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"Well?" Mommy teased. "Aren't you going to go let your friends in?"

Lizzie whimpered, looking down at her shirt and diaper, and the shortalls Katie had set aside, behind herself. "B-But..." she whined, reaching out for them.

"Go on," Mommy urged, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before turning her around, sending her towards the front door with a whack on the diaper. "You don't want to leave them waiting for too long!"

"Mommy!" Lizzie protested, stomping her foot. Really, her fate was up to the other woman... If she wanted her to answer the door this way, there wasn't much she could do about it, unless she wanted to risk everything else. She didn't think Katie would be that cruel, but...

"All right, all right," Katie chuckled, picking up the shortalls and helping Lizzie into them, buckling the straps up again as the doorbell let out another ring. "I was just having a little fun."

Lizzie pouted, adjusting her shortalls before she toddled to the front door, hoping Skyla and Lucy hadn't assumed they were in the wrong place, or that Lizzie had been playing a prank on them, and left already. Thankfully, they were still there, Skyla's finger poised near the doorbell, when she opened the door.

"Hi!" she waved bashfully. "S-Sorry, I was just..."

"Hey!" Skyla gave her a big hug. "It's so good to see you!"

"I just saw you, like, a couple hours..." Lizzie frowned.

"Oh, that's not the same," Skyla brushed her off. "Wow, this place is really nice! You must be loaded!"

Considering what Lizzie had been trying to do, before Katie had interrupted, that word took on a much different meaning, and she couldn't help blushing, wiggling in her diaper to confirm it definitely wasn't. "Not at all," she said. "My roommate, on the other hand..."

"Is that all I am to you?" Katie asked, making Lizzie jump, turning to see the woman standing there, smiling.

"Th-That's not what I..." Lizzie tried to clarify, only for Mommy to step forward, holding out her hand.

"It's nice to meet you two," she said, shaking their hands.

"Oh!" Lucy's eyes widened. "We've met! Haven't we?" She turned to Skyla for confirmation. "Remember? That time I twisted my ankle, and the nurse's office on campus was closed, so you took me to her office?"

"Of course!" Katie nodded. "I recognize you now! I'm sorry, dear, I have so many people that come through, it's hard to remember them all. I did think you looked familiar, though. How is it doing?"

"All better, thanks!" Lucy smiled. "Your home is lovely!"

"Thank you," Katie said. "I've worked very hard on it, with my roommate."

"I didn't mean it like that!" Lizzie pouted. "I just..."

"I'm only teasing," Katie told her, kissing her again. Lizzie saw Lucy and Skyla's eyes get a little wider, putting it together... Or part of it, anyway. "Why don't you show them back to your room, so they can put their things down?" she suggested. 

"O-Oh, yeah," Katie nodded, although, as she started to lead them away, she felt a twinge of nervousness in her tummy. Since Mommy had caught her in the middle of trying to poop her pants, she hadn't had time to go straighten her room up, though she probably wouldn't have managed to get much done anyway. She hadn't even looked, however; she had no idea if there were any diapers evident anywhere. And Mommy had been in there after she had, so she might have left the diaper drawer open, or...

"Why didn't you tell us?" Skyla asked, catching up with Lizzie. "'Roommates'?" she giggled.

"Well, it's..." Lizzie began to explain.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed," Lucy added. "It's great that you found someone. And you're already living together! It must be going all right."

"It is," Lizzie agreed. "I didn't say anything because it's kind of... complicated."

"How come?" Skyla pried. "Sure, she's a little older than you. Who cares? We're old enough now it isn't that big of a deal anymore. If we were still in our teens, maybe, but we're in our twenties now, so what's ten years or so?"

Lizzie squirmed, feeling very aware of the diaper between her legs, the real reason she hadn't mentioned any of this to them. She wasn't about to tell them if she didn't need to, however... But what else could she say? The age difference was also almost twice that, though, especially considering the type of relationship they had, it had never struck her as weird. There were times she thought it bothered Katie more than her, since this was the first time the woman was dating anyone that much younger than her.

