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And, indeed, she did. All the progress Mandie had made was quickly undone, as she found herself back in diapers again, hair tied up again, in nothing else other than stockings, a bib, and, this time, a pair of plastic pants over her huge diaper. But her mother didn't stop there...

"What are these for?" Mandie whined as the thick mitten were pulled over her hands.

"You don't need your fingers for anything," her mom said. "So I want to keep them nice and warm, and safe..." Mandie gulped, watching the woman tighten the straps that held them on, locking them in place. If she'd had her wand, perhaps she could have found a way to get them off, but that was still in her professor's desk, back at the school...

"You don't need to walk, either," her mother told her, fastening more restraints around her ankles, hooking a pole to them, forcing her legs apart. "Mommy will take you wherever you need to go."

"Mom, I don't need all this!" Mandie complained. "I don't want it! I just need to..."

She was silenced by a pacifier, this one accompanied by a leather strap, holding it firmly in her mouth. "Shh," her mother smiled down at her. "Mommies know what their babies need... You don't even have to tell me..."

Not that Mandie could; the mittens prevented her from undoing the pacifier gag, and there was no way for her to stand. She was stuck on the floor, watching helplessly as her mother constructed a playpen around her, filling it with oversized stuffed animals and toys that Mandie couldn't play with, thanks to all the restraints.

Just when Mandie was sure things couldn't get any worse, she heard the doorbell, and her mother excused herself, returning with a pair of deliverymen, who, while the girl watched, de-constructed her bed, her desk, all her normal furniture, and replaced it with a crib, a changing table, a high chair... They were turning her room into a nursery, and, worse than that, didn't seem to find it odd at all. She was sitting there the whole time, in full view, but they barely gave her a second look, at least not because they thought this was strange... They were happy to tell her how cute she was, however, how much she was going to love everything they were building for her...

The spell had said 'the world', of course... She should have known it would go this far. She'd hoped, at least, it would take some time, that she'd have a shot at looking through the book, reversing it, yet here she was, unable to even tell them they were wrong, that she wasn't going to love it at all...

Despite her bare chest, her body clearly not that of a toddler, that was still how they saw her. Had her mother not been there, watching, it wouldn't have surprised her if they'd tried to kidnap her, to take care of her themselves... More than once, they'd given her a concerned look, asked her mother if she thought she might need a change; when one of them was near her playpen, he'd even reached in, given her diaper a pat himself to check.

It was bad enough having someone she knew do that, but a stranger... She blushed, squirming, although it was obviously an innocent gesture. He truly only wanted to be certain she was all right, that she didn't need a fresh diaper... He, like everyone else, just wanted to see to it that she was taken care of.



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