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"Do you need that, little girl?"

Vivi jumped, nearly dropping her phone as she hurried to switch off the video she'd been watching. She'd known better than to do it in public, but her favorite site had just posted it, and it sounded so hot... She couldn't wait until she was back in her dorm.

Excuses ran through her head, each more ridiculous than the last, not one really justifying how she'd have stumbled across something like that randomly, especially not knowing how long this woman had been standing there, watching, and knew Vivi had been sitting there under her favorite tree, squirming and grinning like an idiot, for a few minutes now, barely resisting the urge to reach into her pants, right in the middle of campus.

"Maybe I do," Vivi shrugged, sticking her tongue out, feeling bratty. "What are you going to do about it?"

She'd never seen the woman before... Perhaps she was a professor from a different department, maybe she was just a visitor. Chances were good she wouldn't see her again. Why not have a little fun with her? At best, Vivi thought, she'd get scolded, and that was about it... More than likely, the woman would leave her alone.

"Trust me," the woman said, reaching into her bag. "A Nanny always knows exactly what to do with naughty little girls like you."

Vivi was already working to come up with a saucy response when she saw what the woman was pulling out of her bag. "Hey, put that away!" Vivi hissed, pushing on the woman's hand, surprised at how strong she was. "Not here!"

"Why not?" Nanny asked. "You were happy to watch right here..."

"Come on," Vivi rolled her eyes, leading the woman across campus, back to her dorm, the most private place she could think of. Like any good Nanny, she was prepared, her bag stocked with a changing pad, lotion, oil, powder, everything she needed to give Vivi a diapering worthy of her very favorite videos.

At first, as Vivi laid on her bed, rubbing her thighs together and listening to the crinkle, feeling the bulk of the padding moving between her legs, she didn't notice what Nanny was up to. "Hey, what are you doing?!" she demanded, hopping up, once she finally did. "Those are mine!"

"Everything comes with a price," Nanny informed her, shoving the last handful of underwear from Vivi's drawer into her bag. "Don't worry, I have something to replace it with, and I'll have some more shipped here for you." She took a few more diapers from the bag, putting them into Vivi's underwear drawer.

The practical side of Vivi's mind told her this was a bad idea, that she didn't have that many outfits that would hide the diapers, that she couldn't keep them a secret while living in a dorm... The much more active side, at the moment, however, couldn't help thinking how much this sounded like stories she'd read, and how hot it was.

"You can't just stay in your room all day, though," Nanny said. "I'm sure you have class to get to."

Unfortunately, she did, and Nanny stayed and made sure she got dressed and out the door for it, shepherding her out of the dorm, across campus, even into the classroom... Then, to Vivi's shock, walking up to the front of the classroom. "Hello, everyone," she smiled. "I know I'm not your normal professor, but I'm afraid she's indisposed today, so she asked me to come give you a guest lecture."

Had the woman known who she was all along? Vivi wasn't sure... And she couldn't think too clearly about it. She squirmed, listening to her diaper, thrilled to finally have one of her very own. She couldn't help herself, pulling out her laptop, supposedly to make notes, but really to pull up the video again, to see the end of it. She could tell where it was going, of course, though she still wanted to see it.

"Would you care to share your work with the class?" Nanny demanded, suddenly standing over her desk.

"N-No," Vivi blushed. "I-I was just..."

With a click of her remote, the view on the whiteboard switched from the teacher's presentation to Vivi's desktop, the sound of the girl squealing in protest, the whap of the ruler, the crackle of her diaper, sounding over the speakers. "Is this a productive use of your time in class?" Nanny demanded.

Vivi squirmed, sinking down into her seat, feeling the eyes of the rest of the students on her. "I-I was just..." She yelped as she was pulled out of her desk, dragged to the front of the room, where the woman began to undress her. 

"I'd advise you to keep facing this way," Nanny said, as Vivi tried to avoid her quick hands, to keep some stitch of clothing on. "Maybe your classmates won't get too good a look if you do."

She heard the sound of laughter erupting as her skirt was removed, leaving her in only her diaper, socks, and shoes, just like the girl in the video... And, to her shock, once she had Vivi prepared, Nanny dragged a piece of equipment out from behind the desk to bend her over, one that also matched the video, and picked up a ruler.

It wasn't exactly like the video, of course... In it, it was merely a classroom set, not filled with Vivi's classmates, all waiting to see what would happen. The girl could only hope things would differ more than that as her eyes darted up to the screen, seeing the girl in the video being sent to the corner, diaper wet now, rubbing her pink, sore bottom through the damp padding, sniffling. It had been fun to watch, to fantasize about that being her, but now that it actually might be...

"Y-You're right," she sniffled, her diapered bottom wiggling behind her nervously. "I-I should have waited for a more appropriate time to watch that... I-I'm sorry!"

"Oh," Nanny smirked, tapping the ruler against her hand before swinging it back, preparing for a good, long spanking, "you will be." 

And, as always, Nanny was right.




All of these are great! Good job as always