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"Why are we at the mall?" Ryan whined, looking out the car window. "I thought we were going to the pharmacy!"

"I never said that," Morgan told him cryptically. "We're picking up your prescription, and the best place I can think of to get it is in here. Now, come on."

She stepped out of the car, waiting for him to follow her example before stepping over and taking his hand, leading him into the building. Holding hands as they walked around wasn't unusual... Now, however, with as small as Ryan had gotten, and as timid as he seemed to be feeling, it looked more like she was keeping ahold of a child, to keep them from running off, rather walking beside a lover, wanting to stay connected as much as possible.

It would obviously be too much, too fast now, though a smirk crossed Morgan's face, imagining putting Ryan into a set of child reins before bringing him here. She was already pretty sure anyone who saw them in passing thought she was his mother, or older sister, or babysitter, but that would seal the deal. Ryan might not even realize now how they looked; with that, there was no way he could think he looked like a grown man.

She took the long way, passing by the tween jewelry store, considering getting Ryan's ears pierced, and clothing stores for teens, then kids, then babies, pausing long enough outside to admire the cute outfits, without actually going in... Yet. Of course, the final store had all the cutest things, and, after seeing how uncomfortable Ryan had been, watching Diana using her diapers, she already had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to do, but the world was essentially her oyster, and there were some adorable clothes in the other stores, ones she had a feeling Ryan would already be able to fit into, without any more tampering from the diary.

That wasn't where she was going to start, however... She had a prescription to fill, after all. Like with the other stores, she stopped outside Victoria's Secret for a couple moments, staring inside at the mannequins, in their skimpy bras and panties, before tugging on Ryan's hand to take him inside.

"What are we doing in here?" he asked. She knew he didn't like going in there, usually... Once, when the store had been very understaffed, she'd managed to sneak him into the fitting room with her while she tried things on, and he'd enjoyed that, of course... Most of the time, on the other hand, she didn't dare, because she didn't want to get thrown out, and wasn't about to step out of the room so he could see how she looked in her new lingerie, not with who knew who else standing around outside. 

Normally, he'd told her, he felt like a perv, waiting by the door to her changing room, like everyone else thought he was watching them go in, judging what they were carrying, imagining them in it... And waiting in the main store was no better. She'd assured him that most people probably knew he was waiting on his girlfriend, especially when she left her purse out there for him to watch, but he'd always hated being tasked with keep ahold of that, too, so he generally wouldn't even go into the store with her anymore. Today, she was leaving him no choice. After all, whether he knew it or not, they weren't here for her...

"We're going shopping," she replied simply, walking over to the panty tables. There were plenty to choose from, and it filled her with vengeful glee to imagine Ryan in any of them, which made it a difficult choice... And, she knew the longer they stayed here, the more uncomfortable he'd be, giving her even more incentive to take her time, sorting through all of them.

"Do we have to do this now?" he squirmed. "C-Can I go wait outside or something, I...?"

He paused for a moment, making Morgan glance up to see a worker approaching. Like everyone who worked here, it seemed, she was quite attractive, and wearing a shirt cut low enough to make it obvious she'd bought her bra here. Morgan saw his eyes drawn there, as well, a smile growing as a plan started to form in her mind.

"Do you need some help?" the worker asked.

"I do," Morgan told her, holding up a pair of pink lacey underwear, a red heart embroidered onto the hip. "Do you have these in a smaller size? They're adorable, but I don't think these will work..."

They were, in fact, her exact size, and while she didn't expect the other woman to know that by looking, Morgan had a feeling she was experienced enough to know they were, at least, close. "What size are you looking for?" 

"I'm not sure," Morgan shrugged. "Definitely at least a few sizes down."

She was certain she saw the worker glance over at Ryan, who was desperately staring down at his shoes, after trying to find something else to look at, and being surrounded by women's panties that he didn't want to be caught gawking at. The woman didn't know Morgan's exact size, though surely she knew she didn't need anything that much smaller for herself.

"I'll see what I can find," she said cheerfully, bending down and starting to sift through. "That's a popular design, and we've been busy today, so I'm afraid it's a bit of a mess."

Morgan glanced down to see Ryan peeking up, the worker's new position giving him an eyeful. At his new height, he had a perfect view down her shirt as she searched, occasionally picking up a pair of skimpy, lacy underwear before folding them and setting them down again.