"That's not any of our business," Lucy glared at Skyla. "She can tell us if she wants."

"I know!" Skyla rolled her eyes. "I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to! I was just asking!"

Now, she really felt like she needed to say something. "It's... complicated," she repeated. "We're a couple, and I live here, but we're... taking it slow. That's why I have my own room, still." It was a fib, though one she considered justified in the moment. If they hadn't noticed Katie referring to it as 'her room', they would have eventually realized Katie wasn't sleeping in there with them.

"That's probably a good idea," Skyla nodded. "So you each have some space of your own."

"Like you'd know," Lucy stuck out her tongue. "You've never lived with a boyfriend."

"Well, that's what I've heard!" Skyla shot back.

"H-Here it is," Lizzie interrupted, hand sweaty as she reached up towards the doorknob. She was pretty certain she'd made her bed, at least, so the plastic sheet shouldn't be showing, but, other than that... She wasn't sure what to expect, what her friends might notice. She couldn't put it off forever, though, no matter how much she wanted to.

She threw open the door and stepped inside, reaching for the lightswitch, then stopping herself when, from the faint light coming in from the hall, she saw the outline of her diaper drawer, standing open just as she'd feared. She stepped inside, hoping she wouldn't trip over any stray stuffed animals in the dark, heading towards it, the light growing fainter as her friends stepped into the doorway.

"Is there a light?" Lucy asked meekly.

"Of course there is," Lizzie could practically hear Skyla roll her eyes. "I'm sure it's right over here somewhere..."

Lizzie bumped into the dresser, grabbed the open drawer, started to shove it shut, only to feel it stick. She couldn't see clearly enough to tell what was holding it up, but, heart racing, she felt around, shoving anything she touched downwards, out of the way.

"S-Sorry, I didn't even think about it," she lied, pushing the drawer shut right as Skyla flipped the switch, and the lights came on. She spun, leaning agains the dresser, hoping she didn't look too frazzled. "I-I'm still used to my old place," she told them. "I had a lamp on my dresser there, so..." She chuckled anxiously, looking around, every childish poster, every plushie on her bed, making her wish she'd cleaned up in here before attempting to get her messy diaper for the day out of the way. She squirmed, watching her friends look around, taking it all in, wondering what their reaction was going to be. 

"This place is great!" Skyla declared. "I think it's almost the same as the last room I had a sleepover in!"

Lizzie didn't know if that was meant to be an insult or not, although the way her friend had said it didn't seem like it. Lucy added, "It's adorable! It suits you perfectly."

Lizzie blushed, unsure if she liked that or not. She'd always thought of this place as so childish, so immature... Which was the point, obviously. Was that how Lucy saw her? Considering the kinds of clothes Katie made her wear, or how shy she felt, being in school in diapers, it probably made sense that she did, even if Lizzie liked to think of herself as more of a big girl.

"I bet we could both fit on here," Skyla said, walking over to the bed. "Then Lizzie can go sleep with her girlfriend!"

Lizzie gasped, seeing what was about to happen, as if it were in slow motion, but she couldn't react fast enough to stop it. Her eyes widened, hand starting to reach out as Skyla dropped her things and started to hop onto the bed, flopping down... 

Thankfully, she had made her bed that morning, all the covers muffling the crinkle of the plastic sheet. She was still positive she heard it, even from the dresser, though that could have been her diaper. If Skyla picked up on it, she didn't give any signs of it, which might have also been helped by Lucy berating her almost instantly.

"Maybe they aren't ready for that yet," she said. "You can't just make them rush things so you can sleep on a bed. We brought over our blankets and stuff anyway since we were already planning on sleeping on the floor!"

"I know!" Skyla rolled her eyes. "Man, you get feisty when you're tired, don't you?" Lucy blushed. 

"Getting all set up?" Katie smiled, peeking her head in the door. "I forgot to ask, Lizzie, but is this everyone?"

