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"No!" Emma stomped her foot, shaking her head. "I'm not going outside wearing... these!" She looked down at the Pull-Ups, wriggling her bottom in an adorable way that made Bella's heart melt, and made it obvious how much she belonged to be in them... And, eventually, diapers.

"Well..." Sam spoke up, a slight blush touching her cheeks. "I can always stay in here with her, I guess..."

"Seriously?" Rebecca rolled her eyes. "That means you have to wear Pull-Ups, too, dummy!"

"I don't want her to have to stay in here all by herself with..." Sam's eyes shifted towards Bella's Mommy. "I-I mean, I-I don't want to wear one of those, but I guess if I have to..."

Bella's ears perked up at that, hearing the nervousness in the girl's voice... But also something more. Had she gotten through to her after all? Were her previous protests just keeping up appearances for her friends?

"Well, you do what you want," Rebecca huffed. "I'm not wearing any kind of diaper!"

"Then do you want to go back outside?" Bella's Mommy asked, and Rebecca nodded, leading to Bella finally getting lifted out of her bouncer. "Go show her around some more, sweetie," she instructed with a pat on the bottom. Bella pointed up at her pacifier, trying to get her to unlock it, to allow her to speak; the woman was already turning to look at Sam. "We have a few different designs for you to choose from, dear. Why don't we go look at them so you can choose?"

"Come on, stinky," Rebecca grabbed Bella's hand, pulling her outside, leading her to the swings, helping her up onto one. "I can't believe this is your life," she shook her head. "You really are just a complete baby, aren't you? Toddling around in your diapies, filling your pants, playing with your toys... I can't wait to tell Roger all about it after I drive out of this place and back home."

Roger?! Could she mean...? Bella stared up at her, seeing the smirk on her face, knowing the girl had chosen her words very carefully, wanting that exact reaction. "Didn't I tell you?" Rebecca asked. "We're dating now. Wait, didn't you two go out? You totally did... That's funny... He told me I was his first... And he was your only serious boyfriend, wasn't he? I can't imagine your Mommy lets you go out now... Are you still a virgin?"

Bella stared down at the ground, whooshing back and forth beneath her, for a moment wishing she hadn't been so quick to get herself adopted. She'd never really had time to properly explore her life as an adult first, before getting whisked back to toddlerdom. Rebecca had driven her, and was going to drive home, and Bella hadn't even learned to drive... She hadn't had alcohol, hadn't smoked, and, as Rebecca had surmised, had never had sex, despite how long she and Roger had dated.

Bella had gone out with him mostly to maintain appearances. She didn't need a guy, she'd told herself, not when she had her diapers... And it was fun, getting off in them, but it had been a while since she'd even done that now. After she'd gotten herself adopted, she had regretted her choice to not go all the way with Roger, had fantasized about meeting up with him again, or getting another boyfriend, just to try it... 

Rebecca was right, however. Her Mommy was definitely not going to allow that. Not that it mattered... She looked down at herself, blushing, seeing her onesie, her messy diaper bulging around the waist, looking like a helpless little baby. She squirmed, cheeks darkening further, realizing she was in the midst of wetting herself, too, unable to stop it. Next to Rebecca, she felt very small indeed. No wonder Roger was with her instead...

"You're so cute when you're pouting," Rebecca teased, kneeling down next to her, snapping a selfie of the two of them together. "Roger is going to love this... It's a good thing there's no smell-o-vision on this, though! I'll just have to describe to him what a stinky baby you are, and how lucky he is not to be anywhere near you! Pee-yew!" She waved her hand in front of her nose, Bella glaring at her, wriggling in the swing, realizing this was more than just a picture... Rebecca was recording it, making a whole video for Roger.

"Do you have anything you want to tell him?" Rebecca asked. Bella gestured towards the pacifier as a reminder, although she wasn't sure what she'd have said anyway. "Oh, right," she nodded. "Well, maybe next time... I wasn't ready to have to listen to your baby babble again anyway."

She giggled to herself, standing up and plopping herself down at the next swing, fiddling with her phone, clearly more interested in that now than in tormenting Bella further. Bella whimpered softly, trying not to suck too hard on her pacifier, to try to prove to herself she wasn't a total baby, while she leaned over, trying to get a good view of Rebecca's phone screen, worried she was posting pictures to Instagram, or sending them to Roger, at least wanting to know what they were beforehand.

