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Valerie had gotten a lot of spankings over the past week, yet this one was, by far, the worst. It wasn't the most painful - the padding of her diaper helped prevent that, although, considering how sore she already was, it still hurt more than enough - but, it turned out, that wasn't the part that mattered the most, in the moment.

She winced, blushed, wailed, as the hairbrush smacked down against the seat of her messy diaper, overcome with emotion and possible reactions, squirming desperately to try to escape as she felt the mush in her pants squelching further around her already filthy backside, a fresh reminder of at least partially why she was getting this punishment, making her feel more babyish than ever. She kicked her feet frantically, the only thing she could really do, although, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get away.

"I don't know why you're crying," Nanny told her sternly, delivering another swat, "You certainly seemed to like your stinky diaper a few minutes ago!"

"Noo!" Valerie shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I-I told you, S-Summer made me... Ow! I-It wasn't my... Ouch!"

"The more you try to blame someone else, the longer this spanking is going to go," Nanny warned, nearly every word accompanied by a quick spank. "I've had enough of your lies, young lady, and your excuses."

"I-I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry!" Valerie squealed, feeling whatever resistance she had left in her melting away after that flurry of blows, ready to admit to just about anything to make this stop. "Y-You're right!"

"Am I?" Val breathed a sigh of relief as Nanny set down the hairbrush, picking the girl up off her lap, standing her up in front of her. Valerie sniffled, staring down at her feet, one hand reaching back to rub her throbbing, dirty bottom, any illusion she had about being a grown-up completely vanished in that moment. Right now, she was nothing but a naughty little toddler who had been caught doing something she shouldn't.

Nanny reached down, lifting her chin, forcing Valerie to look her in the eyes, which only made her feel tinier, more helpless. "Look at me," she ordered. "Whose fault is this, young lady? Who is the reason you're in diapers at your age?"

"M-Me," Valerie said quietly.

"And who earned you that spanking?" Nanny pressed.

Valerie gulped, wanting to try again to explain what had really happened, but knowing it would sound crazy, like she was making up a story to get out of trouble, one that only a child would expect any reasonable person to believe. The rocking horse was still sitting there, perfectly still, no sign of life... And she wasn't about to climb back on it, especially before she got a fresh diaper, and Nanny had calmed down a little. "M-Me," she repeated sullenly.

"That's a good start," Nanny nodded. "Now sit."

"B-But...!" Valerie pouted, although all it took was one look to make her plop down onto the floor in her squishy diaper, legs splayed as she watched Nanny walk to the shelves, returning to her with a box of crayons, and an armful of construction paper. 

"I want you to take five pages each of three different colors," Nanny instructed, setting the paper down in front of Valerie, watching her like a hawk, as if she didn't think the former honor student was capable of counting to five three times in a row. Not wanting to make the woman suspect she was cheating, Val took her time, grabbing out five pages of green, yellow, and pink, setting them out in front of herself.

Nanny nodded, setting the crayons down as she gathered up the remainder of the construction paper. "Very good. Now, I want you to write - very small - on each of the top pages. Pick a crayon."

Valerie's stomach lurched, already having a bad idea of where this was going, with no way of stopping it. She grabbed a black crayon, since she knew it would write on all three colors of paper, and waited. "On the first," Nanny told her, "write 'I will not do naughty, big girl things in my diaper, because, while I'm wearing them, I am not a big girl.'"

Val blushed, but nodded, bending over to write it out, just to freeze, crayon in her fist. If her experience at school had taught her anything, it was that she couldn't get any answer right... Would this count towards that?! Would it still happen here?! She didn't want to know what would happen if Nanny saw her write something completely wrong on the page, after being given such clear instructions... She definitely didn't want to find out what would happen if she didn't write anything at all, either, however.

She groaned, wondering what to do, the thumb not clutching the crayon immediately popping into her mouth, trying to comfort her as she fretted. "That's a good point," Nanny mused out loud, to Val's confusion. "You don't have anything you need to say, do you?" And, with that, she grabbed Valerie's thumb, removing it from between the girl's lips, replacing it with the pacifier, which instantly began to pump more prune juice down her throat. "Now, write."

