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The further she got away from Hazel, the more annoyed Janet got at the whole situation. She couldn't wait to see the girl's face, to watch her realize her mistake, and ask for her forgiveness, beg her not to tell her father about this.

She wouldn't, of course; she didn't want anyone else to know about this if she could help it. Being mistaken for a child and spanked at her age was bad enough... Getting threatened with a diaper made it far more mortifying, and ensured she'd keep this experience a secret, if she could manage it.

But Hazel didn't need to know that. Janet could easily pretend to be ready to call Harrison, to rat her out... After tonight - and everything that had happened back in high school - it would be a nice change of pace to have Janet at her mercy, ready to do anything she asked to keep from getting in trouble. She was an adult, yes... Hazel knew she still depended on Daddy's money, however, and wouldn't want to get cut off.

She didn't know how, but Zella was going to pay for her throbbing backside. Janet would figure something out... At the very least, the girl would be her slave for the weekend, do everything she wanted. That wasn't enough, though, not for their whole history together. Janet smirked, thinking to the diaper Zella had admitted to having in her closet... Perhaps that would be a good place to start. 

She wasn't about to start out with that, however; if she returned, diaper in hand, there was no guarantee Hazel would pay attention to her long enough to look at the license. For now, she had to hustle back to her and Harrison's bedroom, dig through her purse, and get out her ID.

"Where exactly have you been, young lady?!" Hazel demanded, arms crossed, when Janet returned. "And I don't see either of the things I asked for... You're really asking for it, Prissy."

"Here," Janet shoved her driver's license at Hazel with a smirk. "See? I'm not Priscilla, I'm..."

"Oh, please," Zella rolled her eyes, taking one, brief look at it before walking over and tossing it into the garbage, Janet gasping and rushing after her, wincing as she watched the card fall down onto the broken glass Hazel had cleaned up earlier, then slide down beneath it, ensuring it would be difficult, if not impossible, to retrieve without cutting herself, or making a big mess. 

"What are you doing?!" Janet yelped.

"I'm sure you paid a lot of money for that," Hazel said. "I know I got ripped off when I bought my first fake ID."

"No!" Janet shook her head. "That isn't fake! That's mine, and...!"

"I almost admire the boldness," Zella admitted. "If I wasn't in such a bad mood, I might have let you keep it, Prissy... I mean, I can't imagine anyone falling for it anyway. You really should wait another couple years before bothering with that."

"It's not fake!" Janet repeated. "And I'm not too young for it! I've had it for years, and..."

"Prissy!" Hazel snapped. "There's no point trying to keep this up. You're caught, and you're in big trouble. The more you whine, the more I'm going to have to punish you."

"You are not punishing me!" Janet insisted. "I am your stepmother, and I will not tolerate any more..."

"No, I'm the one who's done putting up with you," Zella grabbed her by the ear, yanking her forward, back down the hall, having little choice but to follow obediently. "Just give up, Prissy... You already know that I know the truth. Pretending otherwise is only going to make things worse for you."

"I'm not Prissy!" Janet whimpered, wanting to sound more authoritative, yet finding it difficult when she was struggling to keep up as she was dragged towards the bathroom for a hairbrush. 

"Do you think you've outgrown that nickname?" Hazel teased. "I think it fits you perfectly. And I'm in charge, so that's what you're getting called." She pushed Janet into the bathroom, closing the door, standing in front of it as she opened the medicine cabinet, taking out a large, wooden hairbrush.

"No!" Janet whimpered, hands moving to cover her already sore backside. "Please... J-Just go to my bedroom, there are pictures of the wedding, a-and..."

"I'm sure you were a very cute flower girl," Hazel told her.

"No, I was the bride!" Janet insisted.

"It's fun to pretend, Prissy, but this isn't the time. I don't want to see your room right now... You're clearly too immature for it. Now," she sat down on the closed toilet lid, patting her lap, "let's finish up your spanking."

Janet shook her head, tried to make a mad dash for the door. Hazel caught her by the wrist, tugging her backwards, sprawling her out on her lap in one, smooth motion. Janet hardly had time to process what had happened before the first swat, her eyes widening, filling with tears, as the hard, wooden hairbrush smacked down hard on her already tender behind. "Ow!"

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Zella smirked. "This is how big kids get punished. If you would have just brought me a diaper, like I asked, you wouldn't have to go through this... But you proved you hadn't learned your lesson yet, so here we are."

Janet did her best. She braced herself, waiting for impact, not wanting to make a sound, or show any sign of the pain, to show she wasn't some kid who could be so easily manipulated. 

It did her no good. Perhaps Hazel noticed and made the second spank harder than the first, or maybe, thanks to the hand spanking she'd already gotten, Janet's resistances were already compromised. Whatever the reason, she couldn't stop the yelp of pain, or the tears that started to trickle down her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry!" she squealed.

