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Picture property of UKDiaperGirls.

"This is gonna be so great!" Tara giggled. "St. Patrick's Day is, like, my favorite holiday!"

"Oh, is it now?" The two college girls looked up from the bottles of booze they were carrying, surprised to see the tall, stern looking woman standing there, staring at them disapprovingly. Instantly, Dolly felt herself squirming; she'd been nervous about this to begin with, and, while she doubted this woman worked here, getting stopped did nothing to calm her down.

"I promise," one of their neighbors at the dorm had told them, "they don't card there at all. They know they're right by a college, so they don't care, as long as they get paid. 

"Yeah," Tara rolled her eyes at the woman, "It is, not that it's any of your business!"

"You're from the school down the road, aren't you?" the woman asked. "Are you even old enough for that?"

"Of course we are," Tara lied. "Now get out of our way, you... Hey!"

She squealed as the woman grabbed her by the ear, twisting it harshly. "Put that nasty stuff back right now, young lady. And don't you think I forgot about you," she turned to Dolly, grabbing her ear as well. "Come on!"

"You can't do this to us!" Tara fumed, but another twist got her moving regardless, returning the alcohol to where she'd gotten it. That wasn't enough for the woman, however, who pulled the girls closer to her, marching them out of the store and down the sidewalk like a pair of naughty children. "Let us go!" Tara ordered, for all the good it did her. "The school isn't even this way, you idiot!"

There was a school the way they were being led, however, one neither of the girls knew was there. It was a large, imposing building, one that declared itself an 'Academy' rather than stating which grades it was for. The woman let go of Dolly long enough to get an old, almost rusty looking, key out of her pocket and unlock the front door, clearly sensing Dolly was the one least likely to try and run away without her friend, then pushed them both inside, shutting the door and locking it again with the same key.

"This was not the school we meant!" Tara growled at the woman. "Let us out of here!"

"Come along," the woman said, disregarding the girl's words. "You two are already in enough trouble for being out of uniform."

The uniform, it turned out, was a childish sailor suit, accented in purple, with a short, pleated skirt that barely covered the thick, blindingly white, cotton panties they were forced into once the woman discovered their more colorful, adult underthings beneath the girls' pants. "Take those off right now!" she snapped, making Dolly flinch and start to obey automatically.

"What is wrong with you?!" Tara rolled her eyes. "We don't have to do what she says! We don't go here, dummy!" 

Dolly had already slid them down, however, enough for the woman to grab them, yank them off the rest of the way. When Tara tried to resist, the woman had grabbed hers, stretched them out, then snipped them with a pair of scissors, destroying them, which had only made the girl more angry. "Do you know how much I paid for those?!"

"That hardly matters," the woman had brushed her off. "You know they're against the rules. Now, come along."

They were led to a classroom, where they were sat in a double desk, right next to one another, and handed pieces of paper and pencils. "All right, young ladies," the woman said. "Seeing as you love St. Patrick's Day so much, why don't you write me an essay on what it's all about."

"No way," Tara refused. "We aren't students here! Why can you not get that through your head?!"

"I don't think this is an assignment you want to fail," the woman told her, her voice calm, yet clearly threatening. 

"Fine," Tara shrugged. Dolly immediately felt uncomfortable. There was something that told her it was best not to cross this woman... Apparently, her friend didn't have the same, because she wrote, in big letters on her paper, 'Drinking and partying,' shoving that across her desk smugly. "That's what it's all about, and that's exactly what we're going to be doing, and there's nothing you can do to stop us, you giant... Hey!"

Dolly watched in horror as her friend was yanked out of the desk, spun around it, pushed over it, her head laid out on it, right next to where Dolly's paper, still blank, was waiting. Dolly could see her eyes, defiant and angry, quickly change, growing anxious as her new, white underwear was slid down. "What do you think you're doing?!" she gasped, fidgeting, groaning as she tried to stand, only to realize she couldn't overpower the woman. "What's happeni... Ow!"

Both girls flinched, let out a yelp, as the woman's hand gave the girl's backside a hard thwack, although Tara, obviously, got the worst of it. They stared at each other, aghast, hardly able to believe this was happening. "H-Hey!" Tara whimpered. "Y-You can't do this... Th-This is a school, y-you... Ouch!"

Dolly saw tears shining in her eyes after the second smack, something she'd never seen from Tara, who was always so cool, and collected. "Dolly, make her stop it!" she whined. 

But Dolly had no idea how to do that, could only watch her friend grow more and more upset as the spanking continued, bursting into tears before too long, thrashing and crying, until, finally, she seemed to give up, slumping helplessly against the desk, accepting her punishment. It was only then that the woman stopped, leading the sniffling girl a few steps away, then fetching something from the shelves on the wall, spreading it out on the floor.

It wasn't until she got the second thing, and laid it out on the first, that Dolly recognized it as a changing pad. The diaper was huge, far bigger than any a baby would need, although it was bright pink, with a very infantile design. Dolly's stomach twisted at the sight of it, squirming in her seat, but Tara was still so stunned from her spanking, rubbing her sore bottom, that Dolly wasn't sure if she'd realized what was happening yet... Or maybe she knew better, at last, than to try and fight this woman.

Dolly gulped anxiously as she watched her friend get diapered, her skirt tucked into the back of the diaper, then led to the corner and stood there, reduced from a rebellious college student to a well disciplined toddler in a matter of minutes. Then, the woman returned, standing over her, glaring down at her blank paper.

"All right, young lady," the woman said. "Let's see what you have to say... You know what will happen if you fail this assignment now. I'll be calling your college in the morning and telling them your friend there is transferring to this school, where I'll personally make sure she gets the education she so clearly needs. Will you be joining her, or can you tell me what St. Patrick's Day is really about?"

Dolly swallowed, looking down at her paper and starting to write frantically. If that spanking could so easily break down Tara, she knew she had no chance against it... As much as she hated the thought of leaving Tara here, in this place, alone, she couldn't let herself be subjected to that... Or, obviously, the diaper. She wracked her brain, trying to think of everything she'd ever heard about St. Patrick's Day, hoping they'd be enough... And that, once she was finished, the woman wouldn't give her a panty inspection before sending her home. She could feel the damp spot there, from when she'd witnessed that first spank, not expecting to see anything like that, and so close... She had a bad feeling, if she got caught like that, she'd be getting enrolled here anyway, no matter how well she did on her essay.



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