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"Come along, dear," the woman inside the building had told Lynn, shedding her black gloves and apron, showing off the nurse's uniform underneath. "We'll get you all fixed up."

Lynn nodded, her brain too foggy to ask where she was being taken, why those nurses had yanked her out of the car and brought her in here. Mindlessly, she followed the woman down the hall, happy to do as she was told, bobbing her head to the music, happy that the same song that had been playing in the car was being pumped into the building here.

The conditioning had broken down as soon as the woman opened the door to the room she'd been led to. There was something so wrong with it, so disturbing, that everything had instantly snapped back into place, her eyes widening as they took in the oversized changing table, the stacks of big, thick diapers... everything.

"No," she shook her head, the music sounding wrong now, like it was all just a note off, filling her chest with dread as she stumbled backwards, away from the open door. How had she let this happen?! She'd been so obedient, so stupid, just going along with this stranger without a fight, acting like some good little child, not a grown woman, smart enough to know this was a trap.

"Oh, yes, dear," the woman grinned, grabbing her by the arm, easily pulling her into the room, closing the door behind her. "I'm afraid these are mandatory for new admissions."

"I'm not a new admission!" Lynn insisted. "I don't belong here at all!"

"Of course you do," the woman shook her head, stepping closer. It hadn't bothered her before - it had felt right, proper - but Lynn was now very aware of how much taller than her the woman was. She was used to that... She was quite short, which was why she was glad to have someone like Bonnie at her side, usually. In a fist-fight, Lynn didn't stand a chance... The team had made her and Bonnie go to a local middle school, for publicity shots, and Lynn had been horrified to see how many of the kids there were taller than her. "Look at this ridiculous outfit you're wearing!"

"It's not an outfit!" Lynn told her. "It's a... Hey!" She gasped as the woman began to undress her, as easily as she would an actual child. "Stop that!"

"Why don't you make me?" the woman teased, chuckling when Lynn attempted to shove her away with all her might, and the woman didn't so much as flinch. "Is that the best you've got?" she asked. "This is going to be the easiest intake ever."

"I don't know what this place is, but I'm not... No! Please, not that!" Her words didn't stop the woman from plucking off her mask, exposing her secret identity to this awful person, and anyone else who might be watching.

"This is a no-mask zone," the woman lectured. "I know it's fun to play pretend that you're a big, strong superhero, but this isn't the place for that, sweetie. This is a place for accepting what you really are." She easily picked Lynn up, laying her down on the changing table, and grabbing one of the diapers. "And these will help with that."

"No!" Lynn squealed and whimpered. "Pl-please, no!"

"You're so tiny, I bet you'd fit perfectly in a baby diaper," the woman told her. "We'll have to look into that later... Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for that. For now, this will have to do."

There were restraints on the changing table, but the woman didn't bother to use them; she didn't appear to have any trouble keeping the squirming girl under control, lifting her legs, sliding the diaper beneath them. Lynn went still for a moment as she felt the soft padding beneath her, and it truly sank in what was happening, that she was moments away from being diapered like a toddler.

"Pl-please!" she stared up at the woman, eyes watering. "I-I'll do whatever you want!"

"Yes, you will," the woman agreed, smiling as she taped the diaper up snugly. "And, with that attitude, it won't take long at all. Now, we have to go attend to your little friend, so you'll have to stay here for a bit."

Lynn had no idea how lucky she was, compared to Bonnie; she got a shirt, even if it was too short to cover her belly button, much less her diaper, and some socks. Neither did much to make her feel better, or distract her from that horrid, bulky diaper as she stood, wrists chained to the wall, all alone with her thoughts... And the music.

If only Bonnie was there, Lynn thought. Surely she would be, soon... The chains holding her wrist cuffs to the wall looked flimsy, weak enough that Bonnie would definitely have no trouble breaking them. Even a normal-sized adult, one without powers, might have been able to. Lynn, however, was well and truly trapped, stuck there waiting for help, or for the woman to reappear and do whatever she wanted to her, her diaper on full display.



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