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A new story about the Sugar characters, commissioned by Elizabeth.

"Can you believe it?" Skyla sighed, flopping down in her seat in the cafeteria, letting her bag clunk to the floor. "Finals are over!" 

"Maybe for you," Lucy pointed out, sounding a bit grumpy. "I still have one this afternoon."

"Me, too," Lizzie added. "But we're almost there!"

"Yeah, I guess," Lucy shrugged. "This is the big one for me, though... I was up all night last night studying in the lobby."

"Kennedy didn't let you study in your room?" Skyla asked. 

"She said the light was bothering her, and she needed sleep so she could be ready for her final," Lucy explained. Kennedy was her roommate... Lizzie hadn't met her yet, and, from everything she'd heard about her, she didn't particularly want to change that anytime soon. 

"She's the worst," Skyla voiced Lizzie's thoughts for her. "It's going to be so much better next year, once we have a room together." Skyla's own roomie, Violet, didn't sound nearly as bad as Kennedy, but she was a very private person, and, according to Skyla, didn't like to have anyone else in their room. Lizzie also hadn't met her, and she doubted Violet wanted that to change. 

"I can't wait," Lucy nodded.

"We should do something to celebrate tonight, once you're both finished!" Skyla suggested. 

"Yeah!" Lizzie agreed. She'd finished up her first semester here, or would have by the evening... It wasn't her first semester at college, but the first in a while, and the first at this school. It definitely felt worthy of celebration... And, though she suspected Katie would have some little surprise planned, she wanted to do something with her new friends, too.

"Can you?" Skyla asked. "No babysitting jobs tonight?"

"Nope!" Lizzie shook her head, without thinking. Surely Katie would understand, and let her go out to eat, or whatever they decided on. It was a special occasion, after all! "I took the whole week off for finals!"

"Great!" Lucy grinned, leaning over in her chair to give Lizzie a big hug. "This is gonna be so fun! It'll totally make up for last night!"

"Yeah..." Lizzie frowned, trying to figure out what she'd missed. They hadn't settled on anything yet... Whatever they did likely would be fun, but she couldn't say she was so confident in that to say so now, with no actual plans.

"It's been so long since I've been to a sleepover!" Skyla exclaimed.

Suddenly, it all clicked into place. Lizzie gulped, squirming in her damp diaper as it dawned on her what she'd just unknowingly agreed to. Sleepovers had come up before, with all three of them discussing how much they'd love to do one again... Of course, with the other two's roommates, they couldn't really have one there, so Lizzie, with her house off-campus that she claimed to also share with a 'roommate', was the obvious candidate to host.

She'd managed to find excuses to avoid it so far, either claiming she needed to study, or had to babysit... Now, however, neither of those were going to work. She hadn't told her friends much about Katie, unsure how to go into too much detail without revealing her crinkly secret, just that she was much cooler and more easy going than either of their roomies, and probably wouldn't mind having her home invaded for a night.

"O-Oh, I'm not..." Lizzie's mind raced, searching for a way out. "I-I think..."

"Come on," Lucy begged. "When are we going to get a better chance than this? We'll have you over once we have our room, but there's a whole summer until then..."

Honestly, Lizzie wasn't sure how well that was going to pan out; without Mommy there to change her, she'd likely be expected to last the whole night in the same diaper... At least if they were all at Katie's place, she could always go to her if she had an accident. That wasn't going to do anything to hide her rather immaturely decorated room, however...

"It's our last chance before summer," Skyla piled on. "I wasn't going to head out until tomorrow anyway, since Lucy's dad isn't going to be here to take her back 'til then... And once we're gone, we aren't going to see each other for months!"

"I know, I know," Lizzie agreed. Katie wanted her to spend more time with her friends... Surely, she wouldn't mind this, right? "Okay, let's do it," she nodded.

"Sleepover!" Skyla threw her fist in the air excitedly.

Lizzie smiled nervously, inconspicuously taking out her phone to send a quick text to her Mommy: "Is it okay if I invite a couple friends over tonight?" Once she had it out, she saw how late it had gotten, and, after hitting send, shoved it back into her bag. "I need to go!" she declared, hopping out of her seat. "My test is in, like, five minutes!"

