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The diaper was even bulkier than she'd expected, as it was pulled up between her legs, the padding gently pushing her thighs apart as the professor taped it snugly into place. Mandie couldn't resist reaching down, pawing at it, eyes wide as she felt how truly massive it felt... She could barely feel anything beneath it, no matter how hard she pressed.

"Take it off!" she demanded, sure the spell would make the teacher, or someone, obey.

"You need that, sweetie..." the professor told her, patting her on the head as she helped her to her feet. "You need to let us take care of all that for you. Oh, look at you... So precious!"

Mandie blushed, glancing down at herself, squirming as she saw her skirt barely covered the diaper, and her nervous movements were making it raise up just enough for the infantile garment to be seen. Already, after wearing it only a few moments, it felt so much warmer than her normal undies... She was starting to sweat, and the warmth in her cheeks wasn't helping with that one bit.

"That skirt just doesn't suit you," the professor shook her head, taking ahold of it. Like the panties, Mandie's attempts to keep her from removing it did her almost no good, and it was thrown aside as well, leaving her in her childish, printed diaper and uniform shirt... Though, not for long. "That doesn't seem right, either," she woman frowned, reaching for her wand.

"Don't you...!" Mandie gritted her teeth, getting a couple steps towards her desk, and her own wand, sitting there, before she spell hit her, and she felt her clothes morph on her body. It wasn't just her shirt... Her shoes vanished, her socks stretching upwards, while her shirt did, indeed, change, turning softer, less formal, losing its buttons, the white becoming blue, cartoon characters appearing on the front. Even her hair didn't escape untouched, as it was gathered up by invisible forces, tied into twin ponytails.

All hints of her adulthood were gone... She looked, every inch, an overgrown toddler. She whimpered, trying in vain to tug on the shirt, to cover her diaper, then, suddenly, remembered her wand. Before she could get to it, however, it was floating past her, over to the teacher. "You don't need to worry about this," she said, smiling sweetly as she put it into one of her desk drawers. "There's no need for you to cast any spells... We'll take care of that for you."

"No, I want it!" Mandie stomped her foot, though it made little impact without her shoes. "Give it back!"

"Shh, shh..." the professor cooed gently. "Here..." She waved her wand again, and a rocking horse appeared in the corner of the room, blue, to match Mandie's outfit. "Why don't you go play, dear?"

"I don't want to play!" Mandie declared. "I want..!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" the professor gasped. "I forgot! You aren't feeling well... Let me see..." Before Mandie could react, she'd been spun around, bent over the desk, her diapered bottom sticking out, facing the rest of the room... Although, it wasn't diapered for long.

"What are you doing?!" she grumbled, wiggling under the woman's gentle, but firm arm, pinning her in place. "I don't..." She squealed, eyes widening, as she felt a large, cold, glass thermometer being pushed into her exposed bottom. "No, get that out!" she whined, struggling uselessly to escape the humiliating invasion... The teacher was determined to keep her there, however, to get an accurate reading.

"Well," she announced, once she'd finally plucked it out, "it looks normal... But I can think of something else that would make you not feel so good."

Mandie moaned as the woman shoved something else inside her rear. It was much smaller, this time, followed by another thing, the same size... Mandie wriggled uncertainly, her body taking both in, not knowing what they were meant to do, especially when the professor slid her diaper back up and gave it a pat. "Go play, sweetie," she said. 

"B-But what..?" Mandie rubbed her bottom nervously.

"I'll take care of everything," the professor promised. Which was the exact same thing she told the girl when she started to feel the pressure building in her tummy, and begged to be allowed to go out to the bathroom... And, again, once it got to be too much, and, to her horror, Mandie squatted down in front of her class and filled her diaper, feeling the warm mush spreading throughout the thick padding, completing the picture of her as a helpless toddler, rather than someone about to leave school and go out into the real world. 

"Why don't you play on your horse?" the teacher added the last time. "I'll change you, but we want to make sure we get it all out first, and it takes some time... You don't have to worry about anything, just play, sweetie."



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