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All of Janet's attempts to get Hazel to listen, or see the truth, were rapidly and spectacularly failing, so, despite how little she wanted to, she climbed up onto the bed, wincing as she lowered her bottom onto the diaper, hearing it crinkle beneath her. Was this seriously about to happen?! Was she going to let herself get diapered by her stepdaughter, a girl who had tormented her in high school?

The answer, obviously, was yes. Janet swallowed, watching Zella open up a bottle of baby powder, sprinkling it liberally onto her crotch, massaging it into her skin. "H-Hazel..." Janet sniffled, shaking her head, waiting to wake up from this nightmare, or to find the courage to tell the girl off.

"It's okay, Prissy," Hazel promised. "It's just like old times."

No, it wasn't, but, since Zella refused to believe she wasn't Prissy, she couldn't convince her of that, or, more importantly, to stop what she was doing. "Lift your bum," she ordered playfully, giving Janet's knee a pat. 

Janet's eyes widened, a modicum of hope appearing. Was it a bluff all along? Was Hazel just trying to scare her, or show her who was in charge? Maybe she knew who Janet really was, too, and that was part of it?

"That's better," Zella smiled, readjusting the diaper. "We don't want you to leak, do we?" She grinned, waiting for a response that didn't come. "All right, back down," she shrugged. "Prissy, down," she repeated when the older woman hesitated.

"I-I'm not gonna have an accident," Janet mumbled. "I-I really won't..."

"I know," Hazel nodded. "Because if you do, you're wearing them all weekend, and I'll have to tell your Mommy." She shrugged, pushing Janet down, the girl's wobbling knees collapsing, dumping her back onto the waiting diaper, pulling the front up between her legs.

"Zella, please," Janet shook her head, feeling the crinkly bulk raise up, spreading her thighs as it went, preventing them from closing all the way again. 

"Please, what, Prissy?" Hazel smirked, smoothing the diaper out against Janet's tummy, then leaning forward, over her. "Please tape you up nice and snug into your big, baby diaper? Why, I'd love to!"

The rip of the first tape made Janet's stomach twist, and feeling it getting pushed down onto the front of the diaper, rubbed in to ensure it was nice and stuck, brought tears back to her eyes. This was real... It was happening, and there was nothing she could do to stop it at this point.

"Don't be sad, Prissy," Hazel told her, tugging the other side up, pulling it tight, sticking the first tape on, effectively sealing Janet into her crinkly prison. "It's only for tonight."

But Janet couldn't help it. She couldn't stop herself from sniffling, from crying, from wiggling, trying to escape, even as Hazel quickly got the other tapes into place, holding the garment closed tighter, more inescapably. She felt like a toddler compared to the younger girl, like she was completely and utterly helpless.

"You know," Zella mused, staring down at her, "you do look awfully cute in these. They really suit you! Maybe you should wear them to school, to show them off to your little friends?"

"No!" Janet squealed, the thought mortifying, despite being fully aware she didn't go to school anymore.

"We'll see," Hazel taunted. "All right, Prissy," she helped the spanked, diapered, and humiliated girl up off the bed, Janet wobbling in place, shocked at how little give the diapers had, how much they changed her stance, forced her to waddle as Zella led her out of the room. "Let's finish up your punishment, okay?"

Finish up? Janet frowned, confused for a moment until she realized they were headed to the bathroom, having forgotten all about the second part of Hazel's threat. She whimpered as Hazel pushed her in, closing the door and standing between it and her, trapping her there as she pulled out a fresh bar of soap, unwrapping it, then running it under the tap, getting a good batch of suds going. 

"Open wide!" Hazel exclaimed, and, when Janet didn't comply, she grabbed her cheeks, pushing them together until she was forced to open her mouth slightly, just enough for Hazel to shove a bit of the soap in. Once she had an opening, it was all over.

Janet burbled her protests, the soap pinning her tongue down, keeping her from being able to get any actual words out. Hazel pulled her closer to the sink, both so she could see herself in the mirror, and so she was over the sink as she started to work the soap, thrusting it in and out, back and forth, lathering up every inch of her mouth.

Janet blushed and fought in vain, feeling bubbly drool starting to drip from the edges of her mouth, dribbling down her face. Bits of soap were shaving off on her teeth, getting caught behind them, while her tongue was getting scrubbed. It tasted bad right away, but, before long, it started to almost burn, making her even more alarmed, determined to make Zella stop... And unable to get out a single word, or squirm out of the larger girl's grip.

