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Victoria had, in her opinion, taken it easy on her charges. She knew they were kids, of course, so, if they earned a spanking, she hadn't made it too rough on them. Then again, having never been spanked herself, and not knowing exactly how strong her own swats were, it was hard to judge for sure. Most of the kids she looked after were overly dramatic in the first place, so just because they cried, or complained, didn't mean they were truly getting hurt.

It hardly seemed fair, then, that the first swing from Taylor crashed against the seat of her messy diaper with enough force to make her yelp and bring tears to her eyes. At the same time, she could feel the load in her pants squishing, adding a whole new level of humiliation to the ordeal. "H-Hey!" she squealed, wriggling on the girl's lap. "That hurt!"

"Of course it did," Taylor rolled her eyes. "That's the point."

"Y-Yeah, but... Ow!" Vickie exclaimed again, the next spank even harder than the first... That, or her backside was already getting tender. "St-Stop it!" she whined, trying her best to wiggle free from the girl's grip, to get away from her, although she wasn't certain where she was going to go. "Y-You can't do this to me!"

"Oh, I can't?" Taylor smirked, delivering a trio of swats in quick succession, none as painful as the first two, but spread out further, and with no time to recover in between. "Your Mommy put us in charge, little girl. We can do whatever we want!"

"N-No, you can't!" Vickie sniffled, kicking her legs helplessly, horrified at the tears streaming down her face. She hated how quickly she'd turned into one of her charges, how rapidly her sense of maturity and superiority faded now that she was the one over someone's knees, though the dirty diaper was definitely a big part of that, with each strike reminding her of the incredibly infantile thing she'd done. They were definitely being much rougher on her than she ever was on them, too, and, even if she was an adult, while they'd been kids, it still wasn't fair. "M-Mommy didn't say you could do this! M-Mommy doesn't spank me!"

She blushed, realizing only after she'd said it that she'd echoed the other girl's word, called her mother 'Mommy.' She tried to convince herself that, if Taylor hadn't said it, she wouldn't have, but, in the moment, she wasn't sure. If they hadn't planted the idea in her head, would she really be crying for her Mommy after just a handful of spanks? She didn't want to think so, and yet...

"Maybe that's your problem," Sawyer spoke up. "Maybe if you'd gotten a spanking or two, you wouldn't be failing your classes, and you wouldn't have wet and messed your diaper right in front of us like a little baby. Besides, your Mommy told you that you had to do what we told you, didn't she?"

"I-I didn't fai- Ayow!" she protested, annoyed with them for talking about things they didn't understand, her words interrupted abruptly with another swing.

"Really?" Sawyer scoffed. "It doesn't look like you're capable of passing a potty training class... I can't imagine you doing anything but failing anything that was on a college level. Have you even learned to read yet, pottypants?"

"Y-Y-Ouch!-Yes!" It took her a few tries to get it out, as she glared daggers at Sawyer, while Taylor smacked her bottom once again.

"Oh, you can?" Sawyer knelt down in front of her, holding out her phone. "Why don't you read this for us, then?"

Victoria had to reach up and wipe her wet eyes to make out the tiny words on the screen, and immediately regretted it. She could see the number Sawyer was texting with was, indeed, her mother's, and, after their initial conversation, asking if Sawyer had gotten a summer job yet, at the very bottom of the chain, there was the thing the girl clearly wanted her to see.

'Sorry to bother you so soon,' Sawyer had written, 'but just in case... If Vickie doesn't want to listen to us, are we allowed to discipline her?'

"Go on," Sawyer grinned, seeing the expression on Victoria's face when her eyes had scanned the reply. "Show us you know you to read, stinky girl."

"Sh-She doesn't say spanking!" Vickie whined. "Sh-She might not mean that!"

"Read it," Taylor parroted her friend, punctuating her version with a harsh spank that got the girl on her lap obeying instantly.

"'Ab-Absolutely,'" Vickie sniffled, squirming. "'Y-You two are in c-complete control. D-Don't think of her as Victoria, th-the girl you knew... Th-Think of her as Vickie, the new kid in the neighborhood, and treat her like any other b-babysitting charge. I-If you think she needs to be p-punished, do...'" She gulped. "'D-Do wh-whatever seems fitting to you.'"

"Wow!" Sawyer patted her on the head patronizingly. "You really proved me wrong, huh? Good girl!"

"Sh-She still didn't say spanking!" Victoria clung to that desperately. "M-Mommy doesn't spank me, a-and she didn't specifically say you could do that, s-so... Wh-What are you doing?!" Her voice turned to a fearful squeak, watching Sawyer start tapping away on her phone.

