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As little as Janet truly was grateful for what the other woman had done to her, she knew telling the truth about that wasn't going to end well for her... She'd gotten plenty of evidence so far to prove that. Gritting her teeth, she forced as sincere a, "Thank you," as she could out.

"You're welcome, cutie!" Hazel exclaimed, kneeling down, pulling Janet into a tight hug, then, after releasing the smaller girl, keeping her close, rubbing her full stomach. "I wouldn't want your tummy to go empty for too long! I want you to grow up big and strong... Eventually!" She chuckled, seeing Janet squirm, fighting to keep her body from relaxing too much from the massage. "But not yet," she said after a few moments, switching to a tickle at the last moment.

Despite herself, Janet giggled, blushing as she struggled to go silent, not wanting Zella to think she was having fun, or amused at the childish way she was being treated. It was getting harder and harder to remind herself she was the older one here, she didn't belong in these diapers... Especially when she was starting to feel like she was getting closer to having to use them.

Part of her wanted to head off to the bathroom to ensure that didn't happen, but, instead, she decided to rise above it. She turned away from her tormentor, grabbing her dishes from the table, toddling around to get the other girl's as well. "Good girl!" Hazel praised. "Just put them in the sink for me, okay?"

Janet even bit back a scathing remark about how she knew where to put dirty dishes in her own house, simply nodded and headed towards the kitchen while Zella went in the other direction, towards the living room. She sighed, looking down at the empty plate, coveting the real, intact food that had been on it, even though she couldn't have eaten a single bite of it in the moment if there was any left.

She shuffled into the kitchen, wrinkling her nose as she saw the pots and pans waiting to be cleaned, adding the dishes to the pile. She was glad she didn't have to do them, since she hated that... But, as she turned around and started to walk away, she couldn't help feeling a pang of guilt. Even if she'd hated the form it had taken, Zella had gone through the trouble of cooking for her... And the longer she let these things sit, the worse the clean-up would be. 

She felt a little like she was a child being made to do chores, although, in this instance, she was the one forcing herself to do it. Still, it was the nice, polite thing, and, perhaps, if she took the initative, Hazel would have to admit she was, if not an adult, not that small of a kid, at least... Not one that should still be in diapers, and watching cartoons, and getting her bottom spanked and her mouth soaped.

She reached into the sink, turning the stopper over and turning on the water, grabbing a towel and tossing it over her shoulder so she could wipe her hands off if she needed to. Normally, on a lazy day like this, when she'd probably be changing into her PJs afterwards, as long as she wasn't wearing anything too nice, she wouldn't have cared that much about just drying her hands on her shirt. Now, she was already in them, and the idea of showing up with a wet spot on them felt like it had a whole other connotation, one she didn't want to bring up in Hazel's mind. Obviously, the girl would be able to check her, see the wetness had nothing to do with her diaper, but Janet didn't like it either way.

For as nice as the house was, and as much money as Harrison had, it had always baffled Janet how he didn't have a dishwasher. There hadn't been one when he moved in, and he had the maid to take care of it, so she supposed it was possible he just hadn't thought of it... But what about times like this? On long weekends, when the maid wasn't coming in, did he let the dishes pile up the whole time? Did he wash them himself? She found that hard to picture, although maybe she was being sexist.

She hadn't complained about it yet... To be fair, she hadn't had to do the dishes until now, either, and she hadn't talked to the maid about it to see if the woman would prefer to have one or not. Harrison could clearly afford one, and if the maid wanted one, she couldn't imagine him not getting one to make it easier on her... She was sure, if she brought it up, he would have done it for her, too, but she hadn't, and it was too late now.

She grabbed a washcloth with a sigh and started to work, scrubbing the dishes, rinsing them off, setting them in the rack to dry. Even with the towel, she wound up splashing herself a time or two without meaning to, making wet spots on her pajama shirt, and her bare legs. The first time she took a moment to try to dry it off with the towel, but she knew it would take too long... Besides, surely Hazel would understand, and be proud of her for taking initiative.

Or so she assumed. She was certain this was going to win her some points, get her on Hazel's good side, or at least headed in that direction... She'd already started thinking of how she could use that to her advantage, to get her phone back, to straighten all this out, and was daydreaming about how satisfying it was going to be to watch the look on Zella's face, to see her spend the rest of the weekend trying to make all this up to her...

"Priscilla! What do you think you're doing?!"