"Guys!" They both looked up, seeing Emma running out frantically, her hair, now in a pair of ponytails, bobbing along behind her, her Pull-Up still on, and still on display. "Sam is getting put into a diaper!"

"What?!" Rebecca lowered her phone, and her jaw. "B-But the Amazon said..."

"She wet her Pull-Up!" Emma nibbled her bottom lip anxiously. "I-I'm really worried Bella's Mommy is up to something, I don't know why Sam would have done that, if..."

Rebecca shook her head, silencing her. "We're coming," she nodded, grabbing Bella's hand and yanking her down off the swing. Normally, Bella would have smirked, happy to hear her plan was working... Now, however, she was trying to come up with a new plan. If only she could find a way out of this life she'd made for herself, maybe she could live as a grown-up... Just for a little while, to get a taste, and tick a few things off her list, and then she could come back, and more fully enjoy her time as Mommy's baby, knowing what she'd given up, and having gotten to experience it all, at least a little...

Of course, once they got inside, and she saw Sam, lying on the floor in her t-shirt and diaper, a bottle of milk in her mouth, she couldn't help smiling a little - she was awfully cute. "Sh-She made me drink this!" Sam insisted, pulling the bottle away.

"What were you thinking?!" Rebecca scolded. "You're giving us all a bad name, peeing yourself like... Like her!" She gave Bella a little shove.

"I-It was just an accident," Sam sniffed.

"Rebecca!" They all stopped, turning to see Bella's Mommy standing there in the doorway. "Stop being mean, young lady! Everyone has accidents now and then... That's why you all have to wear Pull-Ups indoors. Speaking of... You're inside now. Does that mean you're ready for one of your own?"

Rebecca was silent for a moment, Bella practically able to see the gears turning in her head. "All right," she agreed. "I want to see Bella's room first, though."

"That's fine," Bella's Mommy smiled. "That's where the Pull-Ups are anyway, so just pick some out and put them on... And I'll be making sure you did when you come back out," she added meaningfully. "It would be nice if you dealt with Bella's diaper while you're in there, too, if you wouldn't mind."

"Oh, of course not," Rebecca grinned down at Bella, who shook her head silently, squealing behind her pacifier. "Come on... Show me your room, Bella."

Reluctantly, Bella led Rebecca to her room, already expecting the explosive giggle that came from the other girl when she saw it. "This is even more pathetic than I expected!" she declared, at last unlocking the pacifier. "You have to tell me all about this! Why do you need a crib, Bella? Huh? Can't you sleep in a bed without sides? And what about this changing table? Do you really need your diapers that much! Oh, my God, speaking of! Look at all these diapers! How many do you go through?"

Bella stayed silent, positive Rebecca was recording this, that she was going to use this to embarrass her more in Roger's eyes, as if she needed it. Rebecca explored every inch of the nursery, documenting it all, before finally doing part of what she'd come in there to do, helping Bella up onto the changing table. She unsnapped the onesie, but didn't untape the diaper... Instead, she grabbed another diaper, one of the thickest of Bella's overnights, and slid that under Bella's bottom.

"Since you were a rude little girl and didn't say anything," Rebecca told her, "you can have this back." She pushed the paci into Bella's mouth once more, locking it in place. "And don't worry... I'll leave it in there a nice, long time, so you won't be able to ask for a proper diaper change."

Bella whimpered, listening to the other girl laugh, sealing her into the second layer, then covering both diapers up with a pair of rubber panties. She wriggled in place anxiously, wondering what Rebecca was going to do next, how much more she was going to humiliate her... And how much of it Roger was going to see.

"Do you want your bouncer again?" Rebecca asked, pulling Bella up into a sitting position, the mass in her diaper squelching beneath her. "Or maybe your horsie?" Bella shook her head, mumbling behind the pacifier, but Rebecca was already picking her up, demonstrating how much bigger and stronger she was, how much more she deserved to have a boyfriend, to be a grown-up. It was clearly a bit of struggle, not nearly as easy for her as it was for Bella's Mommy, or her babysitters, though she could still do it, which was more than Bella could have said if their positions were reversed.

"Tell you what," Rebecca smirked, "You're too little to keep your pants clean, so you must be too little to choose, too, so I'll do it for you. Don't worry... I'll make sure you have lots of fun!"



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