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There was something eerie about standing there, surrounded by the huge baby furniture. Despite her tiny, sexy dress, she was starting to feel very warm, blushing as she looked around. She did her best to convince herself it was only because of her full bladder, that it was the sole reason she was feeling this way...

She still wanted to get out of there, though, hurrying back to the door, which she didn't think she remembered shutting, yet was definitely closed. She grabbed the knob, turned, groaned when it refused to budge. "What the hell?!" she growled, tugging on it, moving her hand to look for something to unlock it, finding nothing. "Oh, come on..." She shook her head, sweating, one hand pressing between her legs.

That was the first time she'd lost track of how long she'd been trapped somewhere in this party... She could have checked her phone, but she was too busy fighting with herself, praying she wasn't about to pee her pants right here in the middle of the nursery before somebody heard her banging on the door and calling for help. It would be embarrassing, running through the party, to the nearest neighbor's house... It would be far worse to wet herself.

Unfortunately, the latter was exactly what happened. She gasped as she felt a wet spot forming on her panties, making one last ditch effort to order her muscles to obey before moving her hand away right in time for a torrent of warm urine to start gushing out, soaking through her panties in an instant, trickling down her legs, forming a puddle under her on the carpet.

Of course, that was when, almost as if she was being watched, exactly the time the door opened. She couldn't bring herself to look at the person who stepped through the door, although the voice sounded faintly familiar - like almost every voice here, really. "I thought I heard something!" the woman exclaimed. "Did you lock yourself in here, sweetie? You kids are supposed to be playing in the backyard, not... Uh-oh! What happened, sweetie?"

Maddie squirmed, cheeks burning. How in the world could this person think she was a child? She was short, sure, but not so small it would be an easy mistake to make... Especially, or so she'd thought, in this dress. If the woman's words hadn't made it clear that was what was happening, however, her tone did. And, honestly, as much as Maddie wanted to correct her, this was slightly less embarrassing for a child to have done than a full-blown adult like her.

Or so she thought... Surely, if this person knew she was a grown-up, she wouldn't have so flippantly lifted Maddie's skirt, revealing the drenched panties underneath, or smacked Maddie's hands away when she tried to make her drop it... And she almost definitely wouldn't have led her over to the changing table.

"No!" Maddie whined, fighting to break free of the woman's grip, realizing what was happening. "I'm too big for that!"

"Sweetie, you wet yourself," the woman reminded her. "I think that proves you aren't... Now, hush, unless you want a spanking, too. I'm sure Florence was smart enough to put in carpet in here that's easy to clean up, but I doubt she put it through her whole house, so I doubt she wants you leaking all over it."



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