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It didn't feel good, letting an opportunity like that pass her by, but Emily decided it was probably for the best. It was tempting, for sure, yet it was also possible Natalie had set it up as a trap. Maybe she was only pretending to be letting her go, and she would have snatched her up the second she took a step. Even if it wasn't that fast, Natalie's legs were much, much longer than Emily's now, and she'd be able to catch up with her in no time... And if those other two women decided to help, it would be even more difficult to escape.

Something else would come up... It had to. Once they were back at Natalie's house, they'd be alone, at least, so Natalie wouldn't have any help. She also didn't have a little, so she didn't have the proper furniture to keep her trapped. Perhaps that would be her chance.

Until then, however, there were much worse things coming. She gulped, watching the women pull a diaper and booster pad from their purse, handing them over to Natalie, who gratefully took them, then bent down to scoop up Emily. Emily wasn't sure if she'd noticed how close she'd come to losing her grip on her hand, or if she simply didn't want to be slowed down by her tiny legs any more; either way, Emily was glad she'd already decided she wouldn't get getting away here at the restaurant.

Natalie stopped back by their table to push Emily's clothes off the chair and out of sight, then, on the way to the bathroom, caught their waitress. Emily blushed, turning her face away from the girl, not wanting her to see her this way, not after having complained to her about how slow she'd been getting them their food earlier. She'd definitely struck Emily as one of those Betweeners that belonged in diapers, rather than holding down a real job, but, luckily, she'd refrained from telling her that to her face.

"I'm so sorry to bother you," Natalie told the waitress, "but my sister's husband came by, and they had to run home and take care of something, and left me to look after their daughter. Could you get me a booster seat for her?"

"Sure!" the waitress chirped, reaching over to tickle Emily's bare tummy. Emily whimpered, trying to scoot closer to Natalie's side, to escape that childish action, and the girl seeing her face. "Do you need some food, cutie?"

"She's a little shy," Emily apologized. "They just adopted her. She's already been fed, though, so I thought I'd just let her finish her Mommy's cake. It'll be a nice treat for her."

"That it will," the waitress agreed. "I'll get that for you right away."

"Thanks!" Natalie smiled, before heading into the bathroom. There was a changing table, of course, and, for the first time, Emily wondered why they were always out in the open, rather than in one of the stalls, where she could have at least had some privacy. Of course, until now, she'd never considered littles' privacy to be an issue worth considering, so she supposed it made sense whoever designed most public restrooms didn't, either.

"Nat, please don't do this!" Emily begged as her sister laid her down on the table, strapped her wrists into the cuffs. She'd always seen those as a way to protect littles, who were notoriously clumsy, from rolling around and falling off and hurting themselves... Now, she saw they were just as much about keeping them from running away. "You're right, I shouldn't have tried to make you help me, I see that now... You don't have to..."

She was cut off by a sound she was all too familiar with, although she'd never - at least since she was a toddler - been on this side of it. The crinkle of a diaper being unfolded was unmistakable, however, even without the visual aid of her sister doing it over her, seeming to savor every step of the process, giving it a tug to make sure it was all the way open, rubbing the center to feel how soft and thick it was, slowly pulling out the arms.

"I don't need a diaper!" Emily insisted, kicking her legs in helpless fury.

Natalie barely appeared to notice, scooping them up and lifting her sister's bottom off the table with a single hand, sliding the diaper beneath it with the other, letting Emily gently down onto it, her backside gradually contacting the bulky fluff, hearing the plastic cover crinkle as she wiggled and whimpered.

"Oh, silly me, I forgot to ask them for some powder," Natalie shook her head. "I'm just not used to looking after a little one yet, I guess. Well, we'll get it next time."

"Natalie, please!" Emily gasped as her sister pulled the front of the diaper up, feeling her legs getting forced apart by the size of it. She tried pressing her thighs together, only to find the diaper surprisingly resistant to that... She'd have a waddle for sure with this! 

"Look at that," she'd told workers at her daycares on more than one occasion, when she spotted a little with a particularly egregious toddle. "That's how you know they belong in diapers... When they can't even walk in them properly. If they need diapers that thick, it's for a reason."

