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Janet would have loved to put an end to this whole thing, to get herself out of diapers, and establish herself as the older one, the one in charge, the step-mother... But it was too risky. There were too many things that could go wrong if she didn't follow orders, and too many examples already that Hazel was watching, and ready to punish her if she caught her misbehaving. The wisest choice, whether she liked it or not, was to stay put, squirming in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at her tear-stained face, suds dribbling from the corners of her mouth, diaper crinkling with every tiny shift and squirm.

Even though she knew the truth, seeing herself like that still made it hard to believe it. She'd been spanked, diapered, had her mouth cleaned out... She couldn't really be an adult, could she? What kind of grown-up would allow all that to happen to them?! Then again, she hadn't exactly allowed it, she just hadn't been able to stop it... And trying to do that had been part of what had landed her in so much trouble.

She tried to turn away, to hide from that image of herself, but there wasn't a lot else to look at in the bathroom, other than the toilet, which made her even more aware of the diaper around her waist. She didn't have to use it... Hazel wanted her not to, in fact, or else she'd be stuck in them all weekend. She knew that's what they were for, however, and that made her cheeks darken all the same.

There was a bathtub as well, of course, and, as she felt warm, soapy water drip onto her shirt, she considered climbing inside so she didn't make a mess on the floor, since she couldn't control the drooling the bar of soap was causing her to do. She'd have to slide open the door to do that, though, something Hazel might hear, and then, when the girl returned, if Janet didn't have enough time to scramble back out of the tub, she might get in trouble for not staying put.

So, finally, she turned back to the sink, and the mirror. She ducked her head to try and avoid her reflection, only to see the wet spot on her shirt, much bigger than she'd thought. She tilted her head back up, away from it, fixing her gaze firmly on the sink's faucets, but it was impossible not to catch a glimpse of the top of her head, and think about what she was doing her best not to look at.

Zella hadn't put her in the corner - although, probably only because there was no sink there - but Janet still felt like she was in time-out, like she might as well be sitting on a small, wooden naughty stool, or standing with her nose against the wall, hands against the back of her head. She was just a bad little girl, who had earned her way back into diapers, and was now nervously awaiting her babysitter, to see if she'd atoned enough, or if she was about to land in even hotter water, somehow. What if Zella told her parents about this?!

She had to remind herself that Hazel was mistaken, and had no idea who her parents were... That didn't really help, however. She thought Janet's parents were her husband, and some other woman... If she called and told Harrison about this, he'd be confused, and, when Zella asked to speak to his wife, he'd tell her she was still there. That would put an end to this, yes, but then he'd know all about what had been done to her... And, unlike if she'd gone to get her phone, Hazel would be the one who decided how much to let him know.

Janet could have censored the story as much as she needed to, only told him enough to get him to tell his daughter who she was, and to leave her alone. With any luck, she wouldn't have to go into any real details, and he'd never have to find out. Surely, after that, Hazel would be too embarrassed to tell him, either, and it would be their little secret.

Zella, on the other hand... Why wouldn't she tell him everything? Janet would have to hope and pray he stopped her before she got into any juicy details, because, otherwise, there was no reason for her not to spill all the beans, let him know just how ill-behaved his new 'step-daughter' was.

She jumped a little when Hazel at last returned, sidling up beside her with a, "You did as you were told! Good girl!" Heart pounding, cheeks burning, Janet turned towards her, having a hard time not falling back into looking at the other woman like the one in charge here, the older of the two, especially after she plucked the soap out of her mouth and examined her shirt. "Maybe I should have given you a bib," she teased, before whisking the garment off, much to Janet's shock.

"H-Hey!" she gasped, crossing her arms to cover her bare chest. When she'd changed into her shorts and shirt to lounge around the house by herself, she'd taken her usual padded bra off, so she was completely nude, other than her big, bulky diaper. "Wh-What are you doing?!"

"Oh, calm down," Hazel chuckled. "There's still nothing to see there."

For a moment, Janet froze, flashing back to high school. There had been plenty for Hazel to make fun of her for, but that had always been one of her favorites... Still drooling from the traces of soap stuck behind her teeth, and the suds still left in her mouth, wearing only a thick, pink diaper, she stared up at Hazel, wondering if this was all an elaborate ruse, if she knew the truth, and had made up this story about 'Prissy' to justify tormenting her.