Her friends wished her luck, and called out for her to text them her address, while she rushed her tray over to the conveyor belt that took the dirty dishes back to the kitchen to be washed. She set it down, turning to make a mad dash for the exit... And nearly bumped straight into the girl from McDonald's.

Lizzie's eyes widened, her legs squeezing together, suddenly very aware or the bulk of her diaper under her pink, denim shortalls, and the slight wetness there. She'd been getting used to her diapers, and Katie had seemed to sense that, picking out clothes that were more and more immature... Nobody had mentioned the bulge, so she was starting to think she was pulling it off...

The tall girl's eyes went straight to Lizzie's crotch, however, and Lizzie was positive she knew why. The girl had almost definitely seen her diaper while she was in her car at McDonald's... She knew what to look for, and she'd found it. Lizzie's stomach churned, feeling trapped in the little alcove, doubting she could slip past this larger person if she didn't want her to leave.

"I know you!" the girl grinned. "I don't know if you remember me, but..."

"Y-Yeah," Lizzie nodded, fidgeting. "McDonald's."

"Well, my name is Cassie," she teased. "But I work there, yeah. So... A sleepover, huh?"

Oh, no... Lizzie swallowed a whimper, certain of what was coming next. Cassie had overheard their conversation, or just Skyla's enthusiastic exclamation at the end, and she was going to tell Lizzie's friends the truth about her. Had Cassie been watching her, waiting for a moment like this to swoop in and ruin her newfound friendships? How long had she known Lizzie went to school here?

"Sounds fun," Cassie continued, when Lizzie couldn't manage to emit a sound in response. "I haven't been to a sleepover in forever..."

Lizzie's heart started to thump loudly in her chest, her mind forming together the other girl's plan on its own. She wanted to be invited, so she could humiliate Lizzie in private... But, at least there, she'd have Katie to protect her. Surely, Cassie wouldn't try anything in front of her, would she? Despite the underwear drawer full of diapers, waiting to betray her, she felt safer there, with Mommy... And, she suspected, if she didn't do this, Cassie would tell Skyla and Lucy right away.

"D-Do you want to come?" she asked.

"Really?" Cassie did a great job sounding surprised; either Lizzie had misinterpreted her actions, or she was a great actress. Considering she had no clue what the girl was studying here - it could have been theater - Lizzie didn't want to take that chance, even though it was possible she'd just been offered a way out.

"S-Sure," Lizzie nodded. "M-My address is..."

"Is it this?" Cassie pointed to the tag Katie had made her put on her bag, after she'd lost her previous one, with her address and name neatly printed on it so it could be returned if she accidentally left it behind again. Before Lizzie could react, could decide if she wanted to give the girl her real address or fake something, and hope Cassie was either graduating, or forgot about this by the time the next school year started, Cassie took out her phone and snapped a picture of the tag. "Perfect! I have to work this evening, but I'll be by after! This is so nice of you!"

Lizzie froze up as Cassie hugged her, waiting for the girl's hands to drop to her padded backside to signal that she knew... Apparently, she didn't think it was necessary. Lizzie excused herself, waddling off to her final, suddenly feeling even more conflicted about this sleepover.


"You would not believe the day I've... What are you doing, sweetie?"

Lizzie blushed from her position squatting in the living room, having been so concentrated on the task at hand she didn't hear Katie's car pull into the driveway, or even the front door opening. She blushed, the attention, and Mommy's sing-songy voice once she'd seen her only making the task feel more embarrassing and infantile - something she never would have thought possible.

"N-Nothing," she said, sitting down on her diapered bottom, feeling the wet padding squish beneath her, still clean, despite her efforts. It was rare for her to try to force it, unless it was getting close to her bedtime and she hadn't gone yet, and was afraid Mommy would give her a suppository or enema to help her along; this early in the day, it was unheard of.

"Oh, really?" Mommy smiled, stepping over and starting to undo the straps on Lizzie's shortalls. "Is your diapie going to tell me something different?"

