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"Do you understand?"

Adriana's eyes went wide, looking around the office, nervously fidgeting in her chair. Her mom had told her she needed to show how mature she could be, and pay attention, and yet, somehow, she'd completely spaced out, right in the middle of orientation! Her dad was right... She really could be a silly little girl, still, sometimes.

"Adriana! Are you with me?" Sasha waved her hand in front of Adriana's eyes.

Adriana blushed and nodded. Was it better to admit she hadn't heard anything, or to pretend she had? She knew this couldn't be all that hard, after all... "I-I understand," she stammered.

"Good," Sasha smiled. "Now, we'll get you your uniform next week. You can wear that for today."

"O-Oh," Adriana glanced down at herself. She really hated this dress, and that her mom had made her wear it today, claiming she ought to look nice, and that this old, pink Easter dress was the nicest thing in her closet. It looked like something a little kid would wear - probably because she'd been one when she first got it - and not at all like something a teenager would wear to her first job... But her mom didn't listen. She never did.

"I don't want you to feel intimidated," Sasha told her, leading her out of the office. "I know you're the youngest person here today, but you're just as capable as anyone else, you got it?"

"Y-Yeah," Adriana nodded, although those words somehow made her feel less certain of that. And, as Sasha called the other employees around, that feeling was only amplified. They were all so tall, and cool, compared to her, even in their uniforms... She regretted the dress even more now, tugging at it subconsciously as she stared at them. It was mostly girls, ones she guessed were in college, although there were a few guys there, too. It was hard enough to see the girls, though... One glimpse of the boys made her glance away, cheeks red, wondering what they thought of her, knowing they probably would never give her as much as a second look with all these college girls around. And all of them, boys and girls, were glaring at her as if they hated her already, like they knew she had no clue what she was doing, and they'd have to babysit her, since she was the smallest, and youngest.

"Go on, introduce yourself," Sasha urged. "We can't stop what we're doing all day, you know."

"H-Hi," Adriana waved bashfully. "I-I'm Adriana... I-I'm a sophomore, and I like..." Thankfully, she stopped herself before she said something really embarrassing, and admitted to still watching cartoons. She wracked her brain for a suitable subsitute, something that would make her seem cool, but nothing came to mind, so, instead, she lamely added, "N-Nice to meet you all..."

"Did your mommy dress you?" Adriana didn't see who asked that, but she heard the snickering that passed through the crowd, felt her cheeks heating up again, and something else, further south, warming, to make her feel even more humiliated.

"Hey, now, be nice," Sasha told them. "I know she's young, but she's still a person... Hey, it's okay, sweetie." Adriana hadn't realized she was crying until then, when Sasha pulled her into a hug. She felt so disgusted with herself, doing that in front of all those people she wanted to impress, yet she couldn't stop it. "It's okay... Let's go back to my office for a minute, okay?"

Adriana knew the other workers were whispering about what a baby she was, which only made her more anxious, praying her accident wasn't visible from the back of her dress as she trudged back to Sasha's office. Her stomach churned at the sight of Sasha pulling out a pink blanket - her blanket. "Will this make you feel better?" she asked, and, despite how much Adriana wanted to deny it, she couldn't help bobbing her head. It was such a childish thing to get comfort from, however, now that she'd seen it, she had to have it. She grabbed it, clutching it to her chest.

"Now, do you want to tell me why you're standing like that?" Sasha asked. "I have a feeling I know, but I want you to tell me..." Adriana gulped, staying silent. "Sweetie, your mommy already warned me this might happen... And she sent along these..." Adriana wanted to sink right through the floor as the woman pulled out the diaper. "Now, tell me the truth, sweetie... Do you need one?" Adriana shook her head, of course, though that did nothing to stop Sasha from lifting her skirt and checking anyway, finding her little accident instantly. "Oh, Adriana... This is very disappointing."



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