"Oh...." Lizzie squirmed. "N-No, there's one other person coming later."

"There is?" Skyla asked, her and Lucy looking at Lizzie. "Who?"

"I-I'm not sure if you know her," Lizzie said, truthfully, before switching to a fib. "I-I thought I'd told you, sorry."

"I mean, it's your party," Skyla shrugged. 

"Should we wait for her, or are you three getting hungry? I thought we'd order pizza." Katie chuckled at the cheers from Lucy and Skyla at the suggestion.

"I haven't had good pizza in so long!" Lucy exclaimed. "That stuff they have in the cafeteria is awful..."

"She said she was working, and would come by after, so I think we can get food now," Lizzie told Katie, the thought of Cassie's imminent arrival putting a damper over her good mood. They all went back to the living room to decide on toppings, Lizzie trailing along at the back of the group, worrying anew about what the other girl was planning. She already had enough to worry about tonight without some stranger who knew her biggest secret, and who she didn't know enough to trust with it, like she did Katie, getting thrown into the mix.

"What about you?" Katie asked, pulling Lizzie out of her thoughts. "What do you want, sweetie?"

"A-Anything's fine," she shrugged, not having heard any of the discussion.

"Are you sure about that?" Katie teased, reaching over, giving Lizzie a tickle the girl couldn't help giggling at. "What if we get all green pepper?"

Lizzie wrinkled her nose, pouted. "You wouldn't do that!"

"You never know," Katie shrugged. 

Once they'd settled on their toppings, and Katie had placed their order, they moved on to the difficult business of deciding what movie they wanted to watch while they ate it. They spent most of the time waiting for the delivery person to arrive scrolling through Netflix, chatting about what they'd seen, and liked, except for one brief intermission when Lucy mentioned she was thirsty, and they all decided they should get something to drink.

"Go on," Katie told Lizzie. "Be a good girl and fetch that for us."

"I'll help," Skyla offered, tagging along, offering to get the glasses down for Lizzie, since the cabinet they were in was pretty tall. It seemed like a good idea at first - better than Lizzie getting out the stool she needed when she was home alone - until Skyla asked, "What are these for?"

Lizzie turned away from the fridge, where she was pulling out all the different things everyone had requested, paling at the sight of the sippy cups sitting on the bottom shelf, all lined up. She'd been so worried about her friends seeing something incriminating in her bedroom, she'd forgotten about everything else around the house that would be just as bad.

"Th-Those?" she forced a chuckle. "They're... for the kids I babysit!" Her eyes lit up, coming up with the perfect alibi. "Sometimes I bring them over here, so I have some stuff around for them... Just in case."

"Oh, smart," Skyla nodded.

Skyla wasn't the only one to notice the sippy cups, however, or, rather, the lack of them. "That looks awfully full," Katie told Lizzie, seeing the cup she took for herself. "I hope you don't spill anything again. She is just so clumsy sometimes." Lizzie blushed, hoping she wasn't going to make her go back and use a sippy instead.

She didn't, thankfully. Mommy liked for her to drink out of them, but it wasn't exactly a rule... At least, not all the time. If she did spill anything, or if she was drinking anything that might stain the furniture if she did, Mommy would insist on it.

They'd almost settled on their viewing choice when the doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza," Katie said, handing Lizzie some money out of her purse. "Can you go get that for us?"

Lizzie was happy to do it, waddling off to the front door, throwing it open... And finding not the delivery person, but Cassie. "Hey, there," she smiled down at Lizzie. "It was slow, so they let me leave a little early."

"O-Oh," Lizzie nodded, gulping.

She was having such a nice time... Part of her wanted to tell Cassie to go away, to leave her alone, but, before she could, Cassie had already stepped inside. "Sounds like the party is this way," she said, following the sounds of the other girls, Lizzie hurrying after her, getting there in the middle of the introductions.

"Go on," Katie told her. "Show her your room, I'll be ready to get the pizza if it comes while you're away."

