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"This is extremely disappointing, Chloe," the professor shook her head, looking at the report as the 'tweener squirmed in her seat awkwardly, trying to force her little-sized skirt to cover her trainers. "At least I can see you haven't taken your training panties off today yet... But that you took them off at all, and peed yourself in front of everyone out on the balcony..."

Chloe blushed, not wanting to re-live that, not in front of a room full of littles, too immature to keep from giggling as they heard. "I-It wasn't in front of everyone!" she protested.

"It certainly was," the Amazon contradicted her. "Anyone walking outside could have looked up and seen... What if somebody had been touring the campus? That is not the kind of impression we want to make... We only allow adults to graduate here, not pants-wetting little babies."

Chloe wanted to point out that, this early in the semester, they probably wouldn't have that many tours, or, if they did, the woman could have looked them up and seen if there had been any going on at the time, but she had a feeling that wasn't the point. "I'm sorry," she sighed. "I won't do it again."

"No, I'm sure you won't," the professor agreed. "Your big sister is one of our best, and now that you're living with her, I'm certain she'll keep you under control, especially once I give her this note."

She jotted something down on a piece of paper, folded it up, put it in an envelope, then pointed at the floor in front of her until Chloe got the idea and trotted up to her so the woman could pin the envelope to the front of her shirt, like a child being given a note to deliver to her Mommy and Daddy. "There are instructions for her to let me know once she'd read it, so don't try to throw it away," the professor warned. "And if it isn't sealed, she has my full permission to punish you as she sees fit."

Mallory had already spanked her after discovering her accident on the balcony - her bottom was still throbbing - before putting her back in trainers... Chloe had no desire to go through that again. "Yes, ma'am," she nodded glumly.

Unfortunately, she had another class, and then Mallory had a class, so she had to wear the note for a good part of the day, positive anyone who had been at the university for long would know what it was, who it was from, certainly when paired with the sight of her training pants... Yet also sure if it wasn't on her shirt when she delivered it to Mallory, the professor would hear about it, and she'd get in even more trouble.

At least some of her suspicions were confirmed when she finally met up with Mallory, and she saw the girl's mouth twist into a delighted smile. "Uh-oh!" she exclaimed in that awful, sing-songy voice she used with Chloe. "Someone's in trouble!"

She took the envelope, scanned through the letter, her grin only growing wider while she read. "Come on," she took Chloe's hand, "we have things to do."

"I just got back," Chloe whined. "I wanted to sit for a minute and..."

Mallory was already on her way, pulling the smaller girl alongside her. At first, it seemed like they were going to the infirmary, but they went past on, on to another door that had been skipped on Chloe's own tour.

"Hi, Denise," Mallory told the Amazon working inside, while Chloe gawked at the room, her stomach turning at the sight of shelf after shelf of diapers. "We need something special for this little one." She handed over the note.

"I-I don't need these," Chloe shook her head, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. "I-I'm not a baby!"

"Oh, but this says you do," Denise delighted in letting her know, picking up a particularly thick white one, with cheerful baby prints on the landing strip for the tapes. "And I'm going to make sure you have all of them that you need... I have a feeling you'll go through quite a few."

There was a changing table set up in the room, so, to her horror, Mallory changed Chloe right then and there, in front of Denise. Chloe whimpered and sniffled and begged her to stop, feeling the padding, so much bulkier than her trainers, beneath her sore bottom, tugged up between her thighs, pushing them away from one another, all around her once it was taped into place.

She sat there, on the table, stunned for a few moments while the two Amazons talked, decided how many diapers Mallory should take with her for now. Chloe looked down at herself, a nauseous feeling rising in her stomach as she saw what had become of her, how her skirt hid even less of this than it had of her training panties.

In a moment of desperation, she reached down, pulling at one of the tapes. It was clearly one of the kind meant for littles, to keep them from taking their diapers off... She suspected it was extra-strength, however, because even she, a Betweener, had difficulty getting it to start to peel off, and, by the time she'd begun to make progress, the crinkling of her diaper was so loud, Denise and Mallory had turned around.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Mallory scolded, smacking her hand away. "Honestly... Do I need to get you some locking plastic pants while we're here, too? Or some mittens?!"

"N-No," Chloe shook her head. "I-I'm sorry..."

"And to think I have a surprise for you, too," Mallory sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't give it to you."

Chloe wasn't sure she wanted whatever it turned out to be; she was partially right. After being marched back across campus, flashing her diaper the whole way, Mallory revealed Chloe's closet. The little-sized clothes were gone now, and replaced with things that actually fit Chloe, thankfully... Except, they were far more childish than the things for littles had been.

There were actual onesies, and rompers, and shortalls with snaps in the crotch... They accommodate her diapers, certainly, but they'd emphasize the bulge, make her look like she was young enough to actually need them. "I think you need a nice, early bedtime for trying to take off your diaper," Mallory told her.

The PJs weren't too bad - at least it wasn't the footed sleeper she'd been stuck in before - other than the fact there were no pants, just tops. "Why bother with those?" Mallory asked when Chloe complained. "They'd just slide down over your diaper, and you'd kick them off in your sleep and get all tangled up in them... And it'll be easier for me to check you and see if you made it through the night dry."

"I will!" Chloe insisted. "I'm not a bedwetter!"