Val wrinkled her nose, closing her eyes for a second, bracing herself for the explosion that was sure to happen... Then, her eyes popped back open, a small smile creeping across her face behind the paci. She couldn't risk writing the wrong thing accidentally... But maybe, if she tried to write something wrong herself....

She had to stick to the words she was given; that was obvious. None of them were particularly long, or difficult, making what she was going to try all the more embarrassing for someone as smart as her, but it might be worth it. If she intentionally misspelled some of them, then, perhaps, she could get the sentence out otherwise intact.

It was impossible to know, at least without taking a much bigger risk than she was comfortable with at the moment, if that was what did the trick, or if simply being out of the school building was all it took. Whatever the reason, she did, indeed, manage to get the humiliating statement out onto the paper in a form that was mostly recognizable.

She gulped, swallowing down a mouthful of juice, as Nanny leaned over slightly, examining her work. Thankfully, she didn't mention the spelling mistakes, just nodded and said, "Now, on the second stack, write, 'I will not blame my big sister for my own misbehavior.'"

That wasn't fair, not when this was very much Summer's fault, but Valerie wrote it anyway, not having any strength left for defiance. "And, on the third," Nanny continued, "write, 'I do not deserve any big girl things after using so many diapers.'"

Valerie's eyes widened, and she stared up at Nanny, worried about what that meant. Nanny definitely noticed, smirking. "You might as well add, 'Especially not panties' to that. They were already off limits to you, so we went ahead and boxed them all up while we were cleaning your room, but now, we're going to be throwing them out... And if you don't straighten up, you can kiss any potty privileges I might consider letting you have bye-bye."

Val's head began to spin, her bladder dribbling helplessly into her filthy diaper as it hit her what Nanny was saying. Nanny kept too close of an eye on her for her to get out of the house - or her room, for that matter - without a diaper on... She didn't even have that option anymore, however. There would be no panties for her to try to get away with wearing, or to put on when she was all alone and trying to remind herself she was an adult, or to sneak into her backpack to change into somewhere else... All she had was diapers, just like the big baby she was becoming... Just like Summer...

"You are going to fill every one of those pages, front and back, with those lines," Nanny told her, confirming Valerie's fears. "Obviously, you won't be done today, since it's almost your bedtime... But that's okay. It will give you something to do tomorrow."

Val whimpered, staring down at the pages in front of her. She wanted to think it wouldn't take that long, that five pages wasn't that many... When it was one line on each, however, over and over... She didn't have a choice, though. She nodded, sighing, looking back towards the first of the three.

"I'm going to go order your new furniture," Nanny informed her. "So get to work."

Valerie knew what she meant - the woman had mentioned looking at cribs and changing tables for her room earlier that day - but, with the paci, she couldn't try to say anything to stop her. That was nice... It meant she didn't have to feel bad that she didn't have the guts to stand up to her. As soon as Nanny was out of the room, she laid down on her stomach, getting the pressure off her sore, messy bottom, and started to write, legs kicking slowly above her.

It was harder than she'd expected... She couldn't just copy the line above the one she was working on, since that might also come out wrong in a way she couldn't predict, and didn't want to risk, so she had to find new ways to misspell the words, making her look all the dumber to anyone looking at it, seeing she'd seemingly forgotten how to spell 'naughty', and every other word in the sentence, multiple different ways on just the front of the first page. 

It didn't take long for her hand to start hurting, either. She was used to taking notes in class, but rarely this many all at once, and usually with a break now and then as she listened... This was non-stop, writing the same thing over and over, only changing how she would mess up a word or two to keep the meaning as intact as possible, constantly reminding herself that she was not a big girl anymore, as if the mush in her diaper and pacifier in her mouth weren't already doing that.

As soon as she heard the door open, she scrambled guiltily onto her backside again, wrinkling her nose as she sat back down. Thankfully, despite Nanny almost definitely seeing it, she said nothing about it as she strolled in, bending over and picking up the paper, looking at both sides. Valerie had only managed to get one and a half sides done, and she was terrified that, after Nanny saw the atrocious spelling errors, she'd have to do even that over.

