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It wasn't her fault her diaper was wet by the time Austen came to let her out of the crib the next morning; what choice had she really had in the matter? She'd designed the crib to be big enough for a guy to not escape from without her to let him out... She really hadn't had any hope of getting out herself.

Part of her thought she should be mad at him for locking her in, leaving her there... What if she'd actually needed something? And how dare he do that to her, in her own house?! Then again, she had hoped to be able to do the same thing to him, eventually... It was difficult to get too upset when she'd envisioned putting him to bed early, while she went off with her friends, staying up late, as a grown-up like her was allowed to do.

Besides, even if she had planned on yelling at him when he returned, her courage quickly melted away once he stepped into the room, unsnapping her onesie to reveal the soggy, pink diaper beneath. "I-I'm sorry," she blushed, staring down at the crib's mattress bashfully.

"That's all right," he told her. "I wouldn't expect a little baby like you to stay dry all night."

"I'm not a baby!" she whined, although doing so only made her look more like one.

"I'm a bit worried you won't last the day at daycare, either," he said. "Should I put you in a fresh diaper?"

"No!" Kari squirmed, embarrassed enough of him referring to her job as 'daycare', even without the mental image of being sent off to work in one of these massive, pink diapers. It would be hard to find anything in her closet to properly cover them... What if her boss saw her?! The only good thing was the large capacity of the diaper, since that meant she probably wouldn't have to think about changing until she got home... Yet, if she did, that would be hard to pull off in the bathrooms at work without something overhearing.

"I guess I'll trust you this time," he stared down at her skeptically, before unlatching the side of the crib, allowing her to hurry off to take a shower and get ready for her day.

When she got out, however, slipping out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around herself, he was waiting for her. "Come on," he told her, reaching for her hand. "I think you need a little protection."

"No, I don't!" Kari stomped her foot. "You said you were gonna trust me!"

It was strange, she thought, how easily she was falling into the role; she ought to be reasserting her authority, finding some footing so she could turn the tables, make this the way she'd wanted, turn him into the baby... But, after everything that had already happened, it was so much easier to think of herself as the child he'd treated her like, and continued to.

"And I do," he replied calmly. "That's why you aren't going to wear a diaper, although I think you ought to take one with you, just in case... I don't think you're ready for your big girl panties, however. Remember, you had an accident last night, didn't you?" Kari had to nod; there was no point denying it. "And you were wet this morning... Do you really want to risk that happening again today?"

"It won't," she protested, but it didn't matter... He'd made up his mind, already had the Goodnites laid out, ready for her. He helped her into them, then waited while she dressed for work, ready to slip a diaper into the bag she was taking with her, as he'd promised, and double-checking that she hadn't switched to panties while she was putting her clothes on - she was glad she'd resisted the temptation - before sending her off to 'daycare'.

It was a long day, to say the least... She could have taken the Goodnites off at any point, of course, ditching them in the bathroom garbage can, but that would have made her feel a whole different kind of naughty, which was, potentially, worse than squirming in her seat, tugging at her shirt, constantly worried if anyone had spotted what she was wearing. And, during a particularly long meeting, she was glad for the slight padding...

If she hadn't been wearing it, she would have been less anxious to go to the bathroom, and less apprehensive to excuse herself, or ask for a break, when the meeting stretched on, and on... She almost certainly wouldn't have done what she did, and peed her pants, had she not known she could, and would get away with it. If anything, her boss would probably have congratulated her, if he knew, since she hadn't missed anything important.

When she got home, though, Austen was waiting for her. The meeting had been towards the end of the day, and she'd had only the diaper to change into - which wasn't going to happen - so she was still sitting in the now cool, squishy Goodnite as she pulled beside his car, cheeks already darkening.

"What's wrong?" he asked, instantly noticing. "I brought you a little present, but it looks like you have something to tell me..."

The smart thing to do, clearly, was admit the truth... He was going to find out anyway. She couldn't make herself say the words, however, so she shrugged, mumbled, "Nothing." She could tell right away he didn't buy it, was glad he at least waited to check her until they were inside... If it were her, and she knew he was hiding something, she might have done it outside, whether neighbors were around or not.

"Kari!" he scolded, shaking his head as he discovered her damp Goodnite. "I guess it's a good thing I had you wear that, isn't it?"

She nibbled on her bottom lip, mind racing to work out how to explain her theory of how, really, it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't done that, but he kept speaking before she could. "I was going to give you your present and go, but I think you need some more supervision, don't you? All right, let's get you into a diaper first."

"No, not a diaper!" she shook her head, even as he started to pull her towards the nursery. "Those are for babies!"

"And what are you, little lady?" he asked. "This is the third time you've had an accident in less than a day... That's not a good record."

That was true... She was grateful, at least, that he didn't think that deserved a spanking, since her backside was still sore from her first one. He cleaned her up, powdered her, taped her into another of the punishment diapers. "I-I have other diapers," she pointed out, blushing at the way she'd phrased it, as if they were 'her' diapers, rather than ones she'd bought for someone else - him, ideally.

"But these ones suit you so well," he replied. "And they match your present."

