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"H-Have you been stalking us?" Lyra shook her head, backing away from the strange woman, reaching her hand out for her daughter, to grab her and run away from this crazy person who had clearly drugged her... Why else would Lyra have just wet herself, after all?

"There was no need for that," the nanny told her. "Come, now, you're going to wrong way, dear."

"You stay away from us!" Lyra warned the woman, reaching out and snatching Hallie's hand when the girl didn't move, rushing for the bathroom door, dashing outside with no regard for how humiliating it would be for anyone else at the park to see her in wet pants. Instead of tumbling out the door into the bright, sunny world outside, however, she stepped... right back into the bathroom?

She frowned, shaking her head again, even more certain she'd been dosed with something. She turned around and went right back through the door, only to wind up still in the bathroom. "What is happening?!" she demanded, stomping her foot.

"You're coming over here so I can get you diapered up," the nanny patted the surface of the changing table.

"Mommy, m-maybe you should..." Hallie suggested nervously.

"No, I shouldn't!" Lyra snapped, horrified at the very thought. "I am... Ow!"

She yelped as she realized, while she was looking down at her daughter, the nanny had walked to her side, grabbing her by the ear and pulling her over to the table against her will. "That is not how we speak to children, especially those making a perfectly reasonable point," the woman told Lyra. "Now, I would prefer not to have to spank you in front of your daughter, but the choice is up to you."

Lyra gulped, staring up at the woman, hoping for a sign she was joking, finding none. The nanny was strong, and Lyra obviously was no match for her... Perhaps it would be best to do what she said, at least for now. "Wh-Why are you doing this to me?" she sniffled, reluctantly climbing up onto the table, wincing at the sound of plastic crackling beneath her.

"Do you want to run around in wet pants for the rest of the day?" the woman asked, unzipping them and starting to work them down her legs. "I would think an expert at potty training would know better than that."

Lyra whimpered as her panties followed her pants, and again, much louder, at the sight of the diaper. Up close, she saw how similar it truly was to the ones she used for Hallie, despite how insane that seemed. It was hard not to think of every time she'd diapered her daughter while she laid there, seeing the nanny unfold the thing, each soft crinkle sending a chill down her spine. Even the inside looked identical... There was nothing to indicate this wasn't one of Hallie's diapers, other than its size.

And now... "Oh!" Lyra gasped, feeling herself being lifted up easily by her ankles, another demonstration of how strong this other woman was. She didn't seem to be struggling, either, no more than Lyra did while changing her daughter. She groaned as she felt her backside sink into the padding the nanny laid out under her, swallowing as the scent of baby powder surrounded her, with only a puff or two of the bottle.

"N-No, please don't do this," Lyra begged, as the nanny gently, expertly massaged the powder into her skin.

"Nonsense," the woman replied. "What kind of nanny would I be if I let you get a rash?"

"But I don't need this diaper at all!" Lyra insisted, kicking her feet helplessly.

"Your wet pants tell me otherwise," the nanny said. "And remember, you got up on the table yourself."

"But you..." Lyra whined. "You threatened..."

"I would never do that," the nanny told her, pulling the front of the diaper up into place. "I was merely telling you what would happen if you didn't follow orders." With a couple tugs, and the sound of ripping as she pulled the tapes out, then pressed them onto the landing strip, it was done.

Lyra sat up, stunned, head spinning as she looked down and saw the diaper there, mocking her. Her legs were forced wider than usual, the sound of the plastic cover of the garment on the surface of the table almost deafening, at least to her ears, barely drowning out her memory of what the woman had told her earlier. 'Three months'... Did she actually expect Lyra to wear these things for three months?! She wasn't sure she could stand them for three minutes!

"Now, now," the nanny smacked her hand as she reached for the tapes - she should have expected that, to be honest, since she'd hardly waited for the woman to turn to her bag before doing it - "you know better."

"I don't wanna wear these!" Lyra sniffled.

"We're twins, Mommy!" Hallie smiled, trying to cheer her up, unaware she was doing the exact opposite.

