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Note: If you're at the $1 level, chapter 7 of this story is now available to you, so make sure to read that first! My apologies for it not being available initially, it was a mix-up with setting permissions as to who can see which of the CYOA posts that was just pointed out to me.

What was she doing?! Emily wriggled in her seat, her breathing growing quicker, more heavy, as the strap rubbed between her legs, the padding of her trainers caressing her privates. How could she have been reduced to this?! She'd been so busy lately, it had been a long time since she'd been on a date, yet, as a powerful, sexy Amazon, the world was really her oyster. She could get pretty much any guy she wanted... And now...

It was for the best, she reminded herself, cheeks turning pinker, the humiliation of the situation sinking in, making her movements slow, allowing the auditory assault of the 'movie' to nearly draw her back in. Would those theater employees even have cared, if she'd made some noise? There was nobody there to complain, except a bunch of babies who were all staring, slack-jawed, at the screen, occasionally answering back to the characters' questions in unison, like a cult. 

And if she had been taken outside... What would have happened to her? Would they have taken the time to find her 'Mommy'? Or would they have handed her over to the first person who claimed to be in charge of her, so they could move on with their day? And while they were waiting... Emily shivered, remembering all the times, out in public, she'd disapproved of a little's behavior, and thought about how, if their Mommy or Daddy wasn't nearby to do it instead, she would have scooped them up, slid down their diaper, and spanked them then and there. She was a little now... Would they have treated her the same? Her eyes darted towards the workers, chatting quietly to one another, looking at their phones. She definitely wouldn't have wanted to end up over any of their knees...

No! She didn't want to think about that! She forced her mind to refocus, to recall the last date she had been on, the handsome man who'd sat across the table, their trip back to her place, and into her bed... She gasped, reaching down, tugging the strap tighter, grinding against it, utterly shameless, and desperate to do whatever it took to keep from being brainwashed, even if...

She gasped, a moan escaping her lips before she could stop it, her back arching in the chair as a wave of pleasure washed over her, leaving her writhing for a few moments, face bright red in shame at how she'd been reduced to this... And how incredible it had felt. As she settled into her chair, her trainers felt a little wet, a little sticky, certainly not as pristine and spotless as they had been at the start, the way her sister expected them to be when she came to pick her up.

"What's that?" Oliver asked Naomi, as Emily struggled to catch her breath, to recover.

"This is a book!" Naomi exclaimed, as loud and over-excited as always. 

"That looks boring," Oliver replied, taking it and flipping through it. "There aren't even any pictures!"

"This is what grown-ups do for fun," Naomi told him. "Isn't it silly? This is why we shouldn't ever grow up! Do you all want to grow up?"

Emily heard a chorus of, "No!"s echo around her, not realizing, until she closed her mouth, that she'd been a part of it. She repeated it again, shaking her head... Was she falling under the movie's spell again already?! She just wanted to rest for a moment, but if she did, what she'd just done would have been for nothing... She hadn't expected it to happen so quickly, for her body to be able to get over what she was wearing, what had happened to her, where she was... Apparently, it hadn't been nearly as big of an issue physically as it was mentally.

She clamped her eyes shut, refusing to look at the screen, although the sounds were just as bad. She tried to conjure up her memories of the date again, starting to writhe in place once more. She had no idea how long it had been, how much longer the movie was... Could she really keep this up the whole time?! She had a bad feeling the answer was no...


The shrunken woman groaned, squirming, eyes slowly fluttering open to see Natalie standing in front of her. "Were you really that sleepy?" she chuckled. "Or was the movie that bad?"

"I-I don't..." Emily wiggled in her seat, shaking her head. She honestly didn't remember when she'd dozed off... She could remember having another orgasm, thinking that she had to get back to it as soon as possible, her eyes inadvertently returning to the images on the screen... Had she fallen asleep then? She hoped that had been enough to keep her safe, that it couldn't have done anything to her if she wasn't awake while she was watching it, that the fuzziness in her head was from being woken up, and not anything else...

"Come on," Natalie said gently, lifting her down and taking her hand, leading her down the aisle. "We have to get out of here so they can clean up, and get ready for the next showing."

Indeed, there was a worker standing at the end of the aisle, broom in hand, looking annoyed, and bored. "So sorry," Natalie told him. "We'll get out of your way."

"Have a nice night," he responded automatically, as if he'd said it a thousand times before. Emily blushed, feeling him watch her toddle away, wondering if he'd seen what she'd been doing, if he was going to stop Natalie and tattle on her...

"Hi, there!" another worker greeted them at the door, this one less bored by her job, or, at the very least, more practiced at hiding it. "DId you have fun, cutie?"

Again, Emily worried she knew the truth, and that was why she was asking. She had no idea how to reply, although she very nearly blurted out a strangely enthusiastic, "Yeah!" before she could stop herself, baffling her as to where that had come from.