Janet jumped, shocked at the sudden sound, gasping out loud as she dropped what she was holding, and currently cleaning. She turned to see Hazel barreling across the kitchen towards her, not looking at all proud, or happy, to see what the other girl was doing, and, in her panic, Janet flinched away, the memories of all the punishments she'd already been through flooding back through her mind.

She barely noticed it at first... She had too much else to fret about. She knew something had happened, but before she could figure it out, Hazel was on her, grabbing her by the hands, turning them over, examining her. "Did you hurt yourself?!" she demanded.

"Wh-What?" Janet furrowed her brow. "I-I was just..."

Zella breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Hazel looked fine, but her good mood didn't last long. "I told you I didn't want you washing the dishes, didn't I?!"

"I-I was helping!" Janet pouted, stomping her foot. How was Hazel turning this around to be a bad thing?!

"I specifically told you I didn't want you trying to wash the knives, and I come in here to see what's taking so long, and you're holding a knife!" Hazel delivered a hard swat to the backside of Janet's diaper, producing a loud crinkle, a small squeak, and... something else. Janet frowned, fidgeting in place, praying she was wrong about what she'd felt, and that, in her anger, Zella hadn't noticed it, too.

"I-I know how to do dishes..." Janet told her, her confidence shaken, despite still feeling like she was in the right. "I-I wanted to..."

"To give me a heart attack?" Hazel interrupted. "How many times have you done them, hmm?" She gestured towards the dish rack, and Janet's clumsily assembled pile of dishes. She'd never been great at figuring out how to stick everything in there without it being a huge mess, although she'd been proud of herself that the whole thing hadn't tumbled over yet. "What if that had fallen while you were holding the knife?"

"It didn't, though!" Janet pointed out. "And I'm fine!"

"That doesn't change the fact that I told you not to do something, and you completely ignored me," Zella shook her head. "Give me that, I guess I might as well finish up." She took the towel from Janet, turning her around and pushing her towards the door with a few more taps to her padding. "Go wait for me in the living room, and I'll decide what we're going to do about this."

"We don't have to do anything about it!" Janet fumed. "I was helping! I was being a big girl!"

"Big girls do what they're told," Hazel replied. "Now get out of here... Unless you want to wait for me in the corner instead?"

Janet shook her head, hurrying away, only to stop once she was around a corner, out of an easy line of sight for the younger girl. Nibbling her bottom lip, she let her hand trail downwards, over her PJ shirt, and then the smooth plastic of her diaper, feeling the bulky padding, hoping she was wrong about what had happened, that she wouldn't notice...

She froze as she found it, her fingertips and privates feeling the warmth, the slight squish, as she trapped what was now obviously a damp spot in her diaper between them. Seeing Hazel running towards her like that, she'd just been too scared, too afraid of what the girl might do... And now, she was screwed. Hazel had already told her if she used her diaper, she'd have to wear them all weekened... Janet hadn't thought it would be an issue stopping that from happening, but that was before being forced to eat and drink so much, and getting so startled...

It wasn't that big... If it had been in her panties, it probably would have dried before Zella finished with the dishes. But she wasn't wearing underwear... She was in a diaper, and the evidence of her accident wasn't going anywhere. She, an adult, a married woman, had peed her pants like a toddler, and her babysitter was inevitably going to find out, if she hadn't already noticed.

Unless... The diapers were in Zella's closet. If Janet hurried, maybe she could get in there and change herself before Hazel came to talk to her. She'd have to find something to do with the old diaper, but surely there would be somewhere to hide it... Or maybe she should go into the bathroom while she had the chance. She had a bad feeling she was going to be in for a lecture, or another time-out, or both, when Hazel got into the living room, and, if she didn't relieve herself now, she might end up with a much wetter diaper before that was over... Or worse.

Of course, this was all happening because she hadn't done as she was told, so would it be better for her to stay in the living room and wait? Maybe Zella would calm down by the time she arrived, and be willing to listen to Janet's explanation for the little accident... Janet looked down at herself, confirming that, as far as she could tell - as someone who had very little experience with them in general, and none wearing them in her adult life - she hadn't gone enough for it to be obvious from the outside. Perhaps Hazel didn't know, and wouldn't know, would take Janet's word for it as long as she behaved herself, and was a perfect little girl for the rest of the evening...

It felt like a risk, no matter what she did, but she had to make a decision now. The longer she waited, the less time she'd have to pull off anything more elaborate than sitting and hoping for the best. But what was she going to do?!

Should she...

Go change her diaper?

Go to the bathroom?

Or wait in the living room?



We've been trying to be a good girl, we should keep going and stay in the living room


Go change her diaper! She wants to prove she don’t need one