Her own special diapers were a part of that; if a little clearly couldn't be properly potty trained - and so many of them couldn't, no matter how hard you tried - her daycare's house brand was perfect for them, and, of course, required while they were at the daycare. If she saw anyone in those, specifically, she knew that meant they'd tried, and failed, to prove they could be in trainers instead... Or their parents had just decided not to bother with all that.

It was only now that she realized how difficult walking in diapers at all must be... And how little control littles had over what they were put in. When they were strapped to the table, there was, essentially, nothing they could do, except accept what their parents decided they needed.

"You're right," Natalie nodded, giving Emily a moment of hope when she opened the diaper again. "I almost forgot the booster!"

"You know that's not what I meant!" Emily glared at her, getting lifted by the ankles once more for Natalie to put the pad into the center of the diaper, then drop her back onto it. Emily let out the tiniest, "Oh!", able to tell right away how much bigger the diaper was now, and another when Natalie folded it over onto her tummy. Would she even be able to walk at all in this?!

"Natalie, no!" Emily sniffled, gulping at the sound of her sister pulling open the first tape, feeling the side being drawn up and over. "I-I can't!"

"You can," Natalie reassured her. "It's so easy, sweetie... All you have to do is lie there. I have the hard part, but don't worry... Even though I've never worked in a daycare, like you, I know enough to be able to get your diapered up nice and snug."

"I don't work at a daycare!" Emily glowered, her pride not allowing her to let that go, despite her current situation, where there were far more pressing matters. "I own them!"

"Silly me," Natalie smiled, pushing the tape down onto the landing strip, rubbing it in, letting the little-proof glue activate. Emily had always wondered how strong that stuff really was... She'd never seen a little get a tape that used it off, but most of them were pretty weak. Not to mention, they knew if they were caught messing with them at all, they'd be punished, and there was likely a part of them that recognized they needed their diapers, no matter how much they protested.

Surely she'd be able to get them unstuck... She'd spent a long time chasing after and picking up littles, and, while they weren't exactly heavy, doing it over and over for the years she had worked at the daycares on a regular basis made her feel like she'd built up a fair amount of muscle. How much had the shrinking affected that, though?

"Here we go!" Nat announced, unfolding the last tape, giving that side of the diaper a good tug, making sure it was nice and tight.

"No, no, no!" Emily shook her head, heart pounding as she watched the tape moving closer to the landing strip, knowing once it was down, she would be well and truly diapered. She couldn't let this happen! She squirmed, kicking her legs, but all that did was make Natalie give the diaper a little adjustment. She tugged on the cuffs, trying to break free, but they refused to budge.

"L-Look!" she exclaimed, her voice the only defense she had left. "I know I said I needed that serum to save my business, but I was exaggerating! It's still doing fine, and you can have a cut of the profits! You don't have to let me use the drug or work for me or anything... I'll just make you a partner, and..."

"I can already have that," Natalie told her. "Do you think you're going to be managing your own finances from now on? All you're going to be in charge of from now on is looking cute in your diapers... And you're already doing great at it."

Emily groaned as Natalie stuck the tape into place and gave it a rub, sealing her in. This was it, Emily realized... Without the diaper, she might draw some attention, thanks to her nudity, that wouldn't exactly be welcome, but might make people wonder what was going on... Now, all people would see was that. Even a more shapely form than the average little, anyone who saw someone her size in a diaper would consider her fully dressed, and know she belonged to Natalie. That diaper told them a story, and, beyond  giving it a pat to check whether she'd use it, that was all they'd assume they needed to know about her.

"I don't wanna wear this!" Emily wailed, as Natalie undid the cuffs, letting her sit up on the table, poking at the huge diaper forlornly.

"How many times have you heard that in your daycares?" Natalie asked, washing her her hands. "And how many times have you actually paid attention to it?"