"Noo," Lizzie squirmed, practically feeling the years drip off her as she was undressed, and Mommy gave her a check, making it that much harder to concentrate on what all she needed to do.

"Someone's soaked," Mommy told her, patting the diaper. "Hold on, I'll go get your things."

"I-I can come with you," Lizzie offered, starting to get to her feet.

"No, that's all right," Mommy pushed gently down on Lizzie's shoulder, keeping her from standing. "You stay here and keep working on nothing." She winked, turning and walking off, leaving Lizzie there in the living room, face bright red.

She definitely would have liked to go back to what she'd been doing, but it was too late... Knowing she wasn't alone in the house anymore kept her from being able to convince herself to do it. She knew she didn't have a choice, really, that, if she didn't get it done before her friends came over, she'd be in big trouble later that night... By the time Mommy returned, fresh diaper, wipes, and powder in hand, she still hadn't succeeded.

There was a mat already sitting, folded up, beside the sofa, although Mommy usually didn't do this here, in the living room. Every now and then, if Lizzie got too wet, or messed herself, while they were watching TV, Mommy would have her stay there while she fetched the supplies, changing her right then and there. She promised there was no way anyone could see in through the window, but it always made Lizzie feel so self-conscious, and small, as if she were truly young enough nobody would care if she got a diaper change in 'public', so to speak... That was why she'd been certain to close the curtains before squatting down.

"So," Mommy asked, spreading the mat out and helping Lizzie scoot over onto it, waiting for her to lie down, "how did the last of your finals go, sweetie?"

"Good... I think..." Lizzie told her, squirming as Mommy untaped the diaper, and even more when she began to clean her up with the cool wipes, feeling quite nice - however surprising - in the warm, summer air. "I-I don't have the grades yet..."

"I know that," Mommy chuckled. "I'm glad you feel like they went well, though."

Lizzie lifted her bottom for Mommy to take away the old diaper, and slide in the new, anxious to hear if the woman was going to say anything about her text. Lizzie had assumed, since she hadn't gotten a reply, it was okay, and sent the address to Skyla and Lucy, but it was definitely strange for her not to hear anything. She'd kind of hoped Mommy would take it easy on her, and let her wear something other than diapers while her friends were around, though rules were rules, so she wasn't too surprised.

Once she was powdered up and the diaper taped snugly into place, however, Mommy clipped the pacifier leash to her shirt, like most other nights. "Mommy!" Lizzie whined, turning her face away from the silicone nipple.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mommy asked, frowning. "You love your paci!"

"No, I don't!" Lizzie blushed, squirming and covering her face. She didn't mind it nearly as much as she'd expected when this all began... Love was probably a strong word, but she did find herself missing it at school sometimes, during a particularly long and boring lecture, or a difficult test; she'd caught herself almost popping her thumb in her mouth during her first final that morning.

"It's all right," Mommy smiled down at her, reaching down and tickling her tummy, taking her by surprise. Lizzie giggled, hands moving away, letting Mommy slip the pacifier into her mouth. "You might be a little old for it, but Mommy doesn't mind... And I'm sure nobody else does, either."

That was the part that really worried her, and made her fight to stop laughing. "But Mommy," she complained from behind the pacifier, knowing better than to take it out on her own, especially right in front of - or beneath, technically - Katie, "what about the sleepover?"

"Huh?" Mommy frowned, leaning closer. "What did you say, sweetie?"

Lizzie would have thought she'd have managed to get used to talking with the pacifier in by now, but it was a special one, designed for adults, and big enough to be a real struggle to form words around. "I don't wanna have it around my friends..."

To her surprise, Mommy reached down and plucked the paci out. "What are you talking about, Lizzie?"

"It doesn't say in the rules that I have to have a paci all the time," Lizzie pointed out. "Just when you put it in, so if you don't, then..."

"But why would your friends see it?" Mommy asked.

Lizzie's eyes widened, her heart beating a little faster. She tried to suss out whether this was a joke, if Mommy was trying to trick her for some reason... She seemed truly confused, however. Lizzie had assumed no reply meant she was all right with the plan... But there were certainly other things that could have caused that. "D-Didn't you get my text?" she squirmed nervously.