She'd thought showing Skyla and Lucy her room was bad; that was nothing compared to letting someone who almost definitely knew about her diapers see it. "Cute," Cassie smirked, looking around.

"I-I didn't decorate it myself," Lizzie said, which was true. Hopefully, if she told her that, she'd get the idea that the diapers themselves weren't exactly her idea, either. She squirmed, feeling uncomfortable, seeing Cassie there, so close to her hidden diapers, to the plastic sheet on her bed, to everything... "M-Maybe we should..."

"Hey," Cassie stopped her in her tracks, on her way out the door. "We need to talk."

"W-We do?" Lizzie tried to pretend she didn't know what it was about, swallowing anxiously as the girl stepped closer to her, the difference in their size feeling so much more obvious. This was it, she thought, feeling a trickle of warmth in her diaper at the worst possible time, when she was terrified she was about to have it exposed, to make it look like she really did need them. "I-I don't know what.."

"Lizzie!" Katie called. "We need your advice!"

"I-I gotta go!" Lizzie took the opportunity and dashed out, caring more about getting away than the fact she was leaving Cassie alone in her room.

"Do you think this will be too scary for you to watch right before bed?" Katie asked, showing off the title of the movie they were looking at.

"This is a sleepover!" Skyla declared. "We aren't going to bed!"

Katie raised her eyebrows, looking at Lizzie meaningfully. She'd told her she had to follow her rules, and that meant bedtime. It was the weekend, so it was a little later than usual, but staying up all night was definitely out of the question. "W-Well," Lizzie fidgeted, "I know Lucy's really tired, so maybe, this time, we should."

"That's probably a good point," Skyla admitted. "But next time..." 

Lizzie made a mental note to tell Mommy she'd never try to stay up all night and ignore her bedtime, even if that wasn't completely true, glancing up when Cassie stepped into the room.

"Why don't you sit on the floor to make room for your friend?" Katie suggested, looking at Lizzie. 

"Oh, I don't want to..." Cassie protested.

"No, it's fine," Katie said. "At least this way, if she spills her drink, it will be on the floor, not the couch. Speaking of, are you thirsty? I'm sure she'd be happy to get you something."

They finally settled on a movie, and, of course, as it started, the pizza really did arrive. They ate, and watched, and chatted, and immediately launched into the sequel once it was over. As that movie drew to a close, however, Lizzie saw that her bedtime was fast approaching, and they definitely didn't have time for another. Thankfully, she caught Lucy yawning, and was able to use that to suggest, "Maybe we ought to get ready for bed now."

She knew it sounded lame, that for anyone her real age, this was still pretty early, but, fortunately, she had someone else to blame it on. "We don't all have to go to sleep now," Lucy said. "I can go on my own."

"No, it's fine," Skyla told her. "I'm sure it's been a long week for all of us."

Skyla, Lucy, and Cassie went off to get ready for bed, but Katie kept Lizzie behind, giving the back of her diaper a pat. "I think somebody's forgotten something, haven't they?" she asked.

"Mommy, not now!" Lizzie whined. 

"Yes, now," Katie shook her head. "I told you, young lady... You still have to follow your rules, and you know what that means. If you don't make a present for Mommy right now, I'm going to have to help you... And, if you keep complaining, I might not change you until the morning."

Lizzie blushed, not really believing Katie would do that to her - there was no way she could keep it a secret, sleeping in a dirty diaper in the same room with three other girls all night - but not wanting to risk it. She stomped her foot, folding her arms and squatting down, closing her eyes, trying to block out everything, to pretend she was all alone, in the bathroom...

She could hear Skyla and Lucy, chatting and laughing, actually in the bathroom brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed. She knew Cassie was around, could step in any minute and see her... She needed to go, but she couldn't make herself do it here, now. She opened her eyes, pouting up at Mommy. "I-I can't," she sniffled.

"Go get your PJs and meet me in our room," Mommy ordered.

