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"Y-Yes, ma'am," Janet heard herself mumbling, almost automatically, shuffling over to the bed, awkwardly clambering up on top of it. There was certainly a part of her mind telling her to fight, to resist this, to assert her dominance as the older one here, as the step-mother... But, overwhelmingly, she was simply reminded of what trying to do that previously had gotten her, and how much easier it was to just go with the flow.

She plopped herself down in the center of the changing pad with a damp squish, staring up at Hazel, letting out a tiny squeak when the girl surprised her by being there with a pacifier in her hand, slipping the infantile thing into Janet's shocked mouth. Without thinking, without fully realizing what she was doing, Janet started to suck on it, letting the motion of it soothe her as Hazel pushed up her Princess Sofia PJ shirt - although it didn't have to go far to get well out of the way - and untaped her wet, pink diaper.

Any hopes she had of Zella not noticing were instantly quashed, as the girl smiled down at her, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face. "There you go," she cooed. "Just let your big sister take care of everything. All that pretty little head of yours needs to think about is keeping your diapies dry. Do you think you can handle that?"

Janet blushed at the insinuation that it was even a question, although she nodded anyway. "Oh, so confident," Hazel chuckled. "We'll see about that, won't we?" Janet wiggled, hearing the girl's laughter, unable to help feeling as if she might have made a mistake... But it was too late. She shivered at the feel of the cool baby wipes being run over her privates, and then, before she could do anything else, Hazel had quickly, expertly, switched out the diapers, lifting her up by her ankles and pulling out the old diaper, replacing it with a brand new one.

"You're gonna be in this one for a while," Hazel mused. "I think we'd better give you some lotion." She grabbed the pink bottle from beside the changing pad, giving it a shake before squirting some out onto her hands, rubbing them together, then gently massaging it into the girl's skin. Janet hated herself a little for noticing how nice it felt, how soft and sweet the scent was, not nearly as overpowering as the baby powder Zella had used last time.

"There we go!" Hazel declared, as if sensing the older woman's thoughts. "We wouldn't want you to get diaper rash, now would we?" Janet's cheeks reddened at the reminder of what the stuff was for.

"I won't!" Janet burbled behind her pacifier.

"No, you won't," Hazel agreed. "Because I'm here to take care of you." Satisfied with the slick layer of lotion she'd rubbed into Janet's crotch, she moved on to the bottle of powder, spraying a liberal amount of it over top, ensuring Janet did, indeed, smell like a toddler anyway. "Now, Prissy," Zella said, wiping off her hands on a spare cloth, leaning over closer to her victim's face, "I want you to be honest with me... Do you still wet the bed?"

"No!" Janet blushed, shaking her head frantically. She had no doubt, when she was really little, it had happened now and then, but she had no memory of it ever happening.

"Prissy, I don't want any fibs," Hazel told her warningly. "When was the last time it happened?"

Janet squirmed; she could assume, from everything Hazel had said, that the person the girl thought she was had been a bedwetter at some point. How long had Zella babysat for Prissy? How old had Prissy been when it stopped? Had it still been happening then? Janet had no idea, and, as much as she wanted to play the part, and avoid getting in any more trouble, with as little information as she had, she didn't dare risk it. Besides, she wasn't sure she could bring herself to 'admit' to that when it was so very much not true. "Never," she mumbled.

"Oh, Prissy," Hazel sighed. "I told you I wanted the truth, didn't I? Are you really this bad at listening?" Reaching into the bag she'd gotten the diaper out of, she produced one, then two, then a third long, white strip. Janet had no idea what they were, even after Zella had lifted her back up, laying them out in the center of the diaper. "There we go," Hazel declared, pulling the whole thing up between the girl's legs, smiling at Janet's shocked reaction to how much thicker it now felt between her thighs. "Three soakers ought to keep your crib dry... I'd double your diapers up, but I don't want to run out! That would be bad, wouldn't it?"

Janet swallowed, sucking on her paci, wincing at the sound of the diaper's tape being ripped open, at the sensation of it getting pressed onto the landing strip, rubbed down to make sure the adhesive grabbed on nice and tight, sealing her inside her bulky prison. "If you keep going through these, we might have to go shopping," the babysitter commented, moving to the other side, pulling it snug. "What do you think, sweetie? Do you want to go on a little outing? Buy you some new Pampers?"

Janet shook her head, imagining having to go out in public while wearing this diaper, potentially being seen by neighbors, or friends, or just anyone as she stood there beside Hazel in the diaper aisle, sucking her paci as she fidgeted, waiting anxiously for her big sister to decide which brand was right for her...

"You don't?" Hazel acted shocked, hurt. "But it would be so much fun to go shopping with my baby sister! We could try on some new outfits for you, and if you behaved yourself, I might even let you get some ice cream." Janet shook her head again, Zella chuckling at the sight. "Well, prove to me you don't deserve to be in diapers, and we won't have to get you any more. But something tells me," she closed the last tape, finishing getting Janet into her fresh diaper, "that's not going to happen."

As Hazel threw the old, wet diaper away, Janet nibbled on her paci, experimentally squeezing her legs together, marveling at how far apart her knees were now, no matter how hard she tried. What if Zella took her shopping in a diaper like this?! Janet wasn't sure how well she'd be able to walk in it, and she knew she didn't have anything in her wardrobe - not that Hazel would allow her to use her own clothes - that would come close to hiding it.

