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A caption commission from an anonymous Patron. Picture property of Aunt-Elli.com.

It was strange how much of a difference the nursery made; Cassie had plenty of babyish outfits that Mommy hadn't hesitated to put her in, even in public, and when she was in diaper discipline, there was no reprieve, no matter what came up... But it was the room that really drove home the point that she was an overgrown toddler now, rather than a grown-up being treated like one.

It was almost like a prison cell, in that she spent most of her day there. Before, she had her run of the house, could watch whatever she wanted on TV in the living room while Mommy was at work - as long as she switched to cartoons once she heard her car pull in on her lunch break, or after she got off in the afternoon - could snack on anything she found in the kitchen.

Now, she was expected to stay in the nursery, her entertainment the baby toys in the room, her snacks applesauce, or baby food, given to her in her high-chair... Of course, while Mommy was at work, she didn't always follow those rules, at least, not until she didn't point the TV's remote in the right spot after she heard Mommy's car pull into the driveway, and accidentally left it on. She retreated to her nursery, plopping down on the floor, pretending she'd been there the whole day, innocently shaking her head when Mommy asked if there was anything she needed to tell her.

The next day, Mommy hired the babysitter, Paisley. It was utterly humiliating that first morning, waking up in her crib to find Mommy standing there with a girl a few years younger than her peering in, cooing at how adorable she was, slowly realizing - as Mommy walked Paisley through the rules, and how to change her, since Cassie was obviously bigger than the kids the girl was used to - she was about to be left in her care, totally under her control, and at her mercy.

Mommy gave the sitter full permission to punish her as she saw fit, never questioning if what Cassie had done was worth whatever the girl put her through, or if Cassie had even done anything wrong at all. Paisley, she was convinced, just liked to experiment, to see how long it took her to cry like a baby during a spanking, or how many suppositories she could hold for half an hour, or if she was under her thumb enough to leave her in the corner and go off shopping, or to hang out with her friends...

She was, in other words, not a good babysitter, but Mommy always took her side, since she was the 'grown-up'. One time, Mommy had gotten home before Paisley, and found Cassie playing in her crib, alone. When the sitter returned, and Mommy asked what was going on, Paisley had claimed Cassie was supposed to be in the corner - which was true, technically - while she went out to buy the right kind of soap to wash her mouth out for a naughty word she'd said - which wasn't, although Paisley had, indeed, brought a bar of soap in with her. Mommy had believed her, and Cassie had gotten a spanking for not staying in time-out, and a mouthsoaping for words she hadn't spoken in front of the sitter... At least, not until she heard the girl's lies, and, perhaps, went a little too far in her attempts to defend herself.

Maybe, if Mommy had hired Paisley, even without the nursery, Cassie still would have felt the same, but Cassie doubted the woman would have done that... Now that she had the nursery, it felt like Mommy was starting to take this 'seriously'... Although, at the time, it had felt the same way back when she'd first had the idea to put Cassie in diapers. Having a room with no sign it had belonged to an adult at one time, and a babysitter who was trusted completely, no matter how little she deserved it, combined to, in the space of a few short weeks, regress Cassie further than even the months of punishment after Halloween.

Cassie knew she had to do something to preserve her adult identity, or, if Paisley got her way, she might never get out of diapers again. She had no idea what Mommy was paying her, but Cassie had a feeling it was quite a bit... Even if she got bored of tormenting her charge, she still had plenty of motivation to keep Cassie in diapers as long as possible.

Cassie couldn't expect Paisley to report accurately on anything she did during the day to prove she was being a good girl, and, thanks to all the stories Paisley made up, Mommy kept pushing back Cassie's bedtime to the point where, once she got home, she gave Cassie her supper, a bath, then tucked her in for the night, so Cassie didn't have much of a chance to win Mommy's favor then, either. If she was going to prove she was ready for panties, or at least trainers, again, it was going to have to happen on the weekends.

At first, Cassie tried to do that by helping out, the way she'd used to, but that just made things worse. If she attempted to cook for Mommy, she got scolded for playing with knives, or the stoves; when she tried to dust, she accidentally knocked Mommy's favorite vase off the mantle and shattered it.  When she explained she only wanted to help, Mommy told her, "You're just a baby... You belong in the nursery, sweetie."

