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A sequel to this older caption, commissioned by an anonymous Patron. Pictures property of AdultBaby.xxx.

"I'd hate to steal your baby girl away," Laurie's mother said jokingly, "but it really would be a big help."

Except... Dorothy wasn't sure it was a joke. If it had been, she probably wouldn't be wearing a thick, crinkly, and - embarrassingly - soggy diaper under her ridiculous sailor suit, which matched that of Laurie, a girl literally a tenth of her own age of twenty, exactly. Dorothy's own mother had cooed over that, while the girl nervously tugged at her skirt, praying it was staying down far enough to hide what was underneath in all the pictures her mom was snapping.

"Dorothy is an adult," she shrugged. "It's up to her, really."

That was not what Dorothy had been hoping for... Or expecting. She'd been after Dorothy for so long to find a real job, something other than just babysitting a little girl from down the street; surely, she couldn't be happy to hear that the woman who had been hiring Dorothy all this time wanted her to do that full time, while living with them!

"A-Are you sure?" Dorothy asked, nibbling her bottom lip, having grown worryingly used to the feeling of a pacifier there, after only a few shorts days of being diapered as soon as she arrived to look after Laurie.

Those days had been mortifying... She'd insisted, of course, that the accidents she'd had at Easter were flukes, but Laurie's mom had bought the diapers for the Easter pictures, and said that they ought to use them, just in case... And, somehow, Dorothy had wound up using them. She didn't know what was happening, why it was getting so hard to tell when she had to poop, and why, when she felt the sensation at last, she'd almost always be too late to make it to the toilet... 

She had no idea Laurie's mother had been sneaking mass amounts of fiber, and some stool softeners, into her food, to do exactly that, and was very pleased with the results. She also had no idea where the extra diapers in her size were kept, leaving her stuck in her messy pants until her employer came home, gave her a playful scolding, and changed her. Dorothy had been changing out of the diapers in her car, in her own driveway, but she'd been starting to have accidents at home, too, in her real underwear, and was constantly afraid her mother would see the diaper stuffed in her floorboards, before she was able to throw it out.

Then, today, Laurie's mother had come up with this terrible plan. "The two of you have been having so much fun together lately!" she'd said. "I just got that promotion at work, so I'll probably be away more often anyway, and I can pay you a little more, and for longer... I'd love to have you as my live-in nanny."

Before this had all started, Dorothy would have jumped at the opportunity; now, she'd been struggling to come up with some excuse, any excuse, to say no, just as she'd tried to think of reasons to stop showing up to babysitting gigs at the house. The only thing that had come to mind was, "I don't want to leave my mom to take care of the house by herself."

So, she and Laurie had been led, by the hands, to Dorothy's house, the older girl constantly terrified as they strolled down the sidewalk that the wind would catch her skirt. Laurie had been sat down on the floor with some construction paper and crayons, and Dorothy told to sit with her, to 'watch her', although she knew it was just the girl's mother doing what she could to make them look like equals. She hadn't been coloring, but now, seeing how the conversation was going, she picked up a crayon, starting to scrawl out a note to her mom, to try to explain things in the least humiliating way she could think of, knowing, if she spoke up out loud, Laurie's mom would contradict her.

Sure enough, just as she'd feared, her own mother said, "Of course... We both knew you were going to have to move out eventually. I'm surprised it took as long as it did. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself... And you're right up the road anyway."

"G-Great," Dorothy nodded grimly, scribbling some more on her paper, then quickly folding it up, slipping it into her hand when Laurie's mother approached to collect her daughter, and her new nanny. She gave her mom a hug, then prepared to drop the paper somewhere the woman would find it on her way out.

Unfortunately, Laurie's mom surprised her, switching which side she had each of the girls from their trip there, her hand closing tightly around the one Dorothy was carrying the note in, keeping her from letting go of it until they got back. "And what is this?" she demanded, snatching it out of the girl's hand and reading it over. "Why would you tell your mother all these lies?"

"I-I wasn't..." Dorothy shook her head.

"I think we've heard enough out of you," the woman said, pushing an oversized, pink pacifier into her mouth. "And your little hands have certainly done plenty." She pulled out a pair of pink mittens, making Dorothy's grip just slippery enough to prevent her from doing things - like writing, in particular - properly. "I was so excited to show you your new room, and then you had to go and be naughty..."

"I-I know where the guest room is," Dorothy pointed out. And she did... But it wasn't the guest room anymore. It was a duplicate of Laurie's bedroom, down to the crib and changing table. It was even worse than she'd imagined... Her 'employer' didn't just want her there all the time to keep her in diapers constantly... She wanted to truly make her Laurie's oversized twin... And she was already a good part of the way there.

Of course, the twin of a two year old could hardly be expected to look after herself, much less another two year old. Somehow, that hadn't occurred to Dorothy that night, as she was given her bath, and changed into her 'PJs', such as they were - a pair of thick diapers, nursery-print plastic panties to protect her crib, a pink bonnet, and a pacifier - and put to bed.

"Don't I even get a top?" she'd protested.

"You know how Laurie is," the girl's mother had smiled. "She always wriggles out of whatever we put her in. I'm sure you'll be the same, so why bother? Besides, you look so precious!"

It was hard to deny that, looking at herself in the mirror before getting locked into her oversized crib. She certainly appeared to belong in it, despite knowing, full-well, that wasn't true. Laurie did, and she looked even cuter dressed up like this. Dorothy was an adult, however, not a two year old... She shouldn't be here!

Unfortunately, at least according to Laurie's mother, the girl had said, after her bath, that she didn't need the potty... Which meant, after Dorothy was given a bath - spending the whole time insisting she could do it herself - she wasn't allowed to use it, either. It wasn't Dorothy's fault... After her early bedtime, there was no way she could make it through the night dry...