She turned away when she caught him turning towards her, clearly feeling guilty - and nervous about being caught. Normally, she would have given him a disapproving glare... Now, however, she pretended she hadn't noticed, half-heartedly 'helping'  so he'd think he was safe to go back to watching, probably imagining the other woman in each pair of panties she held...

Luckily, she heard the chime of an incoming e-mail on her phone. "Oh, I'd better check that," she said, straightening up, looking down to ensure her boyfriend was still enthralled before raising up her purse to stare inside, so she didn't make him nervous. "Where is that stupid phone?" she mumbled out loud, rustling around in her purse, while, really, grabbing the diary, flipping it open and grabbing a pen, glancing up at the worker's nametag briefly.

"I really need to clean this thing out," she mused, scribbling down her idea. It was cheating, but so was this whole thing... Having a magic journal was, in and of itself, 'cheating'... Why not take advantage of it, have some fun? What she was writing potentially could have happened anyway, she was simply giving a tiny push, ensuring it would...

"There it is!" she declared, pulling her phone out, eyes darting over to Ryan for a moment. His own eyes had widened, and she could almost see him drooling, fidgeting in place. If she hadn't orchestrated the whole thing, she might have felt jealous... She hadn't seen him look at her that way in a long time, although, she supposed, she could have that whenever she wanted with the diary.

She tapped around on her phone screen for a minute or two, in case the worker was paying attention, since she knew Ryan wasn't, then slid it back into her purse. She didn't have to pretend to be distracted now, could just watch the worker's quest growing more frantic, see her bouncing up and down, her exposed flesh jiggling in response, see Ryan getting further entranced...

Was this too far? This wasn't the first person she'd manipulated this way, but letting it play out in front of her, she felt slightly dirty, drafting this woman into her plot, especially in such a manner, without her consent. She'd done a similar thing with Stephanie, yet that felt different, somehow... Maybe because she hadn't had the same end in mind with her, maybe because she had turned out to be almost even more into it than Morgan herself. Perhaps this woman was the same way... Though, would she have been, before Morgan began writing?

"What about these?" the worker asked, bobbing up, holding up a different panty, one far smaller and sexier than the ones Morgan had picked out, more a series of straps than a traditional pair of undies. "They aren't the same, but they are my favorites... I'm wearing them right now!"

Morgan did feel guilty, watching the woman unzip her jeans just enough to show the underwear off on herself, hearing the tiny noise that emerged from Ryan, beside her, stealing a glance down to see a bulge forming in the front of his pants. She hadn't written it specifically, and, to be fair, she'd known people who would show off a particularly cute pair of panties to their friends, but not if their friends' boyfriends were around, or in quite as public a space as this. The woman did seem like that sort of person... Perhaps the magic had only pushed her a little... Or maybe, despite the job, and her look, and what she was wearing, she'd never dream of doing that, and she was confused about why she suddenly felt the urge to do it now...

"No, I don't think so," Morgan said. "I think something a little more... substantial... would be good... And pink. They have to be pink."

"Okay," the woman nodded. "How about these?" She picked up a pair of cheeky panties, lined in lace, with a bow at the front, cute, and pink... They were, honestly, perfect, and, for a moment, Morgan was upset, certain her plan had been ruined, until the worker turned them around, and Morgan saw the large, heart-shaped cutout on the rear, topped with another bow.

"That might be a little too much," Morgan told her. "But closer!"

The worker bobbed back down, leaning further across the table, closer to Ryan, who Morgan could see gulped, squirming uncomfortably, unable to tear his eyes away. Morgan should probably feel guilty for manipulating him, too... She was sure the magic had given him a push, too, that he wouldn't be acting quite this way normally, not in public, with her standing right there... It was a lot harder to feel sympathy for him, however; he'd earned this, and everything else she had in store for him.

She caught him covering the front of his pants, blushing, but from her perspective, she could still see the tent behind his hands, despite it being far less impressive than it had been before the doctor's appointment. "I-I think I'm going to go out to..." he stammered.

"No, no, stay here," Morgan ordered, clamping a hand down on his shoulder. "I'm going to need you in a second."

"I-I'll be back," he promised. "I-I just..."

"You are not going anywhere, young man!" she snapped. "You are going to wait here! Honestly, this would have gone much quicker if you'd helped, too."

Ryan swallowed as the worker stretched out even more, even nearer to his face. From his perspective, Morgan had no doubt he could see the other woman's entire bra, loose as her shirt was. "It really would have!" she said, staying in that position. "Look, they're right here!" She grabbed a pair of the panties she'd been searching for, pulling them closer to check the size. 