"And speaking of," the nanny said, pulling something else out of her bag. Lyra had hoped - although it would further support her theory this woman had been following them - it would be a match for her old pants. It would have been easy... They were plain, brown dress pants, nothing too fancy, certainly easier, and more reasonable, for her to have on hand than what she did produce. 

"Yay!" Hallie clapped her hands.

"Don't you have anything else?" Lyra wrinkled her nose.

"You should be grateful for what you have," the woman replied, shaking them out. "Would you rather go outside like that?"

Lyra glanced down at herself, blushed, and looked away, only to stare right into a mirror, showing her how ridiculous she looked, wearing her dress shirt and diaper. That would be worse than going out and facing the world in her wet pants... At least in those, if she'd been quick enough, there was a chance nobody would notice the spot... Now, the whole playground would surely see, and even the ones who didn't use the same brand of diapers would likely recognize them from commercials.

When she tore her eyes away from her reflection, she saw the nanny, staring down at her, waiting for a response, clearly wanting her to actually say she wanted this. With a sigh, and a shake of the head, Lyra answered, "No, I wouldn't."

"That's what I thought," the nanny nodded, pulling the pants up over Lyra's feet, helping her jump down off the table and into them once she couldn't get them any higher with her still seated, zipping and buttoning them, giving the other woman's bottom a pat when she finished.

They weren't the worst things in the world, Lyra had to admit... They looked out of place with the shirt she'd worn to work, and she thought they were a bit tighter than Hallie's, making her diaper more obvious beneath them, but they did cover the awful thing. There was little mistaking that they'd been designed for a child, and not a professional woman, however. They were pink denim, the pockets shaped like hearts, and lined in white lace. There were probably other people her age who would wear them; if she'd had any other viable options, she wouldn't have been caught dead in them.

"Now, can you show me how you wash your hands?" Lyra scowled as she was sent to the sinks with another diaper pat, just like her daughter had been. It was all so absurd... But what else could she do? She walked over, struggling to get used to the feeling of the bulky diaper between her legs, and did as she was told, turning around to see the nanny waiting for her, umbrella under her arm, carpet bag in one hand, Hallie's hand in the other. Hallie reached out her open hand, and Lyra couldn't turn her down, despite how silly she knew they must look, as if the nanny was looking after both of them.

She was grateful for her close proximity to her daughter, however, when the nanny opened the door, and Lyra saw another of the regular mothers standing there with her own daughter. Lyra blushed, fidgeting, happy any diaper crinkling would probably be blamed on Hallie, even if she'd bragged to this other woman about how close she was to getting her trained on more than on occasion. It was still better than the alternative... Although, their matching pants were embarrassing in their own right.

"Excuse us," the nanny said, walking past the two, Lyra seeing the girl's eyes widen as she caught a glimpse of the bathroom, her mother too busy staring at Lyra to notice. Part of Lyra wondered if, once the door swung shut behind them, the bathroom would stay the same or not... She knew it ought to, obviously, that there was, realistically, no way it could have appeared that way just for them... But she still suspected that little girl would be disappointed when her mother took her inside.

"Now then," the nanny told her and Hallie, "you had some errands to run, didn't you?"

"Uh-huh!" Hallie answered, before Lyra could speak up and stop her. 

"How did you know that?" Lyra glared at the woman. She couldn't be certain, but she didn't think they'd mentioned that while the nanny had been around, giving more credence to her being a stalker.

"Hallie just told me," the woman replied simply. "Do try to keep up, Lyra."

It wasn't until they were at the car - which, of course, the nanny led them straight to - that Lyra realized, in her mortification, she'd forgotten to grab her purse. "We need to go back," she tugged at Hallie's hand, looking toward the bathroom.

"What for?" the nanny asked, reaching into her bag and pulling out the keys, unlocking the back door and helping Hallie into her booster seat, buckling her in. Lyra started to walk around the car to get to the driver's seat, only for the nanny to grab her wrist, and tell her sternly, "Don't go wandering off. You could get hit by a car," as if she were some little kid who didn't know any better than to look before walking around in a parking lot.

Once Hallie was in place, the nanny led Lyra to the other side of the car, but not to the front seat. She unlocked the back door, stepping aside and gesturing for the other woman to get in. Lyra looked at her in disbelief, shaking her head. "This is my car!" she insisted, grabbing for the keys, the nanny easily keeping them out of her reach. "At least let me ride in the front seat!" she stomped her foot.

