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 Picture property of ABDreams.  

This was, to say the least, not the way Jordan had imagined this trip going. Somehow, she'd never envisioned a good portion of the road trip to the theme park to involve her squirming in a car seat in a wet diaper, feeling that squishy, rapidly cooling spot in the padding no matter how she positioned herself, unable to escape the constant reminder that she'd used the awful, infantile thing. 

Something was going on; Jordan had no idea what, but this was far from normal. She wished she could talk to Stephanie more, see when this had started, certain it hadn't been this way when they'd spent more time together, but with Natalie in the front seat, she didn't dare say anything, or do much, other than giving in and starting to work on her coloring book, afraid to let herself drift off again.

Finally, she started to see signs for the park, and knew they were getting close. This was it, she thought... The whole reason she'd come. Of course, it was nice to see her friend, but this was their destination. Maybe they'd be able to ditch Natalie, and she'd discover the real truth about what in the world was going on.

Before they could do that, however, they had to get inside. Even after Natalie had parked, Jordan couldn't get the straps for her car seat undone, so she had to wait while Natalie helped Stephanie out of her booster, then watch as the older girl set a large bag down on the seat beside her and started to dig through it, giving her a good view of what was inside, confirming that it was, indeed, what it looked like from the outside - a diaper bag.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Jordan squeaked.

"I'm getting you changed before we go in," Natalie told her, quite matter-of-fact. "It'll be a bit until we get in, and the bathrooms near the entrance will probably be busy, so it's just easier to do it here."

"Here?!" Jordan gasped, struggling against the car seat yet again. "We're in the middle of the parking lot! Everyone can see us!"

"Don't be silly," Natalie assured her. "Nobody is going to care."

Jordan was not convinced. "No!" she shook her head. "I don't need diapers in the first place, and...!"

She paused, cheeks red, when the older girl reached under her skirt, giving her wet diaper a pat. "That's not what this feels like," she commented. "If you think you can wait a little longer, though, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."

Thankfully, she put the fresh diaper and wipes back into the bag, and undid the buckle on the car seat, letting Jordan scramble out. They weren't going anywhere just yet, however, as Natalie stopped them, slathering sunscreen onto every bit of exposed skin before picking up the ominous diaper bag, taking each of them by the hand, and leading them across the parking lot.

It was even harder to walk now, her accident having caused her diaper to swell up slightly, in a way that hadn't been quite as obvious to her while sitting, but, now that she was toddling along, was pretty hard to miss. She hoped her dress was long enough to hide the thick diaper, although, even if it was, she was afraid any parents - or older siblings, or babysitters - would know what she had on anyway, just because of the way she was walking.

They weren't too far from the gate, though Natalie had been right in her assessment that it would take some time to get through it, since they had to wait in line to get the bag checked. "M-Maybe we should run it back to the car?" Jordan suggested, seeing how much longer that line was, than the one for people without bags.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Natalie chuckled. 

As if to prove her sister's point, Stephanie began to shift in place, squeezing her legs together in a dance that was very familiar, despite not often being done by someone so old. "It's all right," Natalie promised the girl, as she nibbled on her bottom lip nervously, pushing a hand between her legs, "the line isn't that much longer."

"We could go get in the other line," Jordan suggested. "We don't have bags, so..."

"You two are staying right here," Natalie informed them, tightening her grip. "I don't want to lose you right away."

That was, in fact, exactly what Jordan had wanted to do. Sure, she'd take Natalie to the bathroom, since she clearly needed it, and to get rid of her diaper, but then they'd head in, get away from the girl's overbearing sister, find out what had caused her to start treating Stephanie so much younger than her real age. Instead, they were stuck waiting by her side, squirming.

Jordan had thought Stephanie was the only one doing that, until Natalie gave her arm a little shake. "You might as well just go," she said. "You already wet your diaper, and you thought it was fine to wait until we got in to change you, so surely it can take a little more."

"Shh!" Jordan hissed, certain everyone around them had heard that. "I-I don't..." To her surprise, however, she realized she did, indeed, feel a pressure on her bladder, too. How had she missed it before?! Now that she noticed it, it was impossible to ignore, her own potty dance dwarfing Stephanie's... And lasting far shorter.

"No!" she gasped, feeling that trickle begin again, fresh, warm wetness splashing out into her already damp padding. This couldn't be happening... She couldn't be wetting herself again!

"Jordan!" Natalie sighed, shaking her head.

Jordan didn't really want to say anything, to acknowledge what was happening, but staying silent felt more childish. "Y-You said I could," she mumbled.

"This is what I get for trusting you, I guess," Natalie rolled her eyes. "Not even in the park, and already you're leaking."

"No, I'm not!" Jordan protested, yet something did feel strange... When she glanced down, she saw a tiny, yellow stream making its way down her inner thighs. She tugged uselessly on her dress, trying to hide it, feeling a wet spot there, too, signalling to everyone around what had happened.

Jordan was absolutely mortified as they made their way through the line, and to the first bathrooms. Natalie had been right in guessing they were busy, but they managed to get into a handicapped stall after only a short wait, Nat helping Stephanie get her Pull-Ups down, and getting her onto the toilet in time before turning to Jordan, opening up the changing table folded into the wall.

