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A caption/short story commission from Invada. Picture property of ABDreams.

"There we go!" Camille exclaimed, stepping back to examine her handiwork with a satisfied nod. "All done! Aren't they cute?"

"I-I guess so," Juliette had to admit, sitting up and looking down at the diaper, wrinkling her nose as she felt the padding shift with her, realizing how much thicker it was than the ones she'd been wearing to bed, how much more babyish. In fact... She frowned, heart pounding as her mind slowly started to lurch down that track, not wanting to accept it.

"Of course they are," Camille said. "I hope you like them, little lady... You're going to be in them full-time from now on."

"What?!" Juliette squealed. "No!"

Her mouth fell open, her head shaking in disbelief, not wanting to accept what her stepmother was saying. How could this be happening to her?! She fidgeted, praying the woman would tell her it was a joke, that she wasn't going to make her do this, yet it never came. Groaning unhappily, her mind began to drift back, over the past few weeks, through the fuzzy haze her memory of that time had become.

It had all started when they'd moved here, she was pretty certain. Her dad and Camille had gotten married, and, since they'd both been renting places they didn't think were big enough for them - plus Juliette, since she'd decided she wasn't going to college that year - they bought a house together and moved in. It was nice, with plenty of space... But it needed some work.

Juliette's room in particular needed to be renovated almost completely, so, while they waited for that, she was temporarily relegated to another room, one that would eventually be turned into a guest room. It wasn't bad, just smaller than her real room, and, like the rest of the house, still had the old furniture, making her positive it had once belonged to a little girl. In fact, some of the girl's clothes were still hanging in the wardrobe when she went to put her own things in there.

It was very odd, and made her slightly uncomfortable, both figuratively and literally, the child-sized bed and desk not quite big enough for her adult frame. She tried to convince her dad to move her own bed in, but he just kept telling her that her real room would be done soon, so it wasn't worth dragging it all the way upstairs for a few days. A few days passed, and a few more, and her room still wasn't done.

In the meantime, Camille had decided, since Juliette had made the decision not to go to college, she ought to enroll at a nearby all-girls college prep school. "She's not getting a job," Juliette had overheard her talking to her father about it. "She should be doing something... Maybe this will push her to do that."

Juliette couldn't say she was exactly excited about it, or, really, that she'd made much of an effort, but she didn't feel like she felt in at all. She'd coasted through the last couple years of high school, barely paying attention; now, her teachers wouldn't tolerate that, assigning her extra homework if they caught her daydreaming, while she was hardly able to finish the normal amount any given night. It was so much tougher than high school, and, no matter how hard she studied, her test scores were dropping lower and lower, until, finally, she realized there was no way she was going to pass.

That was when she reminded herself she was an adult. She didn't feel like one, struggling so much with schoolwork, something she'd considered herself pretty good at before this, on the verge of failing with the first couple weeks, but she was, and that meant she didn't have to be here... So she quit. 

Camille and her father weren't happy about it, although there wasn't really much they could do about it. She was over 18, after all, so she didn't have to go to school. She'd expected Camille to try anyway, though it hadn't ended up happening. "I'll find her something else to do during the day," she once again overheard her stepmother vowing, but, luckily, nothing had come of that, either.

Unfortunately, that wasn't Juliette's only problem... Just a couple days into her time at school, she'd started wetting the bed. She couldn't recall having ever had that issue before, even when she was little, and she blamed her rapidly declining grades, and escalating pile of homework that was keeping her up later and later. Whatever the cause, however, she wasn't used to trying to hide it, and, in no time, Camille had found out, catching her in a lie, asking why she had been doing laundry so often lately, and bought her Goodnites to wear.

It was humiliating, certainly, though Juliette had to admit it wasn't all bad... She'd expected Camille to be mad at her, to scold her for having such childish accidents at her age, to tell her, like she'd used to before the wedding, and before they'd all moved in together, that she needed to grow up... There hadn't been any of that, strangely. 

It only got worse as time went on, and not even quitting school fixed it; if anything, she started leaking through her Goodnites more often afterwards, until her stepmother had decided it was time to move her up to real adult diapers, tapes and all. To say Juliette was unhappy about that would have been a huge understatement... She'd thrown her biggest tantrum in years, until Camille agreed to take her to the doctor and see what they said, if they had any other ideas.