"If you absolutely have to see it in writing, I'll ask her," Sawyer shrugged. "I'll explain everything to her - oh, and I'll show her that great photo I got of you filling your pants in front of us! - and we'll see if she approves."

"N-No!" Vickie gasped, terrified the woman actually might agree with them. Even if she didn't, the last thing she wanted was one of her parents to see her like this, to have more evidence that her accident the night before wasn't a one-off thing. "D-Don't!"

"Don't?" Taylor asked, taking a break from the spanking to massage the seat of Victoria's diaper instead, which was almost worse. Vickie was certain another swat was coming, at any time, making her feel anxious, in addition to disgusted at the mushy sensation of her mess. "But you have to know she's okay with this, don't you? You were so concerned about it... And she has to know the whole story to make a call. Unless... Did you change your mind, Vickie? Do you want us to spank you now?"

Victoria groaned, squirming uselessly on the girl's lap. She really didn't, yet if that was the alternative... "I-I guess," she mumbled.

"What was that?" Sawyer leaned in a little closer. "Do you want something from us?"

Vickie was hardly able to keep herself from shaking her head. "Y-Yeah," she said quietly.

"Is that how you ask for it?" Taylor gave her a tap on the butt, not nearly enough to be considered part of the spanking, though it was still enough to make the girl jump, the pinkness beneath her diaper enough to make even that more painful than it normally would have been. "Didn't your Mommy teach you manners?"

Were they serious?! Victoria wiggled, trying to look up at Taylor to see, but, on her lap, that was difficult. She could see Sawyer, however, just fine, still in front of her, still smiling. She sighed, rolling her eyes, thinking about how ridiculous this was, how impossible it would have seemed to her a mere twenty-four hours earlier. "C-Can...?" She blushed, unable to continue. "Come on, seriously?"

"I almost have the perfect message written up," Sawyer taunted.

"C-Can you sp-spank me?" Victoria grumbled, barely getting the words out.

To her surprise, Taylor replied, "No." For a second, Vickie thought it was over, that she'd satisfied the girls, and they were going to let her go. Then, Taylor continued. "That's not right... Do you really not know your manners?"

Victoria's cheeks darkened, realizing her mistake. It wasn't enough to just ask, no matter how much of a struggle that had been for her... They weren't going to be happy with that. She closed her eyes, wiping them as well to clear away the renewed stream of tears. "W-Will you puh-please..." she gulped, "W-Will you please sp-spank me?"

"Gladly." She could practically hear the grin on Taylor's face above her, but there wasn't time to dwell on that before the spanking resumed at full force, the girl not giving her time to speak, or argue, or do anything this time. Victoria let out a few squeals and whines at the first couple swats, before they got to be too much, too fast, for her, and she dissolved into a blubbering mess, legs thrashing as she felt her backside reddening, swelling beneath her diaper.

"Wow," Sawyer chuckled once it was finally over, and Vickie was standing there in front of the girls, rubbing her bottom, still crying like the baby she was feeling like in the moment. "I never broke down that fast... Did you?"

"No way," Taylor smirked. "Guess she really is just a baby, huh?"

"N-No," Vickie blushed, pouting. "I-I didn't spank you that hard!" They'd also never been wearing diapers, messy or otherwise, which added a whole other dimension of humiliation to the punishment, but she didn't feel like reminding them about that... Not that it was likely they'd forgotten, since she still had on nothing to hide the poofy garment.

"Sure, Vickie," Taylor nodded condescendingly. "I'm sure that's it."

"What do you think, Taylor?" Sawyer asked. "Do you think Vickie's learned her lesson?"

"U-Uh-huh!" Victoria interjected.

"Well," Taylor gestured to Vickie, "clearly not, if she's interrupting when the grown-ups are speaking. I think a nice, long time out will help it sink in."

"No!" Victoria whimpered, shaking her head. "I-I'm sorry! It won't happen again! Y-You're the big girls, not me!"

"Obviously," Taylor giggled. "Look at you... You're tiny compared to us, and you're in a very used diaper, and we just spanked you silly. The only thing big about you is the size of your padding." Vickie blushed, giving her backside another rub. "And if we say you need a time-out, that means you're getting a time-out. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Vickie swallowed, nodding, then turning to see Sawyer walking in, carrying one of the wooden stools from the kitchen, setting it down in one corner of the living room, removing the cushion and giving the hard, bare seat a pat.

"Go on," Taylor gave her a push in that direction. "Prove it."