He'd left that in the living room, forcing her to toddle back out of the nursery in only her diaper, fretting the whole time over whether or not she'd left the curtains closed the last time she was in there. Surely she had, since that would have been the previous night, when she'd been writing lines in there, and standing in the corner... Had Austen opened them at some point, though? She didn't remember, and the possibility he had was enough to produce a trickle of anxious warmth in her fresh diaper, ensuring, almost right away, she'd be caught and scolded over a fourth accident... She'd expected to be able to get the Goodnites off and use her own bathroom in peace once she got home, however! And, not knowing how much the Goodnites would hold, she'd been afraid to use them again, especially in her car.

"All the clothes you have are so... boyish," he told her, as he handed over the bag. "I'm sure you look adorable in them, and maybe you're a tomboy, which is fine... I just thought you should have something a little more..." He shrugged, gesturing for her to look inside. She did, blushing as she pulled out a pink tutu. "Go on," he urged. "I guessed on your size... Let's see if it fits, or if we need to go exchange it."

She wasn't sure if he was suggesting he was going to take her to do that now, dressed as she was, but she was glad it fit... The poofy skirt did nothing to hide her diaper, although she had a feeling it wasn't meant to, which was confirmed when Austen declared it was perfect. "That isn't so bad, is it?" he asked. "It suits you."

"B-But..." Kari sputtered, cheeks red as she wiggled before him, in all her childish, diapered glory. "I-I'm not..." It felt silly to deny she was the baby anymore, after everything he'd seen her do, had done to her.

A day, she thought. Not even that... That was all it had taken for her to change from the Mommy into the baby. She'd been so sure she'd be the perfect Mommy, yet, here she was, diapered, in a cute little outfit, feeling herself slipping into the role more and more... Like it or not, she was, indeed, a little girl, and she was pretty sure there was nothing she could do about it.

Austen was a good Daddy... He was kind, and sweet, and, when he needed to be, strict; being a teacher, Kari thought, probably helped with that.

The second outfit he bought for her was a school uniform, or a toddler's version of one, anyway. It was based around a sailor uniform, like what she'd seen in anime, except the shirt was actually a onesie. If she was being a particularly whiny girl in the mornings, sometimes he'd threaten to send her to work in it, but he hadn't... Not yet, anyway.

Instead, he saved it for the weekends, when he liked to put her through 'remedial classes'. "I want to make sure you're ready for school, when the time comes," he'd tell her. "If they'll even let a little girl who isn't potty trained in."

Sometimes, he'd give her assignments she had no doubt were the same ones he'd give to his real students - once, while visiting Maisie, the girl had shown her a paper she'd written that was identical to one Kari had done herself, and she'd nearly died of embarrassment - and other times, he'd bring out something insanely complex, something she sometimes wondered if he understood himself, until, afterwards, he explained it to her the same as he would one of the elementary school questions.

He treated them both the same, which was, she suspected, part of why they were so effective. She never knew if she was going to be given something so simple it was almost boring, or if she would be completely stumped by, and the way he talked about either made them feel equal, like she was a bad student for not knowing the hard ones, like she ought to be ashamed of herself for not studying harder.

Having a real teacher to play with her made it feel so real... Sometimes, sitting there, she almost forgot she was in her own house, and not being kept after class. Every now and then, he'd even sneak her into his actual classroom, which blew her mind all the more, sending her right back to her childhood.

He wasn't completely unfair, even when he presented her with the most difficult problems... There was always at least one easy question on any of his 'tests', because earning a zero meant a spanking. At first, she always made sure to get that one, and save herself the punishment, but, after a while, she'd sometimes get it wrong on purpose... Sometimes, she'd pretend she thought it was right, and call him a dummy for doubting her, refusing to accept his explanations for why she was mistaken, until he stormed off to the bathroom to grab her hairbrush, to punish her properly...

When he came back, he'd often catch her with her hand down her diaper. The first time, it had been a genuine accident - that she'd been caught, that was - but she'd felt so completely naughty when it happened, like such a small, bad little girl, she'd sometimes try to recreate that sensation on purpose. It always resulted in a lecture about how she was too little for that, and a ban from her vibrator, or any sexual contact at all, for the next week, though it was always worth it in the end.

"I've been thinking," he said one Sunday, as he was getting ready to head back home. "It's a little presumptuous, but... Well..."

"What is it, Daddy?" she asked. She could tell this was a serious question, had meant to ask it genuinely, but the last word had slipped out without her fully intending it, which resulted in a nervous giggle on her part as well.

That seemed to make it easier on him. "Well," he slipped back into his Daddy/teacher voice. "You're just not mature enough to be here on your own all the time... And, while I don't mind going back and forth from my place, I thought..."

Kari's eyes lit up. "Are you going to move in, Daddy?!"

"If you're okay with it," he told her. "I don't want you to feel like I'm rushing anything, and..."

She cut him off by jumping into his arms. "Yay!" she squealed. "This is going to be so fun!"

"I don't know," he looked in her eyes. "If I'm here, that means no more big girl panties for you... You're going to wear diapers here all the time, and I might even make you wear them to daycare now and then, if you can't behave..."

Kari was, honestly, shocked at how excited she was at those thoughts. She'd wanted to get her baby boy to that point, someday... But she'd never imagined that making her feel like this. It was even better, on this end of the relationship, and, if it hadn't been for him, she doubted she would have ever found that out.

"Whatever you say, Daddy," she smiled, giving him a big hug and settling into his arms. "Daddy always knows best..."



Damn I love this story