"We'll see," Mallory shrugged. "Tell you what... Normally, my little sisters don't get a choice, because I just love to show them off to my friends... But, if you wake up dry, we can skip the photo shoot tomorrow, okay?"

"Photos?!" Chloe squealed.

"Oh, yes," Mallory nodded, taking out her phone, scrolling through a couple galleries of littles, dressed up like babies, in all sorts of babyish poses and outfits, playing happily... Or so it seemed, at least. Chloe already knew how... persuasive... Mallory could be. "And just think, sweetie... This'll be you, unless you really are as good at keeping your bed dry as you say! Night-night, baby sis!"

Chloe hadn't wet the bed in years, probably decades... Technically, she thought, it still hadn't happened. Unfortunately for her, however, she'd been put to bed very early, while the sun was still up, and, by the time her bladder began to ache, Mallory was asleep, and refused to get up no matter how hard Chloe shook her... Which was a huge problem, since the door to her room was locked, and Chloe didn't have the key to get out.

Of course, when the morning came, Mallory refused to hear her explanation. She started her photo shoot right away, and, while Chloe suspected she was bluffing, she claimed she wouldn't change her diaper if she didn't play along. She had to roll around on her bed for a while, playing with her feet, before Mallory got her in a dry diaper, and dressed her in a tiny dress and tights, none of which did anything to hide her padding.

"The first one in our class to land all the way back in diapers," the professor shook her head, looking Chloe over as she shuffled in bashfully, feeling the eyes of all the littles on her. "I can't say I'm surprised."

"You shouldn't be!" Chloe sulked. "You're the one who sent the note and said..!"

She was cut off by a pacifier, one of the expanding ones that assured she was well and truly silenced until someone else removed it. "That's enough out of you," the teacher said. "You clearly have nothing of value to share with the class... If you knew anything at all about being potty trained, you wouldn't be standing here in diapers already."

The professor didn't take it out after class, either, and the rest of her teachers were happy to leave it there, unless they wanted her to answer a question. Mallory was delighted to meet up with her at lunch and remove it so she could eat, then pop it back in once the meal was over.

Of course, being unable to speak, she couldn't ask anyone for help to get her diaper off - not that she was sure she'd have the courage to do that anyway - so, once they were back in the room, Mallory had quite the soggy diaper to change, before putting her into a footed sleeper... Just like the ones that had replaced Chloe's own pajamas, back when this had first started.

"It's a little more chilly tonight," she shrugged. "I think you need this."

Chloe had no choice in the matter... Or in much of anything. She'd tried to tell Mallory she needed to use the bathroom when they were eating dinner, but Mallory just shoved more food in her mouth, ignoring her until she could lock the paci back in. She also ignored Chloe's silent pleas, and tugging at her sleeve, while they were in their room, and the way she was clutching her full tummy, until, finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

It was, of course, right then that there was a tap on the door, and it opened. Chloe's face was red, from the embarrassment of someone else seeing her this way, and the strain of what she was doing as she pushed, diaper slowly filling up under her sleeper, to try and relieve the pressure in her bowels, though she felt a brief ray of hope when she saw who it was.

It was her RA, Jessie! She must have heard what was going on and come to rescue her! Chloe had tried to explain it all to her... She knew the truth, that Mallory had been wanting to do this to her all along...

"Hey, Mal," Jessie said, sounding quite familiar for someone who had claimed not to know any Mallorys just a couple days prior. "I heard you got a new little sis, so I... Oh." She blushed a bit as she turned and saw Chloe there, looking embarrassed, realizing she'd been caught in her lie... Until her nose twitched, and she realized what was going on. "Wow, she really is perfect! You always know... I genuinely thought she was going to make it..."

"No way," Mallory grinned. "She was clearly nothing more than a baby, from the start."

Unfortunately, everyone else seemed to agree with her assessment, too. After a view of her potty training chart, and some pictures from Mallory's little shoot that seemed to show Chloe enjoying this, Chloe was deemed too immature for the school. Luckily for her, there was another school, quite close, that it was decided she was far more suited for.

"Now, you be a good girl," Mallory lectured, walking Chloe there in her double-thick diapers, plastic pants, oversized bib, booties, and big, blue hair bow. She could feel the eyes of her former classmates on her as she toddled along, but, to her horror, she was almost getting used to it all by now. "And be sure to make a nice surprise in your diapies for your teachers today... They told me you didn't yesterday, and you know you shouldn't hold it too long. If you don't, you're getting a nice, big, soapy enema when you get home tonight, and you don't want that, do you?"

Chloe shook her head, sucking obediently on her thumb. She supposed it was nice of the college to let her continue to stay there, instead of sending her back to her parents like this... Although, things were only going to get worse the longer she remained in pre-school, and under Mallory's thumb. 

At least Mallory was a senior... Once she graduated, maybe Chloe could start making her way back through school, so that, one day, she could try to go to college again, to make her way back into the pre-med program, where she belonged... Unless, of course, Mallory wasn't joking when she talked to Jessie about adopting Chloe once she graduated herself. Chloe was pretty sure, after everything, and with the mounting evidence of how infantile she was, she wouldn't have a prayer of convincing any judge she was capable of looking after herself... Or even of getting back out of diapers anytime soon.


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