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All right, Emily told herself, stomach churning as she stared down into the bowl of mush, as much as she didn't really want to touch the stuff, or be forced to eat like a baby, she wanted to actually choke down all of the stuff far less. It was strange... She'd picked these bowls out herself, concentrating on the fact that they were cute, pastel colors, that they were easy to clean and hard to break... They hadn't looked particularly big to her back then.

Now, sitting in a high chair, staring down at one, she could hardly imagine trying - or being forced to - eat all of its contents. She tried to tell herself it wasn't that big a deal, that, really, the workers could put less in it for littles, and use the whole thing for tweeners... But she knew that wasn't how it worked. Littles who wanted to try and grow up big and strong, even after they'd stopped actually growing, had to eat everything they were given...

She groaned, sinking her hand into the oatmeal, feeling like her chances of convincing Kiera, or anyone else who hadn't known her in her past life, that she was an adult had plummeted with that simple action. Even people who might have recognized her, after seeing her do this, could think twice, knowing that Emily, the owner of this daycare, and plenty more, would never stoop that far.

She gave the oatmeal an experimental taste, thinking maybe it wouldn't be that bad, really... She was wrong. She gagged, spitting it back out, feeling it dribble down her chin and onto her bib. She looked around at her fellow diners, surprised that, while some of them were fussing, a good number were accepting the mush more calmly... Were they just used to it? Did they know they didn't have a choice? Or was her palate simply used to better, richer food, and those babies didn't know any better?

She wiped the rest of her handful onto her bib, blushing as she watched some of it drip down onto her dress. It was still better than being inside her, however... She was tempted to throw the whole bowl over the side of her tray, get rid of it, but if she did that now, Kiera would, rightly, assume she hadn't eaten much, and probably get her seconds.

Like it or not, she had to sell this. She wiped the next handful across her face, smearing it around her mouth so it would look like she'd been eating, and just missed her mouth a bit a couple times. She put some more on her bib, which also wound up partially, and accidentally, on her dress. She spattered some on the tray itself, then, satisfied she'd emptied the bowl enough, she pushed it forward, towards the edge of the tray. The tray was bigger than she expected, from this perspective, and she had to really stretch, but, if she tried hard enough, lifting herself up in her seat, then maybe she could push it over, and...

"What's going on here?"

Emily's bottom instantly returned to her seat, her cheeks darkening under the splotched oatmeal, recognizing the voice, and the body it was coming from as it stepped in front of her chair, picking up the bowl before it could tumble away. Lora had been working for her for a long time... Emily had always considered her great with the kids, but that was because she could keep them in line. Now that she was one of the 'kids', she had a feeling her opinion might change. This definitely wasn't how she'd wanted to the woman to see her, however, diapered, face and clothes covered in oatmeal...

"Who thought it was appropriate to let you feed yourself?" Lora shook her head. "Honestly..." Emily gasped as, before she knew what was happening, or could react to it, her bib was untied, and her dress was lifted up off of her, leaving her in just her big, thick diaper, frilly socks, and Mary Janes, which began swinging anxiously as she sat there, mortified.

Lora got her a fresh bib, tying it around her neck. It was a little bigger, although it just barely hid her breasts, to Emily's horror. "There, there," Lora said gently, picking up the bowl, and a spoon she'd also brought with her. "I'm not mad at you, dear... You're new, and any worker worth their salt would have stayed and watched you to see how you did before wandering off and leaving you alone to try and feed yourself."

The whole point of coming here, instead of going to the new location, was so she might get help from people she knew... Sitting there, she realized the conundrum that raised. She didn't want any of them to recognize her now, while she was in the middle of a particularly embarrassing situation, yet, the longer she waited to reveal herself, the more humiliating things she'd have to do... And the more likely it was that it would be decided she wasn't worthy of being saved, that, if she let all that happen to her in the first place, she must not be much of an adult, anyway.