The diaper was still the worst part of all this - it was still there, still happily crinkling along with every wriggle and struggle, a constant reminder of her lost adulthood. It was also the only part she could admit she might deserve, even a little. The spanking had been for drinking wine, something she was more than old enough to do; this mouthsoaping was for 'lying' and saying her ID was, in fact, her ID. The diapers, at least, were the consequences for a thing she'd done, undeniably, although she still maintained it wasn't entirely her fault.

"There," Zella declared at last, stepping back, letting Janet snifflingly get a clear look at herself in the mirror, at the red-eyed, drooling little girl with a mouth full of bubbles, and a big, bulky diaper around her waist. "You know, it's almost too bad you didn't push me any further... It would have been fun to finish this off with a nice, big, soapy enema."

Janet gulped instinctively, then gagged as she nearly swallowed a mouthful of suds, staring up at Hazel in shock, wondering if she was telling the truth, if she actually would have done that to her... Honestly, after everything else, she wasn't sure why she'd doubt it.

"You did decide to be a good girl, finally, however," Hazel told her, patting her condescendingly on the head. "I guess I won't do it... Yet. The weekend is still young, though. Just know I'll do it, if I have to. And, with that in mind, I want you to stay here and think about your behavior, and how you'll be improving it for the rest of the weekend. You don't move from this spot, or take that soap out, until I get back. Understand?"

Janet nodded, watching Zella walk out of the bathroom, leaving the door open, allowing Janet to see her in the mirror - and Hazel to turn back and catch a glimpse of her - until she turned the corner and vanished.

Where had she gone? Janet stared into the reflection of the hallway, then down at her big, pink diaper. Was this a test? All Janet really wanted to do was rip the diaper off, then run off and lock herself in her bedroom, and call her husband, or the police, to sort this out. It probably wouldn't make Harrison happy if she got his daughter locked up... But Janet wasn't happy about what the girl had done to her, either.

The police were a last resort; Harrison could explain it all to the girl, make her see how insane she was acting. It would be even more awkward, once Hazel realized she knew Janet from school, and not babysitting, but that was going to have to happen eventually... Perhaps Zella would be so embarrassed, she'd go back to wherever she'd come from, and leave Janet alone for the quiet weekend she'd been expecting.

Of course, her phone was in the living room, in the opposite direction of her bedroom. Harrison still had a landline, but the only phone was also in the living room - not that she could remember his phone number off the top of her head anyway, although she could have used it to call 911 if there was one in the bedroom - so she might as well get her own phone, if she went there.

She'd be out in the open there, though... If Zella was lying in wait to see if she misbehaved, Janet might not have time to call her husband, or talk to him, before the girl caught up with her, and probably took her phone away. There was a lock on her bedroom door, so she'd be safe there... If Hazel didn't know where the spare key was, in the kitchen junk drawer. Even if she didn't, there was no way for Janet to reach the outside world in there, and no bathroom she could get to without unlocking the door and heading outside, so she'd have to leave at some point, especially if she wanted to avoid using her diaper.

She could try to do both, to creep to the living room, grab her phone, then get up to her room and lock herself in until she got ahold of Harrison, and could put him on speakerphone to yell at his daughter. That would be another awkward moment, deciding how much of what had happened to tell him... She could cross that bridge when she came to it.

However, doing that would take the most time, and have the highest risk of being caught mid-way. Even if Hazel wasn't watching for her to slip up, there was more of a chance of her happening to run into Janet, if the girl was running all over the house, or returning to the bathroom to find her gone before Janet could make it to the safety of her bedroom.

Or... She could do as she'd been told. She blushed, looking at her pathetic reflection, squirming there, pink, sore bottom wrapped snugly in a thick, pink diaper, soap still firmly lodged in her mouth, clearly just a naughty, well-punished little girl. So far, she'd been no match for Zella, and she knew what the next punishment was likely to be... Did she really want to risk that? If she behaved herself, hopefully her stepdaughter would be true to her word, and let her out of diapers the next day with no further muss or fuss...

There was a lot to consider, and plenty of options. What she didn't have - or, really, what she didn't know if she had or not - was time. How long would Hazel be gone? She had no idea, only knew she needed to make her choice as quickly as possible, just in case. So... What was she going to do?!

Go to the living room, and try to call Harrison there?

Go to her bedroom, and lock herself in, away from Hazel?

Go to the living room to grab her phone, and then her bedroom?

Or stay there and wait, like she'd been told?


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