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Tears filled Valerie's eyes as she took a step backwards, although there wasn't anywhere in the office to escape from the nurse, or any real hope of getting her pants back up, and herself out the door, before Ms. Ross caught her. This couldn't be happening... The one good thing about being stuck in middle school was escaping from Ms. Rowen, and now she was about to wind up in diapers anyway, on her very first day here...

"Please," Valerie shook her head. "I-I don't really need them, I swear..."

"I suppose that answers my question," the nurse sighed, setting the diaper down on the exam table, grabbing Val by the wrist just as she was contemplating taking advantage of the opportunity while the woman was turned away for a moment, and half-pushing the former high school senior onto it as well.

"Please!" Valerie tried again, heart pounding as she squirmed, paper covering crackling beneath her, unable to stop her shoes from being pulled off, or her pants from being snatched over her feet and tossed to the floor, Ms. Ross coming for her panties next. "I-I really don't, it's all just a big misunderstanding, I..."

"Ms. Rowen sent me your chart," Ms. Ross told her, barely seeming to notice Valerie's attempts to wriggle away, or keep ahold of the underwear, easily pulling them free and down. "I might be inclined to give you a chance if you hadn't had a stinky accident yesterday... That is unacceptable at your age, young lady."

Her cheeks burned even brighter, memories of messing herself in the principal's office the day before, at his command, flooding over her as the nurse got the panties over her wiggling feet and let them fall to the floor as well. "N-No," she protested. "That wasn't an accident, i-it..."

"Oh?" Ms. Ross raised an eyebrow. "You did it on purpose, then? That's even more disappointing..."

"No!" Valerie squealed, whimpering as the nurse began to unfold the massive diaper. She hadn't worn it that long the day before, but she still remembered how utterly huge it had felt on her, how it had seemed to swallow up her bottom, and her maturity... "I-I would never do that on purpose! I-I just..." 

Except, technically, she had; it had been at Mr. Montgomery's request, yes, but she'd had to very intentionally force herself to do it. If anything, that cemented her position that she wouldn't let it happen again... She had a feeling the nurse wouldn't see things that way, however.

"Well?" Ms. Ross asked, diaper still in hand. "I'm waiting... If you didn't poop your pants on purpose, and you didn't have an accident, how did your diaper get so messy?"

"It's.... complicated," Valerie shrugged, having a feeling trying to blame her old principal wouldn't be much help, and not knowing what else to say.

"No, it's quite simple," Ms. Ross countered, grabbing her by the ankles and lifting her up, like a baby, sliding the diaper under her, lowering her onto the pillowy surface, the girl groaning as her still-sore bottom sank into it. "In fact, this is one of the first things we teach kids... I'd think someone as smart as you would understand it."

She began to oil, lotion, and powder Valerie up, clearly believing she needed all the protection she could get. "If you go to the bathroom, you get a gold star. If you use your diaper, it's a frowny face. If you get enough stars, we can talk about moving you up to training pants eventually... Although, considering you didn't just wet yourself, I'm not sure you'll be able to hit that point before the end of the year. If you keep getting frowny faces, we'll just forget about the chart, and I'll change the note on your file to say you need your diapers, 24/7."

Valerie swallowed as the diaper was raised up between her legs, pushing her thighs apart. She wasn't Summer... She didn't need these things at all, certainly not full-time. Yet, here she was, watching helplessly as the nurse taped one snugly around her waist. There was no way her jeans were going to fit over this... Even if they did, somehow, the bulge would be so obvious, she might as well not bother!

"C-Can I wear Pampers instead?" she asked, stomach churning at the sight of Ms. Ross pulling open the last tape, realizing it was almost over. "I-I can fit into those, and..."

"Do you?" the nurse sounded surprised for a moment, before glancing down at the girl. "I suppose that makes sense. I won't ask why you know that, for now, but I don't have any, and this one is practically on already, so I wouldn't want to waste it." She pushed the tape down onto the landing strip, trapping Valerie inside her hot, poofy prison. "All right, get dressed," she urged, patting Val on the bottom once she'd hopped off the table. "I don't want you to be late."

