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The answer was obvious, of course. Perhaps playing it safe would have paid off in the long run... But there was no way she, a proud Amazon, the owner of a chain of daycares, was going to agree to allow herself to be put into diapers. That it had happened once was bad enough... And the trainers weren't exactly her first choice of underthings, either, although they were certainly better than the alternative.

She couldn't quite bring herself to say it out loud, to admit to asking for them, despite her justifications, so she pointed, getting a smirk from her sister in response. "You're sure?" Natalie asked, and Emily nodded. "All right, then," Natalie shrugged, putting the training pants into the cart, following them up with Emily's own brand of diaper.

"I only need those if I have an accident!" Emily pouted, worrying Natalie was changing the deal already.

"That's right," Natalie agreed condescendingly. "But we need to be ready when that happens."

"If," Emily corrected her.

"You really think it's a question?" Natalie shook her head. "If you were in my position, and we were talking about a little... Would you wait to buy these?"

Emily couldn't deny that... She knew she would have, in a heartbeat. "I'm not actually a little, though," she said quietly.

"Well, you certainly aren't an Amazon anymore," Natalie replied. "All right, I think that's it... Let's get checked out."

Emily swallowed, squirming in her messy diaper. There was a hope, in the back of her mind, that Natalie was bluffing, that she was trying to scare her, and wouldn't go through with this... She'd always gone soft on littles, after all. Once she actually bought this stuff, however... That was it. That would prove she was serious.

Emily tried to stare up into her sister's eyes as she was wheeled towards the front of the store, wanting some confirmation, anything, to tell her that was what was going to happen... She wasn't sure if Natalie was intentionally avoiding her gaze, though, if she was, she probably couldn't have done a better job at it. "Nat..." Emily whimpered worriedly.

"Hush," Natalie told her, pausing the cart for a moment, giving Emily the faintest hint of hope... Until she stepped around to the side of the cart, picking something up from it, returning with a pacifier. 

Unfortunately, Emily didn't see, at first, what she had. "I get it, okay?" she'd started to say, ready to tell Natalie how she'd learned her lesson from this, and, once Natalie fixed her, made her big again, she'd take it easier on littles... Although how much she could really keep that promise, she didn't know. She still had a business to run...

She didn't even manage to finish those first four words, however. Her eyes widened as Natalie pushed the pacifier into her mouth, then continued getting bigger when her sister gave it a twist, and she heard a faint hiss before the pacifier started to expand, the bulb growing to fill her mouth, pushing her tongue downwards, thoroughly silencing her, apart from a few muffled groans.

She'd used those pacifiers on plenty of clients, of course - there was nothing better for noisy littles who refused to play quietly - but, like so many things today, she'd never expected to have one used on her. Her hand grabbed at the ring, knowing just how she had to push and turn it to deactivate it... Same as the little-proof tapes, she wasn't strong enough to work it anymore, her much smaller body betraying her yet again, leaving her completely pacified and quiet.

"Babies should be seen and not heard," Natalie teased, tapping her on the nose. "And I have a lot of things to buy... I don't need you distracting the checkout girl, or trying anything."

Emily didn't know what she could have tried... Who would believe her, even if she told the truth about what had happened to her? Maybe the workers here would recognize her... Then again, the waitress had literally seen her minutes before the transformation, and still bought Natalie's story that she was somebody else. And what would someone running a register here be able to really do to help her, anyway?

None of it mattered in the long run, since Natalie parked the cart at the far end of the conveyor belt to start unloading it, keeping Emily from even getting seen by the worker until after Natalie had given out her address for delivery. "Actually," Natalie mused, "can you deliver all of it? You can come tonight, can't you?"

"Of course," the worker chirped. The voice did sound familiar, although Emily had been here so many times over the years, picking up various items and supplies, she had no idea where to start imagining what the girl looked like. "We know how quickly families can develop, so we have same-day delivery on everything, if needed!"

"Perfect," Natalie told her. "Let me just..." From her seat, Emily heard the sound of ripping, and a light crinkle. "I'll just take a couple of these, just in case.... And this..."

"Very smart," the worker agreed.