"That's a good start," Zella nodded. "I don't think you really are yet, though..."

By the time she was done, Janet definitely, truly, was. Her legs were kicking wildly, beyond her control, face streaked with tears, bottom blazing. In the moment, she would have done anything her stepdaughter asked, if it would make the spanking stop.

"All right, I think that should do it," Hazel nodded, setting the brush down on the sink, helping Janet to her feet. The older woman's knees shook, not quite ready to hold her up yet, so Zella pulled her back onto her lap, this time into a hug. "Shh, it's okay, Prissy... It's over. For now. You're going to be a good girl for me now, aren't you?"

Janet gulped, nodded. "Y-Yes, ma'am," she stammered, trying to get the words out as fast as she could, while still crying.

"That's what I thought," Hazel nodded, stroking her hair. "If you do a good enough job, maybe I won't tell our parents about this. I don't think they'd be happy, would they?" Harrison wouldn't, Janet was sure, although probably not for the reasons Zella thought. "They might even spank you again if they found out what you were up to."

That seemed unlikely; if anything, Hazel might get a spanking. That would be nice to watch, but it would involve Harrison knowing that Janet had been spanked first, by his daughter - her step-daughter - and she wasn't sure that was worth it. She just hoped her red behind would heal before he returned from the trip.

"Now," Hazel announced, once Janet had calmed herself down a little, "we're going to get you into a nice, thick diaper."

"W-Wait!" Janet squeaked. "B-But you gave me the spanking already..."

"Oh, you noticed?" Zella chuckled. "I said I'd only give you one or the other if you chose. Since you didn't, you're getting both." 

"B-But..." Janet whined.

"Prissy, I don't want to have to spank you again already, but I will. The spanking was for sneaking around, trying to drink wine at your age. This diaper is for peeing your pants. And we're not using your regular ones, either... I'm sure you have some Goodnites, or something that isn't too thick or babyish... You are going into punishment diapers, young lady."

Janet didn't know what that meant, and wasn't sure she wanted to... She found out, however, as Hazel took her into her bedroom, went to the closet to fetch a bag, thrown into one corner, and take out a huge, thick, bright pink diaper, covered in a babyish pattern of kittens and unicorns. 

"N-No," Janet whimpered, head spinning as she stared at the thing, mind unable to process the idea that it was about to be put on her.

"Yes, Prissy," Hazel countered, unfolding the garment, Janet's skin crawling at the loud crinkling noise it made. "You're clearly trying to grow up too quickly... This will remind you that you're still just a little girl, and..."

"No, I'm not!" Janet stomped her foot. "I am a grown-up, and...!"

"Priscilla!" Hazel snapped. "I've already told you this is a no-tantrum zone, young lady... One more outburst, and you'll be wearing those diapers all weekend, not just tonight, and losing your potty privileges. Is that what you want?"

"N-No," Janet shook her head, feeling slightly better. "I-I only have to wear them tonight?"

"If you don't use them," Zella clarified. "Obviously, if you prove you need them, you'll stay in them. If you can show me you really have learned your lesson, then maybe we'll see about letting you out of them. You're going to have to be on your best behavior, though... And this diaper had been better be completely clean and dry when I take it off you. Understand?"

Janet nodded eagerly; she didn't want to wear it at all, but this was clearly the better of her two options. 

"Good," Hazel nodded, too, giving the diaper, spread out on her bed, a pat. "Now, climb on up here and let me get this on you so we can finish your punishment and get this over with."

"F-Finish?" Janet frowned, not liking how that was phrased. "Th-This is it, right?" 

"No," Hazel told her. "It would have been, if you'd done as I asked... Since you didn't, and tried to lie to me with that silly fake ID, once you're in that diaper, we're going back to the bathroom to wash your mouth out with soap."

"What?!" Janet's eyes widened. "That's not..!"

"Prissy!" Hazel cut her off. "Young lady, you know you're already on thin ice... Do you think trying to get out of your punishment is your best behavior?"

"B-But I didn't..." Janet pouted.

"Prissy, get your little bottom up here right now," Hazel ordered. "Or I'm going to find somewhere else to put that soap, too." She gave Janet's bottom a smack, although it seemed more like a hint as to what she had in mind, rather than purely to get the girl moving. 

For her part, however, Janet wasn't sure what to do. She'd been willing to wear the diaper for the rest of the evening, confident she'd have no problem keeping herself from using it - she was an adult, after all, who had been potty trained for decades - but she hadn't expected this... She'd already been through more than enough, she certainly didn't deserve another punishment. How was she going to get Hazel to see that? Could she?

"Prissy..." Zella said warningly, crossing her arms. "Come on..."

Janet gulped. What was she going to do?!

Try one more time to explain who she really was, as calmly as she could?

Raise her voice, and inform Hazel she had no right to treat her this way?

Or give in, and climb up onto the diaper and hope for the best?


Ryno Sensei

Give in and hope for the best