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A short story/caption commission from an anonymous Patron to do one of the Community Caption suggestions from a couple months ago. Picture property of ABDreams!

It had been rough there for a while, but Luna had known it would all work out in the end. Well... She'd been pretty sure, anyway.

"See?" she smirked, slapping the acceptance letter, and the school's brochure, down on the cafeteria table in front of April. "I told you I'd be fine, didn't I? That I could go to as many parties as I wanted, and not have to worry about being a huge dork like you and spending my weekends studying?"

The underclassman glanced up, confused for a moment, then looked at the things she'd been given. "Wow," she nodded. "Is this the only acceptance letter you've gotten, or...?"

"Oh, shut up," Luna rolled her eyes. "One is enough, isn't it? How many have you been accepted into?"

"Well, none," April had to admit. "But I'm not a senior yet, I haven't take entrance exams, or..."

"And now you know you don't have to sweat it!" Luna told her. "Not only is it a school, check it out," she opened up the brochure, pointing out a section she'd been particularly fond of. "'Only for girls that have demonstrated a particular academic excellence.' I bet not even you'll be able to get into here! This," she tapped the paper again, "is why I'm the upperclassman, and you aren't."

"No, you were born a year earlier, and my birthday is later in the year, and..." April tried to correct her, but Luna didn't care. Why did she need to listen to her? She had absolute proof that she was smart after all, that, like her mother had always said, her poor grades weren't because she was a bad student... They were because she was bored by the stuff she was being taught.

She didn't get any more letters, though, as she'd told April, she only needed one. Her only real disappointment was how early the school year started, how short it was going to make her summer... But she was sure there would be plenty of those once she was there, and better ones than any some high schoolers through - this was college, after all! 

It was odd that the school dictated how much of her stuff she was allowed to bring, and wouldn't give her a tour of the campus, or a picture of her room, although that didn't bother her too much, either. The school was going to provide furniture, and a new computer to replace the old, busted Chromebook she'd been using forever, even uniforms. She wasn't excited about the last part, but that was fine... She was encouraged to bring her own clothes for evenings and weekends, as much as would fit into the boxes the school sent, so everyone would have the exact same amount of things.

She didn't even have to lug them into the school herself - she sent them back, the school covering the postage. On the day classes began, the only thing she had to bring was herself. Her parents dropped her off, with hugs and kisses, and she set off on her new adventure, following the directions in the e-mail she'd gotten talking about orientation. 

It was a small school, much more than she'd anticipated, though it made sense... Not many were smart enough to get in. Only a couple dozen desks were set up, each with a name, some snacks, and the boxes they'd sent in sitting in front of them. Why weren't those in their rooms? If she'd known she was going to have to carry them, she would have brought them in the car, and made her dad bring them in.

Slowly, as she munched on her fancy cheese and crackers, and sipped her sparkling water, the other girls filed in, and, at last, every desk was filled, and a tall, stern-looking woman stepped to the front of the room. "Good afternoon, new students," she smiled. "I'm so glad you could all make it. We're very much looking forward to the new year, and we hope all of you are, too. Although, I suppose, now that you're here, it's time you all know the truth about what this place is."

She pressed a button on her desk and a screen began to lower from the ceiling. Once it was all the way down, an image flashed onto it... A picture of what looked, for all the world, like a daycare, except for the fact that all the 'children' in it were young women around Luna's age, crawling around, playing with baby toys, curled up taking naps... And, every one of them, wearing incredibly big, bulky diapers, and shirts that did absolutely nothing to hide them.

Luna swallowed, fidgeting uncomfortably in her seat at the sight, sensing the other girls around her doing the same. "You see," the woman continued, "our brochure didn't lie to you, exactly... This is a place for girls who demonstrate a particular academic excellence... A lack of it, that is. You are the worst students we could find. You are all silly, lazy little girls who have nothing to offer society as it is... So, we will be re-educating you, from the start, re-forming you into the only things you are it to be - over-sized, babbling, diaper-filling toddlers."

One girl ran for the door, to be met by an oncoming flood of women dressed as nurses, carrying folded up changing pads, bottles of baby powder... And diapers. "No!" Luna stood up defiantly, stomping her foot. "You can't do this to us! We're women, not, and you can't..." She frowned, glancing down, feeling something unusual... And seeing a wet spot at her crotch, slowly creeping down the legs of her jeans. She was wetting herself!

"We already have," the woman at the front informed them, as the other girls giggled. "Those snacks you all so happily ate started to process. Now, before the rest of you make even bigger messes of yourself, and this room, we're going to get you into your uniforms."