"B-But..." Valerie pouted, bending down to pick up her jeans, hoping the woman would figure out the problem.

"Do I have to do that, too?" Ms. Ross sighed. "Honestly... You're more immature than any of the students here. No wonder you're still in diapers."

"B-But I'm not!" Valerie insisted. "A-And I'm not, I..." She gasped as the nurse pushed her back onto the table, letting her sit this time, at least, after tossing her latex gloves into the trash. "I just can't..."

"I know, I know," the nurse shook her head, almost definitely not finishing that sentence in her mind the way Val was intending. She took the pants from the girl, then fed her swinging feet into them, working them up her legs, until, inevitably... "Hmm," Ms. Ross frowned. "Here, hop on down."

"It isn't going to work," Valerie pointed out, even in the midst of complying, allowing the woman to try and yank them up over the diaper a few times before realizing it was impossible. "I guess I'll have to wear my underwear after all."

"I don't think so," the nurse said. "I have some spare things here."

She stepped over to a drawer and returned, unfolding a pink, pleated skirt. Valerie hadn't gotten her jeans back off, so she sighed, shook her head, and took care of that, obviously taking it as further evidence the girl couldn't do anything for herself, then had her step into the skirt. It was long enough to cover the diaper... Barely. If she walked calmly down the halls - which she'd have to do anyway, really, given the waddle the diaper was going to add to her gait - and sat very carefully, and never had to bend over, or reach up, for any reason, she'd be all right.

"What else do you have?" she asked, not trusting fate to hand her that convenient a day.

"This isn't a store," Ms. Ross informed her. "You're lucky I have anything that fits you at all... Most of it is too big."

Valerie blushed, having assumed the opposite. She was in middle school... She ought to have outgrown anything the nurse would have for the kids here! Maybe she'd misspoken... Val wasn't going to ask for a clarification, however, in case she hadn't.

"All right, dear," Ms. Ross said, not even asking, just pushing Valerie into a seated position on the exam table again and sliding her shoes back onto her feet, "since you're in diapers, you're going to need to check in with me more often than you did with Ms. Rowen. You were seeing her at the start of the day, at lunch, and before you left, right?"

Valerie nodded, feeling far more aware of how childish the shoes were than she had since she'd been stuck with them to begin with as someone else pulled the Velcro straps tight, probably assuming Val wasn't mature enough to know how to tie laces yet. She wanted to say these weren't hers... After everything else, though, she had a feeling the nurse wouldn't buy that. 

"I want you to come here after every class," Ms. Ross told her. "I want to see if you had any accidents, so I can decide if you need a change or not, and, if you haven't, I'll give you permission to use the bathroom."

"Why can't I just go to the bathroom?" Val whined. "Why do I have to come all the way here, and...?"

"Would you rather I not let you use the bathroom at all?" the nurse interrupted. "We could forgo your chart, and stop delaying the inevitable... I highly doubt I'll be impressed with the results, so I'd be happy to stop wasting both of our time."

"N-No," Valerie shook her head. "I-I'm sorry... You're right, we can do that, it's fine!"

"Oh, is it?" Ms. Ross raised an eyebrow. "I know you're eighteen, young lady, but even if I hadn't just put you in a diaper, you still wouldn't be an adult. You're a student here... You don't get to dictate what does or does not happen. The sooner you learn that, the better... Maybe if you addressed me in a more respectful way, it would help you remember."

"S-Sorry, ma'am," Valerie blushed.

"I doubt it," Ms. Ross replied. "But that's a good start... Just keep in mind, young lady, I'm the one who will decide if you ever get to go to school without these," she patted the crotch of Val's diaper, "again. One note from me, and nobody will bother with any pretense of potty training for you, no matter what school in the district you end up at."

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Val gulped. "D-Do I need to come back after homeroom?"