"Here," the worker said, handing her a rolled up mini-poster. "This is a special gift from Naomi and Oliver, to thank you for coming to see their movie!"

Emily's nose wrinkled, backing away as the thing was thrust at her. "O-Oh, I don't..." she nibbled her bottom lip nervously.

"It's free!" the worker told her, kneeling down a little. "They sent them here, so all of their little fans would have something to remember this by. You wouldn't want them to be sad you didn't want it, do you?"

Emily went over some rather rude answers to that query in her mind, which made her feel more confident that she hadn't been brainwashed after all, though, before she was able to decide it if was worth risking Natalie's wrath by spouting out any of them, her sister spoke up. "Come on, Emily, just take it," she sighed. "And tell her thank you. We need to get you home and in bed... And don't try to pretend you aren't sleepy, you were totally zonked out a minute ago."

"Thank you," Emily complied, reaching up and grabbing the poster, rather than risking an argument there, in front of this stranger. She had every intention of tossing it into the trash as she walked by, not wanting to remember this experience ever again, if she could avoid it, yet her hand clasped tighter around it instead.

She didn't have time to wonder what that meant; Natalie stopped right past the theater door, in the midst of the people streaming past, to and from the other screens, to kneel down, lifting up Emily's skirt and sliding a hand down her tights. "Let's see how you did," she said.

Emily fidgeted, blushing as she watched her sister's hand move downwards, towards the crotch of her training panties, feeling the stickiness there, still very obvious to her. Her brain raced for a way to distract her sister, to keep her from finding out, but she was too slow. Horrified, she felt Natalie give the trainers a pat, frown, then slip a finger past the legband.

"Emily!" Her tone made it clear she knew the truth, that there was no talking her way out of this. "What did you do, you dirty little girl? And in the middle of a theater?!"

"I-I was... I-I didn't..." Emily stammered nervously. This was the part she'd known was coming, that she'd planned to deal with when the time came... Now that it had, however, she had nothing. 

"Honestly!" Natalie shook her head. "I don't know what to do with you, young lady!"

"You don't have to do anything," Emily shook her head. "You know I'm an adult... I-I have urges, and..."

"And you should have enough self-control not to give in to them in public!" Natalie wrinkled her nose. "I can't believe you!"

She scooped Emily up, carrying the tiny woman on her hip into the bathroom. Emily started to squirm as soon as she saw their destination, whimpering and whining. "B-But I didn't use them!" she insisted, which was technically true, at least in the way Natalie had been thinking, when laying out the rules. 

That didn't stop Natalie from laying her down on the changing table, however, or strapping her down, pinning her in place. There was almost definitely only one thing in Natalie's purse that Emily could be changed into... It was the only thing she needed, since any accident meant Emily would lose her trainers for good. "Please!" she sniffled, wiggling her legs, hardly even slowing the pace at which Natalie was able to pull down the tights. 

"Is this it?" Natalie teased, patting the front of the training panties. Emily glanced down, confused, having totally forgotten Naomi and Oliver were there, on the front of the garment. Seeing them again gave her a weird feeling in the pit of her tummy, one she attributed mostly to her newfound knowledge of what the show really was. "Were you so excited to be seeing them on the big screen, after getting to wear them on your trainers, that you couldn't help yourself?"

"No!" Emily squealed, and, while it applied to her sister's question, and might have been interpreted as such by Natalie, it was actually in response to the sight of the diaper, emerging from the purse. She remembered every meeting, every decision she'd made about how big and bulky she wanted them how she wanted the waistband to look, what design to put on them... She was intimately familiar with the things, had made them to appeal both to the infantile littles who deserved to be in them, and who she knew liked childish things, no matter how much they protested, and their caretakers, who wanted their charges to look as completely babyish and helpless as possible.

Never in a million years had she imagined this, that she was going to be put into one. She'd felt the insides, judging what was the softest to her hand, squeezed padding until she found the one that seemed the most comfortable, yet would still give a nice waddle... Being on the other end, however, her bottom sinking down into it, her thighs moving apart as it was tugged up between them, was nothing like she'd envisioned on her tests. 

"Natalie, please!" she sniffled. "I-I didn't have an accident! Y-You can't!"

"I can," Natalie countered. "I'm the one in charge, little lady... One day, maybe, you'll get that through your thick skull."

"Y-You are," Emily nodded, wincing as she watched her sister open up the first tape, fully aware that, once it had been placed, she didn't have the strength to move it, to get out of this thing without help. "I-I know, I do! B-But... Please... Natalie, I don't..." She groaned, watching Natalie push the first tape down, sealing it in place, and move to the other side. She tugged it up snugly, getting it in place perfectly around Emily, preparing to give her the full experience, her first real test of what her diapers were actually like. "Natalie, I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I-I don't wanna wear diapers!"

