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A multi-picture caption commission from Ryan. Pictures property of ABDreams.

"This is a good idea," June reminded herself out loud, looking at her new uniform. Despite the research she'd done on the company, it was still hard to look at that and not feel like she was going to work as some kind of stripper or something for a frat house, rather than an actual maid. She'd known to expect this, but it was still a shock to see how tiny the outfit truly was.

It would hopefully be a good idea.. The clients for this company were nearly all upper class, and quite wealthy. Her wages actually weren't that high, considering the clientele, but, from everything she'd heard, if she did a good enough job, and got luck with who she worked for, she'd get great tips. She was a hard worker, and had plenty of experience with cleaning... Her luck, in general, didn't tend to be amazing, though that might mean it was due for a change.

If that was true, it didn't happen right away. Her clients weren't awful, but it was pretty obvious they hired people from this agency more to leer at them than for cleaning, and they either assumed the high fee the service charged was mostly going directly to the maids, or maintained their fortunes by being cheapskates, because the tips weren't, in fact, great. It was against the rules to ask for more, not to mention tacky, so June just dealt with it. 

Then, one day, she got a new client. She was given their name, and address, and, even though the former was Dana, she assumed it must be a guy. Almost all the clients were, after all, and she knew there were some men with that name, even if it seemed far more common with women.

In fact, when she got to the address, and knocked on the door, it was a woman who answered. A pretty woman, one who looked to be a bit younger than June, with beautiful red hair. Immediately, June started to blush, the way she did whenever one of her other clients' wives, or girlfriends, saw her... Just being around someone close to her own age, knowing they were so much better off, and more successful, than her was quite intimidating, and the maid outfit only amplified that.

"H-Hi," she forced herself to say. "I-I'm from the maid service..."

"Well, I assumed so," Dana chuckled. "Come on in! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare... I should have expected something like this. I know better than to ask the partners for any serious advice..."

June blushed again. "I-I know how it looks, but I really am a maid..."

"We'll see how you do," Dana nodded. "And it's not that you don't look nice in your dress, there. I'm not going to be around much while you're here, though, so that part's going to be a bit lost on me, I'm afraid."

June assumed this was going to be a one-time thing, that Dana would pay her, then find another, cheaper, service to use. To her surprise, however, she kept getting called back to the woman's house. And, thankfully, Dana actually was quite generous with her tips, unlike June's other clients. June wasn't sure if Dana felt sorry for her, or if she really was impressed with how good of an actual maid she was; whatever the reason, she was happy to finally feel like this job truly had been a good idea. Everything was going great... Until she found the door unlocked.

The rules were pretty simple: if there was a room in the house you didn't want to maid to clean, and, for whatever reason, you weren't going to be around while they were there, you kept the door locked. It wasn't something that happened often, since part of the point of the service was for the maids to provide eye candy, which was much harder to do when the clients weren't there, but that was the rule.

Dana had never pointed the door out specifically, probably since doing so would have drawn more attention to it, but June had obviously noticed it was locked and left it alone. It would be lying to pretend she was curious what was on the other side... She knew it was none of her business, however, so, in her brief interactions with Dana, she never brought it up.

Then, one day, as she passed by it, she gave the doorknob a try, as usual, just in case. She didn't think Dana would try to trick her, or get her in trouble, telling the service she'd neglected a whole room that she didn't normally have access to, but, as the other woman got more used to her, she did suspect she'd eventually let her in, and might be too embarrassed to point it out to her. Most likely, Dana kept some of her more valuable things in the room, and she'd wanted to give June more time, so she'd know if she could trust her or not, before leaving it unlocked.

June smiled to herself, happy they'd reached that point, and opened up the door for the first time... 

June was gone by the time Dana got home, as usual. Dana had long ago realized the maid was quite competent, and there was no need to go around behind her and check on her work, that everything would be spotless, so she just headed back to her bedroom, slipping out of her heels and tucking them away in her closet before walking back down the hall, carrying her shopping bag with her as she bounced the key in her hand.

As soon as she grabbed the doorknob to unlock it, she knew something was wrong. Heart pounding, she pushed the door open, hoping June had missed it, or assumed it was locked, as ever, but she knew right away that hadn't happened. 

Dana wasn't a messy person, although some of the people she'd had in the room definitely were... She did her best to keep it cleaned up, but she hadn't quite gotten to it yet after the past weekend's session. There was no doubt, whatsoever, that June had been in there, and did it for her... Just like there was no doubt that the girl had to know this wasn't a nursery for a normal toddler.

Immediately, she called up a private investigator, knowing that, at any time, she could expect a blackmail message from the maid, threatening to tell everyone at her job what she was into, ruining the reputation she'd worked so hard to build at such a young age. She considered contacting the maid service as well, getting June fired, or cancelling her contract with them to go with a more normal cleaning company, but the damage had already been done... There was no reason June wouldn't have already snapped plenty of pictures with her phone. Losing her job would only give her more incentive to leak them, potentially before Dana had any ammunition to fight back with.

The next time they saw one another, it was June's turn to feel anxious. It had only been a few days, but her investigator hadn't found anything yet... If June took this opportunity to bring it up, to make demands, there wasn't anything Dana could do. "Have a nice day!" the woman chirped instead, like nothing had changed between them. 