"No," the nurse chuckled. "If you can't hold it for fifteen minutes, your chart is going to be filling up just as quickly as your diaper, and I'll be making that note after all. Now, run along."

Valerie did as she was told - although it was more of a toddle than a run - glad to be away from the woman. What was it with nurses lately? She hadn't had many encounters with Ms. Rowen before this had started, but she didn't recall her being so cruel... And Ms. Ross wasn't the same nurse who had been here when she'd attended middle school the first time, yet she would have thought someone in her position would be a little nicer...

Val tugged at her skirt as she walked down the hall, happy for all the loud chatter to help disguise the crinkle of her diaper. She wasn't sure if she'd have noticed or not, without Ms. Ross saying something, or if she would have kept her eyes down and tried to ignore everyone, but, indeed she was still on the shorter side of the student body. It wasn't quite as bad as at high school, where there were only a handful of people the same height as her, or smaller, however the difference wasn't as large as she'd have liked. She'd assumed she'd be one of the tallest students; instead, she was pretty average, although she suspected that was only because of the sixth graders... Without them, she'd likely be one of the littlest. She didn't stand out, at least, not how she'd expected....

She didn't have much time to look around after how long she'd spent in the nurse's office, but her memory quickly took over, guiding her to Mrs. Coster's class. She'd had the woman for some class, though, for the life of her, she couldn't recall what, and, sure enough, she reached the door right as the bell began to ring.

"There you are, Miss Taylor!" Mrs. Coster smiled as Val stepped in, gulping at the sight of her new classmates, all sitting there expectantly, looking at her. "Right on time... Or close enough," she winked. "Come on, come on... Introduce yourself to the class."

She ushered Valerie into the room, closing the door behind her, leading her to the front of the room, her skin crawling with every step, praying none of the other students could hear her diaper's crinkles. "H-Hi," she waved uncertainly. "I-I'm Valerie, and..." What else was she supposed to say? How much did they know? Obviously, in high school, it had been big gossip, the former senior class president being demoted... Here, she doubted any of them had any clue who she was, or why she was here, unless, of course, Mrs. Coster had filled them in for some reason.

She glanced at the teacher, who gestured for her to continue, making her fidget nervously. Was this a test? Did her classmates know the truth? If she tried to make up another story, would they call her out on it? Would Mrs. Coster? Would it be silly to pretend to be anything other than what she was? She wanted to believe, despite her height, it was clear she was no middle schooler, and yet, looking around, she knew she blended in better than she would have liked to admit.

"I'm a.... a.... transfer student," she settled at last. It was true... She just didn't specify what kind of school she'd transferred from. "I like reading and, uh... stuff..." What were middle schoolers into nowadays? Freshmen had seemed so immature to her for so long, and these kids were even younger. "It's nice to meet you," she finished lamely.

"Very good," Mrs. Coster started to clap, a few of her students joining in. "Now, if anyone hasn't turned in their permission slips for tomorrow, I'd like you to get them to me now, while I talk to Valerie. Otherwise, you can finish your homework, or do some reading, like our new friend here enjoys so much."

Valerie blushed, hearing some snickers, wishing she hadn't said that. Combined with her glasses, and her braces, that was just going to make her look more like a nerd... The teacher didn't appear to notice, leading her over to her desk, letting her stand behind it as she went over her new schedule, explaining where each of the classrooms was, one of the other students walking up now and then with a slip of paper.

"Any questions?" Mrs. Coster asked, once she'd gone through the whole list of classes. Val had, surprisingly, remembered where most of them were once she heard the teacher's name, mentally mapping them out before Mrs. Coster could describe the route, but it was nice to talk to someone who didn't seem dead-set on punishing her for her plagiarism, or putting - or keeping, now, she supposed - her in diapers.

"Yeah," Valerie nodded, glancing at the permission slips that had been piling up, "what's happening tomorrow?"

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that," Mrs. Coster smiled. "I know you're old enough not to need your parents to sign off on anything. Now, why don't you get to know some of your classmates? You have a few minutes. You'll be sitting there, next to Sophia."

