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"What did Anita mean, middle school? Have you been volunteering over there?"

Valerie fidgeted, nibbling on her bottom lip, looking for Anita, hoping that, for once, the cheerleader would be distracted, off somewhere else and not watching her intently, waiting to ensure she didn't try to wiggle out of their 'agreement'. Unfortunately, the girl was right there, mere feet away, waving her onwards to tell her humiliating tale for what felt like the twentieth time.

"No, uh... I-I'm a student there... I plagiarized a big paper last year, and, because of that, I was demoted back to middle school."

"Oh, wow," Sammi's eyes widened. "Why did you do that? You're so smart!"

"I don't know," Val mumbled; at this point, obviously, if she'd known all this was going to happen, she would have worked a little harder, or simply taken the F and thrown herself on the mercy of Ms. Alvarez, or Mr. Montgomery. It was too bad she couldn't go back in time the same way she was going back in grades...

"Well, I guess you seemed smart," Sammi shrugged. "Maybe you were just good at not getting caught, huh?"

"No, I..." Valerie began to protest, before shrugging. What was the point? Sammi would be graduating this year, so, by the time she got back to high school, she'd be gone. "Maybe," she replied defeatedly.

"Hey, why don't you two help me with this?" Anita swooped in. "Sammi, you hold the ladder for Val. Go on, take this end," she handed Val one end of a streamer, scrambling up another ladder with the other end. Valerie knew her trick, knew exactly what she was doing, but if they were going to get this place finished on time, she had to do everything she could.

In case the shortened skirt wasn't enough, Sammi got a good, long look at the diaper as Valerie clumsily climbed the ladder, the bulky garment not helping her balance whatsoever. Even at the top of the ladder, it was a struggle for the petite Val to reach a matching point with Anita's side of the decoration, having to stretch, making her dress ride up further, giving everyone in the room a view of her soaked pamper.

Anita was watching her closely as she carefully climbed down off the ladder, and the expression Sammi was wearing certainly qualified as 'looking at her funny,' so, obediently, she raised the hem of the skirt even further, letting the girl see all of her soggy shame. "I've been having accident lately," she admitted. "So I got demoted to diapers, too."

Sammi seemed shocked, then smirked as, shyly at first, she reached out, giving the padding a poke, before repeating the process more confidently. "You certainly did," she declared. "Wow, Val... You're a lot... different... than I thought you were. You used to seem so smart, and mature, and I really thought you deserved your win over Johnny."

"The only thing she's qualified to be president of now is the potty training club," Anita butted in. "She'd declare herself it, though, before she realizes the goal is to get the smiley face stickers, not the frownies. She just sees how many stickers she's getting and assumes she must be winning." She gave Valerie's diaper a pat. "Lord, Val, how much did you pee? You're gonna leak all over the place!"

Valerie blushed and squirmed, too timid to bring up the fact that the cheerleader had demanded she get her diaper nice and soaked before they left. "S-Sorry," she shrugged instead, assuming Anita wanted to hear, "I-I couldn't help it."

"I know you can't," Anita gave her a hug. "But we'd better get you back and into a fresh diapie before you make a mess of our nice room." 

"A-Are we done?" Valerie asked frantically, looking around, not wanting to be held responsible if the entire student council failed to get everything Anita had in mind finished.

"I think so," Anita nodded. "Go on, take a look around, Val... We're going to be spending our Saturday night here, dancing, and sneaking drinks, and celebrating the end of high school... What are your plans for that night? Double diapers, and in bed by six?"

Valerie's cheeks burned, knowing how likely that was, considering how mad her family, and Nanny, were at her. "Oh, my God, seriously?" Anita giggled. "Don't worry, I'll think about you, Val," she teased. "Especially when Johnny and I head to the hotel room he booked for us after the after-party... While I'm slipping into my sexy, new lingerie, I'll think about you, all tucked in and sucking your thumb, in your little PJ shirt," she rolled the dress up further, until it sat above Valerie's belly button, her diaper fully exposed for anyone still left in the area, "and your big, no doubt drenched, diaper."

Valerie grabbed at the dress bunched around her tummy, wanting to pull it down, but Anita smacked her hands away. "Leave it," she ordered. "Or you're spending the rest of the day like that."

