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It took Sammi a shockingly long amount of time to realize her phone was missing... Then again, she'd been right about not being able to walk, reducing her to crawling around the house, struggling to get onto her feet for even a moment or two to look for it on tables, or counters, or anywhere above the floor.

The multiple diapers, and the plastic panties chained over top of them, closed with a lock she knew she had no hope of breaking - if she'd wanted to risk a 'real spanking' for doing so - quickly grew warm, and then outright hot, so, as annoyed as she had been when Lucy left her there with nothing else on, she was soon grateful, both that the rest of her could stay so cool, and for the bottles of milk that had been left for her on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

"I don't like milk," she'd complained.

"Well, the bottles are already made," Lucy informed her. "And I don't want you hurting yourself, trying to get a glass down from the cupboard, or anything else from the higher shelves in the refrigerator." 

She could have left a cup down where Sammi could reach it, maybe put the bottles of juice way up on the top shelf down where the milk was now... But she hadn't, leaving the girl little choice other than to drink the weird milk. It was the same as what she'd been fed the previous morning... She was even more certain now it wasn't regular milk, though she had no clue what else it could be. 

There wasn't much for her to do, since the remote for the TV was perched on top of the television itself, well out of her reach, and somewhere she didn't trust herself to be near, for fear she'd stumble and fall into it. Obviously, she wasn't leaving the house this way... So, with a bottle of milk, she crawled back to the nursery, hardly able to believe she was going to reduce herself to playing with baby toys, but needing something to occupy herself, and distract her from the growing pain in her tummy.

She found herself getting into it more than she expected when she heard the front door open. Her blood froze, cheeks darkening, knowing it must be whoever was working on the bathroom, there to start working... And trapping her in the nursery. She crawled to the door, pushing it shut as quietly as she could, not wanting to be seen, or heard.

Especially not when she heard the voice. "Hey, Samantha!" it called. "I got your text! Where are you?"

Her eyes widened; this wasn't the handyman... It was George, her boyfriend. Her stomach churned, and from more than the couple days' worth of food waiting in there. What was he doing here?! She opened her mouth to tell him to go away... But would he listen? Or would that just make him more curious, and signal to him where she was? She didn't have her phone to text him, either, to try and make up something to keep him away.

She tugged uselessly on her plastic pants, listening to his footsteps approaching, to the sound of other doors opening. Frantically, she crawled to the closet, looking at the various, humiliatingly infantile, outfits hanging there. There had to be something she could wear, something that would hide the huge diaper bulge, or at least fit over it without leaving it hanging out the bottom, like a dress would...

She did, at least, find a soft, pink romper that she could fit over the diaper, and, for a moment, she convinced herself it could work... Until, at last, her bowels gave in, and she let out a frantic gasp as she felt the soft, warm mush begin pouring out into her diaper.  "No!" she squealed. "Not now!"

"Samantha?" George called, getting closer. "Are you okay?"



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