"Umm..." she hesitated, not wanting to change the woman's good mood by seeming like she was trying to second-guess her, or question her decisions, but also hoping not to have to sit in the front row. She had her glasses now, she could read the board again from anywhere in the room... She'd rather be in the back, with fewer sets of eyes on her padded posterior at any given moment. "I-Is there any way I could sit there instead?"

There was an empty seat in the back row, too, her finger shaking slightly when she pointed it out. Thankfully, Mrs. Coster didn't seem angry at her... She didn't say yes, either, however. "I'm afraid not," she replied. "That's Jared's seat. He's out today... He'll be wanting it tomorrow, though, so I can't give it away."

"Is there anywhere else, then?" Valerie tried. "I-I just don't like being the center of attention, and..."

"You won't be," Mrs. Coster promised. "I know it might feel that way, but I promise, people aren't staring at you when you're in the front, they're looking at the teacher. Maybe that's what you can learn from all this... How not to be so shy. You can start by introducing yourself to Sophia!"

She'd already learned that, at least enough to put herself out there, run for class president, and win... She had good reason not to want people to pay attention to her now, but she could tell this wasn't a discussion worth having here. "I guess," she sighed. "Thanks..."

She trudged over to the empty desk in the front row, cautiously sitting down, trying to figure out the best way to do it without making too much noise. Even through the massive diaper, the seat was quite hard, making it hard to keep from fidgeting to keep it from pressing against her bottom, still pink and unhappy beneath the padding from her spankings the day before, and making even more noise. Sophia hardly looking up from her math book - or, in reality, the phone she'd hidden in the pages. Valerie squirmed in her seat, despite herself, adjusting her skirt, happy to sit in silence until it was time to head to her first real class.

Unfortunately, she caught Mrs. Coster's eye, and the woman beckoned at her to talk to Sophia. Valerie glanced over at the girl, immediately blushing, before she'd opened her mouth. She was certain the girl was taller than her, and prettier, looking more like she was the one who'd come from high school, rather than Valerie. Knowing she had a diaper on didn't help, but, even without it, Val suspected most people, when looking at her and Sophia, would guess the latter was older.

There was no doubt in her mind Sophia was far too cool for her, probably the Anita of this school. If it was up to her, she'd be avoiding her as much as possible... But Mrs. Coster just kept nodding towards her, to the point where Valerie was afraid the teacher would take matters into her own hands. If she didn't look enough like a nerd to the girl as it was, having to get the teacher to introduce them would seal the deal.

"Uh... Hi," she said quietly, Sophia not giving any sign of hearing. "H-Hello," she tried again. Sophia's eyes flicked towards her, eyebrows arching, already unimpressed. "I'm Valerie, I..." 

"Yeah, I heard," Sophia smirked. "You like to read." Val blushed, then swallowed as she saw the girl's nose twitch. "What perfume are you wearing?"

"Perfume?" Valerie frowned. "I'm not..."

She froze, as Sophia began to sniff harder, leaning a little closer, realizing the girl must be smelling the baby powder, perhaps even the lotion. "It's really familiar," Sophia mused. "I mean, I wouldn't call it good or anything, but I feel like I should know it..."

She was old enough, there was a chance she'd done some babysitting, or she could have a younger sibling; either way, the last thing Valerie needed was for her to recognize the scent. She scooted to the other side of her chair, glancing over at Mrs. Coster, who was beaming, obviously believing the introduction was going well.

"Hey!" Sophia snapped quietly, pulling Val's attention back to her instantly. "I don't know who you think you are, you little brat, but you can't just ignore me!"

Valerie was eighteen... She knew she shouldn't be intimidated by this kid, shouldn't really care what she thought of her, certainly shouldn't be scared of her... But, as far as any of the students here knew, Val was just one of them, and having one of the, surely, most popular girls in the school instantly mad at her was not the right way to start her first day here.