She was worried that was going to happen anyway, as Anita led her out of the community center and into her car, pushing the dress back up as needed. She hadn't re-adjusted the safety pins, which was Val's only real hope, although she did make certain the seat belt held the garment up and away from the diaper when she fastened it, and lowered the window on Val's side so anyone driving past could peer in and see her.

They stopped by Taco Bell on the way back to school. "What do you like?" Anita asked. "And don't say nothing, I'm not going anywhere else."

"Umm..." Valerie wiggled in her seat, fighting the urge to yank the dress down, knowing Anita would get mad at her if she did. "Just a taco is fine, I'm not too hungry..."

"Could I get a Crunchwrap and three bean burritos?" Anita asked the order box.

"A-And..." Val tried to interject.

"Hush," Anita ordered. "Don't be rude. And two Baja Blasts, one medium and one large. Thanks!"

They rolled forward, the boy at the window clearly shocked to see Valerie sitting there as she was; Val knew she would be the talk of the restaurant for the rest of the day, at least. "Babysitting is the worst," Anita winked at him flirtily as she handed me the money. "She is kind of cute, though, isn't she? Say hi, Val!"

"H-Hi," Valerie waved shyly.

"Hey, there," he smirked. "Looks like she needs a change."

"When does she not?" Anita rolled her eyes, taking their drink cups and patting Val's diaper. "Don't worry, she's used to it. I just hope she doesn't drip on my seats."

Anita drank out of the medium cup, and, when the food arrived, she took the Crunchwrap for herself, munching on it expertly as she drove with one hand. "Go on," she pushed the bag towards Val. "Those are all yours... And you aren't going to be ungrateful and not eat them, are you?"

The answer, clearly, was no, of course she wouldn't. Anita had demonstrated she knew exactly how to humiliate her, to make her life hell, and Valerie had no desire to push her. At least, not until Anita announced, "Those are going to help you make a big, stinky mess in your diaper for me before you leave, aren't they?"

"Anita!" Valerie gasped. "I-I can't..."

"You can pee in them just fine... I have no doubt a smartie like you can figure out how to do that as well," Anita told her. "That's one thing I'll fully confident you can handle. I bet you've already done it, haven't you? Tell me the truth, Val; you're not good at lying anyway. Have you filled your little diapers?"

Valerie nodded, suddenly very interested in eating to keep from having to talk. "Seriously?!" Anita cackled for a moment before turning back to her with a grin. "More than once?" Valerie nodded again, much to the cheerleader's delight. "That is so pathetic! How did you think you were ready to graduate high school when you can't even keep your pants clean?"

Valerie blushed, quietly eating and drinking her food at Anita's urging. Thankfully, Anita took mercy on her, tugging her dress down, even taking out the safety pins, although Val suspected if she hadn't done as she was told, or answered the questions, that wouldn't have happened. Anita led her in and to the nurse, who immediately noted, "She's soaked!" 

"I know," Anita shrugged. "Again! This is just one accident, too! She really is a fountain."

Ms. Rowen pulled out a fresh diaper, then a second... Then, a third. "I've never seen anyone who needed this much padding," she said, "but I guess it was bound to happen eventually."

"B-But..." Valerie gasped weakly, before falling silent She'd never been able to change the mind of the nurse, or the cheerleader... Why did she think she'd suddenly gained that ability? If they wanted her in triple diapers, she was going to wear triple diapers, one way or the other.

And wear them she did. They were absolutely massive, so big they bulged obviously against the fabric of her dress, and made every step a struggle. "Here," Anita giggled, taking her hand after seeing her trying to waddle out of the office. "Let me help."

Val didn't remember much about the next class, other than a lot of squirming at her desk, shocked at how high from the seat she was. When the large soft drink she'd guzzled in Anita's car started to want to make an exit, she was helpless to stop the dribbling, the diapers preventing her from fighting it. No matter how hard she squeezed her thighs, they didn't move any closer together, so crossing her legs was out of the question. All she could do was sit there and helplessly tinkle her diapers.