Perhaps that was the key, Cassie realized. Maybe, instead of showing she could be a big girl, she needed to prove to Mommy she was a good baby girl, like she wanted her to be...

Easter didn't take her by surprise as much as April Fools' had, if only because Mommy took her shopping for a new dress, which tipped her off that it had to be coming up, as did the woman telling her they'd be going to her sister's house this year, rather than hosting it themselves. Cassie was glad for that; Mommy's sister, and probably her kids, too, would love to see the nursery, and she'd never hear the end of it if they did.

Of course, they knew about her diaper punishment, had seen her in them during several holidays... Cassie had always tried to act like an adult anyway, when she was around them, pouting and whining when Mommy had her join in on the kids' activities. It would be humiliating to willingly join in, but wouldn't it also prove she knew her place, as the woman seemed to want?

"Are they having an egg hunt?" she asked, whenever Mommy brought up Easter, despite finding herself blushing when she thought of the last year's experience.

"I'm not sure," Mommy replied, but Cassie caught her smiling anyway, at the thought of how excited Cassie was acting.

The day finally came, and Mommy dolled her up in some cute plastic pants, bunny ears, and her new dress, which did nothing to disguise the bulge of her diapers. Normally, Cassie would have argued with her, asked for something longer, but, instead, she agreed when Mommy cooed over how adorable she looked, fought her every instinct to tug at the skirt as she was led out to the car, then into Mommy's sister's house, not wanting to give the slightest indication of how desperate she was to hide her diaper.

She was a good, quiet little girl, sitting on the floor in front of the sofa as Mommy and her sister talked to one another, until, after a while, the kids appeared. "Good news, sweetie," Mommy told her. "I know you were so eager to do an Easter egg hunt, but the other kids decided they were too old this year... So, they agreed to set one up for you! Come on, let's go out into the yard!"

The yard?! Cassie fidgeted, nibbling on her bottom lip as she followed them. Hopefully the neighbors were busy eating, or hunting eggs inside, or doing anything other than looking out their windows to see her, a grown woman, dressed like a toddler, carrying around her basket and trying to find the perfect balance between not noticing the incredibly obvious 'hidden' eggs, like a little kid might, and grabbing them up as fast as she could so they could go in the house again.

After she'd run out of time to do it that morning before they left, Cassie had hoped to wait until they got home that night to mess her diaper. She'd have loved to get to use the toilet, of course, but a good little girl, like she was trying to prove she was, would never do that... She'd realized, once they got to the house, how unlikely that was, but now, during the hunt, the cramps were really starting to get bad. She abandoned her clueless act, snatching eggs up as quickly as possible so they could go inside, and know nobody else was watching...

"Are you all right?" Mommy asked.

Cassie groaned inwardly; Mommy had noticed. Of course she had... She always did. She knew what Cassie's potty dance looked like, just as Cassie knew good little girls used their diapers right away, instead of holding it. She didn't want Mommy to think she was intentionally waiting, or putting off the inevitable... Was this worth it? Would Mommy really be that mad, this one time?

Cassie sighed, reminding herself about Paisley, and what she was doing this to get away from. "Y-Yes, Mommy," she squeaked, mind racing. "These tights are so... tight... It's hard to go poopy..."

"Aww, poor baby," Mommy smiled. "Here..." She stepped over, slipping the tights down to her little girl's knees. "Is that better?"

Cassie hid her wince as best she could. "Yes, Mommy," she nodded, bending over, trying to shut out the sound of birds chirping, of cars driving past, and with that, the knowledge of all the people who might be seeing her do this. It took her by surprise how much she needed to go, or, perhaps, how much her body was ready to commit to her plan; she felt herself bending over more and more as she pushed, and the soft, warm mush began to pour out into her diaper, until, before she knew it, she was on her hands and knees, grunting as she filled her diaper.

"Such a good baby," Mommy praised her, and, despite the humiliating position, Cassie managed a smile. Of course, she realized, feeling the mass growing ever larger, her diaper sagging more heavily behind her, she might be doing too good a job... She wanted Mommy to know she could be a good girl, and let her grow up again... But what if Mommy believed she loved this, and didn't want to do that? She gulped, then grunted softly, too far in to stop now, in more ways than one...



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