it.

What was wrong with her?! Darcy felt her heart thumping wildly, eyes shooting to the bathroom door, to the other guests, standing on the other side for their turn, terrified they'd develop x-ray vision to see through it... Or through her backpack when she carried it out. That was what her pull-ons were for! She didn't need that diaper, and having it anywhere near her felt like a time bomb, primed to explode.

It would have been better to keep it there, to hide it beneath her clothes; she didn't want any chance of it being seen close to her things, so she shoved it into the garbage can under the sink, burying it as well as she could with empty toilet paper rolls and used deodorant cases.

Nobody touched her backpack, probably wouldn't have no matter what she had on it... She did what she hadn't been able to accomplish last time, her anxiety keeping her awake the whole night, keeping her pants totally dry. Unfortunately, it didn't matter.

"Umm, Wynonna," one of the other girls snickered the next morning, "you don't bring any of the kids you babysit here, do you?"

"No," Wynonna wrinkled her forehead. "Why?"

"Well, you're an only child," the girl had said, "and that was the only other explanation I could think of for why there would be a diaper in your trash."

She held it out to a chorus of "Eww!"s, Darcy wishing she could join in, to try to cover her tracks. She felt Wynonna's eyes on her, knew that the girl recognized the diaper, since she was still in the same brand she had been during their sleepover glory days, that she knew the truth about why she'd stopped their yearly tradition... For the first time in a long time, Darcy had woken up dry, and yet, her secret was out anyway.

"It isn't used," the girl who had found it said, "but I don't know why it would be here."

"You know what?" Wynonna spoke up. "My little cousin was here the other day, so I bet that's one of hers."

"Makes sense," the other girls agreed. "Why were you digging through her garbage anyway?"

For a while, Darcy thought she'd gotten away with it, was enjoying seeing the other girl trying to defend herself, listening to her say she'd just happened to see it, that she wouldn't have touched it if it hadn't been all folded up as if it had come straight from the package. She exchanged a grateful look with Wynonna, remembering why they were best friends, after all these years... The diaper was left on the coffee table, quickly forgotten by everyone but Darcy, who, of course, was not about to go anywhere near it, although that didn't stop her from shooting nervous glances at it whenever she thought the other girls weren't looking at her.

And then, as they all ate breakfast in the dining room, Darcy was called into the living room by Wynonna's mother. "Sweetie," she said, "I'm glad you're not embarrassed by your little problem anymore, but I'd still rather you didn't leave these lying around like this! You didn't wear it, did you?"

"I-It isn't mine!" Darcy insisted, face turning beet red.

"Don't be silly," the woman told her. "These are the ones you always wore! I remember how pink they were... And how loud!" She squeezed it in her hand, Darcy squirming as she heard the familiar crinkle. "If this is the one you wore last night, it really isn't sanitary to..."

"I didn't!" Darcy stomped her foot, raising her voice without thinking. "I don't wear those anymore!"

"That isn't what your mother told me."

"Ugh!" Darcy hid her face, groaning. Why were those two still talking about her bathroom habits, as if she was some toddler?! "I don't!" she whined.

"All right, all right," the woman shook her head. "Just throw them away properly, okay? That's all I'm asking."

Wynonna's mom took it with her, and Darcy thought that was the end of it... Until she got back to the dining room. "Of course it was her!" she heard one of the girls snickering. "She's the only one it would have fit on!"

She knew right away what they were talking about, that someone had followed her to the living room to see what was going on, or overheard... She scurried away, horrified, grabbing her backpack and going home. Wynonna texted her, telling her it was okay, that she'd done what she could to try to smooth things over, to insist it was her cousin after all, that the girl who had claimed to hear the conversation was lying...

"You are not skipping school over this, young lady," her mother threatened her. "Honestly... You're 18 now, young lady, you should be more responsible than that. Sometimes you act like you ought to be in diapers all the time."

"No, I don't!" Darcy whined. "Th-They're all gonna make fun of me!"

