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"Hannah, no!" Valerie gasped, fighting to break free of the younger girl's grip, to avoid the looming entrance to the restroom. "W-We can talk somewhere else, just not in there!"

"Aww, what's wrong, slave?" Hannah mocked. "Are you afraid of the potty? Is that why you're wearing diapers?"

Honestly, she wasn't sure that was any worse than the real explanation, so she shrugged. "I-I just need..."

"Don't worry, cutie, I'll help you out," Hannah said, giving her another tug and pulling her over the threshold, into the bathroom. For a moment, Valerie thought it was okay, that, perhaps, the nurse had been right, and the last accident had been a lingering side-effect of the enema, or that it was only the vanishing bathrooms in middle school that did that to her.

Then, it started. As Hannah continue to guide her in, she could feel the massive padding between her legs warming, growing heavier, her stomach contracting and starting to push as she struggled to keep up with the taller girl's pace, slowed even further now by the humiliation of what was happening. If Hannah noticed, she didn't say anything as she led Val into the handicap stall, closing the door behind them.

"See?" she teased. "That's a potty. It isn't so scary, is it? Do you need me to help you up onto...?" Valerie watched as Hannah's nose crinkled, as the girl looked to her diaper. "You didn't..." Hannah snickered, reaching out, slipping a few fingers past the first layer of padding, then quickly pulling them out as if she'd been bit by a snake in there. "Oh, my God!" she cackled. "It's right here! You couldn't wait two more seconds?!"

"I-It's not..." Val grunted, feeling the sticky mush continuing to expand around her bottom, helpless to stop it.

"Fine, if you're that much of a baby, you can just do my homework like that." Hannah gave Valerie a shove, the smaller girl quickly losing her balance, falling back onto the still-filling seat of her diaper as Hannah opened up her backpack, pulling out a few assignments and tossing them down in front of her.

Valerie squirmed on the floor, starting to worry now as the mess kept coming, showing no signs of stopping. Last time she'd just barely stepped in, then left... If she was stuck in the bathroom, would she just keep using her diaper until she was allowed to get out?! It was definitely starting to feel that way.

"Hey!" Hannah snapped. "Get to work! I can't be gone all day! I'm already mad enough at you... Why have you been ignoring me? We had an arrangement!"

Valerie could hardly believe her ears. "R-Really?!" she sputtered. "Did you think we still did after what you said in the principal's office?!"

"I don't think you're taking this seriously," Hannah shook her head, yanking some toilet paper from the roll, cleaning off the toilet seat. "You're supposed to address me as Mistress Hannah, to show me respect... Especially now, while you're pooping your pants in the middle of the bathroom. Someone who stil does that ought to call anyone that's still in big kid undies Mistress or Master... Certainly someone who saved your skin, and who you made an agreement with." With that, she sat down on the toilet, lording it over the diapered girl on the floor from her throne.

"B-Because of you, I was put back in middle school!" Valerie growled. 

"Yeah, I know, I was there, dummy," Hannah smirked. "But you had my number, and you haven't made any efforts to hold up your end of our bargain."

Valerie groaned, the muddy flood still going strong in her diaper, making it hard to concentrate, to talk, to do anything but want to get out of there. "C-Can we just go out in the hall?" she begged, before seeing Hannah's expression, and begrudingly adding, "Mistress Hannah?" to the end.

"That's better!" Hannah smiled. "You're learning! But no, we've wasted enough time already."

Val had no choice... She had to help this girl, or she was going to be stuck filling her pampers for the rest of the school day. With shaking fingers, she grabbed the pencil she was given, looking over the worksheets. They were pretty simple, of course, especially for her... Although, considering her performance the day before, she didn't know if it would matter. Anything she wrote would, very likely, turn into a wrong answer. Suddenly, she saw a good side to being in middle school, or, at least, anywhere else other than the same building as this girl when she got her grades for these.

"Finally!" Hannah scooped the papers out of Valerie's hands as the former class president meekly offered them up. "Now, I need to get back, and I'm sure you have somewhere to go, too... Potty training, maybe?" She smirked, standing up and walking past Valerie, heading right out the bathroom door.

Valerie tried to get back to her feet, but her diaper was bulging out fuller than ever now, and still going, so, instead of struggling with that, she started to crawl, creeping her way out towards the hall, just wanting this to stop, to give her a moment of peace to think about what she was going to do, if she could still face Ms. Alvarez like this.

Almost as soon as she made it out, however, the bell rang. She groaned, watching the classroom doors start to swing open down the halls, students begin to pour out, towards her. If it weren't for what she knew would happen if she did, she might have ran right back into the bathroom to hide, but she didn't think her diaper would make it until the next period began.

Using the wall for support, she pulled herself to her feet, toddling down the hall towards Ms. Alvarez's classroom. If she was going to see her, to talk to her face-to-face, this might be the best time, messy diaper or not. There wouldn't be many other people in the room, and, if she was quick enough, perhaps she could convince the woman to close the door, give them privacy. Even distracted by what had just happened, and the massive mass of mush in her pants, surely she'd still be able to talk the woman into giving her a second chance before her next class was supposed to start.