"I-I don't remember," she lied. "I-I got it for Christmas from my Grandma, and she's visiting, so my mom is making me wear it, even though I don't really like it." 

"Hmm," Sophia narrowed her eyes, clearly trying to decide if she believed the story or not. "What does the bottle look like?"

Thankfully, before Valerie could answer, the bell rang, and the rest of the class started to get up and gather their things. "I-I'd better go, my first class is way on the other side of the building," she claimed, hopping out of her seat - then nervously tugging at her skirt for a moment, afraid she'd moved too quickly - and hurrying away. In fact, her first class was only a few doors down, but Sophia didn't have to know that...

Or, she wouldn't have, if Sophia hadn't walked into the classroom a couple minutes after Valerie had slid into a desk in the very back of the room, glad she'd hurried out after all so she could try to hide herself back there. Valerie blushed, wiggling on her sore backside, giving a little shrug, trying to mouth an overly long explanation about how she'd gotten confused, and been thinking of another class, only for Sophia to glare daggers and sit several rows in front of her.

There was little reason to pay attention in the class, of course... This was all far too easy for her. It had been a bit boring for her, back when she'd been the right age for it; now, she could do it with her eyes closed.

Or so she'd thought. She should have known better than to let it show how little she was listening, that any teacher worth their salt would spot that immediately. "What about you, Miss Taylor?" the math teacher, Mr. Klein asked suddenly, catching her by surprise. "Would you care to solve it?"

"Sure," Valerie shrugged. She wasn't even certain what they were studying, until she glanced at the board, glad for her glasses, unlike the last time she'd been asked to do this, to allow her to read what was up there. And the answer itself was pretty simple... Until she reminded herself how much younger they were, she could hardly believe none of them had raised their hands. "It's 17."

Or that's what she meant to say... For some reason, however, what came out was, "It's 29." She frowned, blushing even before she heard her classmates giggle, at least understanding the formula enough to know that wasn't possible. "I-I mean... 32."

"Maybe you should spend less time daydreaming, and more time working," the teacher suggested.

"N-No, I know it!" Valerie insisted, hands balling up into fists from frustration. "It's 45!"

"Not even close," Mr. Klein shook his head. "The answer is 17."

"I know!" Val fumed. What was wrong with her?! It wasn't even that difficult of a number... Why hadn't she been able to get herself to say it?! 

"I'm sure you did," Mr. Klein told her, in a tone that made it very obvious he didn't believe her for a second. "Next time, maybe try saying it, then, instead of guessing."

Valerie squirmed in her seat, wishing she could let herself slide down, hide herself a little, but knowing she probably couldn't do that without flashing her diaper to the whole room. She could hear her classmates, all so much younger than her, who hadn't taken this class years ago and passed with flying colors, laughing at her and her seemingly false confidence. "I did," she sniffled, under her breath, ego pretty thoroughly bruised while she listened to Mr. Klein drone on about why that had been the answer.

She waited for him to start writing out the next problem on the board, figuring out the solution before he'd set the marker down. It was all she could do not to hop out of her seat, and she certainly couldn't hold out long enough for him to call on her, afraid, after her last display, he'd go to anyone else first, even if they hadn't raised their hand.

"The answer is 119," she declared smugly. Except, the real solution, and the one she'd been trying to say, was, simply, 5.

"Not even close," Mr. Klein informed her, as if she wasn't incredibly aware of that already, her face beet red well before she heard what he had to say next, which made it ten times worse. "We may have to look into getting you some tutoring to catch you up with the rest of the class..."



This is setting up some promising things :). Some magic possibly at play. A younger person bullying an older person it’s all great. What a wonderful chapter thank you !


It sounds like Valerie has a math problem! Loved this chapter, this is very quickly becoming one of my favorite stories!


Cant wait for more! By far my favorite.


ahhhhhhhhhh i love it!!


Why is her mouth betraying her?


http://pottypants.blogspot.com/2011/06/summers-vacation.html?zx=351bc8b5e185290a is the story prior to this one. Worth checking out if you haven't