"She's perfectly healthy," the doctor had reported. "I did have to update her file because her last physician was way off with her height, but I didn't see anything that would be causing bedwetting."

Briefly, Juliette had assumed the doctor meant she'd grown, gotten even taller... Then, the next day, as she was looking at herself in the mirror on her bedroom wall, she realized how wrong she was. That mirror was hung low, clearly for the little girl who had lived there before... She'd always had to duck down to see herself in it. Now, she could simply look in, and see her whole reflection, no problem.

She was shrinking. She got more confirmation of that one night, when she wasn't paying attention as she grabbed a pair of PJs out of the wardrobe, pulling them on. The past few days, she'd been annoyed at how big and baggy everything had felt on her, but these fit perfectly, making her feel more confident, more certain that the 'shrinking' thing was a strange figment of her imagination... Until she saw her reflection in the mirror, realized she didn't recognize the pajamas, that the cartoon characters on them were far too juvenile for her, and must have belonged to the former resident of this room. She'd accidentally grabbed some of the little girl's clothes... And they fit better than her own.

It was, Juliette realized now, right around then that the other accidents had started. She wasn't even the first to notice them... She'd been watching TV in the living room, and noticed she had to pee, so, once a commercial started, she'd gotten up, hurrying to the bathroom, only for Camille to squawk, "What is this?!"

Juliette turned in confusion to see her stepmother pointing at a damp spot on the sofa, her eyes widening as she looked up at her. "Juliette! What did you do?!" The girl looked down at herself, confused until she saw the matching wet patch on her crotch. She already had gone a little, it seemed...

Like everything else, it continued to escalate, happening more often, the puddles she made without realizing growing, until... Now. Now, as she sat there on a bed that she had no problem fitting on, with room to spare, wearing one of the little girl's bunny t-shirts, and a diaper that she was feeling more and more certain was an actual baby diaper that she was fitting into with no problems.

"Yes, Julie," Camille lectured. "We just got our furniture, and it's going to be too expensive to have to replace it all because of your little accidents. Now, stop fussing and let me finish getting you ready... I found a nice daycare I want to go check out."

Juliette's stomach twisted inside her as she watched her stepmother getting a skirt, socks, and shoes for her, choosing ones that the girl knew she hadn't brought with her into this room. How had she let things get this far?! She supposed, at first, she'd been glad because Camille had been acting a little nicer towards her, getting away with things that, normally, would have caused a huge fight between them... She had thought the shrinking was weird, of course, but the doctor had just told her nothing was wrong with her...

Now, however, it had gone too far... She was sitting there in a baby diaper, one Camille seemingly expected her to wear all the time from now on, getting dressed otherwise entirely in clothes that belonged to some other little girl... "Wh-Why are we going to a daycare?" she asked nervously as Camille tugged the shoes onto her feet, fastening up the Velcro straps. Was she thinking about getting a job there? Did she want Juliette to?

"For you, silly," Camille chuckled, booping her on the nose as she finished dressing her. "I can't just leave you alone here all day... And you need to spend some more time around kids your age."

Juliette gasped, head spinning as Camille helped her off the bed, taking her by the hand. "B-But..." she sputtered, heart racing. What was she talking about?! Kids her age didn't go to daycare! They should be in school! Maybe she should be in school, too... Maybe she should never have dropped out... Only babies went to daycare, and she wasn't...

She gulped as she was led past the mirror, getting a full view of herself, cutting herself off mid-thought. The person in that reflection certainly wasn't an adult... She looked so tiny next to Camille, so innocent, especially with the waistband of her diaper peeking up out of the top of her skirt. "Oh, no!" she squealed in horror. She was becoming a baby!

"Did you have an accident already?" Camille shook her head. "We'll change you when we get there, sweetie."

Julie tried to deny it, to prove she didn't need these diapers, but, as her shrunken legs worked to keep up with her stepmother, she realized she did feel a slight dampness in the padding of her diaper already. Maybe, she thought, mouth drying out as the thought hit her, she wasn't becoming a baby after all... Maybe she was already there. Either way, it was starting to feel like it was too late for her to do anything about it.




A sequel with her at daycare would be great! Love the age regression in this one.


Please make a sequel, or even a prequel explaining the curse of this haunted house with the previous owner as the main character who got regressed before Julie :)