"Aww!" Hazel cooed, returning to the bedside, staring down at her. "I totally forgot about that... Did you?" Janet looked up at her, confused, until the girl helped her up off of the bed, guiding her a few steps away. Even that small distance was a struggle, fighting to get used to the extra-big diaper, and, once she was in front of the mirror, that was all she could stare at.

"Isn't that precious?" Zella asked. "Your paci and your diaper match!" Janet looked up, blushing so that her cheeks almost hit the same shade as the other two objects, seeing that, indeed, the pinks looked nearly identical. "What more could a little baby like you ask for?"

Janet whimpered, knowing she wasn't a baby, that she was a grown woman, only for her reflection to show her the opposite. The little girl there was adorable, and the adult part of her mind wanted to reach down, pinch her cheeks, unable to accept that it was, somehow, her. It couldn't be; she wore big girl panties, and would never parade around like this, in a giant diaper and matching pacifier, thoroughly cowed and under the thumb of her step-daughter.

"All right," Hazel announced, after letting Janet soak in the image for a few long moments, "that's enough. We'd better get you in bed, or you'll be cranky all day tomorrow, and I'm not dealing with that."

She lowered the side of the crib, giving Janet a gentle push to get her inside. Janet whimpered, hearing the plastic sheet on the crib's mattress crackling beneath her, mixing with the sound of her diaper's crinkling, knowing she was going to have to hear both all night, any time she made a move, reminding her that she couldn't be trusted to keep her pants dry. 

Just as she'd suspected, she was able to lie down in the crib easily, even comfortably. Hazel tucked her in nice and tight, giving her a kiss on the forehead, then pulling up the side with a very final-sounding click. She started to walk away, then turned, snapping another photo. "Just one more," she smiled, seeing Janet's blush. "Sorry, sweetie, I can't help it!"

She flipped on the nightlight, turned out the overhead light, and walked out, leaving Janet all alone in her infantile prison. It took a little squirming for the girl to even get one of her arms free of the covers, to reach out and touch one of the bars, feel exactly how sturdy and strong it was. She could probably have climbed out over the top and gotten out that way, maybe snuck out the window, or waited until Hazel went to bed and escaped that way... But that wasn't what a good little girl would do. 

Hazel was bigger than her, and more clever than her, and was always a step ahead of her... For all Janet knew, there was a baby monitor in the room, watching her, and if she made any attempt to move from her crib, her sitter would be there in a flash, ready to punish her some more for being such a naughty baby. No, it was better to stay there until the morning, and hope she could remain dry until then.

It was true, she'd never been a bedwetter, and yet, as much as Zella had insisted she was, she couldn't help feeling a twinge of doubt in her own abilities. It was still early, and she wasn't really tired, so that wasn't going to help matters, and she tried to tell herself that was the source of her worries, that she wasn't allowing Zella to get into her head and start convincing her that her step-daughter knew more about her than she did herself, but she wasn't sure how well that was working. If Zella thought she wet the bed, well... Maybe she had a point. If her bladder started to feel full, it was definitely going to be tough stopping it when she couldn't come close to closing her thighs, much less crossing her legs, and when she gave an experimental push on her diaper with her free hand, she barely felt it. 

Hazel had given her some extra protection, ensured her crib would stay dry, if nothing else, but she might have also doomed her. That had to be a coincidence... Didn't it? Surely she wouldn't have done that on purpose... She couldn't possibly want Janet to fail, want her to wake up the next morning in a wet diaper, whether it happened when the girl was asleep or awake... Right?


"Oh, my God," Hazel giggled, scrolling through the pictures she'd taken, searching for the right one to attach to her message. They were all so adorable... It was almost impossible to choose.

Finally, for the moment, she settled on the final one, of the little girl tucked away in her crib, paci in her mouth, the bulge of her diaper obvious beneath her covers, staring at her from between the bars. She could always send more later, after all, she reminded herself. This would definitely do the trick of letting the recipient know she had everything well in hand.

With that settled, she glanced back at the message itself, giving it a final, quick read before hitting send, her lips moving unconsciously as her eyes scanned over the words, thinking about how they'd sound to the person on the other end of the line.

What message is she going to send?

"Hey, Harry! Hope you're having fun on your trip! Don't worry, things are going great here... I can see why you changed your mind and decided to come crawling back to me. She's going to make the perfect baby for us once we get re-married. See? Isn't she so precious? Don't worry, she doesn't suspect a thing."

"Hi, Regina! I know we haven't talked for a while, so if you don't still have my number, it's Hazel. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to the wedding, I didn't realize you were the one dad was marrying! I hope you don't mind, but I've had to discipline Prissy. You would not believe what she was trying to do when I got here! As you can see, I have it all under control. Just like old times, huh?"

Or, "OMG, Kenzi, you are not going to believe this... Do you remember that nerd from school, Janet? My dad actually married that loser... I tried to warn him she was just a lame little gold-digger, but he wouldn't listen. Well, look what I was able to do to her, in one evening. By the time he gets home, there's not going to be a trace of her adulthood left, and he'll see how right I was. Want to come help? lol"


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