Victoria sighed, toddling over hesitantly, knowing this wasn't going to be fun, or comfortable. She wracked her brain, searching for some way out of this, something she could say to convince the girls to change their minds, but, by the time she'd reached the corner, she still had nothing.

"Up you go!" Sawyer exclaimed, grabbing her, lifting her up, plopping her right down on the stool, turning it to face the corner, giggling as she heard Vickie's groan, a mixture of pain and disgust, not unlike with her spanking. This time, however, it was constant, a pressure she couldn't escape against her punished backside, along with an icky reminder of her accident any time she did attempt to fidget, to shift her weight. "Sit there and think about your behavior, young lady," Sawyer lectured. "We'll tell you when you're done."

Vickie knew what to expect with corner-time... That was a punishment her parents had used on her when she was younger. She wasn't sure that made it any better, though; if anything, it might make it worse. As she squirmed on her pink, poopy posterior, she thought back to all the times, as a kid, she'd been marched to this very same corner, forced to stand there, bored and unhappy and embarrassed...

And now it was happening again, while she had far more reasons to be embarrassed, but it wasn't her parents making her do it. It was two girls she'd babysat for, that she'd put in the corner herself many a time. Taylor, especially, had hated it, which only made Vickie push the girl's time-outs longer...

"Why is she here, mom?" Victoria could still remember Taylor asking, the first time she'd come over to babysit the girl. Clearly, she knew the answer already, and didn't like it. "Melissa's not here..."

Melissa had been enough older than Vickie that she didn't really consider her a close friend... In fact Melissa had even babysat her at one point, which made things a little awkward when, years later, Melissa had started to tutor her. It wasn't the older girl's fault at all, and sometimes Vickie wondered if she remembered it or not, or if she'd babysat so many kids that she forgot who all she'd cared for over the years... Vickie, on the other hand, constantly felt like Melissa was going to send her to bed early if she got something wrong.

Things got a little easier the longer Melissa helped her, however, and by the time Mel was getting ready to move out, Vickie would visit now and then just to hang out. It was one of those times when the girl's mother had asked if Vickie had any experience babysitting, and if she would be interested in a new client...

"She's just here to keep an eye on things," Taylor's mother had said. "That's all. In case you need her."

"Mom!" Taylor had stomped her foot, rolled her eyes. "I'm too old for a babysitter!"

"She's not here to babysit you," her mother had sighed. "I told you, she's here just in case."

Victoria had found it cute, watching the girl whine and throw a fit, only proving how immature she really was. Taylor had been a lot shorter and scrawnier back then, and, to anyone other than her, it was pretty obvious she did, indeed, need a babysitter. Really, it was in her best interest to show her that as well, Vickie had thought.  

It didn't take long for the sitter to find something she could use, an excuse to exercise her authority. "What exactly are you watching?" she'd asked, after getting up from her spot in the living room to go to the bathroom, returning to find Taylor sitting on the sofa, TV on, tuned to some trashy reality show.

"Mom lets me watch it!" Taylor had replied, quickly enough to make it obvious that the woman, in fact, did not allow it.

"Really?" Victoria had arched an eyebrow. "Should I call and ask?"

"Come on!" Taylor had pouted, pleading. "All my friends watch!"

"Taylor," Vickie had put on her best babysitter voice, glaring down at the tiny girl, "you are going to turn that off right now, young lady."

"No, I'm not!" the girl had crossed her arms, sulking.

Victoria had shrugged with a calm, "Okay," and, for a moment, she saw a glint of hope in her charge's eyes. She gave her a few seconds to bask in her 'victory' before pouncing. "You can stand in the corner until the show is over."

"You're not putting me in time out!" Taylor had shrieked, offended at the very idea. "You're not my babysitter!"

"Of course I am," Vickie had smirked, shaking her head. "Your mom just told you all that to keep you from crying about it like the little baby you are. I'm the oldest one here, I'm in charge, I'm getting paid to be here... I'm the babysitter. And that means I can do whatever I want, and that includes putting your bratty little nose into that corner. Do I need to spank you first?"

She hadn't, not yet, anyway. Victoria had marched the girl over, gently pushed her nose into the corner, then grabbed her hands, lifting them to the back of her head. "You're going to stay there until I tell you it's okay to move," she'd ordered. "Once your dumb show is over, you're going to tell me all about how sorry you are for disobeying me. And, until then, I don't want to hear a peep out of you."