Lizzie hadn't thought about pajamas, though there was another issue... Most of her clothes made her feel like her diapers were obvious, but they were the worst offenders. There were some footed pajamas in her closet, some with longer pants at the back of the drawer, yet there was no way she'd wear those in the summer and be able to sleep. Otherwise, there were a lot of tiny shorts that her diaper stuck out the legbands of, and nightshirts that were just barely long enough.

She went with the latter, a Dora the Explorer one that, if she remembered correctly, was the longest in the bunch. Lucy was already curled up in her blankets, fast asleep, while she dug around for it, Skyla and Cassie chatting quietly, though looking like they weren't too far behind.

Mommy was sitting on their bed, waiting. Lizzie walked up to her, blushing, getting her PJs taken away and set aside before Katie reached up and undid the straps on her shortalls, taking them off yet again, letting them fall to the floor, then pulling Lizzie over her lap.

Lizzie squealed, louder than she'd meant, hoping her friends didn't hear as she squirmed desperately. "Mommy, please!" she begged. "I-I didn't do anything!" She was such a baby when it came to spankings... Mommy could get her crying within a few swats, and usually didn't push it much further than that, but Lizzie couldn't control how loud she got when it happened, and there was no way Skyla and Cassie - and possible even Lucy, sleeping or not - wouldn't hear.

"I'm not spanking you," Mommy promised, giving Lizzie's wet diaper a rub, then slipping it down. "I'm giving you these."

She pushed in one, two, three suppositories, each one making Lizzie whimper, knowing there was no getting away from a messy diaper now. Mommy pulled the diaper back into place, patting it again, then helping her down, having to push her hands away from her tummy - which she was convinced she already felt rumbling - to get her shirt off, putting her nightshirt on instead.

"Go get your teeth brushed and flossed," Mommy ordered.

"B-But Mommy..." Lizzie whined. "I can't go out there!"

"You can, and you will," Mommy told her. "We're dangerously close to your bedtime as it is... You won't have time to do it after I change you, so you have to do it now. Or should I actually give you a spanking?"

"N-No, Mommy," Lizzie sniffled, tugging at her nightshirt, shuffling to the bathroom, the time bomb in her tummy getting closer and closer to detonation with every step, every bit of her night-time routine. It would be so humiliating, she thought, brushing her teeth and glancing over at the toilet, right next to the sink, to lose control there, to have to come waddling out of the bathroom in a full diaper.

Thankfully, despite a few bad cramps, she was still mostly clean when she left, hurrying back to her and Mommy's room to do her business in there, and get her fresh diaper. She didn't make it more than a few steps, however, before she heard a, "Hey," behind her.

She spun, stomach dropping, right in the middle of an ominous rumble, finding Cassie standing there. Her mind raced, hands clenching at the hem of her shirt. No, she thought... Not now... This was the worst possible time! Cassie had already seen her in her diapers... She didn't want to use them right in front of her, too!

"Can we talk?" Cassie asked.

"N-Now's not really..." Lizzie squirmed, having to stop and clamp her mouth shut, needing all her energy to keep from losing control.

"I know we're not really friends," Cassie continued. "I mean, we don't really know each other... I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to invite me tonight. I know I come on a little strong sometimes."

"I-It's o-okay..." Lizzie told her, squeezing her thighs together desperately.

"I'm really sorry about that first time we met, though," Cassie told her. "I've seen you at school, in passing, and I've wanted to tell you that, but I've never really had the chance."

Lizzie's hands tightened, her breath quickening, turning into quiet grunts as she felt her muscles slipping, a familiar, sticky, greasy sensation slowly pushing out into her diaper. All she could do was stare up at Cassie, pray she didn't hear, or smell, what was happening, wanting to run into the bathroom, or to her and Mommy's room, but frozen in place, horrified.