She opened her mouth, gathering up her courage, trying to work out the perfect thing to say to explain the whole crazy misadventure that had led her here... And, before she could get so much as a syllable out, Lora had shoved a spoon inside, full to the brim with the disgusting oatmeal, with a bit of the prunes to add in even more awful flavor.

Emily groaned, but Lora was attentive, ready to catch anything that dribbled from her mouth as she forced herself to chew, ensuring she was going to have to swallow every bit of the goo she hadn't managed to get rid of yet. Lora didn't miss a beat... That was why Emily had liked her so much before, and why, now, she was the worst possible person for her to be faced with.

She wriggled in her diaper, trying to get a word in edgewise, to plead her case, but Lora took any opening as an excuse to shovel more oatmeal into the girl, her tiny stomach quickly feeling full, with plenty more left in the bowl. If she'd just sat patiently, waited for Kiera, she probably wouldn't have drawn the Amazon's attention... Now, she was very much regretting her decision.

Neither noticed the Betweener who crept up behind Lora, standing awkwardly for a few moments before announcing herself with a quiet, "I-Is everything okay?"

"What exactly were you thinking, young lady?" Lora demanded, turning ever so slightly towards Kiera, but not halting the spoon-feeding. 

Kiera gulped, fidgeting. "I-I was going to check on her allergies..."

"Didn't you check her wristband?" Lora asked.

"O-Of course I did," Kiera nodded. "B-But she's new, s-so I wasn't sure if everything had been enterred yet, and I thought..."

"Do we pay you to think?" Lora snapped. "No, I didn't think so... Maybe there's a good reason for that. Don't you think Mrs. Amber would have put top priority on putting that information in, if it existed?"

"I-I guess," Kiera admitted.

"Instead of assuming everyone else is as bad at their job as you, perhaps you should concentrate on actually doing what you're paid to do. I've had just about enough of you... You are on some very thin ice. It would be very simple to switch your file from staff to client, and have you out there in the playroom with them by the afternoon. Is that what you want?"

"N-No, ma'am," Kiera shook her head. "I-I'm sorry... I'll do better..."

"I know you will," Lora told her threateningly, pushing the bowl and spoon towards her. "You can start now. Finish up this, then get her some new clothes. She made a mess of hers, because she was left unsupervised."

Kiera didn't seem like a bad caretaker... And, at this point, it hardly mattered. Obediently, Emily finished up the last of the oatmeal, not wanting to get Kiera into too much more trouble. She felt bad for her, standing there, blushing, Lora hovering over her shoulder, watching her every move until she'd scraped the last of the oatmeal from the bowl, wiped Emily's face clean, and helped her down out of the chair.

"Is that it?" Lora asked.

"I-I can come back and clean the tray after I get her some clothes," Kiera replied.

Lora sighed, shaking her head as she took out her phone, scanning Emily's wristband. "You don't think after having to be undressed, and how much oatmeal wound up on her face, and her chair, that you should make a note on her file that she needs to be spoon-fed from now on?"

"O-Oh," Lora blushed. "Y-Yeah, I'll..."

"I'm already doing it," Lora rolled her eyes. "Why did you think I had my phone out? Honestly... Sometimes I wonder why we bother hiring 'tweeners. Well, go on, get her dressed."

Parents could bring in extra clothes for their littles, and it was encouraged, since it was so easy for the messy things to go through an outfit or two a day. Emily had seen no sign that Natalie had done that... And, sure enough, when Kiera led her by the hand into and through the playroom - Emily blushing and trying desperately to use her free hand to cover her bare chest - there was no bag waiting for her in her cubby.

She knew what that meant... It was better than being half naked, yes, though not by much. "We'll go with pink," Kiera decided, not asking for Emily's opinion. "It'll match your bracelet that way."