Pleased with her, Vickie had returned to the couch, spreading out over it, changing the channel to something else, flipping back now and then and announcing, "Still on. Guess your time-out isn't over." Really, it was nice, having her right there, knowing where she was, that she wasn't getting into trouble... Vickie couldn't resist herself, even when she checked the channel and saw the credits were rolling. "Well, look at that," she'd lied. "It says they're having a marathon... Looks like somebody's staying in the corner for the rest of the afternoon."

"No, I'm not!" Taylor had fumed. "And no, they aren't! I didn't see anything about...!"

She'd started to turn around, to look at the TV to see what Vickie was looking at, but the sitter was already right behind her, waiting, having switched the TV to another channel before hopping off the sofa to protect her fib. "What did I say? Get your nose back where it belongs, and hush up right now!"

"This isn't fair!" Taylor had stomped her foot. "You're the meanest...!"

And that was when Taylor had gotten her first spanking from Victoria. Vickie had felt a little guilty about it, knowing she'd manipulated the girl a little, lied to her, but it wasn't like Taylor really knew she wasn't telling the truth... Even if she had, that didn't change the fact that Vickie was the one in charge, a fact that Taylor clearly needed a little help accepting, help Vickie was happy to provide.

Now, years later, Vickie was on the other side of that. Her cheeks were practically glowing as she squirmed in her seat, the mess in her pants somehow finding another clean spot to squish onto and soil, her backside throbbing, the padding of her diaper doing very little to comfort it in its punished state.

Time moved so slowly, with nothing to look at, nothing to listen to - other than the muffled conversation, and occasional giggles, of her babysitters - nothing to distract herself from how utterly humiliating her situation was. She'd known the punishment worked, of course, since her parents had used it on her... She hadn't realized how effective it actually was, however.

Her charges were bratty little kids, and she'd been convinced that half the reason they apologized for whatever wrong they'd committed by the time she freed them from the corner was because they knew it was what she wanted to hear, and they wanted to be allowed to go back to playing. That might still have been true, and, indeed, she did want to be able to stand up, get off her sore bum, and get cleaned up... But she really was being forced to think about the events of that morning, of the night before, to regret them, and the actions she'd taken that had led her there...

It was working. Despite her age, and maturity, this incredibly childish punishment was working on her. She felt like she should have been above that, better than it, able to resist it... Perhaps it was her hangover, or the small amount of sleep she'd gotten, or the spanking, or dirty diaper, or all of it combined together, but she genuinely felt bad about it all.

"All right," Taylor announced, after what felt like an eternity. "Do you have anything you want to say to us?"

"C-Can I turn around?" Victoria asked in a tiny, meek voice.

"Sure," Taylor said. "Spin your seat around and look us in the eye."

Vickie followed orders, although the second part was much harder than the first. "I-I'm really sorry," she sniffled. "I-I shouldn't have acted like I was a big girl... I-I'm just a little girl, a-and you two are the ones in charge, a-and I won't interrupt, or be bad, or anything, again. I'll do what you tell me to do."

In the moment, she meant it... Despite all her memories of looking after them, and her knowledge that she was definitely older, right then, there was no doubt in her mind that they were her babysitters, and she was going to obey them, no matter what.... At least, if that was what it took to get her out of the corner. Perhaps her suspicions had been right, and that was the main motivating factor for the apologies that followed time-outs. Whether she was actually going to follow through on that or not, she wasn't sure... It really depended on how reasonable the girls were going to be, after this, what they asked her to do. Right now, however, she was going to tell them whatever they wanted.

Just like her old charges. She winced, realizing how quickly, how thoroughly, she'd started acting like one of them. This wasn't the time to fight it, though... She was spanked and diapered and messy, and they were so much bigger than her... 

"What do you think?" Taylor turned to Sawyer. "Are you convinced?"

"Hmm..." Sawyer pondered, just long enough to give Vickie hope. "Nah, not yet. I think another hour or so should do it."

"What?!" Vickie squealed. "That's not fair!"

But it was right out of her playbook. Not once had she ever let one of her charges out of time-out after the first apology... It was always better to let them stew for a little longer. Was it just coincidence that they were doing the same thing? Or had they realized it, and were doing it to give her a taste of her own medicine?

Either way, she had little choice other than to spin the stool's seat back around, start her corner time again, after Taylor threatened, "Right now, young lady, or you're going over my lap for round two first." She could only hope Sawyer was lying, that they weren't really going to leave her there a full hour... But, without her phone, or a watch, or a clock within her narrow field of view, she had no way of knowing. Her time-out was going to last exactly as long as her babysitters wanted, no shorter... Exactly the way the ones she'd dished out had been.


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