"You will ride where it's safe for you to ride," the nanny said. "There's no need for you to be in the front; I know where we're going."

She did, too, once Lyra gave in and climbed into the seat, allowing herself to be buckled in. She took them right to the store they always went to, getting a cart and putting Hallie into the seat, then ordering Lyra to hold onto the side. "Come on," Lyra rolled her eyes. "You know I don't need to..."

"You will do as you're told," the nanny informed her. "I don't want you wandering off, young lady."

To Lyra's surprise, she found herself complying. She was used to being the one in charge at home, at work... Everywhere, really. Hearing someone else take over so easily, with no sense of hesitation or doubt, was hard to deny... No matter how dumb she felt, toddling around the store, past workers she saw all the time, like a small child there with her mother, instead of a fully grown adult herself.

If nothing else, the woman was efficient, getting them everything from their list - which had also been in Lyra's purse - in no time. Almost before Lyra knew it, they were back in the car, and on the way home. "I have a few things to take care of once we're there," the nanny told them. "Once they're done, Lyra, I expect you to report to me every day, telling me how the two of you are doing. Remember, you have three months."

"I-I know," Lyra nodded, squirming in her seat. "B-But if we make it before then, we can stop early, right?"

The nanny looked at her in the rear-view mirror, smirking. "Yes, I suppose so," she told her, in a tone that made it clear how unlikely she considered that.

They got home, and the nanny had them carry the groceries to the kitchen, setting them on the counter, then leading them away, towards the living room. "Wait," Lyra protested. "We need to put them away."

"Don't worry about that," the nanny said, tapping her umbrella on the floor as she walked. Lyra could have sworn she felt a gust of wind rush past her, even though she was sure she'd closed the windows before they left, and that she heard something moving behind them, but when she tried to turn and see, the nanny insisted, "We don't have all night," and shepherded them a little more quickly on their way.

Lyra made sure Hallie kept her toys nice and neat when she was done playing with them, tucked away out of sight, for the most part, other than the rather large dollhouse. That was where the nanny led them to, opening it up to reveal the dolls inside, all in their proper places.

"Perfect," the nanny declared. "Now, Lyra, I think this will be the perfect opportunity for you to show Hallie how to play, and still pay attention to when you need to use the restroom. I'll fetch you when I'm finished."

"Finished with what?" Lyra asked, only to see the woman's face seeming to zoom up, away from her, growing larger and larger until she wasn't certain she'd be able to hear her at all. "W-Wait!" she gasped, watching the nanny starting to swing the dollhouse shut again, with her and Hallie inside. "You can't leave us here! Stop it!"

Her eyes widened as she realized that was exactly what the woman was doing, and that she was too small to run out of the way. Instead, she grabbed Hallie, dragging her up from the living room floor onto the dollhouse floor before they got caught between the two sides. They tumbled to the floor, watching as the rooms around them grew darker and darker, until, at last, it snapped into place, trapping them.

Lyra felt her heart beating faster as she clung to Hallie's hand, hoping she was okay in the darkness. There was a click over them, as the nanny flipped down the little lock that held the toy shut all the way, for travel, and, suddenly, the house sprang to life.

Plastic windows, painted with a tiny view of a fake outside world, started to let in real light; lightbulbs flickered on, as ceiling fans began to spin. She heard music coming from upstairs, faintly, the chatter of a TV in the living room, and then, a shout of, "Girls! Don't you want to come help?"

Lyra and Hallie looked at once another, Lyra, at least, noticing only then that she'd shrunk more than her daughter. Now, they were the same size, and dressed the same, in a pair of poofy, pink party dresses, with skirts that did little to hide their diapers, and thick, white tights that didn't help much either, and pressed the padding tighter to Lyra's body, making it harder to ignore, and making the two of them look an awful lot like the one the baby doll that came with this house wore.

"We really are twins!" Hallie giggled.

"No, we are not," Lyra shook her head. "I am still your mother, young lady!"

