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"Ow!" Kim yelped when the woman grabbed her by the ear, yanking her up, off the sofa, dragging her across the room, down a hall, and into an oversized nursery.

"This is where I punish Eric," the woman informed Kim, while she looked around, aghast. "It's been some time since I've had to use it, but I knew there was a reason I kept it all around."

"What are you talking about?!" Kim shook her head. "You're crazy, you... Hey!" She gasped as the woman ripped her dress off, tossing it aside, doing the same with her bra and panties, tossing them all into the diaper pail before starting to lay out layers and layers of a thick, poofy fabric. If she hadn't been so shocked, and overwhelmed, at everything that was happening, Kim would have recognized right away what it was, especially considering it was being put onto a changing table, but it took her a few moments. "I am not wearing that!" 

It was surprising how quickly a spanking changed her mind; if she'd ever gotten them as a child, it had been so long ago, she had no memory of it. She doubted her father would have every smacked her as hard as this woman, however, making her bottom quiver with each swat, sending waves of pain through her, tears springing to her eyes after the first one, and sprouting into full-blown wailing by the third.

By the time it was over, her backside was pink, and throbbing, and she didn't put up a fight as the woman pinned her into diaper after diaper, building up something truly massive between her thighs, until Kim wasn't certain she'd be able to walk. They were followed by a pair of locking plastic panties and a fluffy, pink romper, covered in lace, topped off with a matching bonnet and pacifier.

"Don't move a muscle," Eric's mother warned, stepping out of the room. She needn't have bothered; Kim didn't think she could have gotten anywhere if she'd tried. She probed the puffy garment trapped around her waist, marvelling at how huge it was, how she couldn't even feel her hands pressing against it. She took a few, experimental steps, and calling what she was able to do 'waddling' was generous.

Kim was ready to beg the woman, to promise her anything, if she let her out of this... When the door creaked open again, however, it was Eric standing there, looking quite hot in his tux, especially in contrast with Kim's new outfit. Her cheeks turned bright red, and she wished she could sink right through the floor to escape his gaze.

"Mom!" he called. "What did you do?!"

His mother appeared, holding a baby bottle full of the same juice Kim had been offered in the living room. "Eric," she said, shaking her head, "I did what I had to. I told you... She was a very naughty girl, and she doesn't deserve you. She had all sorts of nasty plans for you tonight."

"No, I didn't," Kim shook her head. "I-I just wanted to go to the dance, and..."

"Hush," Eric's mother shoved the bottle into her mouth, Kim's protests only causing more of the gross juice to gush into her mouth. 

"I want to go to the dance, too!" Eric pouted, looking like a little boy, despite his clothes. 

"I know," his mom cooed. "And you will. Your date needs to finish her prune juice and castor oil, and then I'll take you both there... I don't think she's capable of driving with this diaper." She gave it a pat, and Kim groaned, swallowing more juice, which tasted even worse now that she knew what it was. "I won't have to worry about her trying to get into your pants when she's busy trying to keep from filling hers."

"But Mommy..." Eric whined.

"Do you need to be punished, too?" she asked. "I thought you were finally old enough to behave yourself, but if not, I'm happy to send you both to prom in diapers. You might still be in them at graduation... Just like your little girlfriend probably will be once I take her home tonight in her dirty diaper, and explain things to her parents."

Kim whimpered and shook her head; she didn't want to go to prom like this, of course, but school was almost over, and then she wouldn't have to see any of those people ever again, if she didn't want to... She really didn't want her parents to see her this way, however, certainly not if she... She wrinkled her nose at the thought of what the woman was threatening, praying it wouldn't happen, yet feeling her tummy starting to tumble already anyway. Who knew what this woman would tell her parents, what lies she'd make up to ensure they did what she wanted?

She turned to Eric, eyes wide with panic, looking for help. Instead, he shrugged and sighed. "I'll be good, Mommy," he promised.

"I know you will," his mother kissed him on the forehead. "And now I know your girlfriend will be, too."

Kim squirmed helplessly, watching the bottle draining slowly into her mouth, swallowing more and more of the awful stuff, fidgeting in her giant diaper, already heating up, thanks to all the layers, and the plastic pants. It looked like she'd found out why nobody else had asked Eric to the prom.... Too bad it was far too late to back out now.




What set is this picture from?


I don't know if there's a photo set associated with it, but she posted it as a preview of this video - https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1034290/Waddle/