Thankfully, she didn't mention it, although that was almost worse, as if she wouldn't have expected anything better from Valerie in the first place. The girl rubbed her cramping wrist, hoping she wasn't going to have to keep going, grateful when Nanny picked her up, even if she got carried not to the changing table, but to her high chair. She was fed several jars of baby food - one of which tasted awfully familiar after all the prune juice she'd been drinking lately - and a large bottle of milk, then taken to the bathroom for a quick bath and toothbrushing.

Strangely, afterwards, Nanny took her back to Summer's room. At first, Valerie thought it was because the woman had decided to put her into Summer's huge overnight diapers, nearly twice as thick as her normal ones, and absolutely massive once Val had been taped into a pair of them. There was, obviously, no way any sleep pants or shorts would go over them, so she was given only a PJ shirt, which barely reached the waistband, then, to her surprise, tucked into the crib.

"It's a good thing your father found those rails last night," Nanny mused. "There's no way Summer would be able to stay in your bed without them... And you clearly need this," she patted the sturdy bars of the crib, "more than her, until yours comes in. Make sure you apologize to her for disrupting her normal routine when she comes in to fetch her stuffies."

Even without the pacifier silencing her, Valerie was not going to apologize to her step-sister for anything, not after what she'd done earlier. Luckily, Summer came in on her own, without Nanny. "Oh, wow," she teased, reaching through the bars, giving Valerie's diaper a poke. "I've never seen any that big! Nanny must really think you need them... Or maybe it's just because she put you in here so early. I'm not even sleepy yet, and I've had an early bedtime for years!"

Valerie glared at her, unable to do much else, though, inwardly, she was hoping her rails shocked Summer the way they had done to her the night before. "So grumpy!" Summer giggled, tweaking the smaller girl's nose. "I hate to tell you this, but that only makes you look more precious... And more like you belong here."

Val shook her head; that wasn't true! She was supposed to be going to prom, not stuck in a crib, in diapers! She didn't deserve any of this! On the other hand, neither had Summer... If nothing else, this whole ordeal had shown her that.

"Here," Summer told her, reaching between the bars once more, this time with a closed hand. "Go on, it isn't going to bite you... I guess you earned it."

Valerie's eyes widened, and she sat up, holding her hands out eagerly. As soon as Summer opened her own fingers, and Val felt the weight transfer to her, she knew this was it. Without even having to see it, she recognized it, remembered how it had felt, simply holding it... Her heart began to thump loudly in her chest as she pulled it closer to herself, staring at it for the first time in many, many years.

She glanced up at Summer, wondering if she knew the truth, how important this was, what she was handing over. She couldn't ask, or even thank her sister for finally helping her with this, after the many times she'd asked her. After what Summer had made her do to get it - and the trouble it had gotten her in - she wasn't sure she wanted to thank her... But, as long as she had it now, none of that really mattered.

"You're welcome," Summer ruffled her hair. "Night-night!"

Valerie watched her leave, barely able to wait until she was gone before sliding the ring onto her finger, trying to remember exactly how it worked. There hadn't been any spells or anything, she was pretty sure... It had to be magic, however, since it still fit her perfectly, after all these years, and being certain it had fit her just as well when she was younger, and smaller.

She closed her eyes, imagined herself in her own room, in her prom dress, normal underwear underneath, hair and makeup perfect, ready to waltz into the prom and show everyone that she was an adult after all, and not the baby they'd seen during her visit there. Their expressions would be revenge enough... But, at least when it came to Anita, and maybe even Stacy, her supposed best friend.

She opened her eyes slowly, wanting to give the magic time to work, but, as soon as she could see anything, it was obvious nothing had happened. She was still in the crib, still in giant diapers, still trapped. That was okay, she told herself, fighting to keep from panicking... She was starting too big. She tried again, this time focusing on the pacifier, on halting the flow of juice, loosening its grip on her mouth to allow her to get it out.

It was still in her mouth after she popped her eyes open. She gulped, gathering her courage, then tried to spit it out, the pacifier seeming to retaliate in kind, spitting back in the former of an even larger stream than usual. But did it feel a bit looser? She reached up, grabbing it, feeling the torrent of juice growing stronger still, and gave it a tug.