"Which cheerleader is that?" she could hear people asking behind her, knowing they were talking about her, even before someone else inquired, "What is she wearing? Is that some kind of initiation thing?"

"Would they let someone new on the squad this late in the year?" the first voice wondered.

"What is that smell?!"

Valerie tugged at the skirt, doing her best to ignore all that, to pretend it wasn't happening, and that she didn't care. As long as they didn't know who she was, it would be okay... She didn't care what they thought the cheerleaders did to new members; honestly, she wouldn't be surprised if it was just as bad, if not worse, than this. If she was still the president, she'd take a stand against hazing... Now, she only wanted to get out of the hall, to talk to the one person who might be able to get her back where she belonged.

She was nearly there, could see the classroom door in the distance, was willing to speed up and risk being called out for running in the halls, to let her skirt bounce harder, showing off more of her diaper, to feel the mess squish more between her legs, except... There was Anita.

How had she found her already?! It wasn't fair! She'd just crested the top of the stairs, between Val and Ms. Alvarez's classroom, scanning the area, clearly searching for her. Val gasped, scooting back, trying to blend into the crowd until she felt her lumpy backside bump into someone behind her.

"Ew!" the girl exclaimed, shoving her away. 

She stumbled forward a few steps, the bulk of her loaded diapers nearly making her fall back onto her hands and knees. She saw Anita's head snap in that direction, her white sneakers starting to move towards the throng of students Val was hiding in, although, thankfully, she didn't appear to have spotted her yet.

Valerie slid her way through them, turning a corner, heart pounding. She'd spent almost four full years in this building... She should know every in and out of it by now. Where could she hide?! Her first instinct, normally, would have been a bathroom, but that was definitely out of the question now. What else was there? Where else could she find a private space to avoid the cheerleader?

While she was thinking, she kept moving, taking every corner she could to put some distance between her and her pursuer, keep her out of the girl's line of sight. She was also travelling further and further away from Ms. Alvarez's classroom... Perhaps she could find a way to loop around, to end up back there, or maybe not; all she knew was, if Anita caught her, she wouldn't let her go there anyway, so this was still her best shot. 

She was so panicked, and in such a hurry, despite all her time here, all her experience walking these halls, she quickly realized that, whether she'd successfully lost Anita or not, she was, indeed, lost herself. She recognized everything she was waddling past, though how they all fit together, which way she needed to go from them to get back to Ms. Alvarez, she couldn't quite work out, not in her current state. 

"Come on," she panted to herself. "Think..."

In a flash, she realized where she was, what she was close to. This wasn't the best time to do it, but, since she didn't know if she'd have another chance, it was going to have to do. She turned again, and, sure enough, there was Stacy, standing by her locker, backpack in hand as she sifted through papers.

"Stacy!" she yelped, dashing up to her, finally stopping to catch her breath, nearly collapsing in a heap.

"V-Val?" her friend's eyes went wide. "Wh-What happened to...? What are you wear..?!" Valerie could see the moment the smell hit her, watched her eyes travel to her loaded diaper. "I thought you said you didn't need those."

"I-I don't!" Valerie blushed. "I-It's complicated... L-Listen, I really..."

Stacy shook her head, Val seeing the same expression she'd seen on her face when her friend had seen her in that childish outfit, and in a diaper the first time, the expression that told Valerie the other girl was realizing what a mistake she'd made, befriending someone so immature.

"Stacy, please!" Valerie shook her head. "Y-You need to help me... I-If you talk to Ms. Alvarez, then maybe she can clear all this up, a-and I can come back here, and..."

"Shh!" Stacy blushed, looking around, trying to make sure nobody was seeing the two of them together after that outburst, not quite stop herself from wrinkling her nose at that thought, at the idea of Val returning, like this, and wanting to hang out with her, as if things were still normal. "I-I need to get going," she said. "I-I have... things..."

"Valerie!" Val gulped, turning to see Anita approaching from the end of the hall, not looking too happy.

"A-At least help me get out of here," she begged her friend. "J-Just take me out to your car, away from Anita, and..."

"You're not getting in my car like that," Stacy said, a little too quickly, shutting her locker and backing away. "I-I can't miss class again, anyway, a-and there's not time to go out to the lot, and..."

"Stacy!" Valerie wailed, grabbing at her arm.

"Get off!" Stacy shook her grip loose frantically, face darkening, seeing that people were paying attention now. "I-I don't know who you are, kid, but I can't help you!"

She almost looked relieved when Anita's hand closed around Val's arm, giving her the chance to slip away, clearly not wanting anyone to see them together, to recall that they'd used to hang out. Valerie grasped at her again, desperately... She was too slow this time, and couldn't move too far with Anita holding her, and had to watch Stacy practically run off, abandoning her there with the cheerleader.

"What do you think you're doing, young lady?!" Anita demanded. "I told you to wait for me in the locker room, didn't I?!" She gave the seat of Val's diaper a hard swat, the smaller girl yelping, blushing as the mess squelched further under her hand. "At least you followed some of my instructions... It's too bad I didn't get to see it happen in person, but at least Hannah sent me some pics."