"You'll get there," Zella told her, starting to fill a cup up with water from the sink. "You're still little. Here, swish this around."

Janet took the cup in a slightly shaking hand, leaving the other across her exposed chest, uncertain how sincere Hazel was about that statement. Would Zella really go this far?! She wouldn't put it past the girl she'd known in high school, but surely she'd grown more mature than that since then... Right?

She rinsed her mouth out as best she could, although, no matter how many refills she got, it was hard to completely rid herself of the soap's disgusting aftertaste. Finally, Hazel decided it was good enough and picked up a towel, drying off the smaller girl with it before picking up something else, holding it above her head.

Without thinking, Janet raised her arms, just glad to be getting her shirt back... Or so she'd thought. She spotted her shirt, still wadded up on the side of the sink, right before the other one was tugged over her head, blocking her vision for a moment with colors that she should have recognized weren't the same as what she'd been wearing.

"You have grown some," Hazel admitted. "But they make these pajama shirts so big, I had a feeling it would still fit. Do you still watch her?"

Janet had enough time to hope it would at least be long enough to cover her diaper before discovering it wasn't that kind of pajama shirt... It was clearly meant to be part of a set, with the shorts or pants that went with it simply not there. It stopped at her belly button, although, other than that, it fit mortifyingly well for something lavender-colored, with lacey flutter sleeves, and Princess Sofia's face printed on the front, surrounded by lots of little, pink hearts.

"Why are your cheeks so red, Prissy?" Zella teased. "You do, don't you? It's okay... It's no more embarrassing to do that at your age than it is to still be wetting your pants." She gave the seat of Janet's diaper a pat, making the woman jump and blush at the vision of herself, turned into a toddler whose babysitter had gotten her ready for bed. There was no sign of the PJ bottoms, but it didn't matter... The diaper was more than enough, and finished off her little outfit perfectly.

"I-I've never seen her show," Janet protested weakly, tugging at the shirt, trying to will it to grow longer, to hide her poofy plastic potty-pants.

"Why are you lying to me?" Hazel sighed as she started to pull Janet's hair into a pair of ponytails at the side of her head, tying them in place, making her look even more like the little girl she was trying so desperately not to let herself become. "Did you learn nothing from your punishment? We're still right here... I can pop the soap back in."

"No!" Janet wailed, shaking her head, ponytails swaying back and forth as her head moved.

"Then tell me the truth," Zella told her. "Do you still love Princess Sofia?"

"Umm..." It wasn't the truth at all; she'd been telling that before. She'd never watched a single episode of it, only knew that was what it was called because she'd seen other shirts for little girls that had her name on them. "Yes," she said after a moment, knowing that was what Hazel wanted to hear, and that that was more important than the actual 'truth' in this case. And, she supposed, she could twist that around into not necessarily being a lie... She still liked the character as much as ever, since she never had, and still didn't, know anything about her.

"How precious," Hazel smirked. "Well, then, cutie, how would you like to go watch her while I get some food ready for us?"

Janet blushed, imagining herself, dressed like this, sitting in front of the TV watching some show for pre-schoolers - that definitely wasn't how she'd expected this long weekend to end up. "I-I don't..."

"Did you already eat?" Zella asked. "Well, you can go right to bed if you'd like, I suppose. You can't get into much trouble if you're all tucked in and fast asleep. I will expect you to behave yourself if I let you stay up... Just because you've been punished once tonight doesn't mean I won't do it again if you act up."

Bed?! Janet whined, barely stopping herself from stomping her foot like a frustrated child. It was so early! There was no way she could go to sleep already... But, if staying up meant watching some kids' cartoon, and acting like a little girl to avoid getting Zella mad at her again, would lying in bed for a couple extra hours really be that much worse?

She honestly wasn't sure. As usual, neither option was great... Her phone was in the living room, however, so, if she could get ahold of that, perhaps she could call Harrison while Hazel was in the kitchen. Or, Zella would see that there were no rooms, other than hers, set up for a little girl to live in, and realize she'd been telling the truth all along.

But which would be better? It was hard to concentrate, standing there, looking like a little kid, being treated like one... She was going to have to, anyway, though... She had a choice to make.

Would she go to the living room to 'watch Princess Sofia'?

Or let herself be taken to her bedroom, to show Hazel she didn't have one?


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