It was difficult to feel particularly authoritative, however, standing there, dressed like a toddler. As far as she could tell, her body had maintained its maturity, but beneath all the lace and frills, and the bulk of the diaper, it was hard to tell for certain.

"Girls!" The two gasped, looking up as the voice called them again, seeing a woman who looked like the nanny peeking her head out of a door further down the hallway. She had on a blue dress, one whose shade matched the skirt she'd been wearing before, with white polka dots, although it was hard to see much of it through the white apron she was wearing over it. "Whatever are you doing out here?"

"Nothing!" Hallie chirped automatically, while Lyra frowned, too confused to speak right away.

"I-I thought you were..." she pointed in the direction she'd last seen the woman, into what was now the front door.

"Out fetching the mail?" the woman chuckled. "You know your brother likes to do that, dear. Now, come along."

Hallie obediently trotted over to her, but Lyra took a step towards the front door, instead. What was going on?! They couldn't really be in a dollhouse, could they? The woman must have drugged her again, and brought her somewhere else... But, then, how could she be as short as Hallie? None of this made any sense!

Perhaps the most baffling, and worrying, part, however, was what happened when she took that step, her tights cradling the diaper close to her skin, letting her notice the warm spot on it, something she would have sworn wasn't there a few minutes ago. Without thinking, she reached down, pushing her hand against the padding, swallowing as she recognized what she was feeling there, no matter how much she wished she didn't. She'd felt it plenty of times, when she was checking Hallie; she'd never thought she'd feel it when checking herself.

"You know you can't go outside by yourself," the nanny said, walking over and taking her hand. "What are you doing?"

"N-Nothing!" Lyra exclaimed, moving her hand away from her diaper quickly, wincing as she realized, as a mother, how obvious those things made it that she was, indeed, up to something.

The nanny knelt down in front of her, lifting her skirt so she could slip a hand into her tights. "Please, don't do this," Lyra blushed, her accident feeling even more humiliating as she received her first diaper check in decades.

"Do what, dear?" the woman asked. "I'm just seeing if you need a change. I think you'll be all right for now. You're only a little wet. Did something startle you?"

Lyra turned bright red, hearing her daughter giggle. "Come here, you!" The nanny smiled, turning to grab the little girl up, tickling her, then giving her a check as well. "Good job, Hallie!" she complimented. "All dry!"

Lyra whimpered, that rapidly cooling damp spot in her diaper feeling all the more humiliating now. If the nanny wasn't completely insane, and had somehow done as she'd claimed, she was supposed to have the same level of potty training as her daughter... Why would she have an accident, and not Hallie? Had the woman cheated, and made her bladder weaker? Or was it simply that Hallie was used to this amount of control, while Lyra was accustomed to having much more?

"Just let us go," she shook her head, staring up at the nanny pitifully. "Y-You don't have to do this..."

"You can go," the woman chuckled. "If you'd like to go play with your brother or sister, you can do that. I just thought you two might want to help me out. Who's going to lick the spoons if I don't have you?"

"Yeah!" Hallie's eyes lit up, taking the woman's hand. "Come on, Mommy, let's go!"

"All right," the nanny smiled, as if the girl was talking to her. "I just want to see if your sister wants to join us."

Lyra looked around, towards the sound of the TV, and the music coming from upstairs, curious, and a little scared, about who else might be there with them, here, wherever the nanny had brought them. It was hard not to notice the seam, running down the middle of the hall, right where she knew the dollhouse was split, especially when she looked at the front door again and saw the split extended up the wall next to it, too.

Obviously, they weren't really in the dollhouse... People couldn't shrink, and even if they did, everything in there was plastic, including the people... There was nothing in there to make the sounds she was hearing, or the smell of cookies wafting down the hall... 

In the end, though, she realized it didn't matter. Whether they were somehow in the dollhouse, or they'd been kidnapped and dragged somewhere else that looked a lot like the inside of Hallie's dollhouse, but real, she couldn't let her daughter go off with this crazy person alone. "Okay," she sighed, reaching up to take the nanny's other hand. Let's go." She blushed, realizing she'd unintentionally parroted Hallie's words, making them look all the more like the twins she'd just insisted they weren't, they couldn't be, since she was an adult... And, so far, the only one in a wet diaper.