She paused a moment, long enough for Emily to hope her words had worked, then fastened the second, and final, tape. Once she did, however, she did take the time to wipe away her sister's tears, to coo gently at her to try and calm her down.

"It's okay," she promised. "You're going to be all right, Emily."

"Th-This isn't fair!" Emily sniffled. "I-It doesn't count!"

"If I say it counts, it counts," Natalie told her. "But... I didn't mention it, did I? I mean, I didn't expect to have to, not until, maybe, tonight, but I didn't say, specifically, that I didn't want you masturbating in your training panties."

Emily blushed, looking around the bathroom, hoping nobody had heard that. Most of the rest of their conversation would pass for a normal conversation between a Mommy and a little; that part wasn't quite as common, and marked her as a particularly naughty one.

"Hopefully these will keep you from getting into any more... trouble," Natalie continued. "To be fair, I won't count that as you having an accident, and losing your trainers for good."

"O-Okay," Emily nodded, calming down some, a bit of hope returning. "S-So, when I go home, you'll..."

"No," Natalie shook her head. "I'm not going to make you use these, Emily, but you're not getting your training panties back until I know I can trust you again. You're going to be wearing your diapers... You still have the same rules, though. You can come to me, or whoever's looking after you, and ask them to take you to the bathroom. If you don't make it in time, or don't ask before you have an accident, then you lose all potty privileges. Do you understand?"

She did... She didn't like it, but she did. This was, maybe, a hair better than it could have been... She could tell, even before Natalie struggled to get the tights over them, and lifted her down to the floor, that walking was going to be a struggle, that, if she had an emergency urge, it would be hard to get to the bathroom on her own... And, even if she did, with the tapes on these things, there was no way she could get them off without assistance. 

"She's already in diapers," she'd told workers more than once, when a little in the same situation came toddling up to them, begging to be taken to the potty, "she'll be all right. We have other things to take care of." Once they were in diapers, it was silly to pretend they didn't need them, didn't belong in them... They were creating extra work for everyone, so it was better to just make them use their diapers, to accept the truth about themselves.

"Do you understand, Emily?" Natalie repeated.

"Y-Yes, Mommy," she nodded, not noticing, or thinking twice about, what she'd said.

"Good girl," Natalie said. "I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on you, little lady, and if I ever catch you doing that again, you'll be sorry."

She already was; she knew she'd probably made the right choice, that the movie likely would have been far more damaging if she had been paying attention, yet, toddling out to Natalie's car, her massive diapers on full display under her dress, she couldn't help but feel as though she'd lost. They drove to Natalie's home in silence, Emily too embarrassed and exhausted to protest as she was taken to her new room, one that had been meticulously set up as a nursery while they'd been out.

Natalie put her in a onesie for the night, but, before tucking her in, remembered the poster. "Why don't we take a look at this?" she asked. "They were nice enough to give it to you."

It was, of course, Naomi and Oliver, waving cheerfully. As soon as Emily saw them, her stomach began to twist, her eyes glazing over slightly. SHe could hardly keep her eyes off it, and, when Natalie asked, "Do you think we should hang it up?" she couldn't help letting out an enthusiastic, "Yeah!"

"It looks about the same size as this," Natalie said, taking down a framed picture of sleeping, baby animals, hung in front of the crib to look down on its occupant while they slept. Sure enough, she was able to slide the poster into place, hanging the frame again, allowing the monsters to watch her instead, their very presence making her feel smaller, more childlike. She could only imagine how much worse it would have been if she'd seen the entire movie.

One of the things Natalie had bought at the store was a yellow, plastic potty in the shape of a duck, which she pulled out, setting right in front of Emily, still staring at the poster, a tiny stream of drool dribbling from the corner of her mouth. "All right, Emily," Natalie told her. "You're about to get tucked in for the night, so this is your last chance until morning. Do you want to try to use the potty?"

Emily blushed, glancing over at the poster. She knew Naomi and Oliver wouldn't like that... They wanted her to be happy in her diapers... Natalie probably didn't really want it, either. Mommies wanted their babies to be happy, too... 

She shook her head; what was she saying?! There was no way she was going to make it through the night without an accident if she didn't use the potty now! It didn't matter what Natalie wanted, and it especially didn't matter what some stupid cartoon characters wanted... She was an adult, and she wasn't about to give up her last scrap of maturity so easily! Although... Was it really that much more mature, sitting there on a potty chair, in the middle of a nursery? Surely, she could still use the real toilet... After everything she'd been through, that would make her feel a little more like a grown-up...

She nibbled her lip, glancing at the poster for a split second, at Natalie, at the potty chair. Should she... 

Use the potty, and accept that was the best she could do?

Demand the toilet, like the big girl she knows she is?

Or give in to what everyone else wants, and use neither?


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