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"Daddy, I'm really sorry!" Alana sniffled, standing in front of her changing table, bulging enema bottle in hand, Pinkie Bear sitting there, watching. "I-I won't do it again, I promise!"

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I don't know if I can trust your promises anymore," Daddy responded, forcing Alana to get close to make it out; it was obvious why he hadn't been using this bear from the start, since it was much easier to communicate via text, although being forced to be extra quiet and attentive to hear what she was being told was effective in its own way.

"Daddy, please, I don't want an enema!" Alana whimpered. "You know I don't like them!"

"You're going to take that right now," Daddy told her firmly, "or you'll be getting one every day for a week after I get home, and a spanking to go with each."

Alana squeaked, quickly sliding the nozzle down the back of her diaper, wrinkling her nose as she slipped it into her bottom. She swallowed, lowering the clamp to where the bear could see it. She wanted to beg him again to take mercy on her, but didn't dare, and flipped it open instead, sniffling and squirming as the water began to rush through the hose and into her.

"You know you earned this," Daddy said. "I hoped I could trust you by yourself, but I suppose in the future, we'll have to look at babysitters when I have to go out of town."

"N-No," Alana shook her head, gritting her teeth as the gurgling water gushed into her, struggling to think about anything else, or form words. He didn't make her do this often, so she wasn't as used to it as she could have been... She doubted she ever would fully grow accustomed to the invasive sensation of the nozzle, or how bloated her tummy got as the warm water filled her up, promising a very, very messy diaper in no time. "I-I don't need a sitter..."

"Clearly, you do," Daddy sighed. "Let me see the bag." Alana was happy to show it to him, to lower it into the bear's field of view, and slow the water for a moment... Although that meant stretching out this whole ordeal even longer. "Give it a squeeze."

Alana groaned, doing as she was told, the flow speeding up with the added pressure. Daddy made certain she took every drop, then sent her into the corner, Pinkie Bear watching, to wait, hands on the walls, for the inevitable. The cramps came fast, and hard, and she knew if she squirmed too much, she'd get in even more trouble, so she stayed as still as she could, until, soon enough, she couldn't stand it any more, and she helplessly filled her double diaper to the brim.

Daddy made her stand there for what felt like an hour more, once it was done, before instructing her to put a diaper cover on over them and fetch her supper for that night, and the lunch she hadn't eaten. She had to sit in front of him in her loaded diaper and finish every bite, even though it wasn't anywhere close to dinner time, then take them back to the kitchen, wash them, and then get ready for bed.

"D-Daddy," she sniffled, squirming in front of Pinkie Bear, "the sun is still out... A-And my diaper is so full... C-Can't I stay up a little longer? O-Or change? Please?"

"No," he replied. "You can go to bed right now, or this will be your new bedtime until I get home."

"Yes, Daddy," she pouted. "Should I take Pinkie Bear with me?"

"No need."

The words seemed harmless enough, at first, like he trusted her now, at least enough to go lie down in her crib and toss and turn for a few hours before finally managing to drift off. Once she got there, however, she paused, a sudden thought striking her. What if there was another reason she didn't have to bring Pinkie along? If he'd taken the time to modify two of her toys, why not more? Was there another stuffed animal in her crib to spy on her? Or were they all rigged, ready to show Daddy all her secrets?

She loved being Daddy's little girl, and giving up her power and adulthood to him... But now, she couldn't help wondering how much she'd really wound up letting him have. Even when he was half a country away, he was still completely in control, to the point where this was the second night she'd be spending in a crib, wearing a messy diaper, when there was a change a few steps away, and a bed a few doors down.

Yet, here she was, doing what she was told like the obedient little toddler he was crafting her into, too scared to take advantage of either one. She had a feeling she wouldn't be seeing her Pull-Ups again anytime soon, much less her big girl panties. If Daddy told her she was going to be staying in diapers from then on, what could she do? Even if she tried to sneak into them while he wasn't home, she had no idea how many helpers he had planted around the house, to tattle on her... It was just easier to do as she was told, and accept there was no growing back up after this.



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