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"You don't have to wear them," Alex told her. "It's totally up to you... They were supposed to get here before now, but they didn't, obviously, so if you want them..." He shrugged, handing them over.

Ashley took them gingerly, blushing, certain, at first, she would never put them on. In all honesty, however, they were cuter than she would have thought, and, while she probably wouldn't have worn them before all this started... She unfolded them, getting a better look, happy to note there were no snaps on the crotch, nothing to signify they were meant to be worn with diapers. 

They still seemed childish to her, like any shortalls would have, especially with the bunny embroidered on the pocket, though it was small, and fairly subtle, but it couldn't hurt to try them once or twice. She wasn't sure if she believed his story or not - why would they have been this late to arrive? - yet she could see him using these as an in-between, something that wasn't the skirts and dresses he'd been having her wear, while not exactly the jeans and shorts that were her first choice.

"I can see about returning them," he said. "Or we could donate them, or..."

"I-I'll give them a shot first," she replied, moving them aside when he reached for them. "I-I mean, I don't know if I'll like them, but I might as well try, and we can send them back afterwards if I hate them."

"Sure," he smiled. "Whatever you want."

She didn't think they'd be appropriate for work, and she didn't think she wanted to wear them around her friends - not yet, at least - even though they'd seen her in some of the things Alex had picked out for her that seemed way worse, so she waited for a weekend when Alex had to work to give them a fair chance, to allow her to spend as long or as short a time in them as she wanted, without judgement.

She liked them far more than she'd anticipated, enough to keep them on when she went out to go shopping, then to lounge around the house after, too. She'd felt bad, thinking his return window must be closing soon at this point - if it hadn't done so weeks before he ever showed them to her - but now, it didn't matter... She could see herself putting these into her regular rotation.

There was one problem with them, however, one she probably should have foreseen. Somehow, it didn't occur to her until, in the middle of the TV show she was watching, she felt a pang in her bladder. It was taking so much longer than she'd hoped to get as much advance warning of that as she would have liked, or needed... It almost felt like she needed to be potty trained again, although, of course, that was ridiculous... She was an adult!

She rushed to the bathroom, certain this time, anyway, she could make it... Until she actually had to get her clothes off. She fumbled with the straps frantically, only inches away from the toilet, wishing she had some snaps on the crotch now. Babyish or not, they'd have been way easier... The straps shouldn't have been that bad, but she hadn't used them yet, other than to put them on, and she was in such a panic...

"No, no, no..." she whimpered, feeling her trainers starting to warm up, still fighting to get undressed, so close... Her bladder wasn't about to let her stop it now, however, not once it had gotten started, and she gave up, blushing and putting her hands to her face as the wetness spread, engulfing all of her training panties... And more.

She'd been so excited for the trainers, so happy to have them show up, but they were much thicker than she'd expected, enough that she didn't think they'd work under her regular jeans, either, perhaps even worse than her Goodnites. And they didn't really look like normal underwear, certainly not enough to fool anyone.

And, as she was demonstrating so well now, they weren't nearly as absorbent as she would have liked. They might be worse than the Goodnites, despite being so much bigger. She'd leaked at work in them a couple times, a tiny bit... Now, however, as she watched the wet spot growing on the crotch on her shortalls, it just kept going, getting bigger and bigger until there was no doubt what she'd done. If she'd been at work, or shopping, or anywhere but at home... She felt her cheeks growing as warm as her soaked training panties, imagining that.

She should have known better - this wasn't the kind of thing she did, or had before all this had started - but she was feeling so vulnerable, she couldn't help herself. "I miss you," she texted Alex, once she'd cleaned up herself, and the bathroom. "When are you coming home?"

It wasn't that she hadn't wanted Alex around, before her time in diapers... She didn't want to seem clingy, however, and she'd felt more confident then, spending time on her own. Now, being without him seemed a lot lonelier, and scarier, and she knew he didn't mind a bit of clinginess. She suspected he liked having her depend on him, in fact.

"As soon as I can," he replied. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," she lied, but she couldn't come up with a good excuse for why she'd written to him, so she left it at that.

Of course, he saw through it. "What happened, sweetie?"