Of course... Hannah was probably still sucking up to Anita, and hoping, somehow, that would help her get onto the squad. She'd told the girl where to find Valerie... 

"Wow," Anita smirked, continuing to rub Valerie's lumpy bottom. "You really had to go, huh?"

"Shut up," Valerie sulked. This was it... She'd had her chance to get to Ms. Alvarez, and it had been ruined... She'd even seen Stacy, had a shot at asking her to do it for her, although, from the way the girl had looked at her, she doubted the girl would have been willing to do anything for her, especially something that might end with her back at the same school as her.

"Oh, so feisty for such a little girl," Anita mocked. "Especially one in such a dirty diaper. Or are you just fussy? Did you miss your nap today?"

"Just let me go!" Val fumed, trying to break free of her grip. "I hate you, and your stupid boyfriend, and goo-goo ga-bla."

She gasped, clapping her hands to her mouth, horrified that she'd started babbling again, now of all times.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Anita giggled. Val squirmed, not wanting to open her mouth, knowing she wouldn't be able to speak normally until she sucked her thumb, but also not wanting to do that in front of the other girl. "No, seriously, Valerie... Tell me how you really feel. Come on, show me you have a little guts, that you don't really belong there, in those poopy pampers."

Valerie grumbled under her breath, teeth clenched.

"Seriously, Val," Anita told her, kneeling down in front of her. "I might even respect you a little if you do. And that's what you want, isn't it? You just had to run for president to prove to people that you were as good as us popular kids, and to force us to hang out with a boring little nerd like you... That's why you had us come to all those boring meetings... I bet you thought arguing with us over every idea we had was almost as good as actually being friends with us, huh?"

Valerie shook her head, desperate to defend herself, to say that wasn't true.

"Just tell me how you really feel," Anita urged. "Tell me how stupid you think me and Johnny are, because our grades weren't as good as the ones you cheated to get."

Valerie nearly burst, wanting to tell the girl that had only happened once, that she really was much smarter than either of them. Finally, she gave in, shoving her thumb in her mouth, sucking desperately to try to get her speech back.

Unfortunately, Anita took that action as her response. "That's what I thought," she shrugged, dragging her back through the halls. Valerie tried popping her thumb back out every few seconds, ready to give Anita a piece of her mind as soon as she could do more than babble, but, before she'd gotten her words back, Anita had led her straight to Mrs. Coster. 

"Valerie!" the woman gasped, seeing her in her clearly very used diaper. 

"I'm sorry," Anita told her. "I tried my best with her, but I just... I can't do it. She's too much."

Val glared at her, then back at her middle school homeroom teacher, removing her thumb from between her lips to try again. "Hush," the woman glared at her. "I'm not in the mood, young lady. I'm so sorry, I should have known she wouldn't be ready for this... After her behavior yesterday, I should have expected this. Apologize to the nice girl, Valerie."

"No!" Val gasped, glad to finally be able to speak normally once more. "This isn't my fault! It's hers!"

"Oh, really?" Mrs. Coster raised an eyebrow. "She did this to your diapers?" She gave them a swat, making the girl yelp and blush. 

"Sh-She wanted me to..." Valerie tried to explain.

"She wanted you to mess yourself?" the woman stared down at her over her glasses. 

"Y-Yeah," Valerie nodded. "We know each other, f-from when I used to go here, and she wanted to embarrass me, and... And she took me off-campus for lunch!"

Despite Anita's best efforts, Val spotted a slight flinch, a touch of shock that Valerie had been brave enough to rat her out. Before the girl could do or say anything to incriminate herself, the teacher stepped in. 

"It sounds like you're just making excuses, young lady," she said. "It seems like that's your favorite pasttime, isn't it? Blaming everyone other than yourself for your troubles? You're the one wearing the diaper, Valerie... You could have used the bathroom if you wanted. I'd think, especially if you really did know her, you'd do your best not to do... this... in front of her. Now, you're going to apologize to her for your behavior today."

"No, I'm not!" Valerie stomped her foot defiantly. "If you'd just listen to me, she's been awful today, and...!"

"I don't even have to ask," Mrs. Coster said, taking out her phone. "You've clearly earned an F for today. And once we get back to the school, we're going to be taking a trip to the principal's office. Anybody who acts like this, and uses her diapers this thoroughly, would be more at home in elementary school than middle school, I'd think."

"What?! No!" Val gasped, seeing Anita fight to hide her grin as she got to watch Valerie effectively get demoted for the second time. "I-I'm sorry, okay! I-I won't do it again! I'll behave!"

"I hope so," Mrs. Coster shrugged. "But, hopefully it won't be my problem anymore, not for a few more years.... Maybe, by then, you'll have learned to be a mature, responsible young lady, since you didn't manage it this time around. At the very least, I hope you'll have learned to use the potty. Now, come on," she smacked Valerie's drooping bottom again. "Let's let Anita get back to classes, and get you cleaned up and into some fresh diapers. I don't want you leaking on the way back."



I can’t be sure but I’m 99% sure Summer is doing this


Not poor innocent baby summer! I'm not sure but I think we need a joint punishment session for the girls by nanny soon!