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I thought I'd go ahead and do something for the third place winner in this month's Community Caption poll as well, so here it is! Pictures property of DiaperedOnline.

"Are you serious?" Alisha rolled her eyes, staring down at the garment in disgust. "I didn't even say anything that bad! Definitely not that she didn't deserve..."

"Excuse me?" the professor shook her head. "This is exactly why you need this, young lady... If you think she deserves to be made fun of at all, that's part of the problem!"

"But that doesn't mean you can do this!" Alisha stomped her foot. "Seriously... This is insane!"

"Would you like me to go to the Dean of Students instead?" the professor asked. Alisha glared at the woman, trying to decide if she was testing her or not. Alisha had been set down, with the rest of the freshmen, and told all about how bad bullying was, how the college didn't tolerate that... She didn't really consider what had happened bullying, however.

Honestly, at their age, her roommate, Bridget, had no excuse to still be wetting the bed. It was disgusting... Alisha was very glad she was on the verge of getting into a sorority, so she could move in with them and get away from the girl. The worst she'd done was tell some other people about Bridget's little 'problem', and tease her a bit... She was helping the girl, if anything, since that should have motivated her to stop it.

Instead, here Alisha stood, staring down at a big, crinkly diaper, even thicker than the pull-up style ones Bridget wore. "This is ridiculous!" she fumed. "Can I at least put it on myself?"

"Do you know how?" the professor inquired; even if she had, Alisha probably would have said no. The girl grumbled as she slid down her panties, allowed her teacher to tape her up into the diaper, rolling up her already short skirt to ensure the infantile thing was visible beneath it. "There!" the woman declared, swatting Alisha on the padded bottom. "That's better!"

She handed the girl a marker, pointing her towards the whiteboard. "Now, I'd like you to do some lines, too, to make sure the lesson sinks in... Let's see... I think 'Bedwetting bullies wear diapers' is appropriate."

"No, it isn't!" Alisha squealed, squirming in place, red-faced at the mere idea of writing that. "I'm not the bedwetter, Bridget is! And I don't have to wear diapers, you're making me..."

"And you'll stay in it as I march you across campus so you can explain to the Dean of Students why you weren't bullying that poor girl." Alisha stomped her foot again, but she knew she'd been defeated. Reluctantly, she turned to the board, knowing her diapered rear was on display, and began to write. 

It wasn't that bad, she told herself. Both she, and the professor, knew it was a lie, and they were the only ones here... She just had to finish this up, then never think, or speak, of this again. She'd be fine...

Or so she thought, until she heard a knock at the classroom door. "Stay there," the professor ordered, when she saw Alisha start to turn nervously. "You aren't done yet! I'll erase the board and make you start over if I see you look away from that board!" So Alisha could only listen as the woman walked across the room, opened the door, and she heard footsteps, coming into the classroom behind her... Quite a few of them...

Her handwriting started to get more shaky as she imagined a whole class of people staring at her, seeing her diaper peeking out from beneath her skirt, seeing her admit, over and over, to doing something humiliating that she hadn't done in over a decade... She whimpered, wondering how the professor dared do this to her... The whole class was going to see her when she turned around, think she actually was a bedwetter, like her dumb roomie, and if she tried to deny it at that point, it would only look more true.

"Come on!" the professor surprised her, making her just a little at her sudden interjection. "Why are you slowing down? You're almost done."

That was exactly why... Alisha wanted to be done with this childish punishment, sure, but she wanted more to not have to turn around and face the class... Maybe, from behind, they wouldn't recognize her... If she could somehow stretch the last few lines to last the whole class period, she'd be okay...

"Hurry it up, young lady," the teacher ordered. "I'll give you five minutes to fill the board, or I'll take that diaper down and spank you on your bare bottom, too."

Alisha gasped; she wasn't sure if the woman would actually do it, but she also wouldn't have expected her to really make her wear a diaper, so who knew? She heard giggling behind her as she sped back up, writing furiously. "Th-There," she said quietly when she finished. "N-Now, c-can I please...?"

She winced as the professor grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around before she could beg to be allowed to stay there, or sneak out without turning so the students could see her. Her eyes shot downwards, not wanting to look at anyone, to see them spot her, recognize her, internalize the idea of her as a diaper-dependent bedwetter... But the professor saw through her, planting a finger under her chin, raising it up, making her look, to see....

The whole sorority snickered and laughed at the expression on her face. "You guys!" Alisha shook her head. "Was this part of hazing?!"

"It sure was," the president, Rachel, told her, standing up from her desk. "Ms. Alredd is one of our faculty advisors, and she agreed to help us out."

"Very funny, guys," Alisha rolled her eyes, a wave of relief flowing over her. They all knew the truth, after all... She wouldn't have to spend her whole college career denying this.

"And there's another part to it," Rachel said, showing Alisha her phone. On it was a video of Alisha, facing the board, diapers fully visible, writing away. The girl let Alisha watch it all, then, with a few taps, had it ready to post onto the Internet. "You have to press Send," she smirked.

Alisha's eyes widened, gulping as she looked at the phone. Did she really want that out there, in the world? Anyone could find that... But she'd already gotten this far, and her back was to the camera... Would anyone really recognize her? And what would stop the president, or anyone else who might have taken photos, or videos, from putting them up if she refused? She gathered up her courage, looked the girl in the eye, and pushed the button.



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