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Monica didn't let it go at that, however. "Don't be silly," she told the younger girl. "I'm happy to let you borrow these... Heck, you can have them. It'll make it so much easier..."

Rubie swallowed, fidgeted; could Monica tell how much she liked them? She definitely seemed a lot more invested in making her take them now. And, really, it would be rude not to take them... Obviously, she'd know it wasn't Rubie's idea, since it was her own... "I-I guess..." Rubie gave in.

"Good!" Monica beamed, standing up and stepping around the table. "Here, I'll help you... I know these can be hard to get right on your own, without a mirror..."

Rubie expected her to give her a single pony tail in the back, like her; instead, to her shock, she could feel the woman pulling her hair into two bunches, one on each side, tying the ribbons into what she had no doubt were two perfect bows. "R-Really?" Rubie asked, trying to roll her eyes, to act like she wasn't delighted. Part of her was sure this was Monica making fun of her, that she really did think she was nothing more than a silly little girl... The rest of her had always loved the look, and wished she was confident enough to wear it outside on her own, no matter how immature it was.

"I can change it if you don't like it," Monica promised. "I just thought... Well, just look how adorable you are!"

She snapped a picture with her phone, then turned the screen around to show Rubie. It was a bit difficult to believe it was actually her... The beaming little girl in the picture looked so carefree, so happy, and, indeed, awfully adorable. She let out an involuntary squeal as Monica reached over the table, pinching her cheek, then blushed at the outburst, looking around to see if anyone around them had noticed.

Monica handily took charge from then on. When the waiter returned to try to get an order from them again - Rubie had been so distracted by the conversation pre-cheesecake, she'd forgotten to find anything, and Monica had told the man to try once they were done with dessert - she asked, "Do you know what you want now?" and, when Rubie shook her head, ordered for her, off the child's menu. 

"That cheesecake was huge," she explained herself, once the waiter had left. "I can't imagine you're still that hungry, and, if you are, we can get you something else."

It wasn't the fanciest restaurant in town - that one almost definitely didn't have anything meant specifically for children - but it was nice enough that Rubie would have never expected to be eating their equivalent of chicken fingers and macaroni and cheese there, while her date enjoyed a far more grown-up looking version, with nicer pasta, covered in some sauce with a name she'd never heard before, a whole chicken breast nestled on top. Monica's food looked good, though, if she were being honest, Rubie was more happy with what she had. And Monica had been right... She couldn't quite finish up the last few forkfuls.

Rubie didn't even think about the credit card in her purse once the bill was brought out, put in front of Monica without any question, or hesitation, as if it were perfectly obvious which of the two was going to be paying. It wasn't until they were getting ready to go, and Rubie picked her purse up, that she remembered. "Oh, shoot!" she shook her head, digging out the card. "I-I can pay you back, if..."

"Nonsense," Monica smiled at her. "It's my pleasure, dear."

Without thinking, once they were both standing, Rubie found herself reaching for Monica's hand, blushing once the woman took hers, realizing what she'd done. "S-Sorry," she squirmed. "I-I don't know..."

"It's fine," Monica promised. "Do you have plans tonight? I thought we could go back to my place... I have something there I think you'll really like..."



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