"I feel like I made you really uncomfortable then," Cassie said. "I didn't mean to... I-I mean, I saw what you were wearing, but I don't want you to think I was judging it or anything... If you need them, that's fine, and if you like them, that is, too. I'd kind of heard about that sort of thing, I'd just never seen anyone in real life, so I was... I probably stared a little, and I think I freaked you out and... Oh, am I interrupting?"

Lizzie didn't think she could blush any deeper, but she found out she was wrong. The change was obvious, between Cassie not knowing what was happening in her diaper, to figuring it out. Lizzie opened her mouth, uncertain what to say, how to get out of this, only for a loud grunt to escape, her body bending over, pushing harder, sending a larger mound of mush out into the waiting padding. 

"I'm sorry!" Cassie shook her head. "I-I can leave... I'm sorry, I didn't... I'm really sorry, Lizzie. If there's ever anything I can do to make it up to you..."

"C-Can you..?" Lizzie blushed, squirming in her dirty diaper, hardly able to believe she'd done that in front of anyone else, other than Mommy, or that she was about to say what she was thinking. "C-Can you take me to Mommy's room?" she asked. There were few things that put her into little mode as much as pooping her pants, and, in the moment, despite being fully aware that all she needed to do was walk down the hall for a change, all she wanted to do was sit and cry, which, if anything, would make her other friends more likely to come and find her.

"Huh?" Cassie tilted her head, confused until Lizzie held out her hand. A slow smile spread across Cassie's face as she took it, gently leading the girl to her Mommy's room. "I found something that belongs to you," she told her, gently guiding Lizzie inside. "She needs a change."

"Thank you," Katie smiled. "I'm glad to see she's not trying to keep this secret from all her friends..." Cassie turned to leave, but, as Katie helped Lizzie lie down on the changing mat, she stopped her. "I know Skyla and Lucy are heading home for the summer... You said you live here, didn't you?" Cassie nodded. "Well, with school over, I feel like I need someone to keep an eye on Lizzie here from time to time. Do you have any experience as a babysitter?"

"I don't need..." Lizzie whined, until Mommy pushed a pacifier into her mouth and she started to suck on it automatically.

"I do," Cassie beamed. "As long as Lizzie is okay with it, I'd love to look after her."


Lizzie barely remembered being led back to her room, or tucked in by Cassie, just that she was happy to see, before drifting off, that Skyla had fallen asleep, too. Mommy didn't make her keep her paci in, but she wound up sucking her thumb as she fell asleep.

She woke up to the sound of movement, yawning and squirming, feeling her wet diaper beneath her. She blinked, staring through the darkness to see what appeared to be Lucy sitting up.

"Are you okay?" she whispered, not wanting to wake the other two up.

"N-No," Lucy sniffled. Lizzie got out of bed, quietly shepherding the girl out into the hall to talk. Immediately, as soon as they were close to some light, she could see why she was so upset. "Th-This doesn't usually happen," she said, tugging at her wet sleep shorts. "I-I guess I was just so tired, I... I'm sorry..."

Lizzie had worked so hard to keep them a secret, but, seeing her friend there, so upset, she didn't hesitate for a second before lifting her nightshirt. "It's okay," she promised. "I-I have some issues at night, too... See? Don't worry, it's okay. I'll help you get everything all cleaned up, and nobody else has to know."

Lizzie had worried this sleepover was going to end with all her friends finding out about her diapers and making fun of her... Lucy just seemed happy she hadn't been mad, however, barely reacting to the sight of the diaper at all - had she already suspected? - and Cassie, who Lizzie wouldn't have considered a friend until then, had been more than happy to help. 

Skyla still didn't know, and Lizzie was in no rush to tell her, but judging by the other two, she had a feeling, when that time came, it wouldn't be so bad, either. If anything, those first two revelations had felt like a relief, a weight off her shoulders, letting someone else know who she really was. With any luck, the last one, when it happened - perhaps at their next sleepover - would be the same.


christian hunter

So she gets a babysitter and maybe one of her friends gets diapers? I enjoyed this.


Very Nice! looking forward to more installments if you get around to them.


It's amazing, thank you :D