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Here's the Community Caption for this month. This was another super-close race, but since the top two ideas were ones that I thought would work well together, I combined them. Pictures property of UKDiaperGirls.

"Are you serious? You're still wearing those?" Becky saw her little sister, Bunny, blushing, hurrying to try and hide the contents of that bag, but she didn't mind... Honestly, it was probably for the best.

"I don't need them!" Bunny insisted. "Mom just made me bring them... You know, just in case..."

That made sense; despite being in her twenties now, Bunny still lived at home, under their parents' thumbs. In a way, Becky felt sorry for her... Of course, if she'd just get a decent job, she could have moved out, like Becky had. But Bunny was the baby of the family, and so their parents took it easy on her, not wanting to push her to grow up too quickly.

And now, thanks to that, she was still a bedwetter into her twenties, having to bring along diapers on their camping trip. "I can't believe you," Becky rolled her eyes. 

"It's not my fault!" Bunny whined, hurrying after her sister as she hauled the tent out of the car, towards their camp site. "I told mom I could leave them at home, but she said..."

"And those are diapers for littles, too, aren't they?" Becky asked, although she didn't really need an answer. 

"Y-Yeah," Bunny said anyway, blushing again. "Mom said they fit, so I ought to wear them, to remind me how immature I'm acting... As if I'm doing it on purpose..."

"Are you?" Becky demanded. "Why else would someone your age still be peeing their pants at night? You don't get it... You've never been out in the real world. I know at school it always seemed like we were the ones in charge, but that's only because we barely had any Amazons there with us. If one of them caught wind that you were wearing those, they'd snap you up in a second, and you'd never get out of them again."

"I-I don't have to wear them outside the house, usually," Bunny mumbled, staring down at her feet.

"You'd just better hope we don't run into any while we're out here," Becky teased. "I'd let them have you in a heartbeat."

"No, you wouldn't!" Bunny pouted, though she rushed to catch up with her anyway, the forest suddenly looking a lot bigger, and darker. It was supposed to be a nice weekend, not too hot, not too cool, perfect for camping... Who knew who else would be out there with them? Becky probably wouldn't be quite so callous in getting rid of her sister... Then again, like any little sister, she'd been a pest growing up, and still could be, since she hadn't really grown up that much, considering she was still in diapers....


"Hey, give those back!" Bunny fumed, crossing her arms as she glared at her big sister, her anger only making her more adorable.

"What, these?" Becky held up the pajama shorts, then quickly whipped them out of Bunny's reach when the girl lunged at them. "Why bother? We both know what you're wearing... Little babies who still wear diapers to bed don't get to cover them up."

"I am not a baby!" Bunny growled. "And I'm not ready to stay in the tent for the rest of the night yet! Give them back!"

She grabbed for them again, but was too slow. "Then don't," Becky shrugged, tugging her robe shut a bit tighter. "You're the one who suggested we get into our jammies. I think it's cute you even still bother with those, though I guess you don't have much of a choice, since you still live with mommy and daddy."

"I also don't want to get eaten alive by mosquitoes like you will," Bunny stuck her tongue out. "Serves you right!"

"Yes, it's too bad nobody's ever invented some kind of spray to keep bugs away," Becky rolled her eyes, shoving her sister out of the tent, earning a shocked yelp from the smaller girl. "Go on, you don't want to be in here all night. Let's go sit by the fire.... I'm sure there won't be any Amazons out prowling the forest this time of night... Although, if they are, they'll probably be attracted to the light, so you'd better make sure to get nice and close, so they can see you, and know you need to be adopted."

Bunny sighed, sitting down on the blanket they'd laid out, nervously scanning the trees. "Y-You don't really think there are any out there, do you?"

"I guess we'll see," Becky smirked.



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