"Oh!" Mommy nodded. "That's what I was going to tell you about, before I saw you doing 'nothing'," she teased. "My phone died on me, and I had my charging brick in my purse, but the cable was gone, so I couldn't recharge it."

Lizzie nibbled on her bottom lip, wishing for her paci back already, knowing the cable was tucked away in one of the pockets of her school bag from a week ago, when she'd asked to borrow it, and promised to put it back. If Mommy remembered that, she didn't seem annoyed, or like she blamed Lizzie, though the girl knew it was her fault.

"What was your text, sweetie?" Mommy asked.

"Umm..." Lizzie gulped. "I-I asked... I-I thought... I-I..."

"It's okay," Mommy urged. "Use your words."

Lizzie blushed. "I-I asked if my friends could come over tonight... F-For a sleepover..." She wasn't sure she'd even specified that part, to be honest, so maybe it was a good thing she was telling Mommy about this now, for the first time. Her message, as she'd sent it, could have meant they were just hanging out for a bit, or, perhaps, having supper... Staying for the night was something different altogether, and there was a decent chance she hadn't brought it up at all.

"Oh, sweetie," Mommy shook her head. "I don't know... This place isn't really ready for company, and I don't know if I have..."

"Please?" Lizzie pleaded. It was too late to back out now... Especially for Cassie, who she didn't even know how to contact to tell not to show up. Skyla and Lucy would be really disappointed, too, and with them living together next year, they could just spend all their time together and forget about her, and she wouldn't have any friends! She knew she was being a little over-dramatic, and there were, indeed, other people who were nice to her, and she could probably strike up a friendship with... Those two had been the first, though, and she definitely spent the most time with them. "I can help straighten up!"

"Mm-hmm," Mommy smirked. "I've seen how well you keep your room clean."

Lizzie fidgeted; she'd spent so long at her old place being the only one who would do the dishes, or the vacuuming, or anything else to try to keep the house looking nice, she'd gotten lazy now that there was someone else happy to do those things. Her cheeks went red, thinking of how many hours she spent on her knees, scrubbing the bathroom for her old roommates, and imagining doing that now, in her big, thick diapers...

"I-I will!" Lizzie promised. "I'll even do it all by myself!"

"I'm not sure, sweetie," Mommy said. "I know school is over for the summer, but maybe in the fall, when they come back, you can have them over then, or... You already said yes, didn't you?"

Lizzie looked up at her in surprise, having thought she was doing a decent job at disguising her crestfallen expression. Katie knew her so well... Like a real Mommy. She couldn't hide anything from her. "Y-Yeah," she admitted.

"Lizzie, you know the rules," Mommy sighed. "You have to ask me first!"

"I did!" Lizzie whined. "You didn't answer!"

"I know," Mommy replied. "I know..."

"Pleeeease, Mommy?" Lizzie begged, clasping her hands together. "I'm not gonna see them for months and months!"

"Summer break isn't that long," Mommy reminded her, then shook her head. "What am I saying? For a little girl like you, it's forever, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh!" Lizzie bobbed her head, not caring too much that she was agreeing that she was a little girl, even though she usually argued the point, despite her full-time diapers, and her pacifier, and bedtime, and her stuffed animals, and the childish posters on her wall, and her immature wardrobe, and...

"All right," Mommy gave in.

"Yay!" Lizzie hopped up, giving her a big hug. "Thank you, Mommy!"

"You're welcome, sweetie," Mommy smiled, hugging her back. "You owe me, though... And you aren't getting out of any of your rules because of this. It's business as usual."

"O-Okay," Lizzie agreed nervously. She didn't really have a choice, although she wasn't sure how she was going to make this work.

She didn't have time to figure it out, either, as Mommy asked, "When are they supposed to show up?" and, right on cue, the doorbell rang. 

Lizzie chuckled anxiously, standing there in her diaper and shirt with a pacifier clipped to the front. She must have lost track of time, trying to convince herself to fill her diaper, and talking to Katie. "Now?" 


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