Morgan took them, stretching them out a bit, nodding. "I think these will do," she nodded. "Come on, Ryan."

"I-If you're just going to buy them, I can wait outside, and..." he told her.

"No, I have to know they'll fit first!" Morgan rolled her eyes, giving the worker a meaningful look. "Don't worry, I'm going to put them on over other things... I'm pretty certain they'll be the right size, though."

"Hmm..." the worker frowned. "We're actually out of liners right now, so we aren't supposed to let anyone try them on, just for sanitary reasons... It's not that I don't trust you, but..."

"Don't you know what size you wear?" Ryan whined. "You always get on me for not remembering..."

Morgan ignored him. "If you want, you can come in with me... It will only take a minute."

The other woman looked around the store, saw there was nobody else milling around, and shrugged. "That would probably be fine.."

"Come on, Ryan," Morgan urged, ushering him to the fitting rooms, worried that the diary was going to let her down for the first time. It should have happened by now, yet, judging by his reactions, it hadn't yet... And they were running out of time. It was strange... This was one of the simplest things she'd written about, and this was where it failed? She'd had it do much more complicated tasks, with many more moving parts, and it had worked out... What was different about this one?

As they neared the fitting rooms, however, a pair of college girls spilled out of them, giggling, shirtless, showing the lingerie they'd been trying on to one another. They didn't seem to notice Ryan, or anyone else, as they stood there, chattering about if they liked what the other had on, how sexy they looked in some of the most scandalous 'bras' - if you could even call them that - Morgan had ever seen. She wouldn't have dared wear anything like them at their age, or now.

If nothing else, that made it harder for Ryan to protest he should wait outside, not without looking like a perv who wanted to keep watching. He froze for a moment when Morgan started to push him into the fitting room, then slowly resigned himself to shuffling in, red-faced, Morgan and the worker crowding in with him.

"All right," Morgan sat down on the bench, pushing aside Ryan's hands and grabbing for his zipper. "Let's get this over with so she can get back to her job."

"What are you doing?!" he squealed, trying to bat her fingers away as they started to unbutton his pants. "St-stop that!"

"We have to make sure they'll fit," she sighed. "We can try them on over your boxers, but not your pants. That would be silly."

"I am not wearing those!" he glared at her, crossing his arms, gulping as she stood, drawing herself up to her full height to emphasize how much bigger she was than him before reaching into her purse, pulling out the prescription and showing it to him for the first time.

"The doctor says you should," Morgan smirked, watching his face pale as he read the words. "And that's what we're going to do. We'll make sure this size works for you, then pick you out a few more pairs, and hopefully they'll help your little.... problem... clear up."

He fidgeted uncomfortably, shaking his head quietly, trying, in vain, to stop his girlfriend from undoing his pants, hands again shooting to cover his crotch as they came down anyway. "Ryan!" Morgan scolded, moving them out of the way to give herself, and the worker, a full view of the wet spot there. "What did you do?"

She knew the answer, of course... She'd written it down, made it happen. She was curious to see what he was going to say, however, if he would say anything. He turned red, fidgeting, silent. "Did you have a little potty accident, sweetie?" she asked. He began to shake his head, until she continued with, "I hope that's all it was... I'd hate to think it was something else..."

She could see the trapped look in his eyes, the uncertainty, not knowing if it was better to admit to what had really happened, to what had actually gone on in his pants, or to let these two women think he'd peed himself. She caught him glancing up at her, trying to work out if she honestly thought it could be the latter, and did her best to remain stoic, to not give away how delicious his discomfort was to her.

Finally, he nodded. "Ryan!" she sighed dramatically. "This, on top of everything else? Honestly!" She turned to the worker. "I am so sorry about this... Obviously, we aren't going to try those on now." In the mirror, she saw Ryan perk up slightly. "I'm pretty sure they'll be the right size. I'll just go ahead and buy them, and we'll try them on at home, and maybe we'll come back tomorrow to get some more... If he doesn't do this again. Otherwise, I might have to find some other pink panties that are more appropriate for someone who can't keep their pants dry."

The two women chuckled, while Ryan looked confused, and scared, and desperate to put an end to this. He started to re-fasten his pants, stopped by Morgan, who pulled them back again. "I guess it wasn't so bad this time," she said. "Just a little wet spot on these... We'd better get you right to the bathroom to change, though, and make sure you empty your bladder for the ride home."