Every daycare had a stack of shirts, for clients like her who needed fresh clothes, but didn't have any. They were in bright colors, easy to spot, and decorated with the logo of the daycare, on both the front and back. They were good advertising, once the parents took their kids home in them, and had them wear the things out and about... They also made it harder for those littles to try and escape, since their shirts told anyone who found them where they belonged.

Unfortunately, they marked the wearer as a real baby, even among the other occupants of the daycare. Sometimes one of the kids was put into them after a messy mealtime, like her, or after playing outside... Usually, it meant a leaky diaper, however, something very hard to do in the ones she'd designed, that she was wearing at that very moment. You'd have to really be oblivious not to ask for a change before that happened... And, while the shirts often became a part of the regular rotation of clothes, after a little was sent home in one, the bright colors faded fast, so you could always spot a new one, just earned.

It wasn't only the other littles who knew what the shirt meant, either... The workers did, too. The diapers were already a strike against her, when it came to trying to convince them to let her use the potty... The shirt was only going to make it harder.

The shirts were designed to be short, to make diaper checks and changes easier. They were also made with littles in mind, the majority of whom had much smaller breasts than the shrunken Amazon. On her, the shirt didn't even reach her belly button, making her big, bulky diaper that much more obvious, giving her no chance at being able to hide it, no matter how hard she tugged on the shirt. Maybe it was her imagination, or the fact that she felt so full, but even with the lessened amount of oatmeal she'd been forced to eat, she was feeling bloated, and thought her tummy was a bit bigger than usual, making her look more like she belonged in her new outfit.

"C-Can I try a bigger size?" she asked. "I-I'm not..."

"It's fine," Kiera told her, setting her down, sending her back towards the other kids with a pat on the bottom. "Go play... I have to finish cleaning up your mess."

Emily had always associated the daycare with the scent of baby powder and ammonia... Now, down there, lower to the ground, the smell was stronger than ever, almost overwhelming as she shyly stood there and watched the littles, not wanting to accept that she was one of them... A glance down, however, showed her why everyone thought she belonged there, that she was an equal to these brats, not someone who had, until yesterday, been in charge of looking after them.

Those smells weren't even the most prominent, not at that moment, anyway. There was something else, something much grosser, and still quite familiar. It never took long after the morning feeding for it to start... And, from as much as Emily's nose was wrinkling, she had no doubt it had already started. If she'd had to eat the whole bowl, she thought, she could already be on the verge of losing control... She felt full, but she could wait a little, give the caretakers time to change the rest.

Until then, though... What was she going to do? She looked around the room, seeing some littles playing with a dollhouse, another group building with blocks. Neither activity appealed to her, nor did the idea of introducing herself, pretending she was one of them... She wasn't, no matter what she looked like. She would never stoop to that...

"If anyone wants to watch Naomi and Oliver, we're about to start an episode in the TV room!" one of the workers announced. Despite herself, despite what had happened in the theater yesterday, and what she now knew, or at least suspected about the show - or, perhaps, because of all that, and what the movie had done to her - she found herself taking a few toddling steps in that direction before she could stop herself, a happy, infantile giggle escaping her throat unbidden.

She shook her head, blushing, glancing around again, searching for something else to take her mind off that. There was a quiet corner, near a bookshelf... Maybe she could get some peace there, avoid everyone until it was time to ask for help using the potty. Or, she noticed, Lora had made her way into the room... As intimidating as the Amazon was, especially while she was dressed like this, it might be best to try to talk to her now, before anything worse happened to make her look, somehow, like even more of a baby than she already did.

Or... "Last call for Naomi and Oliver!" She nibbled her bottom lip, part of her really wanting to go... Part of her, in fact, inching her in that direction. She needed to make up her mind now, she thought, or she might find herself wandering over there before she realized it. Should she...

Go sit quietly by herself, and wait for her tummy to tell her she needed the potty?

Talk to Lora, to try and tell her who she really was, and what had happened?

Or give in, and go catch an episode of Naomi and Oliver, like a good girl would?


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