It was a huge mistake. The paci didn't budge, it just opened up wider, and, to her horror, began to pour something even worse into her body. The juice thickened, became lumpy, mushy... She wrinkled her nose, nearly gagging as she tasted the oatmeal that was now filling her mouth, the flow broken only by the occasional chunk of prune. Her tummy was already full from her baby food supper, and now she could feel it starting to bloat slightly as she was fed even more, with no choice but to keep swallowing or drown in it.

It wasn't working. After all this time, she had the ring, was positive it was the right one... And it wasn't doing anything! Had it been her imagination all along, somehow? Had it lost its power? Had she forgotten how to properly use it? Whatever the case, it had all been for nothing... She wasn't escaping this crib, or these diapers, not tonight, at the very least.

After a couple minutes, the oatmeal stopping, thinning back out into prune juice, which Val had never been so happy to taste. She took the ring off, not wanting it to fall off, or for Nanny to wake her up in the morning and find it, and confiscate it before Val had the chance to try it again when she could speak. Hopefully that would be all it took... Unless the ring was powerful enough to let her manipulate time, it wouldn't give her prom night back to her, but as long as she was able to undo everything else, she could live with it.

She laid her head back on the pillow, holding the ring up, staring at it. It looked so plain, so normal... If it hadn't been for the way she'd felt as soon as she got it back, she might have told herself she'd made a mistake again, and it wasn't the same one. She might be wrong... If she was, however, she had no hope of getting out of this anyway. She'd looked everywhere, in her own room and Summer's, and if she couldn't find the ring there, she wasn't going to find it.

She sighed, lowering her hand to her chest, looking at the ceiling above her instead, wondering how long she'd be tossing and turning before she was able to fall asleep. As if in answer, she felt a buzz from beneath her head, making her jump, scrambling away for a moment, not knowing what was happening. Then she rolled her eyes at herself, reaching under her pillow, putting the ring there for safekeeping, and pulling out her phone.

In all the excitement, she'd forgotten all about it being there. She turned it on, glad for something to distract her, at least until the screen came back on, returning her to right where she'd left off earlier that day. Anita stared back at her from the screen, all dolled up in her sexy new lingerie, sending a huge pang of jealousy through Valerie.

Valerie backed out of it, cheeks blazing, refreshing the feed to get it as far away from her sight as possible, only for it to be replaced with even more pictures of her former classmates in their prom dresses, nearly ready now, their outfits starting to really come together, make them look so nie, so grown-up, so opposite of how Valerie herself, the student council president, the one who had organized the whole thing, looked.

That wasn't why she'd remembered the phone, however, and she checked her notifications, stomach lurching when she saw the reason the phone had vibrated was a text from Anita herself. She debated swiping the notification away, ignoring it, but she couldn't help herself.

'Are you ready for tonight, Val?' the cheerleader had asked. 'I know I am!'

Valerie wasn't going to fall for her taunting. She closed her texting app, and Insta, opening up the browser instead. Before she could decide what to look up, the phone vibrated in her hands, telling her she had another text. She reached over, dismissed it... And it opened up anyway. She frowned, wondering if her finger had slipped, hit the wrong thing.

'No answer?' Anita mocked her with a crying emoji. 'What's wrong? I can't imagine even you are in bed already.'

Valerie shook her head, determined not to take the bait... She rolled her eyes, seeing a picture starting to load in the message window, sure Anita was ensuring she'd seen the picture she'd just been faced with as soon as she'd unlocked her phone... Only to realize, in horror, that it hadn't been sent by Anita at all... 

'OMG!' Anita replied right away, before Val could even hit the preview image, see what she - or her phone, rather, seemingly with a mind of its own - had sent out. 'It's so dark in there, for how bright it is outside... And are those crib bars behind you?'

'No!' Val shot back, palms sweating. 'It's not what it looks like!'

'That diaper's awfully big, too,' Anita pointed out. 'But I guess when you're in bed for so long, you need that. Especially a big baby like you.'

'I am not a baby!' Valerie insisted.

As soon as she'd sent it, she let out a yelp, her phone suddenly red hot, too warm to hold. She dropped it onto the bed, and, as soon as it hit, the screen changed, switching over to a video call. She could see herself, diaper incredibly obvious, staring down at it dumbly, Anita's face popping up in the corner before Val could close it.