She took over, zipping them back up and re-buttoning them, then leading him out and to the register, past the college girls, giggling. She wondered if they'd overheard, and, from the look on Ryan's face, he was thinking the same thing, although probably hoping for the opposite answer.

Morgan decided to trust Ryan on his own in the bathroom, for now, ordering him to get cleaned up and changed, but once he was out, she still made him undo his pants enough to show her he'd done as she'd said. He had, which was a bit disappointing... Part of her had wanted to have an excuse to scold him, there in front of the mall bathrooms, and drag him into a stall in the women's room to do it herself. 

"How do they feel?" she asked.

"I don't like them," he pouted.

"But do they fit?" He shrugged, which was enough for her. "Well, I'm sure you'd notice if they were too small," she told him. "If it hadn't been for what you'd done, I'd get you some more right now... We'll see how you do with them tomorrow before I decide if that's a good idea."

"I-I..." he looked ready to confess for a moment, now that they were, at least, not right by the worker, even if they weren't technically alone, since they were still in the mall, then thought better of it, clearly realizing what that would really mean admitting to. "I don't think these are going to help. I don't like them, they..."

"Are you a doctor?" she asked, waiting for him to actually shake his head before continuing, although, obviously, they both already knew the answer. "I have no doubt she knows what she's talking about."

He didn't know how to reply, so they quietly went on their way, back home, where he didn't resist when Morgan suggested he get some sleep. It had been a long day for him, she was sure... And things were just getting started.

She stayed in the living room, staring down at the diary. Was she taking this too fast? After seeing everything that had happened, all the people she had pulled into it, often without realizing how much that truly entailed, she was starting to worry... Was it too much power? Was she misusing it? The book had fallen into her lap right after discovering her boyfriend was cheating on her... It had felt like fate, like the universe had handed her the perfect way to get her revenge, but, in stories, there was always a cost... Maybe, before she went any further, she should give it a little time, see if that was the case here, too. 

Except... There was one more person who deserved to pay, who had gotten away scott-free so far. She didn't know her name, which might be a problem... She honestly didn't know. She'd had the worker's nametag, to be able to write about her, and the two girls from the fitting rooms had seemed more like a side effect than anything... Stephanie, she hadn't had a name for, but she also hadn't been targeting anyone specific. 

In this case, she did want to make sure she had the right person, and had no idea who they were. She could have used the diary to make Ryan wake up, tell her the woman's name, but then he'd know she knew what he'd done, unless she erased his memory of it.... If the diary could do that. Even magic had some limits, and she'd hate to discover that was one of them.

She imagined the woman, saw her in her mind's eye, as she wrote out a new diary entry, described her as best she could. It might be an interesting experiment, really, to see what she actually needed, in order to make the diary's magic work. If it didn't work, she'd find a way to get the name... Ryan needed to pay, but so did his whore.

She couldn't resist one, last blow to Ryan's ego, however, once she'd finished with that entry. After watching how desperate he'd been at the store, not wanting to admit to either option she'd given him, when it came to the wet spot on his underwear, and seeing how uncomfortable he'd been at Diana's house... She just had to. And there was one other thing she wanted to test...

So, she jotted down one more thing before taking the diary into the guest bedroom, putting it in the drawer in the bedside table, determined not to take it with her to work the next day. If she did, she'd have too much time to think of more people who might deserve to be taken down a peg or two, or some new aspect of humiliation to force on Ryan. She didn't want to go too overboard with her power, grow too dependent on it... Especially not until she discovered if she was right, and there would be some sort of consequences for what she'd already done.

She went to bed, ready to wake up in the morning and act surprised about the puddle surrounding Ryan, ready to fetch the spare Pull-Up of Barbara's she'd brought home with her by mistake after babysitting her once. They were pink, after all, and meant for girls, just as the doctor had ordered... And, if the diary didn't let her down, they'd fit Ryan perfectly. 

She was curious to see if they'd have fit him anyway, as small as he already was, or if he'd have to shrink more... Or if giving the diary an 'if' request like that would be too much, and simply negate that part of the entry. That would be okay, too... She'd just have to make one more quick diary entry before heading to work so there could be a package of training pants that would fit waiting for her when she got home the next evening. No matter what, that was what Ryan was going to end up in by the end of the next day... Although she wasn't sure how long he'd be staying in them before she moved on to bigger, better, thicker things.



I love it! Please continue soon!