"Darcy, you are going to get out of bed and get dressed this minute... And if I hear you were so much as late for a single class today, I swear, you are going over your father's lap when he gets home from work tonight."

Darcy didn't think she'd follow through with that - she hadn't been spanked in a very long time, if ever - but she didn't want to find out. "I'm so sorry!" Wynonna had told her, glomming onto her immediately, having been waiting at the side door, by the parking lot she and Darcy always used. "If I had known..."

"I don't wanna talk about it," Darcy did her best to walk away, but Wynonna's longer legs made it all but impossible for her to outpace the girl.

"I think I convinced them it wasn't you," Wynonna said. "I made my mom tell them it was my cousin, too, so hopefully..."

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Darcy glared at her, stopping in front of her locker. "Especially not here."

Wynonna nodded. "Okay. I just want you to know, I didn't tell them..."

"Shh!" Darcy hissed, fumbling with her lock.

"Anything," Wynonna continued. "It's all our secret."

Darcy was glad for that; it would have been easy for Wynonna to sell her out, to tell her new friends she knew it was Darcy, because she'd always been a bedwetter. She was annoyed, but it wasn't fair for her to take it out on her best friend...

And then she opened the locker door, and a whole stack of pink, puffy diapers tumbled out, spilling onto her, onto the floor, as Wynonna gaped, almost as horrified as Darcy, and everyone else started to laugh, watching Darcy scramble to pick them all up, to hide them before anyone saw what they were...


That all felt like a million years ago now. The rest of senior year had been miserable, with Wynonna as her only friend, while everyone else teased and bullied her, the story of what had happened at the sleepover spreading like wildfire, mutating as it went, until she had been caught, having leaked through one of those infamous pink diapers, and had gotten changed by Wynonna's mom right in the middle of the living room.

If anything, it seemed that had been what gave her the final push she needed to stop wetting the bed before she started college, happy to make up for lost time with parties and boys now that she was on her own, and could make it through the night without any accidents.

She definitely hadn't forgotten about it, or how mortifying it had been, having to have her diapers inspected, if not taped on completely, by her Mommy, every day for far too close to two decades... She'd thought she was finally done with it, however, and didn't have to think about it again...

Until she'd opened that present, at her bridal shower. Then, it had all come flooding back. She'd known right away that it had to be Helena, and seeing her stuck in those awful things she'd spent so long in herself had been incredibly satisfying... It was nice to see the girl squirm, to hear her diapers crinkle, the way Darcy had heard her own do for so long, that night...

But those crinkles, she suspected, had also been her undoing. Hearing them again like that, after all that time, had probably been what made her wet the bed that night, thinking she was the one back in diapers... And it had only gotten worse since then.

"It'll be hot," she'd told Caleb. "And it isn't that long now..."

He hadn't been happy about her suggestion that they not sleep together again until their wedding night, but she wasn't going to take no for an answer, not when she couldn't guarantee she was going to wake up dry the next morning. She'd solved this issue once... She could do it again.

And the fact she hadn't done so yet only made her more angry with the person who had brought all this back up, made her more determined to really humiliate the girl. Helena was going to pay for this... She didn't care what it took.

Especially not now, after this close call. "Mom was right," she mused, staring at the pull-on diaper. "These things are worthless." They hadn't leaked onto her dress, thank God, but it was much closer than she was comfortable with... And she'd only brought the one she'd worn, not expecting to have another accident, though grateful she'd chosen to go with a little protection, just in case, not wanting to risk any wet spots appearing when she was around her friends... Or, especially, Helena.

She didn't dare wear these any more, however, not confident they'd hold another drop without leaking. She needed something else... And, as she looked around the fitting room, she realized that, like it or not, she only had one option. She gulped, staring down at the make-shift diaper bag, the old backpack she'd brought with her, head spinning as she opened it up, and, hand shaking, pulled out one of the pink diapers.


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