She wasn't lying. Even standing there in wet pants, Luna couldn't let this happen to her, so, when the nurse approached her, she pushed the woman aside, started to stumble towards the exit. Like most of the other girls, she was caught, grabbed, pushed over her desk, pants pushed down so she could be given a good, hard spanking. She saw several other girls wet themselves during that, making her glad she'd gotten it out of the way, although, honestly, she wasn't sure which was the more embarrassing prospect.

The fluffy diaper was almost a comfort after that, as she was laid down on it, powdered up, the thick garment tugged up between her thighs, crinkling loudly as she sniffled, still too upset over the spanking to protest out loud. It was so huge, so completely different from her usual panties... She was going to be waddling for sure. Her shirt was taken away, too, replaced with another sporting a cartoon character and ending well above her midriff, and the waistband of her diaper.

Once all the new students were dressed properly, and the sniffling had subsided, the leader spoke again. "Your first assignment," she told them, is quite simple. If you look under the papers with your names on them on your desk, you'll find a shipping label. We've taken the liberty of sorting through the clothing you all sent in... The box on the left is filled with things that other people could wear, and you'll be putting the label on that and taking the boxes out to be donated to those less fortunate. The box on the right has things like your underwear, other intimates, things that we deemed not worth giving away. Tonight, we'll be having a back to school bonfire - the only time you'll be awake after dark all school year - and you'll all be adding the contents of those boxes to it. If you're found with anything from either box after today, you will be punished. Understand?"

After what had just happened, all the girls, despite their abysmal test scores, certainly did understand that, at least. They were marched through the school, and out onto the front lawn, forced to hand their possessions, their grown-up clothes, over to the cute deliverymen waiting by their trucks, smirking as the girls gave up their boxes, then had nothing but their hands to hide the giant diapers around their waists with.

While they waited for night to fall, they were taken to another room, not the one they'd seen in the video yet, not a normal classroom, but one that looked like a cozy - but large - living room, with a kitchen attached, pans cooking away on the burners on the stoves. There were new people waiting for them there, not dressed in any particular uniform, like the nurses, although, obviously, they all looked more mature than the freshmen.

"You did very good, girls," the woman from the first room informed them, as if they'd had any choice in the matter. "Now, one of the most important lessons you'll learn here is that you will be using your diapers... There are no potties here, and the toilets are strictly off-limits to you. Our new girls often struggle with this, so we're going to give you some experience. The drugs you were given have weakened your control, but not taken it away entirely... That will come with time."

The assembled women swarmed, picking out the girl they wanted. Luna shuffled her feet nervously, wondering who she was going to end up with... Only to have April approach and take her hand, grinning. "A-April?!" Luna gasped, anxiously trying to will her shirt into growing several sizes longer with her free hand, as April led her across the room, to a chair near the stoves. "Wh-What are you doing here?!"

Had she found out the truth of this place? Was she here to rescue Luna? Luna could only hope... Although, as April sat in the chair, pushing her down to her knees beside her and pushing the nipple of a baby bottle into her mouth, she had to admit she had some doubts. Maybe it was just a cover, to fit in?

"April," Luna burbled past gulps of strangely sweet milk, clutching the hem of her friend's dress desperately. "You hafta help me... They're gonna turn me into a baby!"

"Oh, you're doing a fine job of that on your own," April smiled. "You're already wetting yourself, sweetie." Luna frowned, certain that couldn't be true... Yet, as her hand drifted downwards, towards her diaper, she did feel a warmth there, and on the inside. "Did you really not notice?" April giggled. "You are finally going to be at the head of your class here, Luna. I have to thank you for telling me about this place... I decided to look into it, since I'd never heard of it, and I definitely won't be applying here... But they did have some job openings, which will look good on my other applications. Of course, once school starts back up, I'll mostly just be here on the weekends, though, until then, I get to see you all the time! Won't that be fun? I have a feeling, as good as you're doing, you'll be fully diaper dependent well before that... We'll see how you do once the oatmeal there is finished cooking. I bet you'll be the first girl here to fill her pretty little pampers, what do you think? Do you want to try?"

Luna wrinkled her nose. In the chaos, she hadn't even thought about that... She certainly didn't want to do that at all, much less be the first of the new students that messed herself, but she didn't really have much of a choice in the matter anymore... April was very much in charge here, for the first time, a teacher instead of an underclassman, and happy to demonstrate her authority over the dumb little girl, back in diapers, who had so blindly charged headfirst into claiming her spot here at this school for 'smart' girls, and was already proving how much she deserved to be there.




Yay my suggestion <3