It was hard to claim she didn't need diapers, after her little display... She stayed silent as Natalie wiped her off, slid a fresh one under her, taped it up. It was impossible to stay quiet when she saw what the older girl pulled out of the bag to replace her wet dress, however.

"I'm sorry," Natalie shrugged. "I thought I could at least trust you to tell me when you needed a change."

"Y-You have some shorts or something in there, too, right?" Jordan gulped, staring at the pink shirt anxiously, knowing it would barely reach the diaper's waistband, much less hide it. "R-Right?!"

"Of course I do," Natalie chuckled, pulling out a pair of matching, pink shorts. "These are it, though... If you leak again, I don't have anything else."

"I-I won't," Jordan promised. It shouldn't have been a problem... But it also shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Jordan wanted to go straight for the roller coasters, but she was feeling bashful, and decided not to speak up, to let the other two decide, while she tugged at the tiny shorts, trying to find the perfect spot to keep her diaper from peeking out from either the legholes or the waistband. To her surprise - although, by now, she should have been expecting it - they went right for the kiddie rides.

"Really?" she sighed as they got into line for the carousel.

"If you're scared, you can ride in a carriage," Natalie assured her.

"No, that..." Jordan rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Part of her did feel bad for being so cynical, after seeing how much fun Stephanie had on the ride, even if she was struggling to keep her own diapered bottom from slipping off her horse. That wore away when they moved on to the next ride, which was just a train ride around a boring, round track. It wasn't even a baby roller coaster, just a normal, boring train ride.

And a long one, at that, or so it seemed. Natalie had gotten them some water, and insisted they stay hydrated, but it was still shocking how quickly Jordan's bladder had filled up again. She was glad she was sitting on the train car, to hide her desperation a little... And that her friends were looking out at the park, and not at her, when she had yet another accident.

"Are you sure?" Natalie asked, when Jordan claimed she didn't need the bathroom after their next ride, when Stephanie asked for one. 

Jordan did, in fact... However, she didn't want Natalie to see her already wet diaper, and had a feeling she'd insist on being in the stall with her, despite how old she was. "I'm trusting you, Jordan... This is just about your last strike, though."

They didn't even make it onto the next ride before it happened. As usual, Natalie noticed first, scolding her with a, "Jordan! I just asked if you need to go!"

"B-But we're so close!" Stephanie pouted. "We don't hafta get out of line for the dumb baby, do we?"

"Stephie!" Natalie scolded. "Don't say that about your friend! That's not very nice!"

"But she is!" Stephanie sulked.

"No, I'm not!" Jordan stomped her foot. "I'm not the one who wets the bed!"

"No," Stephanie stuck her tongue out, "but you can't stay dry during the day, so you're way more of a baby!"

"Calm down, you two," Natalie ordered, "or we are getting out of line."

Stephanie happily rode the swings on her own, while Natalie stayed with Jordan on the ground, waiting for her to return, the younger girl fidgeting in her wet shorts, trying to pull her shirt down to cover the evidence of her accident.

Jordan felt even more humiliated, being led by the hand to the nearest bathroom, but the line was too long there, or at the next. "That's all right," Natalie shrugged. "We might as well have lunch now anyway." 

There were a few food vendors around, and some tables nearby them, but the park also had some nice, empty spaces, available for families to spread out blankets for picnics... And that was just what Natalie did, pulling one out of the diaper bag, then getting out the diaper changing supplies. "No!" Jordan squealed, shaking her head. "N-Not here!" This was even worse than the parking lot would have been!

Natalie ignored her protests, changing her right then and there, leaving her in just her shirt and diaper, giving her a big, stuffed bunny to comfort her as she sobbed in humiliation. "You keep an eye on her, okay?" she told Stephanie. "I'll be right over there getting us some food, if anything happens."

Stephanie nodded seriously, clearly able to see that, of the two, she was, by far, the most mature, and the one in charge. "I-I'm gonna go buy some shorts," Jordan sniffled, after calming down slightly.

"Nuh-uh," Steph shook her head. "We're s'posed to stay right here. Besides, you don't have any money!"

Jordan knew that couldn't be true, that she'd definitely brought some with her... Where she'd put it, however, she had no idea, and when she asked her friend if she could borrow some, she shook her head. "I can't walk around like this!" Jordan whined. "I'm about to be a college senior!"

Stephanie found that very amusing; as she laughed, Jordan felt herself getting uncomfortable, cuddling with the bunny as she looked around, starting to notice how everything looked so big... Even the bunny, which she'd been so surprised could fit into the diaper bag... Even Stephanie, who had always been so tiny... She was still small, but, Jordan realized, she was even smaller, compared to everything else around her... Small enough not to look out of place in her new outfit... Small enough to look like she was getting ready to start pre-school, as opposed to being less than a year away from graduating college...

"No!" Jordan sniffled. "I-I'm not little! I'm big!" That was definitely how she'd started this trip... Unfortunately, like most journeys, it seemed she was ending up somewhere quite different...



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