Emily decided not to answer that, although she couldn't help thinking about it as she squirmed there, hearing the diaper crinkling beneath her. Almost every day, at least, at least one little would complain... And, of course, since they were a little, and what they wanted was less important than what she, as an Amazon, knew they needed, she'd never once changed her mind because of it.

Emily almost wished Natalie would pick her back up, but, unfortunately, her sister put her back on the floor and took her hand instead. Just standing still, the feeling of the bulge between her legs was almost overwhelming... If she hadn't been holding Natalie's hand, she might have fallen trying to take her first step. She tried harder to push her thighs together, to allow her to walk a bit more normally, yet all that did for her was produce another loud crinkle, to remind her, and anyone nearby, what she was wearing.

It was a long, torturous walk back to their table, every step a struggle, physically and mentally, knowing that, from the outside, she looked just like that waddling babies she'd always found so adorable. Seeing what she did waiting for them at the table only made it worse.

"I'm so sorry," the waitress told Natalie once they were close. "I don't think we have any boosters big enough for her, so I brought this instead? Is that all right?"

"Oh, it's perfect," Natalie grinned.

"Here, I'll help you with her!" the waitress offered, bending over and picking Emily up, plopping her down on the seat of the high chair, strapping her in, then putting the tray down in front of her. Emily heard a lot of snapping as it was pushed into place, and had a feeling she knew what it was.

"Just let me know when you're ready to get her out," the waitress said. "The locks on it are a bit tricky... It's a safety thing, to make sure they don't accidentally get it off themselves, and fall out and hurt themselves."

"Of course," Natalie nodded. "I totally understand."

Emily squirmed, blushing as the waitress picked up a plastic bib from the table, bending over to tie it around her face. She tried to turn away, to hide her face again, but there was no escape this time.

"You know," the waitress smiled at her, "you look just like your Mommy. I bet that's why she adopted you, huh?" She booped Emily on the nose, then tickled her exposed tummy, earning a giggle from the shock of it. "That's fate. I think the two of you were made for one another."

She picked up the half-finished plate of cake from the table - which looked so much bigger now - and set it down on the table, leaving the fork behind. Next to that, she set a bottle of milk. "I went ahead and got her something special to drink, too, to wash it down. Don't worry, it's on the house."

Emily gulped, not liking the sound of the word 'special'. There were plenty of things that could make a drink meant for a little special, and very few of them were good. She didn't even really like milk that much to begin with.

"All right," Natalie told her, once the waitress had moved on, "eat up."

Emily wrinkled her nose, staring at the cake. It still looked just as delicious as it had before all this happened, but the idea of eating itself, the huge, warm diaper taped around her waist reminding her what would happen to that food eventually, wasn't particularly appealing. Besides, she'd already ate more than enough before dessert... She'd been ready to give up on it, and now, thanks to her smaller size, the piece looked larger than ever.

"I'm not hungry," Emily shook her head.

"At least drink your milk," Natalie said, smirking as she added, "Maybe it'll help you grow up big and strong."

Emily glared at her; even if she'd considered doing it before, she definitely wasn't touching the stuff now.

"Emily, she brought that out here just for you," Nat reminded her, as if that would make her more - rather than less - likely to drink it. "It would be rude not to try it."

"Well, I'm not gonna!" Emily crossed her arms. If Natalie was going to treat her like a little, then fine... She could act like a brat. That was pretty much all she could do at the moment.

"Yes," Natalie countered, "you are. In fact, we're going to stay here until you finish every bit of that cake, and that bottle. I'm fine staying here all night... Are you?"

Emily fidgeted, pondering. Maybe this was the way... Natalie wasn't used to dealing with littles. If she embraced her role, perhaps she'd get sick of having to look after her, and put a priority on finding a cure, just to get rid of her. Then again, the restaurant was bound to get busy at some point, and there was always a chance someone she knew, or even just somebody who recognized her from her daycare commercials, would recognize her... What should she do?

Should she stick to her guns, and refuse to eat or drink anything, to give Natalie the true experience of dealing with a little?

Or, in order to get out of there quicker, and possibly to somewhere more private, should she finish her cake and milk, and hope the latter isn't too 'special'?


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