There was a time she would have gotten annoyed at being called that, thinking it was too cutesy, and a little infantalizing; now, it made her feel safe, and cozy... And she knew there were far more effective ways for him to treat her like a baby. "I'm fine," she told him, curling up on the couch, not even noticing her thumb slowly working its way between her lips. "I just want to see you."

"Show me."

Ashley whined and squirmed, positive, if he knew, he'd go back on what he said, start punishing her again, take away all her big girl privileges... Maybe she could play dumb, act as if she wasn't sure what he meant to give herself time to change, do the laundry to get rid of the evidence... If he got home before it was finished, though, he'd definitely ask why, since they'd just washed their clothes a couple days earlier, and there wasn't a full load yet. The trainers took a long time to dry, too...

He always found out. She had no idea how, but, like a real Daddy, it was impossible to fool him, and, if she tried, she'd just get in more trouble. So, she trudged to the bedroom, in front of the mirror, to get the best shot, and took a picture of herself to show him, hiding her face in her shirt to hide her blush. It wasn't until she'd already hit the send button that she realized, without planning it, she'd gone back to his old rules, wearing only a shirt and diaper around the house.

"What happened?" he asked again.

This time, she told him. "I had an accident, and leaked through my trainers," she admitted. "And I didn't feel like dealing with it again, so..." There had still been a few, spare diapers around, and they seemed like a better alternative, in the moment, to trying and failing to make it to the bathroom another time that day. At least if she had an accident in her diaper, that was what they were meant for.

"I'm sorry," he told her. "I'll be home soon. Where's your deer? She'll keep you company."

Ashley was a grown-up, one who didn't need stuffed animals... But she, theoretically, didn't need diapers, either. If she'd backslid this much, she might as well embrace it...

She'd fully expected, once he was home, and found her on the couch in a wet diaper, cuddling with her stuffed deer, he'd go back to the way things had been. To her surprise, he'd, instead, given her a hug and asked if she needed any help changing. He didn't lock the bathroom door, or take away her key, or change her right there on the living room floor when she shook her head... He accepted it, then went to take a shower.

Apparently, her punishment truly was over... It was too bad getting her bladder control back afterwards wasn't nearly as simple. She spent the rest of the weekend in diapers, fighting not to think about how nice it was not to have to worry about leaks... If she was in the middle of something, she didn't even have to try to make it to the bathroom, if she didn't want to, and everything would still be fine.

When Monday rolled around, she knew she should go back to her training pants, should make an effort again... But she couldn't force herself to do it. There were still a couple diapers left over, and, against all odds, they were genuinely far more appealing to her. Why not go with them? She could get them off and use the bathroom, and, if she was too late, it wouldn't be any big deal.

She made an effort to blend her old style with them, but didn't even make it out of the bedroom. The bulge under her jeans was too obvious in the mirror, and if she'd thought the Goodnites peaking over the waistband were bad, the diaper was much worse, a good few inches poking up, no matter how high she pulled the pants. Her shirt could cover it... The slightest movement, however, would change that.

As much as she hated to admit it, Alex might have been right all along... If she was going to wear diapers, perhaps those girly dresses and skirts were her best options. Now that she had all of her 'normal' clothes back, it felt like a betrayal to choose what he'd bought for her during the punishment... She'd been wearing them the past couple weeks, sure, but, in her mind, that was only until her trainers arrived... And then those hadn't helped the way she'd expected.

"I will get back to you," she promised her jeans, as she shimmied them back down over her bulky diaper, putting them back where she'd gotten them. There weren't that many diapers left, after all... Hopefully, by the time she'd worked her way through them, she'd be better prepared to try her trainers again, and then move on to her real underwear at last. "Just hold on."

"Don't you look cute?" he smiled as she flounced into the kitchen, in her dress and diaper, just like old times.

"Thanks, Daddy!" she giggled, twirling, feeling silly, and strangely happy, not even noticing what she'd called him, having not used that word - not out loud, anyway, although sometimes she thought of him that way unintentionally - since her punishment had ended. It just seemed natural, now that she was dressed this way... She saw his eyes light up, but assumed she'd flashed her diaper with her spin.

"I don't need them," she informed him. "It would be a waste not to use them all up, though, wouldn't it?"

"You're right," he smiled, kissing her on the forehead. "Such a smart little girl..."


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