So Emily didn't get to see what had been bought for her then, either. By the time Natalie wheeled her out of her spot, it was all bagged up... And, if the checkout clerk recognized her, she didn't think anything of it, just giving a fairly standard, "Oh, what a cutie!" at the sight of her. 

Thankfully, before they left, Natalie pushed the cart into the bathroom, lifting Emily out of her seat and setting her down on the changing table. The diaper squelched beneath her bottom, but, after the car ride, and the trip around the store, Emily found it hard to be as bothered by that as she should be. She was glad to be getting it off, no matter how humiliating it was, having her sister tear open the diaper to expose the massive mess inside, and wipe her clean, commenting the whole time about what a stinky baby she was.

"All right," Natalie told her, once she was done, tossing the used diaper, wrapped around all the wipes she'd used, into the garbage. "You're sure about these?" She held up a pair of the training panties, giving them a stretch.

They were far thinner than the diaper, of course, especially the one she'd had, with the soaker pad. They were brightly colored, with a token attempt at an artistic recreation of leg and waist bands printed onto the padding, not that anyone who had ever seen real underwear could have mistaken them as such, and characters from the Naomi and Oliver cartoon on the front. 

Not that long ago, Emily wouldn't have been caught dead in them - she also likely would have never found any quite like that which fit her - but now, knowing her alternatives, she nodded eagerly behind the pacifier, desperate for anything except full-blown diapers. She was an adult, and an Amazon, no matter how small she'd been made... As long as she didn't have some awful waitress dosing her milk, she'd be fine.

"Okay," Natalie shrugged. "Remember, you have one chance, little lady... I'd better not see one wet, or dirty, spot on these, or you'll lose them."

Emily gulped, nearly second guessing herself. Should she have waited? Would Natalie have let her go with a diaper, for now, until she knew all of whatever was in the milk was out of her system? After how much she'd used that first diaper, she doubted there was enough of anything left in her for another accident, but there had been a lot of cake... And she'd seen littles that could fill their diapers that much several times in a day. 

It was too late now; Natalie pulled the trainers up her legs, letting them snap into place. Even now, after a single diaper, and likely little more than an hour in it, honestly, they felt so much better, so much more mature... She nearly didn't mind the yellow party dress that was tugged over her head, that left them almost completely exposed, the thick white tights that were stretched over them doing nothing to disguise what they were. Natalie finished off the outfit with a pair of shiny, black Mary Janes, and a yellow bow in Emily's short hair, lifting her down onto the floor, letting her stand there for a moment and take in her new look while she washed her hands.

At least nobody would think she was in diapers, she told herself, squirming, tugging at the tights, blushing at the feeling of them pressing the padding of her trainers so snugly against her privates, keeping her from being able to escape the sensation, no matter how much smaller they were than what she'd been wearing before. Nobody would mistake her for an adult, either... Any self-respecting little dressed this way was begging to be adopted by the first person who saw her, if she wasn't already taken.

"All right," Natalie knelt down in front of her, smiling. "I have people coming to my house to deliver all your new things, and set up your nursery - thank you and your credit card for that - so things will be a bit crazy there. So, why don't we go do something?"

Emily shook her head, not wanting to do anything else, to be seen by any more people than had already witnessed her new status. It wasn't really a question, of course... Natalie had already decided they wouldn't be going straight home. 

"I thought we could go to the playground," she continued. "It might be fun to go make some new friends for you... Maybe some of the kids there will even be people who go to your daycare, so you'll know them! Or I seem to remember hearing there was a movie based around your favorite new characters there out." Emily was confused at first who she was talking about, until Natalie poked at her trainers.

Emily blushed; anyone who worked with littles knew about Naomi and Oliver, although few of them could really stand them. It was the sort of thing you turned on to keep them occupied when you were trying to get something else accomplished. They were so boring, and mind-numbing... But a movie theater would be dark, and relatively private, compared to a playground.

"What do you want to do?" Natalie asked, repeating it a moment later after Emily pointed to her pacifier, and she easily twisted it, the air hissing out through the front as it deflated. "It's all up to you, sweetie! Where are we going to go?"

Emily almost wished she'd waited, kept the paci in place to give her time to think. Which would be better?

The playground, where she might run into people she knew?

Or the movie theater, where she'd have to endure Naomi and Oliver?



I hope she goes to the playground and meet some of her former victims. :)