"I have a special treat for you now," Anita told her, once that class was over, and Valerie was toddling along beside her again. "I know you don't respect cheerleaders, and you think we're all dumb bimbos who..."

"N-No, I don't," Valerie shook her head, even though she was pretty sure, in the heat of her anger at Anita over one thing or another on the board, she'd said almost those exact words to Stacey.

"I told you, you shouldn't bother lying," Anita chastised. "You're so bad at it. Well, anyway, you are going to get to see exactly how much work goes into what we do, little lady... Because you're coming to practice with me."

"I know you work hard," Val said. "I do... I-I don't need..."

"And I have another surprise," Anita cut her off, leading her into the locker room, and to her locker, where there were two uniforms hanging. "Ta-da!"

It was so skimpy, so revealing... Valerie would have hesitated to wear it, even without the massive amount of padding between her legs. With it, the skirt barely hid any of her three diapers, which immediately drew the attention of the other girls getting ready for practice. 

"Oh, my God, what are you wearing?!" one giggled.

"Go on," Anita tapped Val on the bottom, the smaller girl barely feeling it through the bulk. "You know what to say."

Just like at the community center, Valerie sighed, admitted, "I-I need them. I can't help myself, I-I just keep having accidents, so..." A little late, she lifted her skirt, though there was hardly any difference between it being up or down, in terms of people seeing what was underneath.

"She's a precious little diaper nerd, isn't she?" Anita patted her on the head. "I could just eat her up!"

Anita led her out onto the field, keeping her close by her side as she addressed her squad, all eyes on both of them. Thankfully, she let Valerie sit on the side-lines, not wanting her to get hurt, while they actually practiced.

As she sat there, she couldn't help thinking about Summer, even though she didn't want to. She could remember coming to watch Summer cheer at games, and then, after that summer, coming by with Nanny now and then to drop her off or pick her up from after school practice. She'd seen her sitting here, in - at least once, probably - this exact spot, in her little uniform and diapers, just like Val was now.

It had to have been even more frustrating for Summer, obviously... She'd been the head cheerleader, still knew most of the girls on the squad... Valerie knew Anita, since she was on the board, and was familiar with some of her friends... Her paths didn't cross with the other cheerleaders much. During her campaign, however, she'd put up so many posters, done her best to ensure everyone in school knew her face, and who she was... Even with glasses and braces, and this outfit, they likely recognized her.

When Summer had done this, there was no doubt they knew her. Valerie imagined her sitting here, watching routines she'd done a million times, perhaps ones she'd even choreographed herself, while wiggling in her padding, feeling a heaviness in her tummy, a slight pressure, an involuntary push, the formation of a mushy lump that was only going to keep growing...

No! Valerie gasped, shook her head. Every time she thought about Summer, compared the two of them, this happened, and there was no way she was going to allow it this time, not here, not now. She did feel a rumbling in her belly, and the next time she shifted her weight, there was a definite sticky spot in her padding's seat... But, thankfully, that was as far as it had gone, apparently. It was a good thing, too... If she couldn't stop herself from peeing in this diaper, there was nothing she'd be able to do if that urge hit her too hard.

"Great job, girls!" Anita exclaimed. "Now, for something a little simpler. Come on, Val!" Valerie glanced upwards, just in time for Anita to grab her hands and yank her to her feet, wobbling there for a moment before she could struggle to toddle back to the front of the squad. "I'm not sure how many of you know this, but Valerie here is step-sisters with Summer Taylor."

To Val's shock, the name prompted some looks of surprise and recognition. Did people still remember Summer here? The cheerleading squad had won some awards when she'd been the head cheerleader... Val had no idea, herself, how important those were, or if they'd done it since, though, seemingly, it was a big deal. That, or the tales of her diapered mascot days were still being told.

"Why don't we see if any of that talent rubbed off on little Val?" Anita suggested, handing Valerie some pom-poms. "Don't look so nervous," she teased. "This is our easiest cheer, the one we start with... Even the freshmen can handle it. Oh, but you aren't a freshman anymore, are you?" She frowned. "Well, our JV squad can do it, too, so you should be fine."

It wasn't anything that looked too difficult. There were some simple steps, some pom-pom shaking, a couple kicks. On a normal day, Valerie likely could have stumbled her way through it. Today was far from normal, however.