There was no point locking the nursery anymore, but it also didn't really need any cleaning... The last girl Dana had invited back was definitely not what she was looking for, just like everyone else she'd tried. Being discovered made her more nervous about bringing anyone new into this, although that might have been an excuse, a justification for Dana giving up after spending so much time fruitlessly searching for the right baby. The only person playing in the nursery anymore was Dana, herself.

Dana wasn't a baby, had no interest in wearing any of the diapers herself... However, she was still waiting for June to try something. At this point, she almost wanted the woman to do it, to get it over with, even if she still didn't have any dirt on her, so she began tossing the toys around, making it look like it had been used, trying to prompt June to say something. 

June never did. She never hinted that she knew, or treated Dana any differently. Even after Dana installed a hidden camera in the nursery, she didn't see anything suspicious from her. She didn't take any pictures - though she'd surely have plenty by now if she wanted them - or look disgusted, or anything... She just did her job. 

"I'm sorry," the investigator finally told Dana. "There's nothing. There are plenty of records for her, because she spent her childhood getting bounced around the foster system, but she's never gotten so much as a speeding ticket."

"Not even in college? She wasn't at a party that got too rowdy, or at a protest that got out of hand, or...?"

"She didn't go to college," was the answer. "I don't think it was ever really an option for her."

"Oh," Dana blushed. "Of course." She felt bad, assuming June must have gone... She'd just heard she'd spent her childhood in foster care. Where would she have gotten the money for college? Dana had worked hard to get where she was, but her parents had been relatively well off, too, and it had never been a question that she'd get a degree... "Well, thanks anyway," she sighed. "I'll figure something else out..." 

"Oh!" June gasped, clamping a hand to her chest as her heart began to pound, ready to rush back to her purse and grab her phone to call the cops, wishing the tiny dress she was wearing had a pocket for it, before seeing who it was, standing there in the middle of the room. "I-I'm sorry," she chuckled, feeling silly for getting so worked up. "I thought you were at work!"

"I need to tell you about all of this," Dana spoke up, wanting to get it all out before she got flustered. "I know this must look stran..."

"No, no," June shook her head. "You don't owe me any explanation! What you do in your own house is none of my business, I'm only here to keep it nice and clean."

"I want to," Dana pushed forward. "All this stuff... It's not for me."

"That's fine!" June nodded. "Really, as far as I'm concerned, this is just another bedroom, and..."

"I'm a Mommy," Dana cut her off. "I take care of little girls who are trapped in the bodies of big girls, and who need someone to look after them, and give them the love and attention, and occasionally discipline, they need."

"O-Okay," June nodded again, feeling a faint blush coming to her cheeks. "D-Do you want me to clean in here, or...?"

"You already have this place spotless," Dana told her. "You always do. There's really no need for you to come as often as you do... But, since you're here, I thought that maybe there was something else you might be interested in trying out..."



"Yes, Mommy?" the girl turned, giant teddy bear still clasped in her arms, still giving a little giggle when she saw the woman, even after six months. It was so silly, thinking of her as her Mommy, despite knowing that Dana was younger than her... And, at the same time, so nice to look at her and feel loved, and protected, the way she assumed everyone did with their mothers.

"What is this, little lady?" she asked, holding up the brown paper bag June had snuck into her briefcase, with a sandwich, some carrot sticks, and a cookie inside, each in their own plastic baggies, with a note written in crayons telling her Mommy that she was hoping she had a good day.

"I dunno," June gave a mischievous shrug. "Is it a bag?"

"Yes, it is," Dana nodded, opening it up and taking out the note. "And it certainly looks like it came from you, doesn't it? I don't know anyone else who calls me 'Mommy'. So I think you made this for me, didn't you?"

June considered lying for a moment, only to nod. "Uh-huh," she admitted.

"Sweetie, you know Mommy is here to take care of you, not the other way around, don't you?" Dana shook her head. "Do I need to take down your tights and give you a spanking over your diaper to remind you of your place, little girl? Do you want to have a sore, pink bottom all day in school today?"

June did her best, yet she couldn't help letting out another giggle as she said, "No, Mommy!" If Dana had really been mad at her, there were plenty of other things she could do, not that she really had much reason... They both knew they'd have more fun with the spanking than anything, that June might spend her day at college squirming, but it would just remind her of her Mommy, who wouldn't swat her backside hard enough to cause anything more than a bit of discomfort.

"I think I'd better," Dana smiled. "Just in case. Come on, let's get it over with before we're both late... You still need to get dressed, and we both know if your diaper isn't already wet, it will be by the time I'm done."

"Mommy!" June blushed and squirmed, knowing exactly what she meant, and that she was right.

"Come on," Dana sat down, pointing at her lap.

"Yes, Mommy," June toddled over, already feeling a warmness building up between her legs at the thought of what was about to happen. She planted a kiss right on Dana's lips as she arrived, taking her by surprise. "I love you, Mommy."

Dana looked up into her eyes, both of them able to feel the truth behind her words when she replied, "I love you, too, baby." June was grateful to her, of course, for letting her finally attend college, the way she'd always dreamed of, and for introducing her to all this... But she loved her, too, and felt happier with her than she had any other time in her life. And, seeing Dana's expression now, it was obvious she felt the same.

"Now, get over my lap, you naughty girl!" she giggled, tugging June down, both of them laughing as she slid the girl's tights down over her diaper, getting her ready for her 'punishment.' 



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