As she tossed and turned in her crib, plastic sheet and plastic pants crinkling loudly with her every move, she was preparing to tell Laurie's mother that, to remind her this wasn't her fault, that she had asked to be allowed to use the toilet, mere inches away from the bathtub, and been denied it... Except, she wasn't the person who woke her up the next morning.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Gloria giggled, seeing her stir. "Did the shutter sound wake you up? I couldn't help myself."

Dorothy's eyes shot open the rest of the way at the sight of the little eighteen year old standing there, phone in hand, observing her. She was quite familiar with the girl... She'd always been a pest, wanting Dorothy's advice for babysitting, or wanting a recommendation from her for a new client, or asking if she knew of any families that might be looking for a sitter... There had been some days when Dorothy had cancelled plans with her friends to take a babysitting job just so Gloria wouldn't get it, to spite the little brat.

And now... Here she was. "These plastic pants are adorable!" Gloria cooed, poking at them. "They really are just like Laurie's!" She gave them another little poke, smirking. "It feels like something else is the same, too..."

"No, don't..." Dorothy groaned, blushing as the younger girl slid her fingers past the leg elastic, giving the diapers below a check. 

"You really are twins, aren't you?" the sitter asked. "You both wet the bed! Although, I'm pretty sure you're wetter than she was." 

"It's not my fault!" Dorothy wailed.

"No, of course not," Gloria chuckled, starting to lower the crib's side. "Nobody would expect a little toddler like you to stay dry all night long!"

"You know I'm not two!" Dorothy shook her head. "Y-You can't let her do this to me!"

"I don't know," Gloria shrugged. "You always did act like a selfish baby who didn't want to share her toys... I think this seems just about right."

"No, I'm not wearing that!" Dorothy pouted, tears stinging her eyes. "I won't!"

"But it's so cute," Mommy - really only Laurie's, Dorothy had to remind herself from time to time, since that was what she was so used to calling her now - insisted.

"I bet this isn't what Laurie's wearing," Dorothy pointed out. There was almost no way the girl was... She was three now, and loved to point out how she wasn't a baby anymore, something that was only emphasized by her promotions to training panties, then real, big-girl undies.

Dorothy, on the other hand... Well, it wasn't her fault, not really. It was mostly Gloria, who, while she was sitting for the girls, had made up the rule that Dorothy wasn't allowed to ask for the potty, or remind Laurie to do so. If she did, she got a paci, or, if she kept it up, a bar of soap instead... Dorothy had to wait for Laurie to remember on her own, and then she was allowed to use the potty afterwards.

Unfortunately, at first, Laurie wasn't too concerned with the potty at all, and, afterwards, she was too easily distracted by playing with her new sister, or just her dollies, or watching TV... She didn't mind accidents, which left Dorothy with little choice but to use her diapers as well. Even after Laurie started to show interest, it was rare for her bathroom breaks to coincide with Dorothy's.

It had been embarrassing, seeing Laurie move on to trainers when her own potty training chart was so abysmal, she was left behind in diapers... Seeing her move to real underwear had been so much worse, however. She'd thrown a fit the first few times Gloria had called her the 'little sister', longing for the days when they were twins, but it was hard to deny.

And now, Mommy expected her to go out to eat Thanksgiving dinner with the family in booties and a frilly, babyish top that didn't even reach the waistband of her diapers. A few family members had dropped in from time to time since she'd moved in, but none since she'd so thoroughly switched places with Laurie, and never all at once. She couldn't let them see her this way...

"You're right," Mommy admitted. "Laurie isn't wearing this.... This year." She took out her phone, flipping through pictures to show a shot of Laurie, dressed identically, sitting at a table loaded with Thanksgiving food. It clearly wasn't from this year, or even the year before... She looked like she was one, at the most.

"B-But we're s'posed to be twins," Dorothy sniffled.

"I know, baby," Mommy gave her a hug. "But you're just not ready for that yet... One day, you'll catch back up with your big sister. Just not today."

Dorothy was so jealous of Laurie, in her pretty pink party dress, getting to feed herself - messily, and with occasional help - instead of having to sit there, diaper exposed, a family member - from a family that wasn't even really hers - constantly willing to shovel more food into her mouth whenever she wasn't chewing.

At least she wasn't expected to help with the clean up. She and Laurie were sent to their rooms to rest. Dorothy half considered trying to sneak to the bathroom, but it had been so long, and she knew she'd get in trouble if she was caught... And, honestly, she'd already filled so many diapers, it was hard to get upset over one more.

Until she heard a knock on her door, that was, and saw her real mother standing there, looking shocked. Dorothy groaned, trying to stop the mushy mass that was already pushing out, but it was too late. "M-Mommy," she squeaked from behind her pacifier, "Y-You hafta get me out of here..."

"I don't know," the woman shrugged. She hadn't seen Dorothy since she'd moved out, but she didn't appear to be shocked at what she was witnessing. "It seems like you're right where you belong, Dorothy. I guess we should both be thankful this year that Ms. Peterson recognized that, and took you in. Once you're done, you'd better march in there and tell her you're thankful for all the help she's given you this year, in becoming your true self."

"Th-This isn't my true self!"  Dorothy groaned, feeling her diaper droop messily. "I-I'm not a baby!" But, as her mother gave her dirty diaper a pat, it was hard to deny that, like it or not, that was, indeed what she was now... The baby sister to the little girl she'd used to babysit, who had, for a time anyway, been her twin, before easily surpassing her level of maturity and potty training. She just hoped Mommy would bring her back here to change here, instead of doing it in the middle of the living room, in front of the whole family, who all seemed just as delighted as her to still have a real baby to look after, since Laurie was growing up so fast.



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