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Lucy knew right away her orders hadn't been followed; she hadn't expected them to be. The dress Sammi had chosen was loose enough it might have hidden the diaper bulge, but there was nothing the poor girl could do about the nervous look on her face as soon as Lucy stepped back into the room.

"Show me," Lucy ordered, trying not to give away that she knew.

"Sh-Show you what?" Samantha squirmed. "I-I'm running late, I-I need to..."

"You have plenty of time," Lucy told her. She'd woken her up extra early to ensure that. "Show me you can be a good girl and do as you're told. Lift your skirt."

She could see the conflict on Samantha's face, the struggle over whether she should assert her independence, or tell Lucy her room wasn't worth this... Lucy had a well-practiced Mommy glare, one that had melted the defenses of far stronger women than Sammi... The girl didn't stand a chance.

Slowly, she raised her skirt, the gears in her mind turning, searching for an excuse as she took as long as possible to expose her panties. Panties which, if Lucy had seen her in before, might have motivated her to do all this even earlier... The things were so big, and not the least bit sexy... Clearly, she needed someone to come in and show her how to be a big girl. And the only way to do that was to start at the beginning, by teaching her to be a very, very little girl.

"Oh, no!" Sammi exclaimed, in an adorably incompetent display of faux shock. "I-I must have gotten confused! I'm still feeling a little tipsy, and... H-Hey!"

It had been a trap, of course... If Lucy had wanted, she could have hidden the girl's underwear, not given her a choice. She'd let her keep her panties, specifically assuming this would happen, and give her an excuse to pull the girl over her lap, slide down those giant undies, and let her pale bottom spend some quality time with Lucy's palm, and the hairbrush. There was nothing like a pink, throbbing bottom to get a new little girl to do as she was told, and to remind her, over the next few days, of her position.

"Let's try this again," Lucy said, once she was satisfied, putting a pacifier in the girl's mouth, happy to see her start to suck on it automatically. "Get yourself dressed properly by the time you come out for breakfast."

It worked, obviously, and, unsurprisingly, Sammi was not at all experienced in diapering herself, giving Lucy plenty to fuss over as she fixed it before declaring, "I guess Mommy is just going to have to handle this from now on, isn't she? There's no point in you wearing these if they're going to end up leaking anyway because you don't know how to get them tight enough."

"But I don't need them!" Sammi whined, having no idea that the bottle she'd already drank, and the breakfast Lucy had made for her, were both designed to prove her wrong. With other people, it took longer; in her case, Lucy had a feeling she'd see results that very night.

If not, she was prepared to 'help' things along, but sure enough, when she snuck into the girl's room, after her much earlier bedtime, and gave her a check, her diaper was already wet.



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