She did start to make an effort, but she couldn't do anything with her legs without being reminded of the massive diaper, of how hard it was to take so much as a single step. There was no way she could do any cheerleading routine in triple diapers, and she had no doubt Anita knew that as well, had planned on it.

"Come on, Val!" Anita 'encouraged,' smirking. "Your sister's a legend! You can't let her down like this!"

But was Summer a legend because she'd been a good cheerleader, or because of her days hanging around in her diapers? She might have had a legacy either way... It had probably lived on longer because of the latter, perhaps to the point where it had totally eclipsed anything she'd done beforehand... She'd won them championships, yet it was possible all people thought about when it came to her was her filling up her pampers...

Valerie grunted, cheeks flushing as she felt the pressure in her tummy building again, her pom-poms shooting to her round bottom, hardly able to feel them through three layers of fluff. Thankfully, she'd once again forced herself out of that line of thought before anything happened... However, this time, she'd been in front of the whole squad, all eyes on her and her little display.

"Uh-oh!" Anita cooed. "Did you have a little accident, Val?"

"N-No," Valerie shook her head, only for the taller girl to grab her anyway, grabbing all three waistbands, pulling them back. 

"No wonder you're in diapers," Anita mocked. "That doesn't look like nothing to me, little girl. If you were in big girl panties, they'd be ruined! But I guess these can handle it, huh?" She let the diapers snap back into place, then gave them a smack, hard enough to be felt - if just slightly - through them, letting Val feel how much the mushy spot had grown before she'd snapped out of it. Another few seconds, and she would have given Anita exactly what she wanted.

"All right," Anita snatched the pom-poms. "Clearly, you aren't ready, so why don't we all go get cleaned up, ladies?" 

Anita took Val by the hand, taking her back into the locker room and sitting her down on a bench. "You sit here," she ordered, "and finish pooping your pants. The nurse can worry about getting you clean... Eventually." She smirked, grabbing her clothes and towel. "Don't move a muscle, or you'll regret it."

Part of Valerie wanted to obey, knowing from the rest of the day that, in her current state, she was no match for the awful girl... And yet, this might be her only chance to go talk to Ms. Alvarez and try to clear this all up. The end of the school day was approaching fast, and when that happened, she would be shipped back to middle school, and wouldn't have any reason, or way, to return here until she was a freshman again, for the third time.

She would have loved to change back into her dress, but every second counted here... She stood up, sneakers blinking as she trotted across the locker room, past the other cheerleaders as they filtered in from putting the equipment up and got ready for their own showers, and out into the halls. Class was still in session, so they were mostly empty, making it easier for her to get where she needed to go, even with her triple diapers slowing her down.

She was almost there, almost to her best shot at fixing this, getting everything back to normal, when she heard, "Hey, you!" from behind her, at the bathroom door she'd just passed.

It wasn't Anita - she would have used her name, and she'd heard her voice enough that day to recognize it. It did sound familiar, but she assumed it was a hall monitor, or something like that. The good girl in her paused for a moment, before reminding herself of her mission and pressing on.

Of course, she wouldn't be outrunning anybody this way, and, in a few moments, she felt a hand close around her wrist, spinning her, making her turn to face... Hannah. The girl who had rescued her from the locker, who had lied to Mr. Montgomery, which was a big part of why she'd been sent back to middle school.

"Wow," the chubby girl chuckled. "I thought you peed your pants because you'd been stuck in that locker a long time... I guess it's a bigger problem than that, huh?"

"I don't have time for this," Val shook her head, trying to tug herself free of Hannah's grip. 

"You must be super busy," Hannah said. "You haven't had time to reply to my messages, or so any of the things we agreed on when I helped you out... I think we need to have a little talk, slave."

She yanked Valerie back towards the bathroom, Valerie's stomach twisting, both at being detained from her real goal, and from the memory of what had happened when she'd tried to go into the bathroom at middle school. Would that happen here? She didn't want to find out... Unfortunately, she was no match for the bigger girl's strength, so she was about to.



Love it. Easily my favorite story by far. Excited for more!


This was an amazing chapter!! I can't wait for the next!