"What's up, Val?" she asked, chuckling. "Do you need me to sing you a lullaby? I guess I have time... Johnny won't be here to pick me up for at least another half an hour. I can't believe you're already in bed... Or that your bed is a crib... Or... Wait, what are you doing?"

Valerie had wanted to hit disconnect, of course, as soon as she'd seen who was on the other end... But she was frozen, her hands clutched into fist, face growing red behind her pacifier. It was hard to believe her body had anything left in it, and yet, somehow, she still couldn't sop herself, couldn't end the soft grunting, or the involuntary pushing, or, worst of all, the slow mudslide making its way into her waiting diaper.

She'd been able to hear the crinkling almost right away, and feel the mush building up, spreading further throughout the massive padding... Her only hope had been that the double overnight diapers were big enough that Anita wouldn't see, would ignore all the other signs... Unfortunately, the phone had fallen into the perfect position to get a nice view of both the diapers, and the face of the person using them.

Anita held a perfectly manicured hand up to her face, her grin not quite hidden behind it. "Oh, my God, you seriously are!" she giggled. "And you're already in your night-night diapers, silly girl! Don't you know that means you aren't getting changed again until the morning? I guess you can't help it, though... You really are just a helpless little baby, aren't you? It's going to be so much better, going through this whole night, knowing you're stuck there in your poopy Pampers the whole time..."

Valerie whimpered, shaking her head desperately, something she started doing all the harder as Anita continued. "Don't worry, I'll make sure everyone remembers you tonight... You helped put the whole prom together, after all! It's only right I make sure you're in the slideshow. I bet one of those AV nerds can help me figure out how to get a video in there, too, since you're sending me the perfect one!"

Valerie was more certain than ever that Anita was behind this all, that she'd hacked her phone, either normally, or through whatever magic was doing the rest of this... And, even with the ring in her grasp, she was in less of a position than ever to actually do anything about it. All she could do right now was grunt and squirm and continue pooping her pants, live on video.

This was it... This was her prom night. She'd been dreaming of it for years, and, somehow, it had come down to her helplessly messing herself in front of her biggest enemy. The closest she was going to come to losing her virginity tonight - or for quite a while, probably, if she wasn't able to use the ring to get herself out from under Nanny's thumb - was the rocking horse. There was going to be no dancing, no late night afterparties, nothing... Just a long night in a very thick, very messy, diaper.

"All done?" Anita mocked. "You'd better be, those diapies look ready to burst! Now, as fun as this has been, I have grown-up things to do, so I'm going to have to say goodnight, cutie." She leaned in close to her selfie camera, pursing her lips and kissing the air, then disconnecting the call, finally.

Valerie sat, stunned, for a long few moments, hardly able to process what had happened. She had a feeling Anita was right, and Nanny wouldn't change her, especially since it couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes, if that, since the woman had put her in these diapers, but even if she would have, Val had no way to get her into the room. She couldn't talk past the pacifier, couldn't yell for her, or cry in a way that anyone would hear outside the room. 

When she finally picked the phone up again, it was cool, not even a hint of the heat that had made her drop it remaining. She started to go back to the browser, although she doubted anything was really going to distract her from her thoughts, or her messy diaper, then, out of nowhere, felt the urge to give Instagram one last check.

There, on Anita's private account, was a new video... One that was all too familiar to Val, all too fresh in her mind. It started to play automatically, showing the poor girl her own face as she pooped her pants. Frantically, she attempted to scroll past, only to tap it instead, opening it up bigger on her screen, and showing her the caption Anita had added.

'The girl who made it all possible!' she'd typed. 'Hope your night is as great as mine is going to be, Val!'

Thankfully, as Valerie fumbled with the phone, trying to stop the video, a low battery indicator blinked on screen, and, a split second later, the whole thing turned off. She put it back under her pillow, sniffling softly, squirming as she fought to find the one comfortable position she was sure had to exist somewhere, no matter how full her diaper was. 

There was no way Anita could get any more videos of her now... But this also meant she was all alone, with nothing to take her mind off her situation, and not in the least bit tired. Like her classmates, her night had just begun... Unlike them, however, hers was going to consist solely of staring out the bars of her crib, wishing she was with them... Or, really, anywhere else at all.


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